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Some grifter gonna make another 40 min video debating how he should stand like a man


'woke flying'


Lot of emotion in the face


Just try not to think of it as straining to take a dump after two days of constipation.


Oh, thanks. I'm sure your post will help me not to think about Superman straining to take a dump after two days of constipation. 😆


Brown Kryptonite is lethal to humans and porcelain




Yeah. He looks victorious. It was a hard battle for sure.


I find this description very trite. Every time any person shows stress: constipation. It’s similar to people making Taco Bell diarrhea jokes. Hackey and not true for most people


I think you’re too smart for Reddit


Not your average "take flight" it seems.


All that emotion and physical strain just to jump like 6 inches off the ground.


Thinking about it in universe… Why is he straining so much? Isn't flying supposed to be as easy as walking for Superman? It shouldn't take anywhere near that much strain.


Not at all, he didn't fly in the original as a teenager or in Smallville, I think it's canon he doesn't fly until adulthood


Not quite what I'm asking but I sort of agree with you on that, although he did fly in Smallville 4 times, if memory serves. Once while dreaming, once when he was dancing with Lois after she told him she loved him, once when he flew through Darkseid to finally defeat him, and once when he pushed the planet Apokolips away. Mostly what I'm asking is by the time he's Superman, flying is very easy and it's second nature, so why is he straining so much? Is something holding him down? That's kind of my question. Are they going to be doing more "slight alterations to his powers"?


So flight is like Kryptonian puberty?


Depends on how high he’s jumping first, no? Isn’t that what the Up in Up, Up, and Away comes from? Dude has to jump into the sky before he can fly.


… Never thought of it like that actually. I suppose I always thought the flight thrust started from the ground up rather than from mid air/mid jump. If that's the case, it sort of makes sense.


Beats [Homelander's](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/comments/wacvhv/homelanders_pose_before_flying/) flying pose


🤣 lol it’s genuinely hilarious how terrifying he is just to do a pose like this before leaving.


It kind of makes sense once you consider that flying is basically like swimming in the air.


I always feel bad for Superman actors in these moments. It must feel so silly.


It's an actor's job to be silly. If I wasn't a redditor with a stick up my ass, I could be an actor. Alas, being an actor is too silly of a job for a serious person like me.


I dig your self-awareness and sense of realism


'Tis but a look into my dark and twisted mind


To me the crazy frog is nothing but a frog


It might be dark and twisted to you, but it’s actually just normal for me


It also doesn’t pay well besides a certain small percentage and only a very small percentage of that percent get life changing money.


I too could have been an actor in another life where I am 6f5 and handsome.


My favorite behind the scenes moment is the raw footage from filming The Flash TV series. Watching Barry do gym class arm circles before post production adds in tornado effects. Hilarious


In World's Finest?




Grant is a stellar performer. Actually Ezra was too. Seems being The Flash means you have to be.


Why would that be specific for Superman actors? A lot of scenes out of context while filming would make actors look silly


Silliness is the job description for an actor. They’re our modern day court jesters


Yeah, you don't get to the point of being a great actor without being willing to be silly imo


[Reminds me of the Flash and Supergirl footage without CGI.](https://www.reddit.com/r/supergirlTV/comments/6rvult/flash_and_supergirl_without_cgi/)


Most acting that requires movie magic looks really stupid while filming. I think of how Mark Ruffalo had to have a big Hulk head on a stick that was taped to the back of his mo-cap suit so the other actors know where to look. I think Josh Brolin also had to do this for Thanos. edit: actually Ruffalo had to [wear this](https://people.com/thmb/-MJXe22MDWKIf4ccRSSXGwkm6pI=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(551x0:553x2)/mark-ruffalo-ca03dd388dc94545b2bc9ea42c94a4a8.jpg) for Hulk.


When there's no clean clothes and you decide to wear one of your parents shirts.


And that's why they're professionals, no way in hell could I keep a straight face staring at that lmao


Dude, you may be surprised but most of these CGI heavy blockbusters are incredibly silly to shoot. Just look at how Jungle Book looks [without CGI.](https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/3/2016/04/106994.jpg)


"C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me"


Acting in and of itself is silly. Their job is to commit to what’s on the page and trust that the VFX team to finish the job.


I'd like to introduce you to acting


To them it’s not. He fully believes he is about to fly fast as fuck in that moment. I get what you mean tho, like when an actor has to do something genuinely silly. But I’m sure they find it silly after the fact but not during the actual act, cause it’s their job


Yeah, I agree. He's probably so focused and commited to his performance that he might not even think about how silly it actually is, but I feel like I would be close to losing my shit and just start laughing if I was in this situation.


That’s why Tom Welling avoided that as much he could 😭


It’s called acting


He's playing Superman. That would balance out any moment of feeling silly


I’m sure all those millions will soften the blow. (Jk Ik what you mean.)


