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Vault 22, the fungal pathogen Vault.


The faint voices you hear in the background also add to the unsettling vibe.


Supposedly part of the ambiance for the vaults in NV is the “Vault of the future” track from the first game. Not creepy on its own but scary as hell in context in NV


I hate this place with every plant fiber of my being. I speed through this hellhole and cleanse it with fire as quickly as possible.


It's ostensibly one of the coolest locations in the game, but goddamn do I dread having to trudge through it when I come back around on a new playthough. I'm playing through Control right now and the mold infected basement is reminding me so much of this vault.


Wandering into the death claw nests in the quarry northeast of Goodsprings is a rite of passage for new players.


What?! Quarry Junction's great! Just go in, grab some free loot, leave. Easy peasy!


Being on the road to somewhere and *poof!* Deathclaws come bursting out at you. Scared the hell out of me the last time we played it, I screamed so loud 😂


Sierra Madre for me as well, especially fighting in the eerie villas with literally the bare minimum. Tons of danger including traps, enemies you have to dismember to really kill them, that red fog threatening to drain your health and to watch out your collar from going off really sucks. To top it all I am the type that wants 100% clearance, literally carried all the items in that DLC including all the gold bars before I left. Nothing really scary in NV maybe vault 11 since it really looks like a ghost vault.


Vault 22. First playthrough had me on edge the whole goddamn time.


Sierra Madre


The elections vault (but not the type of scary you are most likely asking).


vault 11! yes! the lore is so elaborate and horrifying


Vault 22 and the cave full of death claws


Sierra Madre is the only area that even slightly unnerved me… silent hill flashbacks 😅🫣


Zion National Park. I don't care for Utah.




Anyone not saying "deathclaw cave" is wrong. Luckily there's great look to be had in there.


First time i found that place I had ED-E Veronica and a minigun but we got shredded almost instantly. Next I tried going in there with no clothes to make noise and a super stealth boy and STILL immediately got spotted.


for something besides the usual, i’d say black mountain is super unnerving. the music, the environment, the way there’s a sort of darkening and desaturating filter. you feel like you’re walking in a place of pure desolation and shouldn’t be there. same vibes in the divide.


Vault 22, 34, or Camp Guardian (caves)


Vault 22 for sure. Everything about it freaks me out


A nighttime run on Deathclaw Promontory in the southeast across the river. Bring your brown pants. 


That one place in the big empty with the night stalkers, I think the same lab you find the stealth suit. Sierra Madre hasn't scared me ever since I beat it the first time, but I've got a thing with snakes and so the hissing in this lab freaks me the fuck out, especially since I can't drown it out with my usual music stations the same way I can in the Mojave places thay also have night stalkers. It gets me so jumpy, and even though I know they'll spawn behind me I still end up cussing a ton every time cause they always land at least a hit on me before I notice that they're already there


I can't recall if the stealth suit building had stalkers, but I definitely believe you. Worse for me was the fucking simulated high school, going through that like four times was bad enough but then throwing in night stalkers on top of that almost made me rage quit.


My memory is spotty but I think it was like a lower level on the stealth building, there's like a broken part of the wall that leads to a small room with a couple bottles of battle brew and then night stalkers spawn from behind, the hissing freaks me out with the way it happens first and then night stalkers creep up while invisible and there's more of them as you backtrack. I didn't mind the high school as much cause I can treat it as a straightforward battle, I don't think the night stalkers even go invisible there.


Oh yeah that place, thought it was a part of the school. Yeah that one sucked ass.


In my opinion it’s freeside you can get robbed shanked and shot all at the same time


Sierra Madre, without a doubt, that shit felt like a horror game when I first played it on the 360. Ghost people, holograms, the cloud, constant blood red light, it creeped me out real good. It would always be my first DLC because I wanted to get through it as fast as possible. It wasn't until much later that I started to actually appreciate and take my time with it.


I forget the same of the vault but it’s the one with an armory and it’s flooded.


Visiting Fisto. The first time.


Vault 22 or sierra madre. Both made me put the game down as a young lad. I actually didn't even complete dead money till I was 19 because I was scared/thought it was too hard.


Cave of the abbandon


Anywhere with a save file bigger than 10mb on the PS3 version. Lol


One day I was strolling around looking for the legionary kidnapping slave camp to save some powder gangers. The music was good, the weather fine, my health was full, and then suddenly my map gained a new marker: "Dead Wind Cavern". The day was no longer fine.


One day I was strolling around looking for the legionary kidnapping slave camp to save some powder gangers. The music was good, the weather fine, my health was full, and then suddenly my map gained a new marker: "Dead Wind Cavern". The day was no longer fine.


One day I was strolling around looking for the legionary kidnapping slave camp to save some powder gangers. The music was good, the weather fine, my health was full, and then suddenly my map gained a new marker: "Dead Wind Cavern". The day was no longer fine.


Would i enjoy vegas if i enjoy the original fallout and the newer fallouts? New vegas always seemed the same as the original?


Fallout 1 and NV are completely different play styles.