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I think I might be over thinking but, I just noticed like a smaller than a pea sized amount of jelly like mucus discharge? It’s clear. Is this normal discharge? I’m 7+2, first ultrasound tomorrow.


Normal, just a bit annoying at times


This is fine :)


So far only having slight nausea. But my stomach feels awful. I have cravings but no strong food aversion until after I eat. Then my stomach hurts. I don’t like what I ate and I have diarrhea. I’m eating healthyish but maybe not basic enough. This feels like unusual symptoms??? I’ll try Cheerios and basic food tomorrow and see how I feel. 3 days of this so far… I’m so zonked from this week. I can’t wait to do nothing but try and rest this weekend.


This is exactly how I feel! I've been constipated until this week with full blown diarrhea the last few days. Stomach constantly gurgling and generally feeling icky


Today at 6w3d I had terrible cramping they almost felt like contractions. Drs sent me to the ER….baby is fine, heart beats at 127. Betas were great. Anyone else due date 12/15/24


Feeling sicker by the day and the thought of this lasting 6-7 more weeks (or longer if I’m unlucky) makes me want to sob lol. Thankfully my husband works second shift and I can ‘sleep in’ most days of the week. I’m trying to eat small meals every couple hours but WOOF, absolutely nothing sounds appetizing 🙃 The b6 and unisom combo has been ‘ok’ the last few days, but I’m hoping to talk to my doc about Zofran during my first appt this Friday. That helped more my last pregnancy, but holy crap (literally) the constipation was AWFUL


I get this ! I don’t want to eat anything. Every time I eat I hate what im eating


This kid can’t stop eating blueberries. She is turning into a blueberry. Can you OD on blueberries?!!?


The past couple of days I’ve put a splash of lemonade in my water and it’s really helped the nausea. Lemon would probably work too but I was just using what I had on hand


I don’t think I could yawn more if I tried. It’s constant yawns!!!


Replace yawn with fart and you are me


I finally feel better after being sick for almost 2 weeks after my toddler brought home a cold. The fact I can breathe through my nose again is revolutionary! 0/10 on getting sick when all I could do was blast my nose with saline spray. Now I can go back to worrying over if I am pregnant enough or have sore breasts everyday. 8 weeks in two days and just kinda hoping everything is okay in there after being sick.💛


Just had my viability scan and was measuring right on schedule with a heart rate of 130! We didn’t see a hb with my last MMC at 8 weeks so I’m overjoyed. The only concern was I had a weight in and am already up 5 lbs and I’m not even at 7 weeks yet! Yikes!


Due date Dec 15th


I’m also 6w3d! And had my scan today. Baby’s heart beat was 127.




Congrats !! We are due date twins. Do you know what the normal hb should be by chance ?


So I was measured at 6w3d with a heart rate of 130, my OB said the normal range is 110-160!


Ah okay thanks mine was normal but just wondering :) when is your next visit? Mine is in 2,5 weeks.


Congrats!! Mine is in 2 weeks!


Thanks!! Cool!


Congratulations! Glad everything is looking good! And don’t sweat the 5lbs. I can gain and lose 5 pounds in a day based on water weight alone!


I hope so! I haven’t been eating too much but also have not been working out. Time to eat less bagels and walk more!


But the bagels are so good!!!!!!


eeeee congratulations! I can't wait for Tuesday to come!


Best of luck!


Congratulations!!! I was 5 lbs up too at 6w4d.


Hopefully it’s mostly just bloating!


