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I hated that they switch the direction of the button presses sometimes when you restart, I was getting used to starting with L1 and then it changed to R1.


Honestly that was the worst part of the mini game


Just restart if it's the wrong trigger.


The gym in wall city broke me mentally, I couldnt do this again.


I can honestly understand 😂 I really wanna get the plat trophy though so this couldn’t stop me


Oh god dont tell me you need to do this gym for plat too...


I’ll dm you so I don’t spoil anything




The thing that will prevent me from Platinum is gonna be shooting mini game from the beach. Way better once I realized I could turn off the adaptive triggers (ow my fingers) but still way harder than a carnival game has a right to be lol


It broke me as well so skipped it this time lol


you gotta be hungry for it brother


Lowkey was kinda disappointed I didn’t get a ps trophy or something for doing it 😭


You don't get a trophy for beating him but you do need to beat him in order to get a trophy. 7 star hotel trophy requires you to get every prize from the minigames.


Oh right! I’m still working on that one lol good to know that my efforts got me something other than the accessories


No platinum for me then. Skipping gym and piano. Everything else has been easy so far.


I say at least give it a shot, I've gotten past the gym and gotten most of the piano A-ranks. I'm definitely nowhere near being a magnificent gamer so if I can pull it off I'm sure anyone can. Try some of the piano songs at 2 star difficulty instead of 1 star, it somehow felt easier for me.


I remembered your comment and decided to give it a try at Tifa’s piano (which is mandatory for every OG player). Got easy A ranks on every song except Cait Siths theme. Don’t know if I’ll complete that one. Thanks for the advice.


Lowkey I think it’s a good thing that there’s no trophy about it lmfaooo


That’s true lmao I kinda wish I had checked the trophy list beforehand before spending a good 30 minutes


Call it spoilers for the end of part 3 but Jules is the real final boss, I’m calling it now.




FF7 Remake platinum is my pride and glory. Hate this gym trophy I had to turn the volume down to 0 and throw a blanket on the tv to hide half of the screen then it was me there prepared, focused, complete silence and finnaly a win.


I spent an hour on Ronnie and couldn't beat him🥲


Don’t give up! You got this


Ignore Ronnie. Don't rush. Focus on not messing up and by the time you are in the 30 you can go as fast as you want. You just need to beat 51. Do not mess up once and you can get to 60 even if you are going slow for most of it.


This advice holds for all of them, Jules included. There is absolutely no need to rush any opponent except for Jules messes up three times during his if you’re perfect. I think I hit 79 on my winning run against Jules.


In part 3 they will probably combine R1, R2, L1, L2 and the buttons from part 1🤣🤣


Don’t give em ideas 😂😂😂😂😂


I honestly don’t want to go against Jules a forth time either 😒


Well done, it was exceptionally tough.


Thank you! And indeed it was, hate that green circle thing took me a while to get used to it


can we start a ship of amina x tifa please lol? amina was super crushing on tifa...!


Is there a trick cause I can’t do it


I turned the volume down because its there to take your attention, hide the screen so you dont watch Jules he is another distraction focus on the movement and you will do it.


Hahah I’ll try. I just do it slow. I don’t even miss it. It’s just I’m slow.


Volume down. Try no adaptive triggers if that makes it easier. Take your time in the first half against every single opponent. Genuinely. What matters most in the first half is making sure you’re hitting the buttons. Once it’s the last half, you can worry more about speeding up your presses. The button you have to do a mini game in a mini game on is always the same and always comes after the same amount of repetitions of the sequence and DOESNT need to be done any faster or slower despite the difficulty, you just need to execute it properly. Working out is all about good form, NOT speed and the mini game is genuinely trying to teach everyone that. Except maybe Jules but even my non gamer grandma beat him yesterday so.


Finally got it


I read in another thread that the jiggle physics does help indicate the next move. But once you've done it 30+ times, you're just following your rhythm that gets you to hopefully 51.


Literally just completed it myself last night, it took me a solid 3 hours. Infuriating lol. I’m on chapter 15 now, Im replaying the game before I play rebirth since I haven’t played it since it was released originally, also haven’t played the dlc.


This take 2 hours for me i was playing it yesterday it was so hardddddd


As another one said on this post Jules the real boss of that chapter 😭


Yea it was real boss of that chapter 😭


I don't think i can beat this shit


If I done it so can you!


I just put it on easy mode and it took 5 minutes 😂


Best tip. I wish i habe read this before


Should’ve thought of that before wasting an hour 😂😂


Do you still get the trophy in easy mode? As I might do that. I was doing this in hard. And it was not working at all!


Does difficulty setting affect the sit up?


I think it makes most mini games easier but could be wrong. Sit ups was v easy for me and I suck badly at minigames generally


Well done 


Ive got the same screenshot lol https://preview.redd.it/pns484rojinc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a42ee40bac35632aebe9d442a2592b4392ea91a2


Twins 😎




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Pretty sure Tifa did about 1000 sit-ups before I beat Jules


The starting change of direction is bs for a minigame that can be freely restarted.


