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K these injectors need to be charged. These women are mentally ill and they should be turned away. This is unethical at this point. Her lips are going to pop. The filler is above her lip cause she can’t fit anymore!!! Darcey needs help. She’s has serve body dysmorphia and can’t even look at herself without a filter. It must be so mentally exhausting chasing a face that will never exsist cause filters aren’t real!!


It's their only full-time job


safetychick92....You nailed it!! But, the thing that gets me is when they set up these "events" to meet & greet their fans, but there are no filters. These fans will be seeing them in all their glory & I bet it scares the hell out of some of them!😳 Every now & then we get an unfiltered pic that someone else takes & posts & every one of those pic's is so scary/sad to look at!! It also seems that Darcey is getting more things done than Stacey. ☆☆Has anyone else noticed that, or am I perceiving that wrong??☆☆


I agree, I also think Darcey has more work done on her face as opposed to Stacey. Stacey, while still somewhat botched, is at a different level of the botched scale. Stacey is still somewhat attractive, whereas Darcey's face completely shocks and terrifies me. I just wish they'd stop. They were both beautiful women. I really think they would have aged beautifully without any surgeries and fillers. It's so sad to see them both this way but especially Darcey. I think if Stacey had her fillers dissolved, she might have a chance at regaining some of her natural beauty. Sadly, IMO, Darcey has crossed the point of no return. I feel like when she realizes this, her world will come crashing down as she ages.


Are they identical or fraternal that look a lot alike? Weirdly I always thought Stacey was more pleasing to the eye and could always tell who is who in pictures. I think a lot of Darcy’s low self esteem and issues is she knows this. But I always thought Darcy had the cuter, nicer personality minus the low self esteem (at least she is edited that way). Such a shame.


I had to look that up! Wikipedia and several online news articles state that Darcey and Stacey are identical twins. I agree with you about Darcey having a nicer personality. Although delusional, Darcey seems like a harmless, sweet person.


Oh 100% darcey is way way way worse than Stacey! Darcey is 90% filler at this point.


Came here to say this. It's a crime at this point.


It looks like she’s in someone’s pool house getting injections. lol 🙄


It's Daddy Silva's mansion in CT.


I grew up near them. That last name is definitely $ in CT. I remember when I was a bouncer in Hartford clubs in mid 90s and these 2 midget sisters desperately trying to appear famous or important. It was laughable cringe then. Now at almost 50!? Wow what a complete waste of a life and a good life at that!! Shame...




They are neither rich nor famous. They are grifters and infamous for their time on reality television. Most people won’t know who they are nor follow them now because they aren’t on national tv anymore.


Grifters. Perfect description.


Imagine being the fathers accountant lol.




The filter lol. Omg. She's a mess.


Why do they have to be so fake? Maybe I'm just ugly....


I hear you. I'm always like, do I really look that bad?


Why can’t they see how fucking ugly they’ve made themselves


Blind to reality and in psychosis of severe delusions. She believes everything


She looks SCARY and BIZARRE AF 🤮


Her head is enormous and her neck is gone. Walking candy apple 🍎


It comes to like, a point, like a conehead. And it's too big for her body. All those fillers are not helping along with that pile of mop on their heads.


She’ll take that as a compliment


They go to random people all the time, never stick to one injector. I guess it’s a way to recieve free services.. keep promoting new people Idk how they think they look good…


I'd be worried about what is being injected into my face a la Priscilla Presley.




😂😂😂 YES!!!


Industrial grade silicone used in lubricating automobile parts in Argentina was used.


And, the freaking pain!! I will do alot to look good, but I will NEVER have a needle anywhere near my face like that!@! Just too many things can go wrong!😬


Darce looks so bad 😖😖


Her mouth looks like a beak.


That filter was putting in overtime trying to blur out that blood leaking on the top lip 😂😂


As someone who gets Botox (admittedly I keep the natural look) I don’t understand what they’re always getting injected. That’s not to be mean, I just don’t get what they’re always getting done. I get Botox 3 times a year and my face stays very good within that time. Maybe fillers take more upkeep??


I regularly get Botox (also only 3 times a year) and I’ve had some filler in my cheeks and lips. Very very subtle and although it’s been 2.5 years now I never needed a retouch. I’m lucky because my fillers don’t resolve quickly. My doc thinks it’s because I always stay hydrated with water. So, filler in general doesn’t need that much upkeep unless you develop dysmorphia and think you need more and more. Last time I asked my doc if I need to fill up my lips again she said no. So i didn’t. That’s the difference in comparison to the twins.


It sounds like you have a decent doctor with morals!! I think most of these places they go to are only interested in #1 m asking as much $$ as they can & #2 getting the word out on social media about them! I think, & may be wrong, that the majority of people injecting them are doctor assistants & not the actual Dr.


