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This post is flaired as *Progress Picture(s)*. **If you have not provided them in your post, please consider replying to this comment with:** - Before/after stats (lifts, etc). - Routine overview/highlights. - Anything else you think the community might find interesting/useful, such as an overview of your diet and so on. This info can help give other users an idea of what they can do to achieve similar, or allow for more in depth questions. ---------- ***A reminder to all users commenting:*** [Progress picture threads are moderated strictly.](https://reddit.com/r/gym/wiki/rules) - **We don't do "Natty or Juice" here and trying to play that game will see you banned.** Do not accuse other users of PEDs use, do not argue about natural status, and do not ask questions about natural status. - Should the OP volunteer info about TRT/PED usage, this is not an excuse for you to be rude, dismissive of achievements, to harass, or otherwise be disrespectful. Doing so will result in a permaban. - This post is not an opportunity to hit on the OP or send PMs saying how much you like his/her body. Doing so will result in a permaban. - Crossposting another user's pictures to another sub is also an instant permanent ban without appeal, especially if that subreddit then brigades this one - **Fearmongering about weight loss is not allowed.** If someone is within a healthy weight range, it is not appropriate to fearmonger about weight loss or call someone underweight. This will result in comment removal and possibly a ban. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How the fuck do you consider yourself OVERWEIGHT? o0 Dude, you're looking good! How did you do that in SEVEN months? o0


Thank you! I am still overweight because I have still a lot of fat to lose especially on my belly. BMI also says Im overweight. My abs are still hidden and the last time i have seen them was 10 years ago šŸ˜„. I have tracked my calories and macros for a few months. Thatā€™s when I saw the greatest results in fat loss. At the moment i am not tracking anymore but I think I will have to, if I want to lose the rest of my excessive fat. I have been training consistently with weights only, aiming for 6 days a week. I have not done any cardio yet though, which I know I donā€™t need it for weight loss but definitely would help.


Please do me the favor and do not overdo it. Consistency is key. You do not want to loose too much weight too fast and damage your body. I am not a doctor or any other health professional, but IMHO you should talk to one before changing your weight that drastically. Take care of yourself!


Donā€™t worry, i have been eating an average of 2600kcal a day to lose weight, which was more than enough for me to not feel hungry. I cut down unhealthy food and drinks and feel better than Ive felt in years. My diet consisted only in healthy foods and even now that I am not dieting anymore, I donā€™t carve unhealthy foods and drinks. Thank you for your advice, I really appreciate it! I understand your concern but I love food and cannot wait to go on my first bulk šŸ˜„


This is what we call progress


You look strong, really great muscle definition on your back and arms! Keep up the great work!


Sick progress man, keep it up. Also you remind me of DarkviperAU in the second pic lol


You used to workout before right?


Yes 10 years ago. I was 18 in this photo [deleted]


Ah, I see.


ive seen a lot of transformations.. but dude you look great!


Thank you


Good job man! I would be proud of your accomplishments youā€™ve made so far but the hustle doesnā€™t stop! Youā€™re doing great man


whaaaaaaaat;!!!? Wow




um whats ur routine of eating like ur in a calorie defecit?


I tried to get as much protein as I could (aiming to 2g/kg of bodyweight), and tracked my calories so I could be in a calorie deficit. I ate anything, but tried to eat as healthy as possible and cut down unhealthy foods and drinks.


What about your gym routine?


I try to aim each muscle twice a week, unless itā€™s still sore. Progressive overload and close to failure almost every set.


ty mate.


Yw :)


How did you get rid of the belly? Could share a workout maybe?


There is only one way to lose body fat, and thatā€™s what I did. Calorie deficit. Once you are in a calorie deficit, itā€™s up to genetics where the fat is lost first, and belly fat is usually the last one to go. My workout routine is only focused in building muscle mass. So I have not done any cardio whatsoever.


>[You cannot target where you lose fat. This is commonly called ā€œspot reductionā€ and it is a myth. Your genes are responsible for where your body stores fat and where it comes from when losing weight ā€“ in a ā€œfirst on, last offā€ manner. So if the first place you get fat is your belly, itā€™s probably going to be the last place to lose it.](https://thefitness.wiki/faq/what-exercises-can-i-do-to-lose-fat-in-my-body-part/) The only way to lose fat in specific areas is to lose it all over. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Congrats man! Awesome effort


Thank you




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