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The original espresso 2 go. (Keep in mind they made this mission easier like multiple times)


How’ve they made it easier? AFAIK, you still have to drive around the city with no map to uncover all the espresso stalls and then destroy them


In newer versions of gta 3 you can actually access a map and in the mobile version they even give the location of each one. In the original PS2 version you had no map. Only the mini map and that’s it. Also in Portland the leone dudes had shotguns which basically one pumped your vehicle. You couldn’t jump out of the car and the shotguns had sniper range. In newer versions they removed the shotguns from the missions.


I’m glad they added a map in the later versions. I’ve only ever played the original PC version that came on CD. The only way I was able to knock out the Portland stalls was using Ray’s bulletproof patriot otherwise you’re fucked


Yeah pretty much but then again most players never got the chance to use Rays patriot. They used a fast car considering there’s also a timer


That was a smart use of the bulletproof Patriot.


It’s basically the only real use for it haha Id hate to lose that thing


Totally. I feel like I always lost it like immediately and then it’s gone forever because it’s GTA 3 lol.


That’s funny bc only in GTA 3 would I ditch a car somewhere, come back later and somehow it’s still spawned there


GTA 3 was awesome, but I guess like I never had that luck haha.


Bro the hardest part of GTA3 is the fucking healing


i ended up just cheating for that one and got a map online to locate them cuz i was lazy (ive only played the DE version)


This, absolutely this. Never finished GTA III originally because of it, only managed to do it in my second run a few years ago. A close followup is the Grand Theft Auto mission, where you need to deliver (three? or four?) cars undamaged to the garage in relatively short amount of time.


I think I remember there being a couple guys in Salvatore's territory and by that time in the game, driving through that area is a death sentence


I haven’t played VI yet so…


Definitely won’t be harder than the pre-HD games. Too much handholding nowadays, the old school shit is hard


Definitely. Had been playing a lot of GTA V to 100% it and decided to go back to LCS, that i had beaten 2 other times. Shit was harder than i remembered. Kids these days won't know what it's like to lose a Paramedic mission on Level 11


Imagine trying to do the paramedic missions on a psp, on a road trip (mountain roads) , with a sister pissing you off right next to you This sh!t was crazy hard, i don't know how i made it That said, i still love lcs, great game that should be officially put on pc and same of vcs (EDIT : corrected some typos)


I can't imagine. One time i lost at level 14 in VCS because i ran over the patient i was supposed to pick up


Damn! How on earth did you not throw up with so much action going around you?


i don"t know i don't get motion sick from cars or vr, maybe that has something to do with it ?


When I think of hard GTA missions, I rarely think about elements that were made with the intent of challenge .


there’s harder modes, no?


To this day I hate Van Heist from III. It's annoying to strip the van's health the conventional way. There's a trick where you blow up a car with just the right distance, but it's really easy to miscalculate it and not damage the van enough or just do so too much and make it explode This mission is also really prone to RNG bullshit with traffic, like one time an angry driver decided to drive past the van as I was blowing up my car causing a pile-up and destroying my objective while at it (and almost killing me). Another time as I was escaping with the van on reverse someone blocked my way helping a cop arrest me


Yeah i straight up deleted the game after 4 attempts ending because the van was too slow to get the cops off the doors and i would get busted (still going like 5-10 mph)


I was gonna say this mission. I have only played it once but remember this distinctly on the PS2 gen


San Andreas- rc plane mission.


i did one yesterday on the ps5 version and god those are just awefull. the controls for those rc planes are absolute garbage


Im saying… very difficult mission compared to all the other missions from the GTA franchise.


I agree, The only good thing about it is that the mission isn’t required to complete the Main story


That's not what you asked


They are garbage but 100 times easier than actually flying and rc plane soo.


I was looking for this cooment, the red baron? PAINFULLY DIFFICULT. or the helicopter bomb mission. Never again.


i beated it as a kid, i managed to kill workers with RC plane blades after couple of tries


2 weeks ago i did all of them in first try in DE


Try out the RC plane mission in Vice City where you have to drop bombs on speedboats while they’re trying to escape you


The proper way to complete that mission is to land the plane on the dock and then run over the several times until they are dead. Then you can bomb the boats and not have to worry about people commandeering them.


