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Tbh, it just feel like a final fantasy game back in the ffx days. It's a little too mini game heavy I agree, but this feel more like final fantasy game than the last couple main line ones.


For me, the hardest mini game in X was more enjoyable than any mini game in Rebirth


I agree completely. 16 was for me very forgettable because it really didn't feel like a final fantasy game. I really love this, I just wish harder didn't mean bs frustrating as some of the minigames get to be at later stages


Did you try changing the difficulty to Easy?


I did thanks. That's kind of what I meant in the op. It only affects some of the minigames. 5th song on piano is still a b****


dont think that effects minigames unfortunately


It does but only on some, not all


Yes it does


Theyve almost always put good/best rewards behind some sort of mini game in all of the Final Fantasy games. Still remember the FF X, dodge 200 lightning bolts. On normal the game shouldnt really need you to grind for every single reward. I mean i myself am a completionist so i get what u feel like but its just self-imposed


FFX had a bunch of mini games specifically tied to characters ultimate weapon, some of these being some of the hardest things to do an many players never being able to do them, and I'd say that's a pretty big reward locked behind it. Hailed as one of the best FF's of all time. We don't know what we want but I'm telling you this is it.


FFX is hailed as one of the best...but no one pairs that claim with its mini games. That usually goes to the fun combat system and amazing story. Mini games should serve as a short escape from the main game, something like a palette cleanser


Items were gated behind mini games in original ff7 as well. The golden saucer battle arena was a mini game, the only way to get Cloud's Omnislash limit before the very end of the game.


But the Golden Saucer battle arena was actually fun, because you could set your guys up with your regular equipment and win fairly easily.


The only thing that was a bit annoying so far was proto relic locked behind condor 4 which was quite hard.


Condor mini game is one of the few actually effected by difficulty. Drop down to easy and your atb charges so fast you can have 5-6 allies out before the first enemy even hits your line. Then it's just a straight steam roll.


Same for me. The side quest mini-game at Corel involving Yuffie and Aerith was the last straw. I had wanted to complete all the side quests as they came along, but there are just too many. Not to mention some of these mini-games had questionable controls, like Red XIII's at Costa Del Sol. I'm going to just do the story and come back to the mini-games after. I'm burnt out from these many side activities.


I didn't mind the mini games as an overall addition to Rebirth but I do agree that some of the controls for the mini games were counter intuitive like, why tf are the shooting controls inverted in all the shooting minigames? Modern gaming has conditioned us to aim with the right stick instead of the left stick and by inverting it in Rebirth it made some of the minigames unnecessarily hard. Still love the whole game though despite my grievances.


I don’t mind the rewards behind mini games personally. The only mini game so far I’d say is frustrating is that brawl one where you have to dodge hits and such because man I feel like my inputs are not registering when I do the button to dodge lmao


You aren’t using the left stick for all the dodges by any chance, right? For me i Didnt realise it was telling me to use the right stick to dodge right side attacks for quite some time.


Oooooh. Oh. Wow. That explains my confusion with it. I’m an idiot lol.


Hell of a lot better than OH where it was a game Rock Paper Scissors almost


The original could be cheesed with a turbo controller, you'd land first 80% of the time. The arm wrestle on turbo was 100%


Tip for that. Take the first round or 2 learning their animations. Then when ready when they start their animation pause the game, remember which one that is, then dodge.


Yeah that one makes me feel like an idiot for some reason lmao


Are you pressing back or up on the analog stick when it’s required to dodge depending on the stage? Make sure to read the instructions before each fight because the move set changes.


Yeah I have been. I’m honestly probably just bad at reading the timing and stuff. I’ll get the hang of it though soon enough I think


The chocobo stealth mini games are so ass, idk who at square thought anyone in the 21st century would find that fun to do as a practically mandatory thing


I’d rather have them put breeding back than make me play a terrible version of metal gear solid. 💀


For people having problems with the songs, putting the music note speed to the highest actually makes it easier IMO With Default speed the notes feel slightly off tempo.


You have to wait so long for the bar to reach the note you end up hitting it too early. I havent tried max tempo yet. I may be too old.


doesnt have to be max, anywher from mid to max makes it much easier.


Rank 3 seems to be the sweet spot, for me at least. Additionally, on harder songs, I found just muting my tv led me to success, as sometimes the audio notes just don’t match up to the input regardless.


Replying to this, I recommend following the tempo of the song. So if it's the song from the demo, note speed can be lower. If the tempo of the metronome is faster, increasing the note speed definitely makes music idiots like me get the notes easier.


I don't think it changes the song at all, just the rhythm game speed. Only the lines go faster and they start later to compensate and still match the timing of the song.


Yes I’m not saying it changes the song, just that the note speed matching the tempo of the song made it easier for me to hit the notes for Greats. I can’t hold a beat so the visual cues are all I got


Oh my mistake. I definitely agree, same for me.


Yeah 100% this First couple of times I played Let The Battles Begin, I missed almost 40-50 notes 💀. Not to mention so many bads and goods lol Turning up the speed to 3 and miss went down to 12-15 Way to easier to time it with the tempo and felt like a dumbass for not realizing that sooner


The only real issue... is they made it that they each have their own rewards with specific score requirements. It'd be more pleasant if instead like the original, it was all in a store and we can just buy them from getting minigame tickets, so a perfect score would give more of those tickets... but people who suck, can instead, slowly replay it and unlock the rewards too. As it stands now, I'm never completeing half of those minigames that require button smashing, and forget the piano. I'd barely manage it if all i had to do was press X in the right rhythm, forget getting A score lol...