I was hoping a regular soda with a little caffeine - something I almost never drink, especially since I gave up caffeine years ago - would help me avoid the 2pm slump. Sadly, nope. Now I’m just tired and feel kind of jittery and gross due to the caffeine and sugar 🫠


Anybody else with short cycles find out so darn early (2 weeks, 6 days was first positive!)? I had the same with my first and it made the first trimester seem to last foreverrr! I’m only 4+1 today ughhh


It doesnt really work that way. The whole counting from first day of last period relies on a 28 day cycle. People used to have no idea when they ovulated and so this was a more reliable method for calculation- but the first day of your period until you ovulated isnt really being pregnant- you aren’t actually pregnant until after ovulation when the embryo implants. So if you only have 10 days, not 14 days, before you ovulated, you should still count those 4 missing days towards your pregnancy - you still get the full free two weeks. If you have much shorter cycles, you should put the day of ovulation into a due date calculator and see how far along it says you are. I bet you are further along than you think! https://www.whattoexpect.com/due-date-calculator/


This is my 2nd pregnancy where I ovulated day 11 (I have short 22 day cycles) and both times my providers have considered my due date (and how far along I am)based on LMP not when I ovulated so that’s what I go by. I’m not saying the pregnancy is actually longer it just feels like it because you find out earlier.


Yup, found out at 3+0. I have long cycles but a late ovulation and short luteal phase. I found out at 8dpo!


Yes! I “waited” to test till the day of my missed period and still found out at 3w3d with a glaring positive. Wish I had more chill!


I found out at 3 weeks 3 days, but I also have really short cycles!


Ugh. Not quite that early but I found out at 3+4 and I almost wish I didn't... it feels like I've known for 6 months and terrified the whole time. My first US is next week at 7+1 and time has never moved so slowly in my life.


Yes! 23 day cycle here. The dates seem like we might be pregnant for a whole dang year!


lol it definitely feels that way!! With my first I went 10 days overdue as well so I was seriously pregnant forever


I've got the burps nonstop today. 5w3d and no nausea so far, pleaaase cross your fingers that this isn't the start of it!


I am 5w5d with my second and the past few days the acid reflux/gas/burps has been unreal. No nausea yet either. I had bad nausea my first pregnancy so I'll gladly take the gas. 


The constant nausea and fatigue in first trimester is so blaaaaa! I just bought unisom and b6 to try again. What has your doctor recommended for dosing? I feel like the unisom knocks me out and can only take at night. My doctor recommended 25mg b6 twice a day plus 12.5mg unisom am and 25mg pm. Just curious what everyone else has done though because I know my doctor during my last pregnancy had a different dosage.


It’s 25mg of both and i believe you can go up from there. I do 25 of each at night and then 25 of only b6 in the morning


I can’t remember my b6 dosing from my last pregnancy— but I think I did 50mg in the morning. I often only took 12.5mg Unisom at night because it made me so drowsy.


Got my first beta back! It's 144 and progesterone is 28! I'm 17 dpo today or 4+3, and my doc was really happy with the initial numbers. Going back tomorrow for another check!


5w6d today and the nausea is relentless but I'm still craving so much more food. Sticking to normal calories is getting harder.


Pregnancy after loss is hard. I want to be happy that my ultrasound went great today and everything is looking good but I still have so much anxiety knowing I am not passed the point of my previous miscarriage yet. Just trying to focus on the fact that baby is looking good so far ❤️


I had an MMC in November/December last year, though everything is good so far, I do question every symptom or lack thereof.


Same. MMC, found out at 10 weeks but apparently things had stopped progressing at 7. Over a year later with fertility help, I’m finally back on week 7… but my ultrasound to confirm heartbeat isn’t until next Wednesday. I keep wanting to get excited, but then… yeah. It’s easy to over analyze every symptom as good and as bad. It feels impossible to grow a child and I have zero control, but so many other people can do it so why can’t I? Woof. I’m here with you.


I feel this also. I've passed my previous loss date and have been definitely over analyzing every symptom and thankful that I still feel awful. My scan is not for another week also, but that was 2 weeks sooner than the one I had with my MMC last year so I am thankful.


Oh for sure! I spend way too much of my day over analyzing my symptoms and it’s so exhausting on top of already being exhausted. Hoping the best for the both of us 🫶🏻


What was the point of your last miscarriage?


Baby stopped growing just under 9 weeks.


Thank you for sharing.