That tree is clearly on the side of evil.


Poison Ivy confirmed 🧑‍🎤 /s


The memes are coming 


Live Corenswet Reaction:


Will his flying look as good as Snyder’s take? I hope. Say what you will about MOS, the action is incredible. How the kryptonians moved is epic


I'd be lying if I said Snyders action won't be hard to top, but the action in GoTG 3 was also pretty great, so I think Gunn has a good chance.


For as memed to shit as that one scene got, I still think that scene of Adam Warlock zooming around nails the feeling of high speed flight


Yeah Gunn definitely made flying look interesting is GotG 3 I don’t doubt it will be the same for superman. Adam warlock flying through the suburbs of counter earth is a fantastic shot


His flying shots have been interesting all through GotG. I’m thinking back to Peter flying back to the Guardians ship, and Gunn pulls out this tight shot of Peter’s mask with focus pulled out or something. Dude makes good looking films for sure


I think the biggest difference we'll see in flying is cinematography, Gunn likes to shoot things from multiple distances and angles to really sell whatever effect he's going for and ground it in the scene, Snyder tends to go for a wider shot and PoVs to emulate both sides of the spectacle (watching Superman vs being Superman essentially), which makes it sometimes feel disconnected from the current emotions of the story as you get wrapped up in the power fantasy. Idk, I'm just excited to see a new, more colorful and optimistic Superman. His action was great but dear God was I not a fan of Snyder's take on Clark and the Kent family


Couldn’t agree more. Seeing Corenswet and Brosnahan on set smiling, seeing the vibrant colors of the suit, the slightly retro and pastel vibe of the metropolis set decorations… I’m optimistic, which is kind of fitting for a Superman movie. Gunn took an unknown superhero group and made them relevant. Gunn could *potentially* restore Superman’s position in pop culture


Here's hoping, it definitely helps that Supes has momentum now with MAWS and Superman and Lois reminding people who the character is and why he's one of the best


Then you must love [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSQD45udOsc)


Story might’ve been ok but as a film Black Adam had a lot to like. Cinematography was stellar. I think it’s because it’s the same person that did Joker.


Ah yes, the roooock


Man of Steel definitely seems to be the blueprint for heavy flight in these. The Boys, Eternals, Guardians 3, WandaVision. They all absolutely take pattern from Man of Steel. ...which tells me I think Gunn will do something different. I don't think he will showcase the sheer momentum of the flight the same way.


He emphasized looking good before being accurate and I applaud him for that. Adam Warlock shouldnt be moving against the wind (hes in space), but it looked better that way for his hair to move through theoretical air so thats why it was shot like that


So the trunks are separate, actual trunks. Wasn’t expected that.


No they’re fused. The actual stitching is just a little higher instead of where the red fabric ends. This gives it a ‘non-fused’ look.


So the superhero suit equivalence of fake pockets


Wait... you expected the trunks to be fused with the suit?


They were on Christopher Reeve’s suit. They may not look it at first, but if you look closely, you’ll see that the trunks were stitched and attached to the leggings, so that after getting his legs in and then pulling the leggings up, it created the visual effect of making everything (particularly the trunks) look extra snug & tight (while the opposite is happening here where the trunks do look loose & baggy).


I know it’s big


He can’t even fly, garbage! /s








He looks swole 💪🏾


He looks so damn good in the suit I could cry


Oh my god the suit looks so good in this shot!


Hasn't looked good in any shot


Biggest poop


This film's gonna be peak.


I said it the other day, I’ll say it again. Leaked behind-the-scene stills can look goofy and off, so to be fair to all involved, the only thing that really matters is going to be the first teaser trailer where we’ll get an actual sense of the polished product. The success or failure of this movie is gonna have a helluva lot riding on it.


lol how the red underwear loosely hangs like what your briefs do after a day of usage


I love that he probably only made it a few inches off the ground making that jump


He looks cool. I'm excited.


These images are basically how Richard E Grant described how he felt when watching The Rise of Skywalker.


The red briefs lol


Briefs. Thank you. Obsession with calling them *trunks*. They're *briefs*. And these look more like a big red diaper.


The retro trunks look very out of place on a suit design that is otherwise quite modern.


I dont like the suit top but he looks great as Superman


I can’t stand this suit. I love the symbol, I love the colors but the cut and the trunks kill it for me. I’m sick of nostalgia for nostalgia’s sake. It’s the same reason why I don’t want to see a blue and grey Batman - it doesn’t translate on screen because it doesn’t make sense. This doesn’t mean a flying alien has to make absolute real world sense, I can suspend my disbelief for that provided the context and environment support those ideas; provided the world building works. I just can’t see how the suit is will work with the story and setting without being nostalgia bait.


