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My new hobby, pretend to steal canned fish and beans. Or [corned beef cans](https://youtu.be/Rfs0qZZpES8)


fr, ill just put items up to my pocket and stuff it back into the shelf. that'll show them!


I stuff things in my pockets when I'm in home depot when I forget to grab a cart or basket to carry stuff. I pull everything out at the self checkout as the old lady eyes me down.


I have 100% walked out with a item that I forgot to scan doing this though


Dude one time I scanned all my groceries got a call I had to take and walked right out without paying.


Dude this happens to me like every week so annoying


I mean you’re getting your groceries free. Good on ya. Fuck the corporate conglomerate grocers.


People supporting socialism without knowing it 🤣




I'm afraid to do that and checking everything like I'm at the airport. We don't steal where I am. You might do some damage by accident and they don't even try to ask you to pay. Cost of doing business. I can forget the car unlocked and don't worry someone will steal the car seats and the back seat.


99.99% of people anywhere won’t steal. It’s the .1%. That do. And that .1 exists globally.


It's definitely more than .1% though, around 9% in America: [https://capitaloneshopping.com/research/shoplifting-statistics/](https://capitaloneshopping.com/research/shoplifting-statistics/)


For real though, why doesn't home Depot have little hardware bags like Ace does for when you're getting bolts?? Where do they want me to put them besides in my pocket?


they have plastic baggies.


Where I live, NC US, concealing merch is a crime. You don’t even have to leave the store.


I live in NC as well. Had no idea about this. Good to know though, because I will pocket stuff if my hands are full. I'm curious what legally constitutes concealment though since technically items in bags are concealed.


As soon as you conceal an item, it's enough for them to charge you for attempted shoplifting/intent.


AI: "They are stealing.... oh wait no, they work here. Hold on, stealing again. And back to working here?! Ah fuck it, launch the nukes."




I shop at Aldi often and since I don’t drive I’ll either bring my wagon for larger trips or my cross body harvest bag(I use it for gardening)for smaller ones. I’ve never had an issue not using a cart and just putting what I need in my bag then dumping it out and refilling it on the self check out. My normal shopping would look like I’m stealing to AI.


Exactly! I use some of those cloth bags. Totally stealing according to this thing. In Lidl many people use the boxes as storage for their shopping especially since corona.


Just continually put an item in and out of your pocket like a keycard that doesn’t work


I'm preparing for tough times so I'll be pretending to steal Spam.


Spam is expensive …. Not Shure how it got it’s cheep reputation must have been from long ago


Ai Artificial insults.




Hope you have a good lawyer.


People take things, then change their mind all the time. Until I try to exit without paying, I can use my pockets as shopping bags.


That was a my cousin Vinny referenced, since the kids in that were talking about tuna and beans when they accidentally stole tuna.


I mean, the store absolutely could (and probably would) kick you out for using your “pockets as shopping bags” even if you didn’t technically steal


Say I was holding a shopping basket close to my side, the side that is opposite to the camera and if I was quite a large person I blocked most of the basket, would it know or would it still think I'm pocketing/stealing something?


I just feel like the red highlight came on BEFORE the guy put anything in his pocket


Pre-crime, the AI could tell just by looking at him.


Thats the plot of the movie minority report


Thats why he said precrime i think, it was the name of the task force in that movie


Psycho-Pass just become real


So...probably a racism?


Look at his left hand (the one closer to the camera), it seems it is what trigger it when he opens the bag so he can put (with his right hand) the item.


Yes, but there is a percentage next to the red part too. You’ll see it’s in the low 70’s at first as the AI is calculating the likelihood that it’s actually happening before jumping to the high 90’s once he follows through. I have to imagine that the people making this technology are taking into account false positives and training the learning model accordingly. Still creepy AF


You're right it did, but that could be it reading the body language or something


It's probably proof of concept and fake like the AI in the Amazon stores.


You're putting wayyyy too much faith in AI as it currently stands, I wouldn't want an AI assuming because it caught me at a weird angle putting something in a buggy that I was stealing and getting harassed by Loss Protection


As you said, with that body language, if you put something in your shopping basket on the other side, I think it would trigger also


It's likely that the feed is a free seconds behind the processing. Like the AI has already seen the footage, analysed what it thinks happened, then is just responding it with the overlay a couple of seconds later. No comment on how inaccurate this is on other levels but in this particular instance the early red highlight is probably just due to this.


Nah, this is just a manually faked video.


Every Fucking Time


Depends on how well it was trained and how good the camera is, I'm pretty sure that it can be properly discerned; but they probably jut use it as a tool to know when to have a person check on someone, or just watch back the footage themselves quickly so that level of precision is not needed.


