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Huh, you can get staggered out of the swing and the skeletons still appear. That's pretty nice actually.


Is it the weapon what gets the skeletons to appear or is it an ash of war ?


I'm gonna say both. Most ashes of war like this are tied to their weapons


Yeah I believe this one is an exclusive weapon skill not a standard ash of war. Like Wave of Gold or Needle Piercer.


It does have a sorcery equivalent, but it’s so much worse than the ash of war version


AoW version is the tactical nuke to the spell’s coughing baby




It’s actually tuberculosis


Hit me with the nuke then please


Wait, the AoW is more powerful than the spell? I've never even tried using it because of how ass the sorcery is, gonna have to give it a chance now.


The AOW does more damage on average, is easier to aim, and the skeleton attacks are disjointed from your own, so if you start the AOW and it makes the sound, they'll still be summoned. It also does fairly good poise damage for an axe if everything hits. Great for big bosses especially in early to mid game.


there's a similar issue with Carian Grandeur. It's basically just Carian Greatsword, but with an overhead chop instead of a side-to-side slash, but it does stupid amounts of damage from what I've seen in videos. of course, it's apparently best to put it on a regular weapon instead of the Carian Knight's Sword that comes with it, but yeah, the Carian Greatsword just doesn't do that kind of damage.




Golden Vow isn't a great example because the spell is actually quite a bit better than the AoW.


What's the weapon name?


The video is Rosus’ Axe, like the title says. If you mean Wave of Gold, that’s the Sacred Relic Sword, or if you meant Needle Piercer, that’s Leda’s Sword.




Only the unique AoW but the skeletons act as an sorcery so they stay if you’re staggered out of the axe swing(there is also an separate sorcery of the skeletons too)


Alr I'll try looking it up, ty.


The axe is >!Rosus’ axe which you get behind an Stonesword Key door at the Black Knife Catacombs and the sorcery drops from the Tibia Marina outside of the Wyndham ruins!<,the locations if you wanted to know


Ayy didn't have to look it up after all, ty ty.


You want me to also say where the catacombs and the ruins are next? Lmao


Yeah that guy definitely wants you to (i’m that guy :/ )


Alrighty, >!the Black Knife Catacombs is in Northeast Liurnia after a path running along the east coast, the path starts just north of the church of vows(if you talk to Rogier about, I think the night of the black knifes or something like that, then talk to Fia when you’ve reached Liurnia she will also just you a map that you can follow), and Wyndham ruins is just left after you take the path after getting to Altus through the Ruin-Strewn precipice and just North of the Erdtree gazing site of grace!< also keep in mind that something that’s good in PvP might not be at good in PvE


It’s the ash basically the skeletons are tied to the activation so once you press L2 the skeletons will spawn and attack because it’s tied to the press


This is also one of the things I like about Knight's Lightning Spear from the DLC. I'm playing through the DLC with my lightning incantations only character right now. Getting spells off in time has always been an issue, but the extra spears from this incant always fire even if you get staggered out of the main spear.


Same with phantom slash, pretty good


Not just that, but you can summon multiple sets of skeletons *because* you get staggered. OP is mashing ash as fast as they can explicitly to sick 9\~ skeletons on people super quickly.


Once that axe come up, the bois have been summoned


I love this😂


No skeleton left behind!


Even better, you can DIE and the skeletons will still appear. Great for PvP.


Hmm... getting kinda tempted into making a skeleton build. I mean, there's a skeleton axe, a skeleton spell, *two* skeleton ashes, and with the dlc, a skeleton item as well.


Four skeleton spells, if you count the Rancor spells.


Oh wait those are skeletons? I always assumed they where just ghostflame balls from the icon. .... oh wait are those the skulls the skeleton mages shoot? The bone buddy build becomes more tempting by the hour, hmm....


The same is for Phantom Slash, been using that ash of war and this one for 2 years basically


The fact a person can run into that many people who don’t know how to evade this attack actually astonishes me…


Watching most of the fights a lot of the skeletons whiff it’s just it’s hard to avoid a player and 3 summons all at once


Many of them get caught off guard by the skeletons attacking even if the attack is interruped. That might have gotten me too


A little like playing Illaoi "One sec while a whole bunch of spirit tentacles slap you around a bit"


This is hilarious because the first thing that came to mind was her ult 😂


Oh no.... oh god no this is worse than the frenzied flame we can't let her into this universe too!