I agree I like the minigames but I think by the time I hit Cosmo canyon I was over them introducing new ones for me to learn...and they still did. Some minigames are literally just worst versions of other ones like that silly proto relic one in CC. It's literally Fort Conder just even more obnoxious.


Gears and Gambits is definitely the worst minigame out of them all. I'm one of the few people who does not like FFXII style gambit systems and just followed a build guide online to get through it.


Gears and gambits is better than fort condor, at least you can order things the way you want, for condor i had to use the shitty premade units that sucked 💀


That one is pretty rough. I did get into it though, but I eventually caved and let chadley Program my bots so it was easier to do. The last one was tough.


FF16 is very linear and only has combat/collection side quests. FF fans: This game sucks it’s too simple, has no mini games, this is not FF. FF7R is totally open with tons of side quests and varied gameplay through mini games. FF fans: This game sucks it has too many mini games.


If FF16 and Rebirth has told us anything it's never listen to fans, they're the actual worst.


What Rebirth has taught me is that many people do not understand the concept of optional. Never heard so many people complain about things they don't have to do. Especially "I'm getting burnt out getting 100% in every area"... then just... don't?


Truly cannot please everyone and people will find things to complain about


There is a whole world in between zero mini games and a hundred mini games


Very true and the great majority of them are not required and can be skipped over so everyone can play exactly the number of mini games they want.


And then they complain about “pacing issues”. If I was square, I’d tell them to pace their damn selves.


How dare they put dozens of optional mini games in that if you complete them offer reasonable rewards? Is that even legal for them to do?


I heard from another post that the devs that committed these atrocities should be fired.


I don't think mini games are the main thing that removed the FF feel from 16. For me it was the lack of any elemental weaknesses, or status effects that you'd have in combat in every other game. Really took a lot of the decision making out of fights as you didn't really need to worry about much.


Almost like FF fans aren’t a single monolith but a large collection of individuals each with their own opinion.


Think FFXVI is linear? FFXIII was so linear and devoid of freedom and minigames that it tarnished the franchise for years (i loved ffxiii for what it was tho)


Fuck the mooglets. All my homies hate the mooglets.


I think the only mini games I didn't like doing are the ones you have to do to proceed with the storyline (like the 3D brawler with Dyno, or the shooting game with Barret on the back of the Buggy). Mostly because those games often present themselves at the climax of the chapter and I just really want to know what happens next so that kinda kills the pacing a little bit. The other optional mini games, though? Hell yeah. Am I good at all the mini games? Hell no. But I appreciate that they're diverse enough that there's bound to be a mini game for everybody. I personally loved the piano mini games so far, and I hated rounding up the mooglets. I don't think it's one of those games that you want to replay right away or as often because of how much content/sidequests there are. But while I am enjoying my first (and prob only playthrough), I love that the mini games are challenging enough that I can find something else to do and then coming back to it.


Exactly people here think that because they dislike a mini game should have been removed like what?


Right?? Like if you don't like them, don't do them...but geez, let other people enjoy them lol. I think a big difference between Rebirth and Remake (and FF16) is how expansive and diverse everything is, from the environment to the side quests, which is why I think this game is garnering universal acclaims everywhere. I feel more attached to the characters everytime I struggle with a mini game and feel their accomplishments when I succeed. I really hope that they'll continue this trend in P3.


I hope so too but the few whining people are loud.


Where are you in the game? Chapter wise


Just got to Cosmo Canyon in Chapter 10!


Cosmo canyon chocobo flying is not fun at all 


Took me 3 hours to get the final one. And even then it just felt like luck not practice that got me there


Found the final one much easier than the second one. That one really taught me how to glide with the chocobo and is way more compact and timing sensitive.


I think the one I'm referring to is the last one. The one with 2 horizontal rings at the very end, where you just barely miss the one on top, every freaking time.


Just had to go back to the last fan and gain altitude again then glide towards the end targets. The second one I found harder as you are less in control, less room for error. If you started at the wrong time, or went slightly off trajectory, you ended gliding under the targets.


If the whole game had exploration like the Grasslands and Junon I think it would have been a far better game than it already is. I never felt more frustrated exploring a map than when I had to do the Gongaga and Cosmo Canyon regions.


For me Cosmo Canyon exploration was fine. But Gongaga was hell. What made it worse is that these two regions are right after each other so you're already burned out from Gongaga when you hit Cosmo Canyon. Would've been more bearable if another flat region had been between the two.


Jesus they were so bad. I was honestly loving the game so much up until I hit gongaga and now it's a chore to get back on. 


Bro sameee, like there's a game in there that I'm dying to play but then I remember right now I have to do a stealth chocobo mini first before I can get to play so I just decide to do something else with my free time.


Damn this is literally where I just shut the gane off for the eve. Dragging my ass through gongaga for 5 hours luring chickens and repeating yuffie lessons 20 times because im too strong, fly to cosmo canyon get excited, then bam - chocobo hide n seek🫠 couldnt hack it anymore. Its a shame, this game has been incredible until now. But the repetition and how drawn out exploration is, has lost its charm and is killing my motivation.


