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When I'm high on some hallucinogen I become a very good artist. It's like my hands turn off and the drawing appears on the sheet of paper by itself.




That’s awesome!!!


love when the body and nature can just coexist and and to see a meaningful image so capture ina moment in time And that’s dope u could capture a moment n your brain and draw it down ❤️


getting caught doing drugs 😩


Not just once lol


bro is me


Skill issue


Mine is opposite, I have the best luck in tough situations w drugs are in the mix


Reciting info about dozens of drugs


Haha this was me back in the drug talks during high school. They’d ask to list off commonly known drugs and you just go to the most complex research chem that comes to mind 🤣


Playing sober. I've gone to work, gone in public, etc high on several drugs and had nobody notice. I know because after I got sober, I told them about it and they were like "wow I had no idea" 😂 kinda surprising cuz when I'm fucked up I always feel like everyone knows


Everybody noticed. They just didn't say anything because they were too scared to. 🤣


Nah I asked AFTER I got sober (from like everything) and they said they'd no idea. Not everyone is drug freaks like us who know all the signs at the drop of a hat.


Calling yourself a drug freak is proof you had telltale signs. They knew.


Like imagine telling a guy on coke that yk he's doing coke, he might get defensive and angry, same shit with alcohol, opiate rage is a thing too, benzos people are kind unpredictable so I wouldn't approach someone on Xanax if I wasn't a drug addict. Everyone knows you're high.


Which drugs?


Alcohol, cocaine, weed, opioids, you name it really.


Any psychs lol?


Acid and shrooms yeah. Same thing, tho the interactions were much shorter usually.


What about Phenibut tho


Just had my first real phenibut experience two nights ago after 3 failed attempts prior. Was incredible


Phenibut is incredible as long as you moderate your use. I couldn't do that, which is why I dont use it anymore


Railing lines of oxy


I usually have a time limit. Either from the time I get off the bus to right before I'm in visual range of work so I've gotten very good at doing a blue very fast. It's definitely a talent I'm proud of lol


Takin a shid.


fr my fastest is like under a min. mfs be taking 45 mins


I take one minute to shid and then 44 to play on my phone and avoid other people and snort lines off my phone or the sink counter.


You are my idol


Taking 45 mins is pro. The 45 minute shit was invented to be done on work time. You’re getting paid bro.


Do you wipe




Why would I do that lame garbage?


That's just cause I'm at work.


Zoning in and writing extremely in depth comments on Reddit, and snapping at anyone who tries to take my attention away from what I seem to think is my PhD thesi, after shooting just a scary large amount of meth I swear to God check my comment history. I'm the tweaker queen of this sub according my meth addled brain 👑 I mean generally I am a very detail oriented person and I don't really care to talk about something in minimal detail. High or sober I am known to elaborate until the subject way past what anyone else would just cause my brain functions that way (I'm neurodivergent as absolute fuck). Talking at length without breaks or regard to others interest in extreme detail is.... genuinely enough of a character trait that largely people have to ask if I'm high at that moment. Also though almost every answer on these subs regarding questions that genuinely need a thorough explanation are under explained and it could genuinely cause harm for such little information to be given, so there's definitely times it's fully justified. Mostly tho I just be tweakin Like.... Really fuckin tweakin I mean I have a partner, friends, and family and none of them use meth or if they do only do it every few months, I work and shit. Law abiding citizen besides using, I sleep every night. I mean like my life is unchanged surprisingly. Like it's not like causing any damage to my life besides obviously my health. Shits actually more put together than it was before in many ways as I'm not in a state of constant burnout. I do keep my shit together for the most part (or at least just as much as I do without it, I won't claim to not be a wreck). I am not like in any way known by the community and those around me to be like a crazy drug addict by any means. But I do be.... Really really fuckin tweakin In case you had any doubts about my dedication and commktement to the task, I am, at this moment...... Tweakin And tomorrow when I wake up first thing I'ma do is load a fat fucking shot and get to tweakin, then go Bout my day doing my usual. Playing up tropes, stereotypes, and whats commonly regarded as bad character traits to their maximum extent over dedicating to the bit. All that shit, and really entertaining nobody but myself, because I think it's fucking hilarious. But most of all ???? Tweakin