Putting item in a pocket from shelf is not illegal. What's illegal is leaving the store without checking it out. Most stores should already have some means of tracking it.


no its illegal to conceal an item. at that point even if you are in the store you already shoplifted.


They probably have someone check footage as well as when you leave the store with stolen goods, then marking you on the list.


Target acquired. Dispatching anti-theft bees.


"Anti-theft bee-dispensing dogs deployed on location. Do you want to 'release'? We remind you that successful acts of protecting shareholder value are rewarded with prudential points and stock options"


What and when they bark they shoot bees at you?




Gawt damn snitch robots


It's hard to believe but even AI have personality types.




Man, this world is diving head first into dystopia. Sure this technology is cool at the surface but imagine all the billion other ways it could be used. No thank you!


Your comment has been labeled as 84% offensive. Please remove the comment voluntarily within the next 3 hours or your profile details will be published on the discredited list. All your social media accounts and your direct followers will be put under heightened surveillance.


you calm the fuck down, china.


All your base are belong to us


What are some other applications


[This right here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/s/G0Iplcl5mJ) would be a pretty good example of the dystopia, lol


Good that's completely illegal in Germany (and many other European countries)


… for now.


I feel like we should substitute the obligatory motivational posters in management offices with guillotine posters to remind them that they should curb their evil mindset.


They track you EVERYWHERE. Watch 1984 with John Hurt.


... yes, that's what GPS-enabled devices do. We've been thoroughly tracking ourselves now for more than a decade, this is hardly the issue.


RIP John Hurt


Everyone just keeps giving you other dystopian applications. Some non dystopian application are: * Easiest example is highly advanced automated cars. In the long run this would reduce crashes, improve traffic, reduce commutes... * Hazard environment workers. Reducing the need for people to put themselves at risk to do necessary jobs such as mining, deep sea construction/repairs... * Tiny AI robots to help find people in collapsed buildings * Bomb/Mine disposal * Powerful searching tools. Example, having an AI that is trained on law. Then people could ask it basic but complicated legal questions to get answers.


Yeah seriously, this is how it starts. Is there even a way to stop it even if we all agreed we don’t want this?


Yeah it could literally be used to give humanity more leasure time to focus on more important things than work and being economically exploited and so on. But under capitalism it will just be used to further enable capitalist exploitation / fascism / murdering kids in the global majority "more efficient" according to Western values (not that they have not been murdered all along, but now better), go after any form of political dissent in the West cause Westerners are so "free and democratic". Good thing some diseases and climate change gonna end us before AI is gonna be getting too much in the hands of a capitalist war mongering minority. 🫠


I think you need to take your meds...


Fortunately, AI is never wrong.


I doubt it will be used as the judge, jury and executioner. It will definitely assist store security who can't be watching every aisle constantly, and they can then take a look at the footage or investigate what's happening. If it's used in a countries with functional law and order anyway. I'm less concerned because I live in the UK and theft is basically allowed. My brother works in a chain store and people often fill a basket with expensive items and walk out, in full view of staff. Nobody is paid enough to deal with it, the company doesn't want to be liable for any employee injuries and the police don't want to know about it. Back in the day, people openly stealing would end up getting a hiding in the stock room, because the owner and loyal employees would intervene. Now, most of these places are part of a chain and nobody wants to help a company that barely pays enough for their rent, security included.


Shoplifting is one thing, but also no more of activism or protest. No more challenging power. They'll be on to you with their goons before you've even left the house.


You think they needed AI for that?


Captain America warned us about this.


That concern is real but I'm guessing there will be some form of digital uprising against such surveillance measures such as hacking such systems, injecting fake data, etc.


Watchdogs when?


I wouldn't be so sure. I think the great cooling-off of protest has already begin. People have internalised the idea of an all-seeing eye.


Minority Report 👌


I’ve seen this a decade or so ago. Also no AI, no intelligence just an algorithm.


I feel like AI is just a buzzword now that's here to stay and will just mean anything with any sort of "reactive" algorithm (no programmer so probably there's a proper word for that). Afaik there is no such thing as AI yet and I don't think there's much use for it either with the amount of energy hardware for something like that requires.


Yeah, no AI. All algorithmic trees. Definitely agree about the buzzword..


What does it say when I reach down to scratch my jewels.


No item in pocket


Unexpected item in bagging area.


Own item in pocket


It took several tries to scan my head of cauliflower at Walmart this past weekend and the checkout stopped and called the person over. After he entered his code, a message popped up saying "potential missed scan" with video of the supposed theft. It has to be using AI the evaluate the scans.


Walmart has had that system for at least 5 years.


Yeah, that is one of the reasons I stopped doing self checkout. It constantly was saying missed scan and they'd have to come over and watch the video clip.


