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I always hear this is bad, I had bladder stones and had to have them removed.


I had gallbladder stones, and had to have IT removed 💀


Me too, the stones part at least. I have a rare disease and some time in my life my Gall has to be removed. But my hospital is gonna wait till my Gall crisis. Wich is 10 times worse. Not looking forward to


Wow. Why do they have to wait instead of just yanking it out of there?


No idea, it's big bullshit


Why did you remove IT, poor people working there


So that they could get rich, obviously 😄


I passed kidney stones when I was 14, yeah it hurt a lot but I doubt it hurt as much as child birth. Then again my urologist did say “Mazel Tov! Now give it a name,” when the ordeal was over.


Confirm. My record Is 1 Cm.


Bless you. I've had stones a few times and nothing as big as that. Had to get mine surgically removed once for being 6mm.


My luck Is that mine are smooth, not spiked, so they are not so hard to expell. But the pain meanwhile 😅


True story


Never had kidney stones. I worked as an ER/TRAUMA nurse for years, can confirm both women and men said it was the worst pain ever. (Women said it was worse than child birth multiple times).


Tattoo removal is really bad too. Had both kidney stone and large tattoo removal. I don't know which I would chose if given an option.


I havent had either but i think i’d rather deal with the tattoo removal At least i can pop some oxys and hope they know what their doing


I'd rather be shot in the fuckin face than have another kidney stone. You can literally filet the skin off my back


I haven't experienced it personally but after learning about the Gympie Gympie or ***Dendrocnide moroides*** tree. I think that is the winner for worst pain ever. I don't think most people who are pregnant, kicked in the balls or have kidney stones kill themselves to stop the pain. But the Gympie Gympie has the cure of Suicide = Freedom. Just putting it out there, maybe thats the most painful thing.


And of course it's from Australia...


Biliary colic is the true winner.


All I know is, I never want kidney stones again.


I had kidney stones, all i can say that it hurts


Really? Hold my platypus...


I get sciatica and I thought that was bad, then I got gout in my ankle, fuck that hurts. Also got a trapped nerve in my groin but that's more uncomfortable compared to gout.


I thought getting skinned alive or burning to death is the worst pain


Bah, worst pain is one that doesn't end, and here you just die.


Skinning as a medival torture kept the victim alive for weeks. Slowly tugging on loose skin while applying stuff to irritate exposed flesh.


Try being set on fire. Its not fun (I say from experience)


Okay, this one wins, but kidney stones fucking hurt baaaad. But if i get set on fire just fucking shoot me. Seriously, I'm not going though all the pain and recovery just to go back to work


Gout has entered the thread.


Laugh, Gallstones


The Unholy Trinity of Pain right there.


None of these, try burning yourself with caramel and then come back to tell. Let's break it down: 1. It's boiling sugar, so you know this bitch is hot as hell; 2. It's sugary, so it sticks to whatever surface; 3. You are not Elsa, your skin is not cold enough to make it lose temperature fast; 4. You are gonna have a boiling fluid sticked to your skin slowly burning you that cannot be removed with your hand for obvious reasons, so it's like being marked by iron like cattle except it stays longer; 5. Because it's hot it will instantly cause you 2nd degree burns and almost always 3rd degree too. 6. For the final twist of cruelty because it's sugary, after it cools down you can't remove it because it becomes basically one with your burned tissue and if you remove it you're gonna be pulling dead and alive skin alike causing you unbearable pain. It's probably less painful to sever a limb than it is to have it covered with hot caramelized sugar.


I had this happen to me once. In a wheelchair at the ER. Thought I had appendicitis, but just stones. It felt like how black holes are made. Like my stomach was trying to compress smaller and smaller until it eventually became compressed enough to become a black hole. Not a woman, haven't been truly kicked in the balls, but I feel like that feeling of infinite compression was what I thought to be on par with child birth.


My grandmother once told me “I have given natural child birth, and have had kidney stones. Give me the child birth any day of the week.”


Gallbladder stones were bad. Impacted gall ducts and liver failure was waaaaay waaaaaaaaaay worse.


I've heard of women wanting another kid, but no men wanting another kick. Those who go back for seconds are not the worst pain.


Ok, controversial opinion, so I just had a kidney stone, third one I've had. I find the initial pain when it's passing from my kidney to my bladder the worst part (and that just feels like really bad gas with some sharp pains, the first time was the worst) I've found passing them doesn't really hurt. It burns a little, but shit, no worse than I've felt before. My first one was 5 mm, any bigger and they would have broken it up sonically. Maybe I just have a big dickhole


Passing them feels great. When they're stuck in your kidney tube... dude literally put a bullet in my brain


I’ve never heard a man say ‘I hope to get kicked in the balls again’ but I’ve heard plenty of woman say the would want a second child.


Tearing my ACL was right up there. I've had all (except balls, but racking your pelvic bone hurts *really* bad, too).


I've passed kidney stones and it is definitely painful, but getting kicked in the nuts is worse.


what about getting kicked in the balls while passing one of your many kidney stones?


I just had kidney stones last winter. It was insanely painful compared to even breaking bones and having surgery. One of the techs said that his wife said it was worse than labor, but that's anecdotal


Amateurs..... I've had both gallstones and kidney stones... My last birth my baby was long, her little feet ruptured my uterus upon delivery, had an emergency C section. However, gallstones pain is by far the worst. Let me describe.... when it hit, I felt like someone's ramming a very jagged dagger under my right ribcage and slowly turning it upon entry. I couldn't breathe well, felt like what I imagine a heart attack to be. I was simultaneously sweating and freezing. I actually drove myself to the ER. I can't imagine how I did. I was in so much pain in the waiting room that all I could do was lay on the cool tiles on the floor and moan. The nurse told me I was disturbing the other patients. TOO BAD! I was in dire pain. They put me in an unused room. Finally when they did an ultrasound, found my gallbladder was just about to burst. I was rushed immediately to operation room. I woke up pain free. Amazing that it got that bad. No one should go through that pain..


Getting skinned would activate more nerves how i believe. But that's just a theory


*appendicitis has entered the chat


I had kidney stones and need to get them removed. All of it was child’s play compared to corneal erosion. Every morning, my eyelid will rip open my cornea. A solid 10/10 pain.


just get a collapsed lung it will change your mind.


Chronic pain is the worst like autoimmune disorders. 40 years of it slowly tearing your sanity apart and wishing you were dead so it stops


Im a dude so can't compare to birth, but Kidney Stones fucking sucked


Broken hearts are the worst yall 😂


Logic'lly ; giving birth should be more painful than kidney stones. Therefore, we can measure the pain level of kidney stones and multiply it by the wieght of the infant. Then, we can compare this pain to getting kicked inside of the balls to gouge whoch event is more painful.


By report of some women the pain levels are comparable, but the passing of a big kidney stone can last weeks..


My ex said kidney stones and childbirth were the same.


Fact. I've been burned, crushed, bones broken, teeth broken, stabbed, shot, sewn myself up, and had open heart surgery. None of those even came close to fuckin kidney stones.