Feeling a little better today. My fever broke thank goodness. Still feeling pretty wiped out, but that’s normal. I have my appointment with the new OB tomorrow, and I’m going to ask them a lotttt of questions because I want to make sure they keep a close eye on my fibroids and really take care of me if I get preeclampsia again. My last OB told me that my blood pressure at home being 140/90 and swelling so extreme I couldn’t fully bend my legs wasn’t a big deal- and a few weeks later they discovered the growth restriction and sent me in to deliver at 36w, and by then my blood pressure was 160/100. But I definitely had problems starting at 32/33 weeks, and that’s what my baby was measuring at for my 36 week growth scan. So I will absolutely be listening to my body more. I had also had a dream the night before that I saw my baby and she was so so tiny, and that my placenta had cracked. And on my pathology report after my c section, I found out I had a 30% subchorionic hemorrhage of the fetal surface, and an intramembranus hemorrhage involving 50% of the membranes.


Finally made my first ob appointment and it was a whole song and dance trying to schedule it based on when I ovulated, not my LMP. I track ovulation and took pregnancy tests right around when the line first started to be visible so I'm pretty certain about my dates. I didn't want them to schedule me while I'm not even 6 weeks and then not be able to see anything. But they still made sure to schedule me on the sooner side in case I'm wrong about dates. Which I'm not complaining about so long as we see something! So I'll be going in 2 weeks and will be 7 weeks by my calculations.


lol, when I called to schedule my first visit, they kept asking me over and over again about date of LMP. I was like, I ovulated way late, I cannot stress enough that my LMP date does not matter here. It took like 5 tries to finally move forward.


Yay—Measured 8w2days today with strong heartbeat! I still have the prenatal/other half of the visit in an hour. Husband met me for lunch between appointments (ultrasound happened so fast he couldn’t get there in time traveling from out of town) where I ate the second cheeseburger and fries I’ve had in less than 24 hours. I’m telling myself we are having salad for dinner—we’ll see how that goes 🙃


4 weeks + 1 day, just found out yesterday! I'm nervous because the digital tests I've taken yesterday and today have been positive but the non-digital are negative. Are the digital more sensitive?


In my experience, yes. My first 2 line tests had such faint lines I didn't even notice it on the first one, and the second one could have been mistaken for a shadow. The digital test confirmed what my eyes couldn't be sure of.


You could always go for bloodwork! Usually the digitals take more hcg to trigger than non-digital. What brand of tests were they?


I had two digital ClearBlue positives yesterday. But I was in shock and took a CVS brand two-line and another digital Clear Blue that were negative right after. I figured my urine was diluted and I just took them too close together. First thing this morning I had a positive digital First Response and a negative CVS brand two-line.


That’s really strange. I’d go get bloodwork from like an urgent care or OB. Or you could always wait a few days and try again


Not necessarily strange - some tests are much more sensitive than others. I had six positive tests (pregmate, ClearBlue) and then initially tested negative at my first OB appt. I got bloodwork that day and 48 hours later, and hCG levels were rising just fine. Doc thinks I ovulated later than initially thought (I wasn’t tracking).


Also anecdotally, I had 5 (yes, FIVE) brands of tests with my last pregnancy show faint lines, I went for a beta the later that afternoon and my hcg was under 5 and they told me I wasn’t pregnant! Then 2 days later I went back and it was in the 50’s and of course they confirmed it then.


Is 10wks kinda late for a first appointment? I just got one scheduled with my OB but of course I’m impatient and was hoping to be in closer to 8wks… debating if I should call and try to move my appointment up.


Mine does a pregnancy confirmation as early as when you get your first positives at home, and then first ultrasound is at 7-8 weeks.


My first pregnancy they had me come in around 7 weeks then again at 10 for the nipt. This second time around my first appointment is after the 10 week mark. I think it's to avoid so many appointments and just do the ultrasound and nipt at the same time. 


I’ll be 11 weeks at my first appointment, I’m struggling with the waiting! I am considering going to an ultrasound place when I hit 8 weeks just to get a look and make sure all is well


It’s a normal time frame. My first appt will be when I’m about 9w4d.


Depends on area and dr but most will try around 8-12. I think with my first my ib saw us at 9 weeks. But also I have a re so I saw them before my kb anyways


10 weeks is pretty normal. It just depends on how backed up they are.