The AoW spam is truly something… definitely not a good something


You don't win because you're strong. You're strong because you win.


ER player press something other than L2 challenge: impossible


Hey I gotta press circle sometimes to dodge too!


I never once used an AoW in DS3 and didn’t bother with them in ER for most of my first playthrough because I always main quality claymore builds and I don’t normally bother with mind lol. But then I think at the gargoyles fight I discovered how much more damage I could do with takers flame than I could with anything else in my build and it’s been all downhill from there. I don’t like to play that way but it’s just too tempting when I’ve had a few attempts at a boss and I know a much more effective piece of my arsenal is right there at L2


Unsheathe, in DS3, did like, 20% extra damage, so I got all the way to the Mountaintops before I actual bothered and realized that it could do like, more than 2x damage with none of the charging time of an R2. Weapon arts are *so* overturned in this game.


Wait, there are other buttons?


This definitely applies more to jump attacks. They're *too* good.


~~trust me, spamming this aow is a billion times better than a dual naginata user. the dual nagi guy couldve easily escaped it, he just thought he could out-trade it lmao.~~ edit: realized there was a lot more to the video than the first clip lmao, you might have been referring in general, not the rosus specifically. in which case, fully agree. i miss when aows were just normal stuff like square off, stamp, lions claw, or even the new wing stance is fine.. but now it seems like most aows power crept so far that the rest of a weapon's actual moveset isnt worth using anymore.


I mean, it depends on usage. Spamming AoWs in PvP against competent players tends to be a lot less effective than in PvE, because once a player knows what you're using they can adapt their strategy accordingly, supposing they're actually familiar with the attack. Most AoWs have fairly predictable timing and placement, if you're paying attention. Clearly, against someone with the Rosus Axe, you need to slow down and be deliberate about winning trades, as getting in their face and trying to overpower them with your own attack spam only increases their casting rate, and they attack 4 times for every single one of yours, (and you can only knock them out of one of those 4 attacks; the other 3 you have to manually avoid.) OP was so successful with L2 spam in this video for the same reason people are successful with parry spam: their opponents aren't compensating for the strategy.


AoW spam is just annoying in general in this game. I wish Michael Zaki would add a cooldown.


I love it and I think it’s really fun


I love it and I think it’s really fun


“Did some testing against the Leyndell Tree Sentinel with the torch near the Outer Wall Phantom Tree site of grace in NG+2, making sure to gain aggro first to avoid the unnoticed damage buff. Rosus' Axe at +9 with 19 Str, 20 Dex, and 85 Int has an AR of 633 when one-handed and 661 when two-handed. - 1h Light attack: 374 - 2h Light attack: 412 - Full AoW: 1376 - AoW Melee with 2 skeletons: 1048 - AoW Melee with 1 skeleton: 708 - AoW no Melee with 3 skeletons: 1002 I then respeced for 99 str, 62 dex, and 75 int giving 829 AR one-handed and 860 AR two-handed, then tested again - 1h Light attack: 542 - 2h Light attack: 592 - Full AoW: 1928 - AoW no Melee with 3 skeletons: 1386 Notes and conclusions: - AoW damage does not change between one-handing or two-handing, even the melee hit is unaffected - The downward swing deals the same amount of damage as the weapon's 1h light attack, while the summons deal magic damage that is independent from the weapon - The summons are bullets, meaning they will attack even if the player is staggered out of the attack, and they spawn extremely quickly - The player gains some hyper armor at the same time as the summons spawn and maintains that armor until after they attack - AoW damage seems to scale with the AR of the weapon, otherwise the skeletons would have done far more damage than the melee hit while I was still using the magic build, so leveling str, dex, and int will give maximum damage, but strength is best overall” -Some anonymous guy/gal on fextralife


Idk, considering you almost died numerous times, like 1 hit away from death and only survived because your opponents couldn't dodge the slowest windup imaginable- it seems trash. Looks very situational, and is over reliant on your opponent being ass to succeed. Which makes it useless when you're fighting anyone who isn't a 2 IQ ganker.