Just skip more optional stuff, you can always come back later. Prioritise your enjoyment.


But I want a chocobo🥲 Guess I can push on without one


Yeah probably do the Chocobo thing, but I mean skip whatever else you can. At least getting a Chocobo doesn't take long.


Yup! Here's to hoping that the final in the series isn't mostly artificial lengthening just for the sake of making the game feel beefier 


THIS! I can’t even get passed the second stage so I have walked away from the game for a little bit lol


I liked it but its WAY too precise to get the highest rank on some of them


Yeah, it’s like I was okay with the mini games up until a certain point through the course of each - for example, I just got done with the Barret/Dyne conflict, and (mild spoiler) the mini-game with Barret shooting vehicles from the Buggy went on like 3 sequences too long. I was ready to be done after about a minute of that. And all the games are like that, with a few exceptions. The issue for me isn’t that they put rewards behind some of the games, it’s that they made so many non-optional ones that just go on for too long. I guess I’m just old and tired, haha.


I hate Fort Condor with passion. In rebirth it is even worst.


I wouldn't mind the minigames if they weren't clearly jank. The only one that's actually enjoyable to play is Queen's Blood, the others you suffer through them for the rewards while fighting your controller to actually do the thing you're supposed to do. Other highlight for me is Run Wild, however the camera in that game sucks balls. Some people would say "but they were jank in OG so it's fine". Is it though? To have unfinished messes in this otherwise very well polished experience?


There are definitely some repetitive bits with Chadley but I think it's great that this game has something for everyone. Some people are going to have to confront their need to 100 everything and accept that some of the things aren't for them, they're for other people. Just because a reward exists doesn't mean you have to get it. I love Queen's Blood and could play it all day like Triple Triad but that piano is annoying af. However I see some people enjoying the piano a lot. More power to them!


I agree with the mini-games being too goddamn much, especially with how overtuned most Tier III requirements are. I'm honestly shocked you only need A-ranks on the piano for the achievements and not S. I wonder how much blackmail was needed to get them to tone it down a notch. That being said, it won't stop me from replaying the game.... I'll just forever replay it from Chapter Select as NG+, rather than start over from scratch. I will never do all this shit again, but once the game is cleared, I won't need to. My personal opinion is they needed to quick quantity or difficulty, and not gone with both. If you're going to have tons of mini-games, they should knock 500-1,000 points of the Tier 3 requirements. Or if they want them that difficult then at least 25-35% of them need to go. I LOVE mini-games, and aside from Queens' Blood, I am completely burnt out on them, as of Chapter 10. I'm only keeping at it, because I want to platinum this game. Oh, and ignore all the people making false equivolency comparisons about FF16 having no mini-games. They're just making bad faith arguments, and are intentionally ignoring the nuanced position you're trying to make.


I like it. I think it's a breath of fresh air when most modern games are so easy that 100% completion can be done by a toddler. I'm happy they went the opposite route and made some minigames challenging, which is exactly what it was like in the OG FF games. I understand that some people want 100% completion and the minigames will lock them out of that. But that's their personal problem. Except for the S-tier piano, which doesn't give any rewards, none of the minigames are so hard that they can't be done with some practice or by looking up a guide. You just won't get them on the first try.


Idk, games are also meant to be fun. And there's a difference between a fun challenge and an extremely difficult challenge. There can be a middle ground. Imo that's the whole point of being able to change the difficulty.


You always hear how games have gotten too easy or handholdy in the last several years, but as soon as anyone that isn’t Fromsoft puts in any difficulty, the game is suddenly broken/unfair/poorly designed


Seriously. I loved the gongaga/CC region designs because it's not just mindlessly following a marker on the map and you actually have to use a bit of critical thinking.


I dont really care about completionism or even the rewards that much; but to me the minigames are a symptom of how much ‘downtime’ there is in this game where the story is not progressing at all.


Funny how everyone dislike minigame but last year everyone wanted minigame on 16. You can’t really please every FF fan PS: Yes, i know it’s different people complaining


It's the extremes. One hand there's none, on the other there's too many. Should have divided them across both games /s.


I mean there is a such thing as overkill lmao. constantly throwing new mechanics and tutorials at a player especially several dozen of hours into the game can tire people out


Keeps it fresh imo though.


I agree sometimes it does. Sometimes they just get in the way of things I actually want to do, maybe instead of a new minigame add more people that play queens blood? maybe allow you to play against party members and they have dialogue for it? I would have rathered that than them introduce Gears and Gambits halfway through the game lmao


I mean I do get it that there are a lot and it can be too much but I also feel like people have gotten to familiar with the mindset that every reward or trophy must be easily achievable. In X I think almost every ultimate weapon is locked behind a minigame. I usually don't want to do the lightning dodges for Lulu's so I just don't. It is not a big deal I also understand that it is annoying for completionists but some people also like the challange and want a reward for it. It is difficult to please both camps.


It's not even about 100% the game really, sometimes these minigames gatekeep interesting lore and dialogue for the characters or worst case outright influences who Cloud spends time with at the Gold Saucer. You cannot completely disregard the minigames like how you can lets say ignore golfing in GTA5.