Good to know! We were going to wait to announce to our close friends until after the first appointment but I don’t think I can wait that long 😅


I hear you on that!


The next three weeks are going at a snails pace. My first appointment is on the 15th and that feels forever away. I’m so tired all the time and I just want to nap.


My first appointment is also on the 15th, and the wait feels like torture!! Too bad we can't just sleep the next three weeks away lol.


8 weeks today! First appointment tomorrow, so excited. I've been getting frequent migraine auras (not a whole migraine, just the vision symptom). Is this a normal thing, has anyone else experienced this? I get them normally, just typically once a year or so and it is usually triggered by bright light/hunger/sleeplessness. This week I had 3 in two days..


From what I understand it’s normal, it’s because your estrogen is super high 😓 hopefully your doctor can help!


I go for my first appointment in an hour! This morning I had my 5th migraine with aura in 10 days. I usually have one a month if that so this is really unusual and awful on top of my other pregnancy symptoms and taking care of 2 kids. 😣


How is anyone getting along with working out and exercising? I usually run 4-5 days a week, but I just cannot muster up the energy! I feel nauseous and tired all the time. And the constant need to "snack" or else I feel even more sick is so hard! I'm usually someone who eats minimally throughout the day so I am struggling!


I'm running more because it's the only time I'm not experiencing all-day sickness. But I think it's definitely making me more fatigued. And strength training just isn't happening with any sort of consistency.


I haven’t done a proper work out in 2 weeks. Just been listening to my body, but I have been taking my dog out on more walks. I tell myself it’ll be a short one around the block and that I need the vitamin D from the sun. Once I’ve been walking for 5-10 minute I actually gain more energy and continue walking for a significant period of time.


I am also CONSTANTLY snacking and I’m also usually one who eats minimally throughout the day. I guess not anymore! My work is flexible (I work from home), so as long as I don’t have a meeting, I’ve been working out when I feel I have some energy (mid-day sometimes). Yesterday I was able to do a 30 min HIIT workout at 2pm and it felt great. Other days I just do 20 min of yoga or Pilates. Days that I don’t do a workout I make sure to walk my dog at least a mile so I’m still “active.” Staying active and eating small bits constantly has made me feel better and less “fatigued” overall.


I convinced myself to go for a walk yesterday and it was the most nauseous I've been so far 🙃


Agree with the other comments— paradoxically doing a bit more toned down/taken easy version of my usual cardio helps take away the cement-like fatigue haha


I’ve kept up with working out but brought it down to beginner expectations. For example, I went from being able to run 30 minutes straight to walk-running. I’m tired all the time, too, but I just negotiate with myself: “Well, maybe a run isn’t going to be it but we can ride our bike!” Lol. I truly think consistent exercise is very ironically the key to beating first trimester nausea. Good luck, friend!


I used to run a fair bit too and haven't managed anything at all... Walking is my limit and still get out of breath with that!


Woke up with zero symptoms feeling totally normal, 7 weeks 1 day, so of course I’m freaking out


Same. I actually have energy…. Trying not to waste it on anxiety but failing




Any tips about handling nausea? The unisom and b6 is not helping anymore.. i took zofran once but worried about the cleft lip side effect, so don’t want to take it unless I really have to.


Usually nothing much helps me but I find the sour Preggie Pops actually help, but only in the moment.


Hi! I was struggling the past couple of days - my doctor told me the most effective way to make zofran work was to take it consistently at the same time everyday. I also wanted to do the as needed, but as needed was making me debilitated. I tried it all - unisom, b6, ginger, more protein, sacrificing small animals - nada. I will say the preggy pops (sour sour!) help a bit, and so does sour candy in general. And popsicles! So now I’m on zofran 4 mg 3 times a day and it’s only 10 am but I haven’t been bawling my eyes out yet. my doctor told me there wasn’t a statistically significant risk of cleft cause I had the same concerns. In fact she didn’t even bring up the risk I had to ask her about it based on what I researched lol. Not sure if that helps at all, or what your doctor told you but it made me feel better and the zofran relief is worth it for me - essentially I was in the same place as you last week! Hopefully you find something that works if zofran makes you too uncomfortable but for me this was the only relief


Thank you for this! I ended up asking my dr for a Zofran refill and took it today after throwing up twice. It was such a relief, and was able to go out after work and be out of my bed for a while :)


My doctor has otc emertol on the approved meds list. Maybe try that?