You have to be staggered or is doesn't work


That means you need light armor, light armor means less defense, less defense means more likely to die. Not bad against smaller weapons, should be really good against claws or multi hit weapons for example. But anything that combos you or large weapons that remove CHUNKS of HP will simply just murder you. It's gimmicky fun, and that's enough in my opinion. But you're not be all that happy for long going aginst meta lords.


Counter argument : it's fun




Me when I get destroyed by a 10th 3-man gank squad in a row because I decided to have fun in invasions


It's the gambling addiction man, every Rosus' Axe users quit right before they get a kill with the ash of war


It was me, i was in the 3-man gank aquad.


It was me, i was in the 3-man gank aquad.


Counter argument: the post mentioned people calling them trash and asked for thoughts. It bring fun or not never matters in talks of if it's trash or not because that'll literally always be different person to person.


L2 L2 L2 I'm L2 L2 L2 having L2 L2 L2 so much L2 L2 L2 fun L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2


It looks like this could work with face tanking at low poise. Looks like getting staggered let's you spam it quicker. Don't need to get your hit off. Just enough of the animation to spawn the skeletons. So it *could* work on any aggressive player. They waste their stamina then get swarmed with a bunch of skeletons.


Clearly, it's a strategic move to make their opponent get greedy.


And yet, theyre still standing, so..... scoreboard


It does decent damage, has deceptive effect persistence and weird hitbox linger. It's a fun weapon but it's a trap weapon, doesn't mean it's trash it just means people with your mindset don't know how to have fun tbh.


what I'm seeing is basically just a worse version of Swift Slash lmao. Spam it without stopping and eventually you'll kill them, wow such interesting and enjoyable combat...


Ah, so it works as a "You spam me, you die." weapon. That's nice.


Full traders are dumb.


Max level fake duels? This hurts to watch.


Watch me win duels with this one amazing trick. Max HP.


I have more HP than that and I’m not even at 60 vigor.


Did a full PvE run with Rosus' Axe. It was incredibly fun. Like most AoW spam builds, it is a stagger machine


Actually been using this for the entire DLC for the spooky factor and it works great for most encounters. Boost my defense with talismans so the fact that I can get hit and still summon 3 skeletons counts for a lot. My favorite axe that I’ve used but I’ve only just tried axes again since long ago in DS3/Bloodborne


Hey, your thread prompted me to try this on Messmer finally. Second try. Tbf my build is pretty OP. The bottom line is I have the most fun in DLC with 3 skeleton companions and I’m proud of my build!


I could had been a Necromancer this entire time and just found out!! I need a bling that gives Necromancer vibes too


The new Death Kinght armor set really gives off 'warrior necro' vibes imho, would be a decent fit for this use.


Why were you a lamp? (New here, bandit guy.)


An item lets you disguise as an nearby object, i think its called mimic veil


I love lamp


it's only good if your opponent is braindead and stand in the fucking killzone but it is FUN gotta give it that


>it's only good if your opponent is braindead and stand in the fucking killzone So probably a good 90% of who you're likely to run into?


This, most people including those who invade don't do stuff like min max weapon swing direction to get combos and focus on roll catching while accounting for the game's latency. Because that stuff's a lot of work. Pull a zweihander out and they crumble trying to trade into you, they don't anticipate the wind ashes of war to come out of nowhere, or a throwing knife to the face at 1 hp as they go for the flask.


Which makes it perfect for the average skill level of a Max Level player.


I shall remember this.


Trading with it is really strong yeah, since you can get staggered and either do it again or swing normally, cast a spell, etc


Yes it’s garbage wtf were these opponents lmao


You need POISE! Damn


its good if you can bait the enemy into the kill box, but if you're fighting something that can kill you in a few hits, its a one trick pony and you need tons of poise and defense to survive and get the ash off. Anything fast or intelligent is going to back off or move before the skelly boys can hit.


lol. It's like whack a mole!


I love this weapon just for novelty alone


Those that say it's trash haven't used it properly. It's not OP, and like many ashes it can be hard to land. If day it's better in pve or maybe invasions than duels, but yeah it does good damage and yes, if you get knocked out of it after a certain point the skeletons still do their damage




This AoW is much better as a sorcery


How do I get it


>!Tibia Mariner at Wyndham Ruins in Altus Plateau!<


Rosus' Axe is amazing totally slept on by players


Yeah extremely underrated.