But they don't gatekeep lore behind high scores or do they? I am not done with the game yet and usually do the high score as soon as I get to the mini game anyways but so far I don't think I have noticed it yet.


To a degree, yes, but having multiple mini games per chapter was just overkill especially with costa del sol and golden saucer back to back.


Yeah, I personally enjoy them but I can see that section being annoying for those who dont.


FF just love to bitch the main FF haters are the fans.


The piano in the end is horrible I agree. I loved it, then I got to the ones like cinco de chocobo and the cosmo canyon one and they are god awful.


They got real bad towards the end there lol, luckily I’m not too concerned about the rewards for the last two. I’ve already got a binding materia, not sure if disempowerment is available anywhere else but idk how much I’d use it anyways. Might be useful for hard mode


I'm not saying they don't feel required, because they do to me too, but I gotta say. The replay will be the better playthrough because you'll have all the rewards. You have to replay for the play anyway on hard if you want it, so to me it's kind of optimal. Also, a lot of the rewards you can definitely do without. So if you aren't trying to complete the game, you could just decide to only have fun. If I didn't get the at and enjoy doing so on remake my opinion might be closer to yours tho. Flawed or no, I do feel it's intentional design. And I do like a nice reward. Would suck to finish the frog mini game or something and it not be worth it.


I agree - I dont think I will touch Rebirth until a few years in and would go at it at a slower pace than my first playthrough just because of the mini games.


Fort Condor hard made me quit trying to get 100% of the map objectives.


I actually enjoyed fort condor but I much prefer the version in Intermission because you get to customize your roster. IMO the one in Cosmo Canyon (can't remember what it's called at the moment but it was basically like Fort Condor) is a lot worse and it made me nearly quit doing side stuff altogether.


Actually on Cosmo Canyon right now and it's annoying but feels more like a simple puzzle. And yeah the Intergrade version of Fort Condor was absolutely a blast, no idea why they made it worse in every way.


That's one of the few ones that gets affected by lowering the difficulty to easy. Made it so much more tolerable


They really aren't bad with a little practice. People saying to put the fifth piano song to a higher speed (the third tick) are right - I got it on my first try after that. It sounds counterintuitive, but it helps a lot because you'll be hitting the buttons as soon as you see them by reflex without having to worry about the timing. The only one I hated was, of course, the situps, which was somehow even worse than remake's squats. It took me about 30 tries for the final round, right about when I was going to start turning off the sound and stuff. It's the adaptive triggers that made it really suck. I have the dualsense edge, so I can adjust my triggers to be clicks, but then you're fucked on the green circles. Honestly, every mini game but the situp one has been a bit frustrating at first, and then no problem once you figure out the gimmick. The third VR boxing dude was a pain two times until you recognize which animation is the uppercut (they're very similar) and then it's a cakewalk. Honestly, I'm kind of surprised that's the one that got you. Most have gimmicks; gears and gambit can be brute forced, the gliding final level has the fan backtrack, final piano piece has speed #3, queens gambit has "wait until enemy places adjacent piece" easy mode, and the rest just take a little practice as they're identical every time, like the ghost ship shooting range. I get that they can be annoying, but there are a surprising number of people complaining they're just outrageously difficult. It seems like maybe the frustration is the bigger factor rather than outright difficulty.


Thank you for your answer, but I didn't mean the 3rd 3D fight. I meant the very last one (didn't want to spoil it for anyone) You'll know it when you get to it. I've now gotten every hard/advanced mode rewards, but the 5th song and even though I did them it really wasn't enjoyable. What I mean is when they crank up the difficulty you start to need to battle the clunkiness and imprecise nature of the controls and not the actual minigame. Basically their flaws. Like rings not registering when I flew through them, same with some directional imputs and so on.


Oh, right, I forgot that I haven't gone back to do the hard mode one for the brawler. Is it really that much worse?


Oh yeah. You unlock it after doing the last sidequest in the region. Curious to see what you think of it


I just finished the canyon, I'll go back and check it out.


Weird, I've 100% completed both Corel and Cosmo and have moved past them, but still nothing past the original three fights is available for me. I'll keep checking.


Are you in chapter 12? Coz it's there it becomes available. BTW the side quest I meant was in corel not cosmo as I originally said.


I like mini games having rewards I don't think anyone is really forced to play them and no just because it has a reward doesn't mean you're forced to do it.


A lot of the minigames missed for me, which was disappointing because they're so prevalent, Queens Blood is okay but I lost interest in it halfway through the game and the pirate game is fine but not stellar, I liked the bike one as well. I got most annoyed by having to do some minigames to progress the story, like the Chocobo race being forced in a way I found jarring and at a time when there were a ton of other minigames just recently at the Saucer which soured me on the racing when I might have chosen to do it had it been optional, and another is the brawler one which I didn't like but you have to pass the tutorial for to progress, the brawler game also just didn't respond to some of my inputs so it took ages.


To be fair Chocobo racing was a part of the original game.


Didn't play the OG so can only talk about the game I played, it being part of the original game doesn't to me mean it wasn't introduced in a jarring way in Rebirth.