Tried Emertol.. didn’t help much


First wave of insane nausea while getting ready this morning. We finally having AC installed today (halle - freaking - lujah) and I needed to get a couple of last things ready before we headed out for daycare drop off and contractors arrival. I got suuuuper hot and clammy and felt like I was having a hot flash. The Preggie pop sour candy helped keep the nausea at bay a bit but man was that not fun.


Nausea in the morning always but has been off and on all day it seems! 12 days till my first appt. Remind me for next time to not take a test at 3 weeks lol longest wait ever. Diarrhea, burping and crampy today 😒


Tomorrow is my first scan and I am already nervous 🫠 trying to stay distracted


Me too! Best wishes!


I’m doubtful anyone has experienced this: but has anyone had a chorionic bump (with this or a different pregnancy)? Had a scan today at 5+5 and they saw 3 or 4 chorionic bumps, which are essentially unknown lumps protruding from uterus into the gestational sac. Everything I’ve read online seems to say there’s a 100% chance of miscarriage if there’s more than one bump…but I can’t find any personal experiences of that. Hoping that’s not the case 😔


TW: Past MC, spotting My best friend and I are due one day apart this December! Some background... After a miscarriage in January 2022, I had my son in December 2022, but my friend has had 2 miscarriages since Spring 2023 and doesn't have any children yet. She had a surgery to correct the shape of her uterus in the past year and started progesterone suppositories/injections right when she got pregnant this time around, so we're optimistic. Over the past few weeks we have cautiously been getting more and more excited about the prospect of carrying our babies at the same time. We've been talking about our symptoms, joking about things, etc. I don't believe the concept that everything happens for a reason, but I can't help but feeling that our shared pregnancies are very...meant to be. It just feels right and would be too cruel if the universe ended one of our pregnancies and made us watch the other carry on. So far, everything has been going well and indicated two healthy pregnancies. I'm 7w today and she is 7w1d. But this morning she texted me that she has some light brown discharge and is cramping. We talked through it and we know that it's normal, but it has all of a sudden made this all feel even more fragile. I want this for her. I want her to have the baby that she has wanted to so long. I want to be pregnant together. And I don't want her to have to experience that heartbreak again. I'm just worried, and can't worry to her because I don't want her to be worried (even though I'm sure she is). I just needed to worry to someone who will get it and that's this reddit group of strangers.


Aw I want this for her too and I don’t even know her. Sending good vibes to both of you and that this situation resolves so she can have some relief from anxiety. 💛


You’re a good friend ❤️


Playing my favorite game- nausea or gas? Sometimes I feel gross, and then I just need to burp In other news, my usually mediocre work focus is next level bad this week. I'm hoping I can get into some sort of routine, even if that routine includes breaks / naps


TW if reading about nausea makes you nauseous: There is so much saliva in my mouth.


I have been having the weirdest pain starting at the top of my elbow today. My hand and fingers were a little tingly as well. I’m wondering if it is a pinched nerve or just one of those mysterious pregnancy symptoms


I’ve had this and it never went away. Pregnancy carpal tunnel for 7 years now and pregnant again.


With my daughter I had pregnancy carpal tunnel but I was much further along than this. That was super annoying.


Annnnnnnnd here’s the nausea 🤢. Omg it is so bad today. At least it took longer to arrive than my first pregnancy. My toddler has ear tube surgery tomorrow super early and I do not know how I will make it through if I am this sick again 😭


Okay I feel slightly better after a 30 minute nap


Someone in here said they are calling their baby Schrödinger’s Baby and that sums up perfectly how I’m feeling! Tests say I am indeed pregnant, but hard to believe without seeing!