Nah this is me, like less the meth part and more the snapping at anyone who dares to interrupt me, mid debate that ik is pointless but feels so so valid - precisely that part (:


Smuggling. Crossed so many borders with hella stuff, mostly on trains, but cars, boats and planes as well. Only been searched once and they didn’t find the goods, despite patting me down and thoroughly looking through my shit. Coming up with good hiding places is TOO much fun 😂


thought this said snuggling n got confused when you started talking about doing it on trains n planes like wha


I feel like that's something I wouldn't announce & admit too on the interwebs.


I’ve never gone over international borders but I’ve snuck it past airport security more times than I can count. Chopping lines in the airplane bathroom is too much fun lol.


The real ones do this in Bandaranaike International Airport /s


how would you suggest sneaking 1200 whippets in my car into a festival? i was thinking take apart the trim and shove each box in one by one but idk lol


Well for one, don’t get the tiny whippet carts. If for personal use/camp friends use, just buy one of those 4000g canisters from a head shop that has the nozzle away on top. Loading those 8g carts one by one will never stop you from fishing out ever again 😊 The canister takes up less space than the small carts, is easier to hide, and doesn’t rattle while your car moves. “Ting ting ting ting” lmaooo. Not to mention it’s soooooo much less work - it’s almost scary easy…. I remember waking up next day with blisters on my hand from cranking the Whip-It crackers in and out 🤣 bc I cracked everybody’s carts bc I never let one get crooked and wasted haha. You can buy a couple smaller canisters and sneak one in to the festival grounds if you’re clever enough. 10/10 recommend lol. If you’re looking to sell, it’s super simple - just don’t even fucking try. The nitrous mafia is a real thing and they don’t play around about that shit. They’re just as brutal as you’ve heard. Can tell you that with 100% certainty. As far as hiding it for vehicle entry to festival grounds, what type of vehicle will you be in? Don’t give me your make model and color lmfao. Just like, SUV, compact car, van, etc.


I don’t like tanks as much bc of how easy i’m able to run through them, wouldn’t be able to regulate how much each took if splitting it and i don’t want to lug around a 4000g tank to the stages, so i’ll be sticking to the chargers especially since we got 1200 for $240. Since they’re wholesale packed when you move a box no noise is made. so no ting a lings, I got a hatchback dodge caliber. Nitrous mafia isn’t a thing in canada either :D


to add onto that i’m NOT trying to sell i’m just an avid whippet connoisseur 😂😂 we’re getting 400 each.




Reading your mind👽


That’s what I was going to say! 😳


Getting and staying hard on stimulants


Breathing. I've mastered it.


Embarrassing myself whilst trying not to embarrass myself




Being so dumb that I seem sarcastically hilarious when I’m actually being serious.


Opiate withdrawals. I've done it 7 times at home.


Can you gift me this ability pls, don’t laugh but I can’t kick kratom and I really want to. Just so I can feel it again tho :(


My opiate addictions were the result of 6 joint replacement plus back surgeries. Once the pain is gone, I'm done. I hate what opiates do to me. My last surgery I used kratom twice before and after surgery to go through withdrawals. It was a breeze compared to before. Like everyone here says, taper but I don't drag it out. Do it in a week or less. Don't dose unless you are already triggering withdrawals for a hours-ish. Longer is better. Get down to 3 small doses a day, take your last one late at night and go to bed. You need sleeping pills at night. For me, large doses of theanine during the day. Also, acupuncture is great for relieving symptoms. Kratom w/d symptoms are short term. After 2 days, they subside a lot. Get everything you need to ride it out and plan a long weekend. You'll be fine.