Wal mart was way ahead of the curve. Their cameras grab your facial ID when you walk in the store and start doing their thing. They keep a running tab on people, and they wait until you've stolen enough to constitute a felony before picking you up for the first time. This has been going on for a while. Other camera systems are now becoming available to the masses that do the facial recognition, automatically build a file on individuals, connect them to their vehicles, know associates, movement patterns, etc. They are not expensive either. It's dystopian, sure. Just behave like an adult, and everything will be fine. This definitely isn't leading to a social credit system


No they don't.


My walmart fired their only loss prevention officer because it cost them more to have them around than just living with the thefts.


Imagine a machine labeling you as “70% normal”. 🤔


"Mostly harmless"


Robot: «I’m like 70% sure that guy is standing»


I know in my area, a major US city, stores can't afford the security to enforce this, and police can't get there in time. But hey for $1000 / month your AI cameras will tell you how much got stolen!


So, we just run an algorithm over video and just call it all 'AI' now?


Good but I often walk with hands in pockets and look at stuff then put my hand back in my pockets. Unless it can see I have no objects in my hand I’m going to be followed around any store by staff that has this installed.


I love how the security camera industry went from the most grainy/pixilated videos @ 2 FPS to AI that can tell product/pocket positions and what the person intends to do by their facial expressions


I'm usually a fast walker naturally and now an Instacart and Shipt Shopper... Never knew that fast walking in a store signals me as a potential shoplifter...


IC Shoppers get flagged constantly. - Visiting the same store frequently  - Asking someone to check for OOS items ("distracting the employee") - Looking around  - Picking up items and returning them to the shelf  - Grabbing items too quickly / without looking at them enough (?) - Stopping in one spot (like you might do to check that multiple orders are sorted correctly, or wait for a customer to respond, or if the app freezes) - Rearranging your cart  - Shopping in "off" hours  - Having your face covered (now that most people have stopped masking at all)  - Not matching the typical customer profile  ...are all common "warning signs" loss prevention training mentions.  I understand *some* of this is based in statistics, but it's unrealistic now that IC, doordash, shipt, etc all mean there are several gig shoppers in every store at a given moment. I'm sure security is missing a huge number of real shoplifters (whether they're other, actually shady gig folks or regular customers) while they're following completely innocuous gig workers around. Annoying. 


I also feel I can get the side eye (at least in stores that don't know me) when I keep pulling off to a corner and texting the customer... like I'm communicating with my aider and abettor or something...


Right?! Like what, I'm texting someone to see which beans to steal? Calm down. 


Man this is fucked up I love shoplifting you know how mad I’d be if I didn’t get to shoplift


Did they hire 1000 people in India to draw this over the CCTV footage like they did with the Amazon stores "AI?"


No not good


All that's going to do is get the cops called on me for putting my phone back in my pocket


Tough world for Black Americans


Sometimes I put stuff in my hoodie pocket and then pay for it.


Exactly I do the same thing... that way I free up a shopping cart for someone who really needs it because I'm thoughtful like that 😏


I'm sure this will always work 100% of the time and have zero false positives. Right? Right?




70% normal. 😄


Got flagged twice, but cashiers know me by face, so it was painfully awkward for them


At this point we will soon call a simple calculator an AI


Brothers… this type of computer vision will soon run the entire world, I cannot see another way.


Literally ctos


"Lethal countermeasures activated"


You can see him put the item in his pocket but the AI is not 100%. Artificial Stupidity.


Does it even matter anymore? This big box store is probably afraid to confront them, and the police sure as fuck won’t help.


So what? Employees are advised not to chase/engage and the police arent allowed to stop shoplifters anymore lol


Waste of money to me. Most shoplifters I see don't do it like that. They run in grab w/e and sprint out the back to a waiting car.


Yup, under 100% ideal conditions, with high quality video of a perfect angle of a person very unsubtly immediately stuffing items from the shelf into their pocket it can predict with 75% confidence that somebody stole something. Maybe don't worry too much about this yet.


Sweet now ai will help all the people to continue to not be arrested for petty theft.


Just wait until they release the AI mechanical dogs.


How would it differentiate between item and my phone being placed in my pocket???


I like to act super suspicious around me stores lost prevention team. I’ll rapidly remove my phone and put it back in my pocket a few times. Fuck it if your gonna shadow me your gonna get a show and wonder if this man’s mentally OK.


This is going to go wrong. The post office scandal is a great example. Company convinced post masters were stealing because of what their computer "told them". People in prison. Suicides. It was crazy. Only now are they starting to get justice. Several years later... Can you imagine the trust people will have in A.I in 10 years?