Now lets see how many times you lost to make this vid.


That “miss” in the 2nd clip…pure cinema


Skeleton army haters fuck em skeley on


The power of one, the power of two, the power of manyyyyy


Don't show it off, it might get nerfed! (Unironically seems amazingly fun, might just give it a try when j make a build that it fits into (into what I'm levelling that is))


What duel wield swords do that dash with a bunch of slashes behind and around them and dealing a ton of bleed.


DLC >!Swift Slash ash of war, acquired by siding with Hornsent against Leda!<


Oh I fucked that up lol. Will have to get it in second char


Thats pretty funny


what AoW was the backhand user doing at 0:50?


DLC >!Swift Slash, acquired by siding with Hornsent against Leda!<


damn turns out im going to have to come back for another playthrough to try them. Quick question, if you know: if a buddy drops a weapon with an AoW you don't have, can you still keep the AoW?


Assuming that it works the same as basegame AoWs then yes. I dropped my buddy a shield with carian retaliation the other day and it still had the AoW when he picked it up.


Hey, I just met this Ansbach cosplay guy, he's still in limgrave, but with a friend


Its literally shit, either fake or 1 out of 10 tries recorded.


Need for my grim build


You nearly died multiple times, one of them literally rolled into it


It's a fun wpn and unfortunately the only real viable way to do a necro/death theme run cause the spells themselves suck


Ah yes, dark souls 2: the weapon


Whatttttt ive never even seen that weapon


It's still pretty meh. The accuracy of the skeletons is horrid overall. The damage IS pretty big if it can land, but it takes a mob that is either pretty immobile in PvE, or a player who is pretty absent mentally to get hit a lot of the time in PvP. Cool ability overall, but it just gets beaten out by easier, more damaging options in the end.


What are OP’s stats for using this weapon?


I didn't know a FP bar could go past a Stamina bar.


poor guy probably shate his pants


Very cool


lol that’s awesome, that axe does look pretty fun


And this is why people say that summons are easy mode.


Fully underrated.


can we talk about the soul read on that roll


I think another reason this is so effective on most players is because of the unknown factor, this weapon is so niche and unused in the pvp scene that lots of these guys just don’t know how to dodge it and panic


I assumed this was a dlc weapon but it can be found in the black knife catacombs using a stonesword key


It's because it requires little 'skill' to use. Simply dodge and slam, let the ghosts spam the enemy to death.


Imagine you're playing the game and a lamp and his gang of dead dudes just start beating you up


Rosus my beloved


It's so good against aggressive opponents


An overleveled mong wearing full bull goats isn't a great test of how good something is. It does a lot of damage if the person you're fighting doesn't know how to react to visual stimulus


I don't know, it's very slow and easily avoidable. It looks cool though.


It’s cool nice prediction


totally situational. u almost died a lot of times were 1 more hit would get u down. Phantom Slash is better despites being well telegraphed and known at this point




Jesus what level are you doing PvP at this looks close to max level surprisingly the only place where this ash of war has any chance of working is at close to max level PvP and invasions since almost everyone at or near max level are brain dead bad at the game this will never work with actually good players at meta PvP level 125/150


Surprising less-experienced players with funny sorta obscure stuff is the Lord's work, actually. See also Poison Moth Flight.


"Good players" lol. They're not good, there's a reason they're playing Elden Ring / Souls PvP and not an actual PvP game.


Invasions have been a staple of souls game.


Every single pvp clip this game has ever produced is just someone pressing the ash of war button repeatedly. No more clips. We’re done. We all get it. You pressa da L button and weapon go big damage.


Want me to start clipping my PVP moments? Spoiler: Its 99% me blowing myself and everyone else up with the flask.


I'm so confused by what happened here. lol


Ok what about all the times where you didn't survive with 5% hp


thats sick, pls dont say its dlc


I always thought people said the axe was pretty good, it’s the spell version of the ash of war that’s abysmal. It’s insane how different they are one is so good while the other sucks so mich


I only do single player but man is the pvp community snooty lol.


I don't personally use it because I'm not the greatest PvPer but I know it's used in a lot of the "true combos" in the game