I just cannot stand the restless leg syndrome. It’s drives me bananas. I got on kratom to kick alcohol, which I used to self medicate my ptsd, and found that kratom helps way more and feels great (to me). But lately it’s been giving weird effects. Sometimes it hits really weird and uncomfortably it’s hard to explain, but I’d rather have that then the restless legs and the on extremely on edge anxiety feeling I have without it. I’be been on it for 3 years now and do anywhere from 30-50 grams a day (usually 3 ten gram doses, but sometimes I’ll do up to 16. Really just depends. If I have to interact with people it’s going to be more. I also have bad depression and a history of being suicidal, so I’m worried about triggering that too by going off it. I think one day I’ll do it. I’m trying to do a long taper right now and have recently got down to 26, and have been floating between 26 and 30, refusing to go higher then that. But yea maybe I should just rent a cabin or something for a few days and drive up without any and see what happens


The RLS is maddening but it's not acute like some opiate withdrawal symptoms. Keep tapering - force yourself into withdrawal for as long as you can between doses and then cut your dose one gram from the previous. You'll be in withdrawals so the smaller dose will be effective. Find a place where you can watch Netflix, listen to music, with all the food and drinks you need. You must get sleeping pills for the nights. Also find a psychiatrist or psychologist to start treating your depression. Don't self medicate. I have depression since my first opiate withdrawal. A psychologist completely turned me around. I have been taking meds for 10 years and they make me feel completely normal.


Grabbing the exact amount of hangers I need for my clean shirts every time. Wait...


I’ve played my best music for people drunk on a handle with a few hydros up my nose




Maintaining self awareness.


Before i started smoking i was beyond stupid with lighters now im a pro at them, ive also gotten pretty good at condensing sandwich bags as small as possible, and even tho im awful at rolling joints really just rolling anything tightly


Guitar Soloing along to any song you put on the radio (rock, rap, pop, etc...).....but only when I'm high as ballz


I'm ngl i commonly smoked a lil smth to help my creativity with a guitar. Shi rlly does help 😂 I gotta keep playing tho cous shit even I lovedd the beautiful noises I could produce w tha lil legend of an instrument lmfao, also ngl I'd like to take smth niceeee- besides the za like a psyc might rlly push them cool sounds to the limit, loll (if anyone has suggestions for a Cool substance that would do so, lol lmk)


Look up DiPT.... It is a tryptamine with primarily audio hallucinations .


Bet Thank you loll


Bet Thank you loll


I keep not fkn dying it’s just embarrassing at this point lol


I become scarily good at being a detective when I’m high on weed like I notice things and asses them like once a dude tried to sell me some laced shit but I was high and saw he was more nervous than usual and was avoiding eye contact so now I always buy when high


Got BPD, so I’m excellent at taking a completely inane comment and turning it into a personal attack against me.


Stop tell me my bpd is prolly why ts happen to me sometimes- 😭 fuc bruh


Reading a room.


After my forst psyc experience, (even more so w more intense ones like L) it became muchh easier for me to read people (most times fully) and the room- I'm not entirely sure if it's bc im so mentally fkcd as it is, that ts genuinely helped me be more 'normal'? But then again i try to relate to others w those actions and not many ppl rlly have this ability or atleast to some of our degree lolll- pretty cool lil extra power tho righ


getting tolerance fast, it was good to flex on friends when i started but now it just sucks


Yeahh, im basically like this but not everything, like weed even now i stay havin a low tolerance js genetics prolly I'd guess fs, but the only thing that doesn't act like this w me is alcohol. It usually takes wayy to much to actually build any sort of noticeable tolerance. And personally I barely ever get actually hungover, it's usually js a residual drunk like if buzzed had a buzzin lil bro but the effects didn't necessarily diminish the same as drunk to buzzed, if tha makes sense


My memory is usually really quite rubbish, but for some reason i’m really good at remembering long number sequences. I don’t know if thats what u meant but otherwise I’m pretty average at stuff.