Same here. I like the colors, the cape is perfect, the boots are great, i can deal with the symbol. But the cut and fit with all that busy pleating is terrible. Looks like he borrowed a top from Homelander til her gets his classic suit from the dry cleaners lol. I dont know wtf they were thinking. Had they just done a classic form fitting top with the normal neck line theyd have nailed it. But of course a classic suit is just too much to act for lol.


Counterpoint: I don’t think this is nostalgia bait. It just *is* what Superman has always looked like until Snyder tried to do it differently, which he is allowed to do, but now that his universe is over we can return to our regularly scheduled Superman.


The comics got rid of the trunks before Snyder did. MoS just followed the current status quo at the time


Oh yeah, it just feels right.


tbf the original Superman just leapt and it too real effort, maybe he starts out more like the original Superman in this.


I like the DESIGN of the suit. The material, lines, padding and how it sits i'm NOT a big fan of at ll.


Acting has to be so weird.


Whoa, he can actually fly. Talk about method acting.


Ooooh he's doing the thing!


Wow, he got about 6” off the ground. That's pretty good for such a big guy with a heavy suit.


I can’t get over how much David corenswet just looks like superman.


That suit is horrible


Dont you guys miss henry cavill?




I am less and less sold on the suit with each reveal. Too thick, creases at the corners, and cheap-looking. Looks like Spaulding had a massive sale and the costume team couldn't resist the bargain.


It’s garbage. The neckline is different here too compared to the other set pics. I wonder why.


And just like that, a new meme template was born.


Dead fish.


He looks constipated.


Every shot screams friendly neighborhood Superman.


I'm liking the suit more and more. The bright colors make such a difference.


What a load of bullshit suit


It still looks weird to me that his suit is bunchy. It kind of makes him look chubby.


The red briefs just aren’t working. They could have gone in many different directions, maybe add some red to the pants in that area or have them half n half or something. But actual briefs.


Up, up and away


You can do it, buddy.


Our new Up Up and Away


Mom: you can’t play Xbox till you finish your homework. Me:


Look when you got to go you got to go at least the last image shows he was able to drop that big load!


Yeah his mum didn't make this


The neck looks better here. I wonder if he has multiple suits? Maybe it’s an update they made based on reactions.


Vwooof💨 (I’m trying to imagine the cool sound affect that’ll be added in) Take off scenes are always so cool lol like homelander frm the boys


He looks like George Reeves on the last pic 🤣


looks a bit better?


I have no idea if this would be true or not, but just as a fun bit of speculation: from his crouching in stills 1 & 2 followed by his leap up in still 3 (which put together give me the sense he’s trying to take off with extra speed & power) and from the expression on his face the whole time (which looks determined, but also a bit angry)… …I wonder if this is a moment in the movie akin to Christopher Reeve in his first film, where he’s too late to save Lois and she’s dead and he then takes off letting out that giant emotional angry scream. Boy, that was a great acting moment. Did Chris Reeve sell that or what!


Once the suit was shown from other angles, i stopped complaining about everything but the atupid collar, lol


I believe that man can fly


Poison ivy confirmed 🤯🤯🤯


They bout to fuck this movie up


Capt. Poopy Pants?


This looks like a suit from GOTG3. It’s terrible for this application.






Looks like he's about to shite himself.


I have a feeling this will get memed


Something seems off


I know it's out of context and will probably end up fine... but these are so goofy.


Should've done it Homelander style


Is it just me or theres alot of Snyder elements in Hunns Superman... i dont know how I feel about that.


I just wish the underwear were more V shaped (I can’t find the right word to say it)


Mario hitting that coin box.


Ok so he looks a lit like Cavill here. No George Reeves. Awesome


its his Henry Cavill face


Big meme potential.


Thanks, I needed a laugh 😂




We don’t know the context of the scene, he could be weakened from kryptonite, under the effects of a gravity machine etc etc maybe he’s just pissed lol or maybe he has to concentrate to go really really fast




Your entire argument is predicated on the assumption that Superman's flight is a feat of strength!


It's pretty effortless for humans to run/sprint, but we still make a face when we exert ourselves. Maybe he's going into a sprint version of flying.


Dude, you know that this photo may not even be the final take, right? Sometimes the actors get it wrong the first time and they director orders another take. Stop judging the movie by behind the scenes leaked photos.


He looks like a MAWS cosplayer jumping in the air for a flying photo at a con.


Yikes 😬😬😬


Is it just me or that suit looks more like a cosplay than an actual movie suit?


What does he look older than Cavill


The red trunks look really ridiculous and silly here


You’re literally talking about **superman** .. the dude who has frost breath and can fly.