I would recommend playing the original someday, if only for the references in the remake :) But as for your point then fair enough


The amount of mini games here floors me. I will say that I am also somewhat overwhelmed by them. You have ones that are great such as QB or Fort Condor but then you have ones that are a fucking mess like Cait’s box throwing or the blue Chocobo training courses. I honestly feel like you can cut the mini games down to a quarter and the game would lose nothing. Shit, I’m also wondering what kind of dev time these things suck up. Could we have had the game one year sooner?  From announcement of the remake in 2015, to now it’s already almost been 9 damn years. By the time the last comes out it’ll probably have been 12 years. That just sucks in all the ways.


Why cut them? You can just not do the ones you dislike.


That’s not my point though. I’m saying, the remake has taken 9 years to get to this point. Did the mini game development push out the dev timeline at all? Like I just want to get the 3rd entry before 2027.


People often forget how much of a game is spent in dev regardless of final features. A lot of Rebirths features come from deliberating on what the game needs to bring it up to par with the vision AND to satisfy a wide range of players, but that doesn't necessarily directly translate to Added years of production time. Production time in the industry is costed far in advance. Additionally we, as players, tend to not have a good top-down view of the game and it's design intentions. Some designs ARE indeed there to pad the time it takes, but a lot of them are to reward players for trying harder or difficult things, or make a world worth experiencing. There are people like myself that dislike overly streamlined experiences, even if some of the experiences are frustrating or beyond my skill. If people went through posts like these and marked down what should be changed or reduced, you'd find the experience would likely end up butchered, severely cut-down or be missing character interactions and development. Above, there was suggestion to make every zone like Grasslands or Junon. This reminds me of the quote by Soren Johnson and Sid Meier; "Given the opportunity, the players will optimise the fun out of a game." And the above suggestion is exactly that. Flatten the world, Don't make it complicated or indirect. Don't put rewards behind difficult challenges, Remove the glide minigames or reduce the difficulty (not really against that lol), take out Queens blood, Fort Condor Robot knock off is too hard, etc. What would even be left of the game?


I agree with everything you’re saying to a degree brosef. I’ve been heavily involved in project management and no matter the medium, there’s the same. You have a blueprint you have to go for and additions that the team throws in costs time and money and resources. So what I’m saying is, the polish on a lot of these is incredible. Seriously, from music, to design, to effects… Queens Blood is unreal. Additionally it has a meta story,. Then there are some games like the frog one that should’ve never been included at all. I get what you’re saying though don’t take the above as dismissive. I’m more just like, fuck… you’ve got a ton of assets already done. Take those mini game resources and pour them into finishing the game quicker. For example, I’m not saying cut queens blood but to say that didn’t take a ton of effort and resources… it definitely did. All my point is… this series was announced in 2015. Going on 10 years and we aren’t to it’s conclusion and it’s getting harder to find time to play for me and probably many others. Shit I had to legit take a week of vacation for this. I mean there’s so much content that when I got to Corel Prison… I had to start speeding up and not enjoying it because I wanted to finish the story (I travel for work and start up next week). It just sucks cuz I would’ve liked to have gotten lost in the final areas much more.


Are mini games where you just win instantly with no effort really fun to you? It’s nice to have these little breaks with fun challenges. It would be boring af if I could beat them all in 2 try’s.


There's a difference between challenging and fun-killing difficult that feels like dumb luck when you make it instead of skill from practice. Take the flying chocobo one, the last one had me trying for 3 hours because the game just didn't register me going through the rings or just killed the speed to just barely miss one at the end. When I finally made it, it just felt like luck and not the me knowing every inch of that course that took me there and that's just not fun for me


I flat out skipped getting top rank. What is even worth getting?


For example Ribbon is the prize for beating the last fight in the 3D Brawler.


3D brawler was easy. But what was the top prize for the flying chocobo mini games? the 2nd and third one were too hard so I just got Bottom rank and cleared the quest line (Currently in chapter 11 stuff).


Man if you found Sephiroth in 3D Brawler easy, you are a god. I mean I took him down too but it sure wasn't easy or enjoyable. Can't see the rewards for the chocoflight rn as I'm stuck in a chapter


Oh, there's more? I've only done up to Dio. No worries, I'll check the rewards soon enough. :)


Dio?! ![gif](giphy|ew1wGEw8p8k5G)


LMAO bro I was not expecting a Jojo reference nor this….whatever this is 😂😂😂


There sure is more. I'm actually curious to see what you think when you get there


Just hit chapter 12 and the game just basically said "We've added even more stuff". I'm now in agony over whether I go back to side questing or keep pushing main story.


You are about an hour or so of minigaming before where I felt the need to post here 😅 it's where most minigames get a harder version


Its not luck to beat the final 3d Brawler, you can dodge everything he does until you can hit him back. You have to watch his animations and react accordingly, listening to his audio helps too. his right arm pulls down, you press down on the left stick. right arm pulls up, press up on right stick. for both of these he makes a loud grunt as well as opposed to the quieter ones you press left/right for.


