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Your opinion, which i think is wrong, there would be no ES or modern fallout without bethesda. And a game that retained a large player base for 10 years, also sold and rated well for the same time, millions of modders make mods for it, and there is probably thousands of youtube channels semi dedicated to it, and you call them the most mediocre games, probably one of 'those' new vegas fans with that train of thought.


N*w Vegas 🤢🤢🤢


New Vegas is great!


Game took no risks and most of the good shit is because of Bethesda, or was made for Van Buren. Caesar has no reason to side with him except for some edgelord LARP. The factions all have to explain their core ideologies to you like you're five and the karma system makes making difficult debates and choices way too simple. And it's community is god awful and has ruined both the Fallout community, and the wider gaming community as a whole by acting like assholes with zero self-awareness or irony.


It was fun! I certainly got into it more than I did with FO3, though you’re right that Caesar’s Legion was TOO cartoonishly evil for any non-edgelords to join. Still, that leaves three other paths to go down, and the karma is a neat way to determine the tone of the epilogue that I actually wish Skyrim or an Elder Scrolls title would integrate (it’s funny that Dark Brotherhood murderous Dragonborns get the same ending as heroic good Dragonborns). Idk what you mean about the fan base, but if I’m an asshole for this then so be it lol


I do actually enjoy new vegas. It's just insane how people treat it like the sacred cow of video games. It pisses me off when people act like Fallout 3 never existed to resurrect the franchise from the ashes of whatever the hell BOS was.


I know you’re not looking for advice, but if you enjoy it, why not just enjoy it? If other people enjoy it to an extent you think is silly, would it not be easier to just let them enjoy it too?


There is nothing wrong to be a fan of new vegas, i was just saying the ones that praise high the game, and bash all bethesda does make no sense for me.


It’s mainly because fallout 4 wasn’t as good as fallout nv or at least it didn’t match up to it. Fallout nv had better writing, narrative, factions, characters, and quests, fallout 4 severely lacked in all of those aspects.


Oh no worries! I was responding to the other person, I agree with you generally I think


I don’t see what point your trying to make here so fallout 4 and Skyrim aren’t mediocre games because it’s popular? These two games lack a lot of important areas like writing, the open world in general, quests, and just a bunch of problems BUT even with a lot of these problems it doesn’t make the games bad and I still had alot of fun playing them. That arguement can easily be used for hate against fallout 4 and Skyrim because there was a lot of hate/disappointment for fallout 4 and Skyrim got a lot of flak too over the years when the rose tinted glasses wore off and everyone realized how bethesdas game philosophy and design is shit. And it’s really only the modding support that kept these games alive without it players would exposed their issues a lot more (or just stop playing) since these games don’t have much to stand on other than having better gameplay and better open world than their predecessors.


Eh, cant be worse than oblivon. Been somewhat upward since then, even if skyrim couldn't touch greatness of mw


I guess the only improvement skyrim from oblivion did was the leveling and combat but there were always going to be natural improvements when making a new es game but everything else they fumbled the bag on nearly every mechanic.


Nah, skyrims right...straight upgrade from 4 in almost every possible way. (Not like thats big feat tho). Narrative, and somewhat, just a bit, actually giving a shit about tes and its lore with courtesy to give atleast softretcons rather than oblivions full on "no fucks given, lets ride on lotr and generic fantasy bandwagon ("Then Todd watched fellowship of the ring, and mistakes were made)" being propably most notable, even tho it still ain't that great.


I've been saying this for years and everytime I get downvoted. TES6 is going to be the biggest let down in the gaming industry because of how long it took to come out(I played Skyrim when I was a kid and now I'm two years away from a college degree) so the expactations are sky high plus Bethesda has been a shell of themselves since they released FO4. TES6 should have come out in 2019; and if we're the most hopeful we are looking at a 2026 release the earliest.


I disagree, I think a long time between sequels usually helps with quality/expectations. Skyrim was a phenomenon, you would hear people quoting it day-to-day for a while after its release. Most people don’t think about it much anymore, which is why I think when ES6 comes out it’ll have less pressure to be another phenomenon. Bad sequels tend to follow their source material pretty closely, and well-regarded sequels take several years. I’m actually pretty happy with Bethesda’s choice to take their time on this one.




I think you're wrong. If all the speculation is correct and the game does take place in Hammerfell I think it might focus on the fight with the dominion. And I'm all for finding out what happens to the Dominion, hopefully extinction.


“Just as mid as Skyrim” yeah buddy, hate to say it but you’re gonna hate everything they do regardless.