Yeah but that has nothing to do with looking silly. Omni-Man can do all these things and he doesn't wear trunks.


Firstly, Omni Man is a superman ripoff **Villain** . Secondly, Omni Man doesn’t have frost breath. Thirdly, it’s Superman and the comics have him where the same thing and you take it seriously cos the stories are good and tbh all heroes are goofy - that’s like asking to take the webbing pattern off of Spider-Man cos it’s silly. It’s meant to be. They’re superheroes.


Like it or not that’s Superman


New 52 would beg to differ. MoS would beg to differ. The 21st century would beg to differ.


> The 21st century would beg to differ. He's had trunks in the 21st century.


Talk about predictable replies


I know it's predictable, but it's worth repeating. There's a sentiment that the trunks are a relic of the past, or that they aren't modern. And yet the most recent comics have them, and the upcoming film has them. I think we'll find that a lack of trunks are a relic of the 2010s, alongside New 52 and MoS.


Tell me, when you think of Batman, who do you think of?


I don't really think of anyone specific. There's so many versions, both in film, animation, comics etc.


Batman wore underwear before, but he evolved to not look goofy. Imagine Bale with underwear, Pattinson, etc. It doesn't look good. Animation can get away with it, especially for Bats cause his belt covers half his waist. But Superman, it just doesn't work in live action in this day and age. If we didn't let go of past iterations, Batman would still have purple gloves. And frankly, this suits underwear looks more like an adult diaper.


You keep saying underwear, which is probably part of the problem. Trunks aren't underwear, they are worn on the outside of tights. think of modern day wrestlers, or athletes who wear shorts over their leggings. Your Batman example is interesting, since The Caped Crusader is coming out this year and involves a Batman with trunks. I know that's animation, but it's funny to me that you also mentioned the purple gloves, when one of the complaints I've seen for that show is the lack of them, lol. As for live action, that change is not a modern one. It began with Keaton's Batman back in '89. The animated series continued to use trunks. The Arkham games used trunks. We'll see what the Brave and the Bold does, but I wouldn't be surprised if they go that direction while The Batman goes for the more tactical look. But once again, I'm wondering why you're saying it doesn't work for live action in this day and age for Superman. Aside from Cavill, every Superman actor who's appeared in live action has worn trunks (Technically Cavill has as well, since he wore the Reeves suit for his audition). Even the ones who've gone with a trunks-free version of the costume have also worn versions with trunks.


Well no shit those are the new interpretations that doesn’t change the fact that Superman is still always seen with trunks and have always had them, besides new 52 is nothing special or memorable didn’t change the game or do superman justice just gave him a over designed suit.


Batman was smart enough to know how to wear underwear, is Clark really that uneducated?


Throwing in Man of Steel like that means something


Debate the films however you want but the costume designs for the DCEU were fuckin’ mint.


Man of Steel Superman suit without the Snyder color grading was perfect!


Literally peak outfits. If you can make Aquaman's stupid orange costume look good on screen, you've won.


Such as?


You’re acting like MOS was any sorta defining part of the character.


You're suggesting MoS wasn't a significant moment for the character




Would you be able to google the highest-grossing Superman movies for me? I seem to have already done it and can't find anything other than Cavill's Superman.


Almost like money doesn’t matter when most people think it’s a horrible movie 🤔 and point to Cavill’s version as a fundamental misunderstanding of the character 🤨 crazy right?


Those interpretations of Superman made him edgy, angrier, reckless, mopey and brooding.  That's more or less what both the MOS and New 52 Superman were.  The problems with Cavill's Superman and New 52 Superman goes beyond just a pair of trunks You can like those versions of Superman all you want, but those are only 2 interpretations, the fact is Superman hasn't been any of the things I just described for 96-99% of his comic book history. No exaggeration, or hyperbole, the Christopher Reeve Superman is basically how comic book Superman is.    Yes he gets angry and frustrated at times and he makes mistakes, but he's not mopey, brooding and he doesn't sulk all the time. He especially doesn't look miserable or constipated while saving people, like Cavill did in BvS.  Superman doesn't look or view saving people as burden or a chore that he has to do, which the impression I got of Cavill's Superman in BvS.


MoS was realistic, that's what I find appealing. I found him complicated rather than bland. Reeve Superman is cartoony and way too cheesy, for me at least. And I think BvS was a bad film, no two ways about it, but it made Superman not cringy. That aside, I'm not talking about the performance when it comes to David. Maybe he'll do amazing, I hope he does. My only issue is the fact that the underwear looks so stupid. It makes no sense and really needs to go. I saw a photo the other day that someone edited off the underwear and it looks much better without. That's my only take. Batman evolved to lose the underwear, so can Superman.


He looks fat in that suit


He looks like he's taking a dump in public. Finally the Superman movie we deserve