I literally forget all the time. Which is crazy because I'm having terrible symptoms. I'll be puking and also be like "idk why this is happening."


I have this weird guilty feeling like I’m lying to my doctors!


Omg same


8+0 today, had our second ultrasound and much to our surprise, got to hear the heartbeat! So wild to see how big the little nugget has gotten since two weeks ago :)


Aw that's so exciting!


We are on a little trip that was planned before I knew I’d be pregnant, and I’ve been doing my best to work around the nausea but today it got me good. Threw up my meds and vitamins not once but twice, and the second time didn’t make it to the toilet… alllllll over this hotel bathroom floor. Vile. 🫠


Jolly Ranchers are my BFF 👯 any other hard candy recommendations? I can’t do ginger ones - I still gag thinking about them from my first pregnancy. Anyone else only able to do small meals now? I gave myself my regular portion of yogurt and cereal for breakfast and could barely finish half this morning.


Yes! I’ve been preaching this to all my friends who will listen that jolly ranchers are great for nausea relief. So much cheaper than preggie pops but have the exact same effect for me. I haven’t tried any other candies but I’m so curious if others have


Cream savers have been decent! I think I just prefer the fruit flavors over mint.


Omg jolly ranchers have been the best thing!! I have a mint every now and then, but it's just not the same.


Yea to the small meals. I had two tacos for dinner last night and felt bloated and horrible the whole rest of the night.


Just had my first ultrasound and the baby is the exact size it's supposed to be, with a 136 BPM!!!!! I'm at the point whereI lost my last pregnancy, so going to be super anxious until my 10 week appointment. Fingers crossed


When’s your EDD?




That’s amazing!! Congratulations, I pray for healthy and uneventful pregnancies🤲🏻✨


Thank you! I'm finally starting to get a little excited


I love that for you💕


Had my first dry heave this morning! Is anyone else having nightmares?


Yes to the nightmares! 🫣


Yes, super clear vivid dreams of things I’d rather not remember.


YES. Just about every night at this point


6w+4d, trying not to puke before work lol :( and we are short staffed today:(((((((


what do you guys do to quell nausea in the morning?


Eat sour candy


Good morning, I just found out last night that I’m pregnant and now I’m awake way too early waiting for the dr office to open so I can make my first appointment! Hoping that will make it feel more real, I keep going back to look at the tests and make sure the lines are still there lol


And I’m booked for May 8! Now to pass the next 2 weeks without going totally nuts…


Omg me too!! I just took my test this morning and my first dr appt is may 9. Due 31 dec!!!


Woke up this morning with no symptoms despite having been super nauseous all the past week each morning. Also not as bloated and boobs not hurting as much. Of course freaking out now even though I know it can be normal for symptoms to come and go. I’ve also been dealing with these full body hives. Having a sad morning 😔


Ugh hives are terrible. I have a chronic hive condition that’s currently not flaring and I really feel your pain. I hope it resolves quickly. Pepcid is category B and should help if your doctor is ok with it. 💐


Not sure how far along you are but Benadryl is pregnancy safe past 6 weeks according to my OB. I had a horrible reaction to heparin and was miserable until I graduated from my RE and my ob gave me the all clear for Benadryl.


I told my boss on our weekly call that I’m pregnant and she cried because she was so happy for me and very supportive. It was such a relief to be able to talk to someone about this outside of my husband. Looking forward to my first appointment on 5/8!


I’m about to tell my boss today!


We are EDD twins and that’s the date of my first appointment too! 🤗


I got suuuuuuch a good night sleep last night in the hotel. Feeling so refreshed this morning! 😊 Grateful for the snack and electrolyte tablet recs I got from this group, cuz I definitely needed them to quell the nausea before breakfast.




Right now I have trail mix and applesauce packs, and that’s been working really well. In my first pregnancy, too much of anything grain/oat-based made me sick, so I’m trying to avoid granola bars and crackers. But I’m not at the full throwing up stage yet.


https://preview.redd.it/4mrsvbvmmfwc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91add0b7ce7cdc479fe8d3d541b5cb07bc31395f I am so tired. Fatigue with insomnia to boot.I dont know what to do to make sleep happen.