So I crushed the easy mode (and was really good at the ones in Remake) but I literally cannot with this one. Starting with whatever the first non-quest challenge is, every time I have mash the button mid-pattern it fails. My timing doesn't seem to matter, early, late, right when it should be....it fails. I haven't passed a single button mash (even though I did it perfectly on the quest-line mode). Is this bugged or am I missing something?


Yellow ring is button mash. Green ring you need to hold R2 halfway until it fills, then fully press.


And this is why you don't skip tutorials


one thing that helped me here, i turned my tv's sound off, and just focused on tifa's movements


lol I just beat the squats and this the past week and FUUUCKK I won’t ever do that again!! Fuck Jules!!




Honestly for how well balanced most mini games are this one being so brokenly unfair is wild to me. I've had runs where I didn't miss a single input and still failed cause I didn't pick up speed fast enough


A lot of the mini games are not balanced at all. This one is pretty balanced compared to the really bullshit ones.


This one was tough. Volume down for music and voices helped and totally focused just on Tifa. Twice I drew!!! 45/45 I was gutted. Eventually beat him with 47.


Exactly! Was so annoyed by the ambient sounds and music and kept failing cause I wanted to focus on Tifa's animation to get the right timing but there were always one sound messing with my focus. I just muted the TV and get it first try after that... But for me the impossible one is the piano. Sometimes it just feels like it just don't accept the input. Several times I was putting the good direction (maybe not perfectly at excellent though) but the game just says I missed the key... My daughter next to me was also wondering why it was a miss. I feel like mini games were easier in the remake.


Flick the direction, I was having this issue too


I've got a star on every graded song, there's 2 more that aren't graded, my couple tips are this, take a run or 2 and only play the left hand notes, it's essentially the pianos bass line and sets the rhythm you want to follow. My 2nd one was a big deal for me on a couple songs, specifically Barretts theme, Cinco de chocobo and 2 legs nothing to it, they are fast songs and my timing was just off, adjusting the note speed up a little was surprisingly effective, it wasn't that I couldn't keep up, it's that I was anticipating the notes and going early was throwing my timing off.


Thanks for the tips. I’ll try it. I only have A rank on the songs, but it’s fine as it’s the requirement for getting the rewards. But the last one, that you get after completing all the other is damn hard. Can’t pass the 14000 which is still far from the B rank and even much from A rank... Sometimes I feel frustrated too because I felt like I got the timing (maybe not excellent, but at least on good) but it says missed. Or it misses the next key on the same line even though I missed one. It downgrade the global score quite a bit. Seriously though, that's a really hard minigame for average players. I work in the game industry in a big Japanese company, and to validate something like that, it should pass a perfect score by a big majority of the testers (and at least A rank for testers that are just casual gamers) without having to train several hours for it (cause it’s a mini game, not the main one). For people who like challenge though, they might love it for sure.


The gym is so fun! I loved this part


What are the rewards for all the gym mini games?


For some reason it being the trigger buttons made it so much harder than it was in remake


For me it was the sensitivity of the triggers. On normal nodes, you have to really jam the trigger to get it to register. If you press the trigger down 95% at the perfect time, it counts as a miss. I rarely fully press down the triggers during gameplay, and I could not figure out for the life of me why I was missing inputs. Took me like 30 minutes to figure that out lol.


Yeah it was horrible, I turned it off and I was able to win eventually


I just turned off the triggers then it became way easier


Did the exact same and it’s the reason I was able to get the victory




I just count 1234 and push a button at each number, works well. You speed up the count a little towards the end but makes this somewhat simple


I did this last night and beat Jules on my second attempt. It did however take me a long time to beat the first two guys. I didn't understand the green indicator for way too long. I eventually got into the zone though and crushed Jules. So satisfying


This one wasn't too bad for me. It was chocobo flying trial 3 that had me ready to pull my hair out until I stumbled across a tip on here for different routing. I swear that final section involves like damn near pixel perfect movement to get to the last two rings going the intended path.


I doing it twice on ps and pc


Wait till Chapter 10… the mini game there… ugh


53, nice man. I just edged it with 50 to 49. That was tough


I have a lot of weird neurological like symptoms, so I'm not nearly as fast/twitchy as I used to be. I didn't think I was going to stand a chance at this, and somehow I actually got it. sadly, I messed up on my very last rep but so did Jules, so I ended up beating him 50 to 49 while both of us laid on the ground for the last few seconds. if I hadn't messed up I think maybe I could have gotten like three more reps in, but I didn't care because I beat him.


I'll never understand what's so hard about this mini game, especially when compared to actual bullshit like Gilde de Chocobo or Cactaur Crush. Just mute the TV and keep the rhythm. It's really not hard at all. I've done it in Remake and Rebirth in 20 minutes tops (and that includes everything).


Genuinely, everyone’s problem with this mini game is trying to do more than you need to win. The button you have to press a bunch or hold is always the same and always occurs after the same amount of repetitions of the other buttons. Legit, you can do the first half slow as shit and it won’t matter because after a point you will ALWAYS be faster than the AI and it will automatically screw up at some point. Just pace yourself until the reps become something you can just press as soon as you finish pressing the previous button and you will easily clear this mini game.


Congrats! I'll never get this :(


Not going to lie I skipped this mini game in the first run but I need to trek back


Your mistake was not having Tifa in her swim suit for this