Yes, that is absolutely the case. In my country only doctors are allowed to apply Botox, however, fillers can be injected by beauticians. I would never go to a beautician or cosmetologist for fillers! My doctor is great, she never pushes anything on me and gives only solicited advice. Hence I look like a normal person not an alien like Darcey 👽😁


I think she lives in an alternate reality.


These injectors are so irresponsible.


If being a half century old pin cushion filtered “to the gods” is what she thinks is “hot” ?? You’d never know because by virtue of the endless procedures - that means every prior one was a failure. Shes too stupid to figure it out, though. And no man wanted her then, or wants her, now. Z list “wannabe celebrity” with serious mental health issues - no exactly “a catch” - twirling for free tacos on the “midnight menu” isn’t what anyone would classify as “success” ….. how’s that workin’ for you Narcey ?


Ummmmm 🌮 🌮 🌮 🌮.....




Ouch. Why so much hate?


People in this sub are just mean. I think it makes them feel better about themselves to put others down


That applies to all of reddit.


Amen to that!


No, we’re just allowed to be honest and uncensored here. A lot of this is true. Darcey has a problem and she needs help. Stacey too.


You saw the comment that person replied to, right? Throwing insults and making accusations is just mean. I have no problem with people saying they may have mental health issues or that they went overboard with procedures, but people calling them names and insulting them arent that


Her head looks like a boot 🥾


It would be a shame if someone found out where this place is... and... idk...


Any surgeon that keeps doing more to her face needs their licence taking away.


It's really sad 😢 And they think they look great and that is all they can offer "scare" to the world. Their Instagrams are narcissistic nightmares.


What I don’t get is why aren’t these professionals saying enough is enough !? Or is it purely greed on their part and they just don’t care bc of the money they are getting paid


They go for refills more than people getting gas. It seems to be a monthly thing.


Their body dysmorphia and fear of aging is so severe they probably think with each prick of the needle they're turning back the clock. But in reality they're just aging themselves quicker with all this work.


An every other day thing. But yet…can’t make important events for her own kids! Narcissism at its best!


Someone turn that “beauty bar” into their state. Anyone who puts a needle in these women’s faces needs their license revoked. Super unethical at this point.


Darcey looks like handsome squidward now


Only couch she needs to be on is a psychiatrist’s couch!!!!!!


I’m surprised they haven’t gotten an infection from poor technique. In this video alone, the filler puts her hand , holding the syringe, on the headrest behind Darcy. When I was in active nursing and supervised operating suites, if something was out of eyeshot, it was always considered contaminated and was discarded. Just look at that overfill blister with the blood spot above her lip!


OMG someone needs to 5150 her this is beyond fkg scary as the trashy broad injecting her, where tf is the medical board


They are addicted 😳 it’s time for an intervention!!


Will never happen


All I can think is the possibility of an autopsy to see all the enhancements and what impact they have had on their bodies.


THANK GOD TLC isn’t dealing with her anymore! For the sake of we viewers!!!!


Does she realize how big her face is now??


Someone tell how many CC of bottom do you think she has under that skin!


The thing that kills me is they didn't need any of this! They were very pretty woman with size appropriate breasts. Now they are almost Jocelyn W.


Keeps making her jaw line more and more square. It’s not attractive.


ugly as fuck


It must be hard for Darcey to turn 50, 51 with no husband, no boyfriend, no one🥲and blame her face for the reason. Darcey needs a psychiatrist to deal with her very disturbed mind and body dysmorphia.


Doesn't she have Giorgi?


God bless she is dog ugly. She’s got way too much shit in her lips


Scary looking!!


They finally turned off the comments on their Instagram.


Jesus Christ. Do they freaking get Botox/fillers/cement injections every other day? Hell they just posted a picture not three days ago from a different spa place. Also, why do they never use the same place? These two women are the most pathetic wanna be celebrities ever! I noticed Darcey has been commenting on Khloe Kardashians IG posts…..with no response ever from KK. Do they really see themselves as at their level? Delusional as hell!


These injectors are criminals. This is INSANE.


You can’t imagine what her face looks like with all that filler injected into her face…is that correct? Cuz reading that made my brain hurt.


Botox doesn't take effect for a few days. I would assume fillers are instant, but I didn't notice any injection marks at all.


There's a dark dot above her lip towards the end from the lip filler being injected.


You don’t notice them because of the heavy filter. The one shot where she has that “spot” over her lip, that looks like an injection spot that bled.


Wow! Haven't seen pics of them since their show and they were messing with their face and teeth then too. I hardly recognize them now, what a shame to feel you need to do this to yourself.


Honestly, I wonder what she sees when she looks in the mirror?


And...none of this can be removed?


I’m a poor Senior soon to be homeless. Hey Darcey & Stacey, I would gladly accept a big donation. PM me & I’ll send you my info.