I finally caved and took a Tylenol PM last night. I still woke up but was able to fall asleep much quicker during the wake ups


We told our toddler last night and she was so cute about it! We talked all about how she'll get to be a big sister just like some of her friends are and then we read a book about waiting for your baby sibling to be born. She was fascinated! She wanted to know where in my tummy the baby is? Are they sleeping? Can she see them (we showed her the ultrasound)? Will they be a baby like her baby cousin? And she's absolutely convinced it's a girl! Will not even entertain the idea that she might have a brother 😆


I love the age gap you’ll have! My son was born in April 2022 and he’s just a little too young to understand. This gives me hope that he’ll be more interested when baby arrives but I guess we’ll see!


My son was also born in April 2022 and I was thinking the same thing! He does seem fascinated by babies in general though.


Yeah, it'll be about 3 years exactly! She's just 2.5 now and is showing a grasp on more abstract concepts and I guess linking different bits of information together. It's so cool!


I wrote about having bleeding yesterday and going to get a scan done. I got the scan done yesterday. It showed a sac that was attached to the top of my uterus which is a good sign. Apparently they can see if the sac has migrated down in a possible miscarriage. They couldn’t see a heartbeat but that doesn’t mean anything because it’s too early to pick it up. So basically she said not to worry right now. The sac being located in the correct spot was a great sign. If I see more blood to come back in and they can check if the sac has migrated. So all in all I got peace of mind 😌


I'm happy you got some reassurance!!


My fatigue is so bad right now and my son (4) was having difficulties with getting to preschool this morning. I need a nap. 😴


5 weeks and a few days and only sore breasts and fatigue….I was so nauseous immediately with my last two pregnancies (that both ended in loss) it’s hard to not stress about lack of symptoms and compare. I feel super disconnected from this pregnancy…hoping next weeks ultrasound is good, but I’m almost expecting disappointment. PAL sucks.


I officially can’t enter my kitchen without gagging….ew.. all I wanted was tuna and cheese english muffins pressed on the presser.. yum…


Haha reading that triggered my gag reflex. I can even think about savory food most days


Had a low grade fever last night, now woke up with a deep cough and aches. As if nausea and vomiting wasn't enough going on LOL have to laugh about it or I'll cry 😭 today's goal is to stay hydrated.


Ah that sucks, feel better and rest up 🧸


Getting my 2nd beta results today. Nervous but optimistic after a hard year. Update: 15dpo Hcg 595; 17dpo Hcg 1766. Looking good! 😊


Same! Fingers crossed for both of us


I got good news! Hoping the same for you!


Same! Here’s to continued good news in the next few weeks! 🤞




Managed to get my documents from the GP - now looking forward to my OBGYN appointment on Sunday. I guess he'll do a US 🤞🏼


my pollen allergies have given me a chest cold, and i am MISERABLE. i didn't know it was possible to feel *more* fatigued 😅 work is going to be rough today. i can 100% see a 5 PM nap in my future


Allergies are brutal right now!


Me: I’ve been feeling better, maybe I don’t need b6 in the morning. Cue abandoning my toddler in the kitchen and sprinting upstairs to my bathroom for meds. She did in fact need b6 on the morning.


Last night I had a dream that I’m having twin boys… now I’m wondering, could it be?! I never usually remember my dreams. That would be wild.


Ultrasound tomorrow morning to hopefully see the heartbeat. That’s the only thing I have to look forward to right now because this 24/7 nausea is making me depressed. The logical part of me knows it’s temporary but I just can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel right now. 1 week of this hell down and at least another 6.5 to go until second trimester.


I’m 8w and also feeling sooo depressed & discouraged with the constant nausea. It’s so tough. You’re not alone!


has anyone experienced rib tenderness? I feel like someone hugged me too tightly.


I think someone posted about that yesterday.