Finding a vein


Knowing what my body wants in regards to health, fitness and longevity. I have only been to the physio a handful of times in my life coming from someone who has competed at a national level level in 3x different sports.


sports, like going to the gym, bicyling, dancing, basketball.


loading a whippet canister.


Being functional on Amphetamine


Becoming a life coach and motivational guru in the chillout at various parties all the f*cking time.


I can roll a perfect joint regardless of condition. Even peak ketamine (sub hole), mdma, shrooms or acid, doesn't matter. I can even roll them inside out for the most part in those conditions. I will cop to that this would not hold true for Glass papers as they require a bit more precession to not unravel after you close them and relatively dry fingers so the paper doesn't stick together while you are rolling. I am also really good at being awake for multiple days without it being noticable to regular people. A combination of reigning in your dosages, taking care of yourself by staying hydrated (not only drinking water but replenishing electrolytes as well), eating regularly, showering once or twice a day and wearing geeky business casual atire. You'd be surprised how much clothing plays a role in getting away with drug use. I have learned that when you feel like you are blending in you feel a lot less exposed so you are less likely to try and overcompensate and therefor stand out


i roll joints stupidly good and fast


driving off of anything. Obviously if too fucked up it's impossible but because I've been into cars and stuff like that my whole life it's like a different type of driving i don't take pride in doing it and i avoid it every time I can, I'm not that stupid, but if it happens usually i enjoy it i also ran from the cops drunk af once on a 50cc scooter and got away, the adrenaline from that night won't ever be matched...


I'm good at clever word play? Not like... Come backs to insults lol though occasionally I manage those, more like helping come up with titles, slogans, clever wording to explain something complicated in a simple way. It's not as useful as I'd like it to be lol .


Remembering personal details


Playing bass guitar


Counter strike


i mean i could sell evil to the devil. i also roll amazing blunts and can read people to a T.


Spongebob impression. Lol


After 5 years of nearly daily workout, I can now build a perfect joint / spliff in 29 seconds.


Being socially nervous. My social anxiety is so high that people around me often become nervous even when I don't speak, meet eyes, or move. And that makes me more nervous because I'm nervous that I made someone else nervous. And I can't completely shake off this anxiety even when I'm home alone and have nothing urgent. My neck and shoulder muscles are tense 24/7. I seriously think something's profoundly wrong with my amygdala






Measuring drugs. Not eyeballing them, but just putting them on the scale and have it be the exact weight i want on the first scoop. Especially around the 20mg mark


lying and pretending to be sober


Making shitty music


i never cough from a bong rip no matter how fat. poppers too 🙏


I’m pretty good at singing, especially on acid or about any drug. Anything which takes that throat tension away, let’s me unleash. I’m not scary good, I’m aight 😂


I’ll let you decide how useful it is, but apparently I can flick my tongue ridiculously fast and for a long duration.


reading ppl


Thinking, especially on xtc. idk why but when my friends are literally zoning out, totally gone, i can still do anything like figure out exactly where we’re going or talking or whatever. Kind of annoying sometimes but practical. I dont look normal doing tho 💀


Swallowing a load of codeine pills neat, with no liquid to wash it down, even though they taste like shit


Know every screw and every Part that crossfits into 88 - 00 Hondas...


Acting sober or covering up what drug I’m doing while on something I’ve done hard drugs opioids psychedelics you name it while in my house with my family here and while being in school never got caught once


Awakening latent bisexuality


taking in a crazy amount of pills(i don’t die)


Doing drugs


Surviving Benadryl overdoses


Driving under the influence




Don’t fucking do that bro just take an Uber you’re not only risking your own life but you’re risking other’s as well. You do not want to end up on the news bro




At least you recognized what you were doing was dangerous. It’s a miracle you didn’t end up dead.