I’ll do you one better Vice city drone mission


It's not so bad on the non PS2 versions where the amount of fuel it has got drastically increased.


I never did beat that mission.


Bruh don’t remind me abt that 😭😭😭😭


All of Zero's missions in San Andreas


🤔 You're including GTA6...?


Any gtao heist or setup when you have uncooperative randoms


Yep Once you get past Fleeca job it's a mess


This ☝🏾


The doomsday hiests are insanely hard tho.


Act 3 is the worst imo


Trying to do prison break with randoms has to have its own achievement. With how many rolls need to be filled, it’s a miracle you can even get past the heist with randos


Every heli/plane mission cause I can't fly


I think it’s called ‘coffee to go’ on GTA 3. Destroying the coffee shop stalls. Man that sucks so bad.


I was just about to say that.


All you had to do is follow the damn train, CJ!


This mission legendary, but is nowhere hard as Zero's RC missions. You can even use a cheat (jetpack, rpg, ...) and do it, that's not possible with RC vehicles.


Demolition man on PC


The mission where you have to save lance is annoying in VC. Death row mission.


I love that mission! Prep by arriving in a fast but durable car and park a little before the entrance of the junkyard. Then get paid!


Helicopter straight to the corona marker


When I was in high school it seemed hard. Now as I play it’s easy


I swear on the ps2/Xbox version it was harder to activate the cutscene when you reach lance


That and the following mission. The enemies themselves aren't difficult. Lance running in front of you and kicking the bucket the moment an enemy makes a mean face at him, however...


Motherfuck death row


[This mission](https://youtu.be/-2io3gkuY4A?si=KaVqQozb1wAgOWTN&t=1058) from GTA: London 1961. By far the hardest mission in the series because of ridiculous time limits.


Cop Land


Yoga with Michael.


There was that one mission in GTA IV (niko) that it needs you to wear specific shoes for the mission


U being serious? I don’t recall a mission like that


I think OP means the interview one where you kill the interviewer then have to escape. That mission is quite difficult. The name of it escapes me.


Wasn’t there a mission where u had to buy a suit? Did he mean that? I don’t recall u needing to buy shoes specifically


Did this last week. You had to purchase the suit as well as the shoes :)


I'm playing GTA IV for the first time too


Enjoy! It’s a great one that will have you pissed at times haha. I’ve played it growing up but never finished it. Now is time


Oh well... The physics had been so annoying initially. I couldn't crash cars without Niko getting injured. When I rode bikes, Niko got hurt so badly. Jumping from helicopters was like actual horizontal projectile motion but now I'm learning to accept it and see it as one of the ways in which the game feels different.


Final Interview. There's a lot of ways to complete this mission. On my realistic playthrough, I killed Goldberg stealthily (with knife) and escaped through the window after making sure there was no police nearby. It was so fun. And the interior of the office was really cool too. Definitely my favorite mission in the game.


it’s not that hard. shoot the guy, jump out the window, steal a car. your wanted level is only like 2-3 stars iirc, i’ve been replaying GTA 4 the last couple months




The doomsday heist on GTA online you have 1 or zero lives insane enemy aim bot and health. Then there's the part where you really need good teamwork to succeed


Demolition Man in Vice City


RC plane missions, also the end mission in GTA 3, you lose all your weapons that you spent the entire game collecting, and you better hope you brought that armoured hummer with you


I think the one mission where we had to follow a plane and go through a circle marker to hijack was pretty hard back in the day, dont know the name of the mission or which game it was.


That one mission in gta 3 where you had to go find an rpg and blow up the airplane while it lands. There’s like 3 car loads of people on the airstrip that you have to kill and also find the quickest way to the airstrip. Took me like 3 days to pass as an adult, wanted to cry of frustration and had to remind myself that I’m not 7 anymore.