-10 social credit points


Normal is not normal, also dressed exactly the same and after reaching the end looks to be hiding a bottle of some kind behind back, team effort?


Does it tell race too? Some statistics would be interesting.


Only as effective as cctv. You can still hide from it with ease.


Wish all stores had that.. But they don’t lock anyone up.. no punishment


How racist is this, all it does is show people colored


Will this catch me fucking melons in the produce section? Asking for a friend


Typical suspect


It would be great to bring stuff from home, in your pockets,and slowly empty them into the shelves. Would it assume you’re an employee? Could be a fun way to “barter”.


I saw a chanel 5 video on shoplifting in the USA. There are areas there which are sooo bad that shops basically close because they cannot exist with the amount of thievery. It seems that these cameras would just state the obvious, there is just no one there to intervene


That's a really good point. So, the AI tagged someone as a potential shoplifter. Now what? Is someone gonna search the person's pockets? Are they gonna be employing a security guard? What if it was a false positive? Are shops gonna risk the continued patronage of their clientele, who might not want to shop in a place, where they could be falsely accused of theft by some AI, that read putting one's phone in their pocket as stealing something?


Yeah, I was thinking this. I don’t think it’s the spotting people stealing that’s the problem, it getting anyone to do anything about it. In UK staff are told not to intervene and the police aren’t interested.


Remember kids, if you saw someone shoplifting essentials to live - no you didn't.




Reckon they'd be able to tell if I was scratching my bollocks? Peach fuzz n that forgot to shave


Looks like a much higher quality camera then usual. I've had to try to tell what denomination of cash someone put into a self checkout register by looking at about 3 coloured pixels.


But the AI is not quite perfect yet. Why doesn't anyone mention that the AI indicates normal movements for the person at the top, even though they are moving in the vicinity of the supposed thief and looking out for detectives or the like?


It would be nice as a way to flag it for the security personnel who can quickly pull up the segment of video flagged, confirm if they actually did put it in their pocket and detain them before they leave the store.


Captain ?


Sometimes I put stuff in my pockets to carry it up to the register if I have too much stuff and don't have a basket or cart.


Why is LGBTQ+ Spider-Man stealing hair product?


Just remember no store has ever trained you to operate to their code of ethics




good thing!


Shouldn’t it still be keep the person in red instead of going back to normal


A.I. may identify thieves. But if the police won't do anything and the courts won't do anything, this will come to nought. Everything will be home delivery, and the shop will be just a counter, and people will provide a list of items to purchase... how shops were in the beginning.


They've spent wayy to much money learning how to organize the store shelves to change it like that tbh.


Computer says No Computer says Yes




Release the protectron.


Notice how it flagged him for item in pocket just as he barely picked it up?


someone know where this is from? I'm doing an essay about AI's and control societies and I would like to know where this come from


It says item in pocket before he even puts his hand anywhere near his body.


I love how stores have money for incredibly expensive loss prevention AI software yet they act like hiring additional staff will send them into the red.


No scary at all to know you can be falsely accused bc a machine said so...


That's me!


I always worry someone will think I'm shoplifting because I put my list back into my pocket.


I am the most awkward person ever. The self checkout always thinks I'm stealing.


Fuck your background music!


I'm betting this isn't real, or if it is, it gets a TON of false positives. It was saying "Item in pocket" before the item was even near the person, much less in their pocket. The second time it said it as they were still taking it from the shelf. Using this system would last about fifteen minutes before there were enough pissed of customers to get it shut down.


I was at a 24 hr fitness and speaking to the employee who was adding my son on my membership. The guy was like we are bringing AI here soon. I was like what you guy need AI for? He says the members steal stuff all the time, drinks, towels , sports apparel etc. We already have the members biometrics so it’s gonna be easy for AI with facial recognition


Putting an item in your pocket isn’t illegal. It’s only if you leave and don’t pay. So it probably just flags you, then verifies you take it out and pay for it at the registers later on


And no reference to skin color…looks like a win win




At a few of the stores around me we have AI built into our top down cameras at SCO that check if you're scanning the right item and that you're scanning every item.


i mean they kinda deserve to get in trouble being all obvious in front of a camera xD


I've put items in my pocket quite often and then paid for them at the till.


Sometimes i forget to get a basket and put stuff in my pockets to bring them to the counter.


Well I guess I can't reach in my pocket to get my phone out and look at my shipping list anymore. Honest question: Does anyone here who doesn't work in tech super excited about AI? I've only ever seen tech bros me excited about it.


Lmao, yes. Just steel in clear view of the camera


Lidar is no joke. Police have been using this for YEARS to track crimes and use facial recognition to link people across multiple crimes to charge you more in court.


Don't trust an ai not sure at 100% if you're standing or walking


What's the song?