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Oh, I forgot or didn't realize that the COPR site only has a light theme. I've been using Dark Reader on the desktop and recently also on iOS devices. It does a surprisingly good job on most sites. If someone attempts a dark theme I hope they take inspiration from GitHub and make low-contrast themes available. When they are too dark and contrast too much with the bright text it's actually a worse experience for me than a light theme. Gives me terrible afterimages everywhere. One of the best things about Dark Reader is how it lets you tweak the settings it applies. The iOS version has various themes you can choose, with some nice low-contrast variations. GitHub got it right. They also have color correction themes for types of color blindness.


Interresting, how to apply ? Directly on Github ?


You can mention that you are interested directly in the particular GitHub issue, or just let me know here (or in a direct message) what RFE you are interested in.


I've looked into the first issue, validation of external links, and found that it should already be fixed. Or need clarification. Commented on gh


Thank you for looking into this Reini, I replied with more details in the GitHub ticket.


I am up to contribute. But I can work only on the dark mode feature as I don't know Python. I am a JS dev.


Thank you very much for your interest. I sent you a direct message.


I sent you a direct message :-)


I’m keen to submit a PR for Webhook history. I can see someone already submitted a PR before.


Wow, that would be amazing! Sending you a direct message