Only minigame I couldn't stomach was the card-games. Thankfully those are 99% optional, only real downturn being the ship. I learned the Cardgame proper then and there as I had a tendency to pick up every deck I could find regardless since i suspected it could become a mandatory event... Still didn't like it much. Deck-builders, not my thing. I guess a close second would be the Flying Chocobo Sections in Cosmo Canyon. Easy enough once you get a grasp on it, but there's no sense of speed to it. There's a flow, but it's sluggish and cumbersome and just a snorefest tbh. I compare this mainly with GW2's [Griffon Flying](https://youtu.be/8Kec7Yug6Ac?si=Qp-VcIv41HIFig_H&t=10), (audio warning for this link) now THAT makes you feel like you're on **Toothless** from *How to Train your Dragon.*


You can forfeit the game on the ship, you don't have to play


I know.. but I want to WIN! I don't shy away from challenges the story pushes me into at least trying out.


I'll be honest... The game started to feel like a chore to play a lot of the time after about half way through it. The story/cutscenes/music are all insanely good, but i found the general gameplay to be just awful a lot of the time. I wont be replaying it and wont be hard moding it.


I feel you. I loved it so much till I got to Junon. Fort Condor, then the button timing thing from the last game, card game for a fucking hour, costa del sol more fucking mini games, the gym… like holy shit I barely swung Cloud’s sword for like five hours. I’m currently about to arrive at Golden Saucer, at least I got to chop some shit for a couple hours. Guess I’ll most likely be playing Mario Party for the next few hours. I think that’s the problem to me. Not the amount of mini games, but the way they have so far been all lumped together to where you’re not playing the actual game for such a stretch of time. And yeah I know I can skip them. But I want to do everything the game has to offer at least once. They could’ve spread them out a little more.


I don't mind the rewards behind minigames, that is pretty normal for rpgs as well as the old ff7 experience. What I didn't care for is all the half-baked small minigames that seemingly serve no real purpose other than to just slow you down with completely pointless objectives. Like the data gathering for the lifesprings, or the careful tugging for mushrooms, or tower climbing portions. Its just busy work to me that has no real rewards or satisfaction involved with completing the task. Then again the "open world" aspect of this game is not getting enough criticism. Its borderline ubisoft copypaste design and would be laughed out if it had not been placed in an FF7 game here.


>Then again the "open world" aspect of this game is not getting enough criticism. Its borderline ubisoft copypaste design and would be laughed out if it had not been placed in an FF7 game here. its also not criticized in games like horizon and spiderman its almost like these things are ok as long as the game around them is solid. I dont think theres anything wrong with the ubisoft formula its just overused... so as long as the rest of the game has it's charm, i dont mind exploring the whole map


It has absolutely been massively criticized in both of those games. Especially Horizon since it has a bit open world that it is a large part of its selling point, but in a significant part of it, there is just very little to it, beyond the same little copypasted thing everywhere. Less annoying with Spider-man but was still part of what got a lot of negative attention for the games structure, but its less of a problem, when the game isn't trying to be some huge open world, where its a core aspect of your game. And no, it absolutely does not make it ok for those games, but it obviously makes it far more tolerable, if you are enjoying the game in general, that just makes sense. Which is also why ff7 skirts by more easily here, despite its obvious lazy design in that department. I mean in general, so much of this game gets a pass because people in general are just happy about playing the game. So much here could, if you were very critical, be pointed at as being extremely lazy. Like not just the open world aspect, but even take something like the Combat, where between remake and now, just notice how little it has evolved or had of interesting new additions. We are redoing the same weapons, with the same skills all over again, with mostly the exact same materia and support skills. Like we get the new synergy skills, that often cannot even be used properly since fights aren't long enough to use them outside of boss fights, or very situational skills, that are less worthwhile than simply shifting character you control and using their toolset instead. That's the grand new additions in a whole new game 4 years later.... But again, the package is very neat and the game for the most part is pretty fun as long as you don't pay attention to the botched story, so its more tolerable.


Tower climbing takes seconds, don't really get the complaints against it and you don't need to do the open world stuff if you dislike it.


All of these takes seconds. The point is that they are worthless busywork that doesn't increase your satisfaction or a sense that you accomplished anything. There is virtually no difference if the lifespring was simply you going up to it, Cloud holding the scanner and then Chadley calling you, and you having the minigame portion -- other than simply wasting time. And sorry, but I absolutely cannot get behind the whole "just don't do it if you dislike it" part. Its true, you shouldn't do it if you dislike it, but that doesn't remove it from being something to criticize. You'd want these elements to actually be engaging or meaningful, but adding a ton of timewaste and busy work for virtually no reason is not something we just accept as a dislike and move on.


You say worthless I say I like learning more about the world and wandering around in it. I find the idea I must like everything in a game and must criticise the few things I dislike sad but you do you. Could they make a few changes sure but people here do act like they are forced to do it when you are not.


> You say worthless I say I like learning more about the world and wandering around in it No. You don't learn anything from doing busy work. You learn something, sometimes as a result of having scanned enough of these. Which is why I literally just pointed out that there is no difference if you do the portion or simply scanning, for the sake of the reward. >I find the idea I must like everything in a game and must criticise the few things I dislike sad but you do you. Funny, I was gonna say that you people that insist on simply accepting poor game mechanics that aren't funny or interesting, are part of the reason why developers don't get proper feedback on how to better develop games. Because you not only accept poor and lazy game design, but you ACTIVELY dislike people pointing out the lazy game design and its flaws.