Also thank god, my new puppy is finally feeling a bit settled. I got my first mostly full night of sleep in 10 days and feel like a new woman. The morning snuggles make it absolutely worth it. I can’t wait to take joint bump / puppy growth pics. https://preview.redd.it/wbs29xy95fwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c0ffbd4f48fd0bb565f78b6f27cb04845e9d3ff


Had my second ultrasound yesterday and finally got a heartbeat! My due date got pushed back again which is super frustrating but I guess it's more accurate now that there's a little gummy bear to measure. And it's only a week later than LMP which is close enough to my estimate based on ovulation. I feel like I've been stuck at 7 weeks for the last three weeks!


Oh my, first ultrasound is in TWO days! Also realized we’ve been past 90% for a bit now on the reassurance calculator. I’ve been more nauseous but the Unisom at night + popping B6 throughout the day has helped. Getting anxious about telling work, especially since it was just last year I was out for maternity leave 🫣


If it makes you feel better about telling work, I was out for maternity in from March-June 2020, Sept-Dec 2021, April-July 2023 and now December-Feb 2024/2025 if this baby sticks 🤪 thankfully only the first two were the same boss, but yeah I am definitely a maternity leave regular at this point


Ohh we need to chat! So your kids are 4, 2, and 1 now - how’s that going? What does childcare look like? It’s hard to find other working moms with more than 2 littles. We’ll have 3 under 2 with this December baby. Thinking we need to resort to a nanny because daycare is so expensive :/


I think those of us that work and have more than 2 kids are very rare indeed! Especially with close age gaps! It’s not easy! Childcare over here is weird because my husband is a firefighter so he’s home a lot and the main child care. I work a hybrid role so if we’re both working I’m at home and not in the office and I have help in home. I would not suggest this method for anyone just because it’s definitely taken a toll on us and especially my husband because he often comes home from a 24 hour shift and is immediately “on” with the kids. The big kids will be going to preschool in the fall so that will help because it’s less expensive than traditional day care.


There’s an Upworthy post of a woman getting to see the ocean for the first time. Pregnancy emotions have me sitting here on my couch at 7:30am crying and laughing like a crazy lady. It’s beautiful though 😭 ETA 7:40. Still crying over it.


Just went and watched, so nice- made me think of the song ‘i hope you dance’ (i hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean)- if you dont know the song, listening to it will definitely keep the tears going!


Omg I just got flashbacks to junior high when that song was *everywhere*…


When did everyone stop testing at home? I’m 4+4 (18 DPO) and I have still been testing every day 😅 We’ve had two losses so I am so anxious with this one. We have a scan on Monday to check the sacs and then another probably a week or two after that.


Same - 4w4d! I tested at home for 5 days (had only 5 tests, lol), but I also did my betas last Friday and this Monday too. Once I saw the betas it made me feel better and like it is really happening.


I’ve gotten three betas and everything is rising appropriately which does help a lot! I’m just so anxious because of our history of missed miscarriages


I think it's totally valid that you're not feeling completely relaxed. If you feel better taking those test, go for it. I'm always in support of doing whatever makes it easier for you.


I appreciate the kind words! I know logically that it’s time to stop testing so really I should listen to my brain lol


Whatever helps us - I have my first scan this Sunday so we're with the same timeline it seems. I'll do anything to feel like I'm in control 😂


Sounds like it! And I agree, not knowing that everything is okay is going to drive me nuts. I keep thinking to myself I am pregnant until I’m told I’m not.


I continued testing until 19 dpo lol but I’ve stopped now!


I’m almost there myself! I really should probably just stop 😂


You get to a point maybe 5-6 weeks where there’s too much hcg in your system for the at home tests, so the line starts to get fainter after dye stealers, which is called the hook effect, that’s when I freaked myself out and stopped testing😁 I also learned that you can reverse that by diluting your pee with water which is wild because it works!


I haven’t had a dye stealer yet (lines are about as dark as the control line) so I think that’s why I’m like keep testing 😂


Just please stop at a dye stealer and no further, don’t give yourself unnecessary worry😅


Absolutely! Although I’m going to worry this whole pregnancy anyway 😂