The RC plane mission from zero in GTASA Or "Demolition Man" from GTAVC




I've played VCS for the first time last year, and I have to say it is a LOT harder than any of the other GTA games I have played. Especially the missions near the end. I completed the main storyline with a friend taking turns over the course of a few months, and there were missions that took us multiple days to complete.


No one play those games.


Played a mission on 3 DE where I have to steal multiple cars in a time frame and quit playing it for 2 yrs


Majority of "ballad of gay Tony" Missions. Especially the one where you have to pilot the plane. I don't think I raged so much with it as I did with *intentionally* Hardened mod for gta 3.


Yall remember the rc heli mission in vice city


It's not too bad if you go to the top of the building first and work your way down instead of working up. Also, use the blades as a weapon.


Supply Lines in San Andreas on the ps2 and Boomshine Blowout in Vice City Stories


The fucking yoga mission from gta 5😭🤣😭🤣


GTA 6?


Gta 6 mission: release wait


san andreas N.O.C GTA III bomb da place II (depends on version) GTA VCS Boomshine blowout


Flight school


Any RC helicopter /airplane mission.


Mini helicopter mission from Vice city


I totally struggled with one of the last missions in GTASA where you had to hijack an army-jet and then shoot down boats on a lake... I don't remember what it was called. Also the RC Plane one from Zero is tough, but I usually get it on 2nd try, but it's definetely the worst mission don't know if hardest...


The entirety of GTA London 61.


Not the hardest, but special credits to following the train mission, (GTA SA). i definitely remember it being so hard to beat.


any mission involving the rc plane


Getting the dirt bike hoops in the arena in Vice City.


Trying to start monkey business


Mission in gta 3 where you have to throw a grenade into a second story window. It’s like literally one pixel on your screen so you can’t see where it’s even going


Getting gta6💀


“The Driver”


I haven't played many of them but I would say the Saturday peyote plant in GTA 5. It's not necessarily hard, it's just extremely annoying


All we had to do was follow the damn train CJ That and the remote control missions


Steal the tank on Vice City can be tough if you aren’t fast enough. Like 30 dudes with m16s lol


A lot of the missions on 3 were difficult, same with vice city and vice city stories. Those are probably the three hardest IMO. Can’t think of specific missions right now


Is it just me but is the definitive versions easier


That mission in GTA:VI where had to fist fight Gators while your stuck in the swamp.


Years back I loathed the cleaning robot mission in VCS. I tried almost 9 times in a row before finally beating it. It was probably the only mission that drove me to tears literally.


Vic city helicopter mission inside that construction building, first time raging at video games my dad took my computer away from me


I remember this one mission at a dam in gta3 being nearly impossible until I figured out you can just sandbox it differently. I seem the remember the RC war mission in SA being awwwful as well. Also “All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ!!!”.


the helicopter mission in vc


If definitive edition counts…then the Green Goo from San Andreas with those jetpack controls💀


San Andreas wrong side of the tracks


Sky in the port


Probably the 7th mission in gta vi where you gotta do the thing, but you’re on a time limit and the guys are trying to kill you. Super frustrating


All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ


The big smoke train mission in San Andreas and that rc remote control mission in San Fierro


Almost every mission from London 1961 counts. There’s never been anything harder. 5 missions with absolutely no testing put into them with crazy timers that are just barely possible to meet if you’re lucky.


I suck at sims, so it's always the driving missions. I hated Wu Zi and Brucie's missions. Each had a race where there was a lot of cornering and you had a car with shit handling and too much torque.


I suck at sims, so it's always the driving missions. I hated Wu Zi and Brucie's missions. Each had a race where there was a lot of cornering and you had a car with shit handling and too much torque.


Nah putting GTA 6 on there is crazy lol


Shit as a kid it was that fucking RC helicopter mission in Vice City. It took me forever to beat it


The last three missions in GTA 3


First thing that comes to mind is any of the flight school missions. Not only quite difficult, but tedious to play through as well!


GTA 6 getting a fucking release date


The Driver


Last mission from gta 4. Cant complete it on pc without something to set fps to 30


Definelly, ZERO missions from Grand Theft Auto SanAndreas in the original Ps2 because it was wacky to control and it has some difficulty settings set to on exclusively on ps2 version, so its definely this one in this exactly same scenario.