I dislike whining brats your right, you don't give feedback you give dumb ass opinions that make no sense


And I dislike fandom drones that defend product because product good. If you cannot handle criticism, then I strong advice that you avoid joining a comment section of a discussion thread. If you want a hugbox where you can say " I like product, do you also like product? I DO I LOVE PRODUCT, PRODUCT GOOD" then its not for you in a discussion environment.


I can handle criticism just not people who say they are forced to do something, anyone who says they are forced to do something is just a very interesting person. Anyway I don't find the need to complain about a few seconds here a few seconds there but maybe when I give my full review I'll point out some of the issues but they won't be a reason I dislike the game or complain about it. Is the game perfect.. it's not but the complaints I have seen over and over are whiny.


>I can handle criticism just not people who say they are forced to do something See you cannot even go without trying to twist the words... This is the second time you've attempted this in this very short encounter. First you look at me talking about how there is no difference to getting the reward from a lifespring, regardless of doing the busy work or it just being handed to you via a scanning animation, other than pointless busy work --- and then say that the reward is.... the exact same thing I just pointed to, as if it didn't just entirely ignore the issue in regards to the busy work being pointless and adding nothing. And now you are implying that ANYONE has talked about you being forced to do any of this, when nobody has said that in here. What HAS been said, is that these implementations are pointless, meaningless and have no satisfaction or reason to exist, as they add nothing to the experience. They are pointless busy work. And seeing as you apparently cannot stop yourself from twisting peoples words, I see no further point in engaging with you, you've proven without a doubt, that you're just not coming in here in good faith.


"And now you are implying that ANYONE has talked about you being forced to do any of this when nobody has said that in here" - people have said this in here and throughout the discussion around rebirth. The first part was more of a general statement about this thread and discussion around rebirth. I don't think all the implementations are pointless maybe a few are but overall I enjoy the open-world stuff so far. I like all the open-world stuff would change a few things about how they are implemented but not that big of an issue at least to me. The discussion around rebirth mini-games for a lot of the discussion is I don't like them but I'm FORCED to to do them when you're really not.


Havne't played an ubi game since Odyssey but I loved that game and ff7 rebirth's open world is trash. It's like ff72 is at the bottom of the barrel while ACO is near the top. Square fumbled hard in this game.


I don't think they fumbled at all if anything this is FF's best open world. You don't need to like everything about a game or interact with it. Maybe they can remove the towers but they are there to help that's it.


The minigames are just overkill. I know the OG had tons of them, too, but the ones here just feel more intrusive. Worse yet, they just feel janky and aren't that fun to play. Especially as OP says, they get stupid hard. I was looking forward to getting 100% world intel, but after that protorelic minigame in Cosmo Canyon I just gave up.


They need to go the Yakuza route with these mini games


The none fun ones are some of the gear bit fights and the flying chocobo lol


*The none fun ones are* *Some of the gear bit fights and* *The flying chocobo lol* \- Trailman80 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I just got to the golden saucer. Currently on my date w Tifa. I’m gonna keep these gripes in mind and see if I feel the same by the end. At this moment, I have no issue w the mini games. I’m playing on dynamic and they’re pretty easy.


Is it even worth it to play the piano minigame? I haven’t touched it so no idea if there’s any real reward. I’m addicted to Queen’s Blood, though


Mostly for completion, but I actually liked playing the first 3 songs, the 4th and 6th was ok, but the 5th is just poop.


That brawler mini game in the OG was really hard. I remember it well. I do feel the extra content is still purely optional


at first I HATED queens blood. but once I got the hang of it I got addicted and one night I spent 4 hours playing it in the golden saucer... lol. the other mini games though can suck my dick 😑


FF8 was the last FF where the minigames weren't a pain in the ass.


No triple triad was very much a pain in the ass. Save scumming just to not be completely fucked over in the game. Look I love triple triad but God damn so many resets were needed.


Other than reseting while mixing/cancelling rules I've rarely needed to reset from losing a game. Carding the rare cards around Balamb gives power that nobody can match at the start, and winning rare cards deals with the rest. Spread Open, remove everything else.


There's nothing wrong with good rewards behind mini games, that doesn't mean they're non-optional, and I definitely can't understand never replaying the game cos of that.


If anything, being optional is WHY they need good rewards. Outside of trophy hunters, there's no real incentive to play them otherwise. I'm not going to go for a perfect score on some random minigame for a potion.


The piano game is wretched. I'm never going to get to platinum this one.


Increase the speed for the fifth song to three and give it a try. Got it the first time after that.


There are just way too many minigames. It's like SE had its own 20 people team designing minigames non-stop for 4 years. The amount of minigames is fine up until the time you arrive in Costa del Sol, but from then on there is just one minigame after another, to the point that it's just a pain in the ass. I think I spent at the very least 2 hours on minigames in Costa del Sol alone and that's just too much for a story driven game.


Compared to rewards being locked behind “go here, click this, go there, pick that up” I’d take this everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. It’s all optional content for a reason.


Yeah, after about 20 hours I’m burnt out on Rebirth. Chadley makes it even worse. This game feels like Legend of like an Assassins Creed Fantasy VII rather than a remake of Final Fantasy VII. I’ll finish it for the story but I won’t be rushing out to buy part 3.