Any RC mission, And the mission on GTA LCS, when you had to control Sindacco's car.


Hang ten


Gta online rescue agent ulp doomsday act 3


The pick a side mission


That damn RV plane from San Andreas. I have played all the games multiple times and that mission is fucked


I don't know entirely but if I'm to put my opinions across, Either the GTA 4 ending that requires you to climb in the Annihilator, Or the GTA Online Act 3 Doomsday where you storm the missile silo


Bro I have ptsd from that god forsaken heist 😭


That mission where Niko has to steal drugs from that compound and kill cops is pretty hard when I was playing it the cops showed up early so I had to fight cops and the thugs


Whatever the fuck I tried to pull the other day. #Vice City.


I still hear “Follow the damn train!” in my sleep.


the mission in gta 6 where you have to save jason from his secret gay lover that was hella difficult


Boomshine blowout in gta VCS the mission sucks and it was like mission 5


All you had to do was follow the goddamn train cj


Scouting the port, gtaV


Finished all main missions GTA 5 in five days. But damn that fuckin RC helicopter mission in GTA vc took me years to finish. Tried to finish that mission hundreds of times during my 5th grade. After my high school I again installed it to finish where I left off. Tbh when I finished VC, it felt like I've earned something with my shit life. 😂😂


Hated the RC missions for San Andreas when it first released but I’ve had 20 years of practice in gaming so it’s easy af now lol. Also never once had trouble with following the train. I only recently learned it’s been hell for a lot of people lol.


The two hardest missions: 1.: That mission from Ray in GTA III where you need to drive him in a sportscar to the another island, but when you go to the bridge, a group of terrorists starts shooting at you, and you need to go through them. I couldn't complete that mission, because the terrorists always shooted my car until it blew up. 2.: That mission in GTA: VC, where you need to win a race with the speedboat that you stole in another earlier mission. I couldn't complete that mission either, because the co-driver of my boat "bugged out" from the boat, fell into the water, he drowned and then the mission failed.


GTA 6, The Mascot Mission. Where you have to sneak around a rich baseball player’s birthday party as the mascot, but avoid your mascot head getting knocked off. That was rlly hard. Especially since you have to steal a knife from the kitchen, while they’re preparing the cake.


Forklift mission from VCS, I get panic attacks at three am because of that mission


That fucking race mission with Brucey in GTA4. Made me quit the playthrough all together.


Idk what specific missions,, but there were a few stinkers between 3 and VC that I vaguely remember destroying a PS2 controller over.


The 17th mission on gta 6 was pretty tuff


Omaha Beach


Did somebody say yoga/gta 5


GTA LCS, it's fricking hard on mobile. I spent 30 hours but couldn't finish the game.


Gta 6 by far the nuketown mission 💀💀


The one needs to control the UAV


“All you had to do, was follow the damned train CJ!” Some people found this mission easy and passed it first go by sheer fluke, others spent hours, even days trying to get passed this with Big Smoke’s mocking words being burned into our very souls by repetition.


Gta 6 7th mission


Lowkey might say Reuniting The Families from GTA San Andreas


Gta vc: the rc chopper mission, it took me days when i was a kid, now i am not finding anything difficult


The one where you follow the train, even CJ, couldn't do it


Each every missions you have to fly helicopters in GTA V. All of those cranky ass motherfuckers goes out of control when i try to nose up or down a bit. Gaining control of a bull in rodeos is even easier than them. Even a Cargobob always flies like a mentally defective chicken. How could i getting rid of this situation? (PC-kb&mouse controller)


GTA VC race for heist members


All you have to do, is follow the damn train CJ!


GTA SA driving school mission. Am I the only one?


Eh. Flight school was harder


All of GTA 4 was hard.


gta online doomsday heist


That one mission on GTA 6 is really hard!


Flight school missions in San Andreas


Only have finished GTA V so the missions with helicopters and submarines.


San andreas area 69 mission