Let me guess you tried to 100 zones then are shocked you're burnt out.. you choose to interact with chadley and open world stuff. The OG had loads of mini games if anything its getting hate here for following the original..


Is your criticism actually "oh you chose to interact with game activities, of course you're burnt out by the game"?


I grew up with the original, and have played through it maybe 3 times in the last 10 years and the mini games were a lot less intrusive. The side activities also felt more organic rather than the lazy modern gaming to do list design. If you don’t interact with Chadley and mini games you miss out on the best gear and summons. Not exactly optional content.


What bs are you spouting the mini games were a part of the main story in ff7. FF7 didn't really have much side activities all this game did was give you more content. It is optional content you can skip it. I'm sorry but stuff being a reward for doing stuff is not you being forced to do it. Most of the materia you probably won't use. I guess summons being linked to it is a valid concern but getting them is honestly easy. Oh no I have to interact with chadley a few times a zone to get summon.. one complaint I have is chadley talking a bit much but I am choosing to interact with him.


I said they were less intrusive and that was true 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’ve been playing games for more than 30 years and find Rebirth to be a really mid experience. It is a shame because the on rails story parts of the game are amazing.


Just thinking about the awful gongaga exploration and knowing i have to do more minigames literally makes me not care about completing the game. It actively annoys me thinking about the poor quality of side content as well. The fucking lost chicken quest is the worst designed side quest possible. Just awful bloat to waste time AND be annoying/slow.


I really do not understand why people keep framing most of these mini games as mandatory or even feel mandatory. They flat out aren't. Even Costa de sol you don't have to do them all. Even saying the rewards make them feel non-optional... people complete the game without doing any side quest at all so clearly the rewards aren't make or break. Is the solution to not have reqards at all?


The only mini games I had any particular issues with were Fort Condor, which I've always disliked, and Gears & Gambits, which I dislike now probably just as much. A shame that they tied two of the proto-relic quests behind those mini games as it mean't I just ditched that part of the game. I have no issue with them putting stuff behind those games though, they've always done that.


I disagree. But there definitely could have been some tweaks to make some of these minigames more responsive and more intuitive. Some of them are clunky/cumbersome (Cait Sith Box throwing is over designed) The 3D brawler was easy once I figured out to use the correct stick. But the cosmo canyon glide game. No thank you. The mechanics are stiff, the camera is atrocious (Why is the controls for up and down on the Camera controls AND the main stick???? I Just want to see whats below me, not nose dive) and it's not dynamic. I'm glad none of the navigating around CC required the same mechanics as the Minigames did. I think the only other minigame I promptly decided "No way I'm getting top scores for this" was the shooting game. The controller is either too sensitive or not sensitive enough. Mouse and Keyboard will make that minigame way better.


I would love if you could skip the mini games after beating it once through. I liked some of them, but yeah, that dio fight was awful, and the shooting one had terrible mechanics. Why couldn't I play with inverted controls?


Oh the Dio fight I did just fine, the fight I'm referring to is the actually last one that you unlock in chapter 12. I just didn't want to mention who it is against because of spoilers.


Reading this post after the ab minigame and goddamn why did they bring it back and made it worse what were they even thinking


I don't even fuck with the piano. But the rest aren't too hard. As far as items behind games I assume you referring to the Belt at the gym. I'll never get it and I'm okay with that. It's not as if you can't make a good character build without it.


What’s nice is that you can avoid the majority of them in future replays with the chapter selection feature. You keep your progression, including character and world progression, and can just playthrough the main scenario. So there’s that at least. I feel you though. I would have preferred if they focused some of the minigames more towards the gold saucer.


You’re getting upset over stuff that’s completely optional. There’s very few mini game rewards that you can’t just get somewhere else. Outside of some weapons being in Mini games like Red’s silver collar being in the Run Wild mini game in Costa Del Dol (which is a super easy game) there’s really not much reason to play the mini games unless you’re a completionist. Also, what’s BS about 3D brawler? If you were talking about the OG game I’d completely agree because that’s just RPS against a computer (aka pure RNG). But in rebirth it’s entirely skill based. You just have to learn to recognise the wind-ups for the attacks.


The mini games are the absolute worst part of this game. Honestly I’d rather there be no mini games vs what they gave us


I find the argument you're forced to interact with something because it has a reward a bit cringe. You really don't need that reward it's extra. No mini games are not supposed to just be fun and simple, various difficulty which is what this game has. FF fans are honestly the worst gaming fandom I have interacted with, never happy at all.


>No mini games are not supposed to just be fun Sir, go home, you're drunk.


7/10 too many optional mini games.


I haven't disliked a minigane yet and I'm surprised so many people have a gripe with it. I'd have expected the opposite


Final fantasy is building up a sort of Zelda fan base. Breath of the wild, crap game but not allowed to criticise it. Rebirth is disappointing, but still a decent enough game.


Final Fantasy fans dude 😭 16 was ripped to shreds for not having enough gameplay variety, now 7 Rebirth’s complaint is “wait I actually have to *play* the minigames??”


Since I beat the game, I’ll be skipping those Chapters and the side quest lol


Just don’t play them, or at least not for the rewards, they aren’t earth shattering. I swear people get in their own way too much, it’s a game try to have fun.


The mini games are almost all optional