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... is this Galacta's first appearance on anything outside the comics?


I think so? She isnt even in marvel snap last i checked.


She’s not


If she's not in Marvel Snap then I can confidently say she doesn't exist. They even got pigs and talking dogs in there. Jokes aside it's a fun way of getting to know fun characters that Marvel is too much of a coward to make movies with. I don't care about Ant-Man or Spider-Man or any other Insect-men in general. Somebody get the telepathic soviet talking dog a movie. Get on with it.


Cosmo's been in the last few Guardians of the Galaxy movies/shorts.


Also in the Guardians of the Galaxy game


And he referred to spider pig, who was in the spider verse movies


It's in a couple movies already


Cosmo is in the GotG Holiday Special and GotG Volume 3


Saying Marvel is "too much of a coward" to make movies with any character has not really held any water since Guardians of the Galaxy.


TBF, 20 years ago Ant-Man would have been in the "fun characters that Marvel is too much of a coward to make movies with" category. The MCU totally changed the landscape of superhero movies.


As well as GotG, the Eternals, Shang Chi, Echo, Werewolf by Night, etc. If there's one thing I think Marvel can't be criticized over, it's using lesser-known characters. Most of the MCU was built around using those sorts of characters since they sold off their A-listers in the 90s.


I've been playing Snap since global launch and I'm amazed how many characters there are that I've never heard of. If Snap continues to operate for years I can guarantee you that character will be there eventually.


I love when people complain about shit that already exists or is solved.


I don't want my bubble burst on this. I just want to imagine a pokemon snap game where you have to throw rocks at iron man and the hulk to take a picture of them in the wild.


I mean there is many more prominent characters that Galacta that isn't in Snap. Loki was added fairly recently. And snap also add some fairly obscure characters, like the Infinaut. So I don't think that a characters inclusion in Snap really meant anything regarding how popular/obscure they are.


War Machine was only added to Snap yesterday, and he's been prominently featured in the MCU for a decade now. Snap has a lot that they haven't quite covered yet.


Yeah, but even at launch, you also have characters like The Infinaut, whose so obscure half of his Google search results are about Marvel Snap.


Wait, this is an actual character that's separate from Galactus? That's hilarious, I just thought it was a waifu Galactus to appeal to the anime consumers lol


She was a joke character that showed up 14 years ago, not being part of the main universe, so that is to be expected.




So; 1. Who did Galactus fuck? 2. Who fucked Gali?




>Like her father, Galacta has access to advanced technology such as: >Blog: She regularly updates her blog-page/diary, where she uses the alias "Gali_girl"; however, it has not been updated since 2009. ... Special Glasses: Galacta uses a wide range of glasses to hide her unique eyes. I am somewhat skeptical about the level of technology they consider "advanced" here.


good god that costume is atrocious


But planet-sized boobies


Upper-Moons, if you will


That's no moon....


You make a compelling argument


atrociously excellent


She is Galactus (non-canon) daughter that appear every now and then as a gag.


Oh it's definitely that too. I don't think being a distinct character from the comics rules that out.


Yeah she’s a win/win: Funny gimmick character to get people talking Waifu appeal Emphasises the multiverse aspect of the game and all the deep lore they can use


NGL I came to the comments just to see if we were gonna acknowledge waifu Galactus


Super deep cut, it’s been more than a decade


First appearance in anything since her comic. I’m actually happy. That’s a wild pull and I liked her miniseries.


Seriously, the fact that Marvel didn't do anything with her is a crime of the highest order.


Shoutout to NetEase then lol, the fact that they're digging this deep makes me excited for the roster.


The kill sound being the legally distinct version of the Overwatch one gave me a chuckle. Netease doesn't give me much hope, and its clearly very overwatch inspired but i'll keep my eye on it at least.


> The kill sound being the legally distinct version of the Overwatch one gave me a chuckle. The red marker looked almost identical too.


There's so much overwatch in there... It's basically a reskin at best


Third-person is smart though given that one of the ways to monetise these games is by changing how your character looks.


The destruction of some enviroment and teamups at least seem new to me in terms of hero based shooters.


Gundam Evolution: "First time?" Real talk though GE was a lot of fun and I liked it more than OW... but it had numerous issues external to the gameplay...


Gundam Evolution was so much fun, but they couldnt get their servers figured out.


They did figure them out but... too late. Plus no backfill meant if someone quit you were down a player. No rolling lobbies meant constant re-queues to get into a new match. Heroes locked behind a grind that was actually rougher than OW2s. Incredibly uninspiring cosmetics with stingy lootboxes.


Yeah no backfill was a nightmare. Game was a ton of fun though! Guntank my beloved...


Saw a comment elsewhere claiming this was originally supposed to be a mobile version of Overwatch before things went south between NetEase and Blizzard and NetEase just reskinned it for Marvel. From the looks of things it seems plausible


I swear it seems like all the female characters sound just like D.Va


"Peni: One. Bad Guys: Zero"


Peni and D Va are pretty much the same archetype, so that tracks.


Isn't Peni more like if DVa and Hammond piloted Wrecking Ball together?




Yep, basically the love child of Spider-man and Neon Henesis Evangelion.


> Neon Henesis Evangelion Is this like regular Eva, but Shinji drinks a bunch of Hennessy to deal with the mess that is his life?


Currently in my Neon Henesis Evangelion Era.. not having a great time..


Have you not seen Into the Spider-Verse?


I'm glad it wasn't just me. Noticed they (seemingly) got most of their recurring cast for the male characters (Mike Wingert as Tony, Liam O'Brien as Dr. Strange, etc) but then suddenly D.va everywhere


I literally thought the "announcer" of this trailer was D.Va


Several Overwatch voice actors have voiced characters in Paladins, Apex Legends, and Valorant, so I wouldn't be surprised if one Overwatch VA also did voice work for Marvel Rivals.


Robot Spider girl HAD to be the same voice actress.


Magik not having a Russian accent killed my soul a little bit.


My very first reaction to the trailer was "Wait, is that an Overwatch map?" It looks *exactly* like an Overwatch map.


Tbf Numbani is already off-brand wakanda


And the UI, among other things. This game isn't even trying to hide that it's ripping Overwatch off as much as legally possible. But the gameplay looks a lot jankier, I don't expect this will go over all that well.


Yeah looks like Oasis


> Netease doesn't give me much hope ya, NetEase = MTX ridden for sure and that is never good, also their track record is not great.


NetEase is such a shitty company. This made my interest in this game plummet through the earth and fall out on the other side.


To my knowledge, NetEase’s only non-mobile f2p game right now is Naraka: Bladepoint. And I think that community is pretty pleased? I don’t pay real close attention to that game, so maybe I’m wrong about that.


they are just publisher, it was developed by 24 Entertainment


Looks way less smooth and fluid than overwatch though, everything shown seemed slow and with a lot of pause in the animation. I understand MOBA fans might like it but it really doesn't look like my cup of tea


Even though Blizzard gets a lot of critisim these days, at least with Overwatch one, their art is extremely polished. So it's not surprising that OW is going to be one step above in the art department However, gameplay and content matters more


It'll probably be really fun for a few weeks and then exactly like OW in 2016 a lot of the casual players will start leaving as the game starts getting solved and the good players start getting really good. Then they'll probably have to go the OW way and actually start balancing the game, tone down the goofy broken stuff.


Netease should give you hope at least on the development front. They have a lot of studios, including western ones, and they are competent. As far as console releases, they have been decent, and in terms of F2P, we have no idea how they go on consoles as far as monetization.


I miss OW1 and it's gone now so if it can give me a similar feeling at this point that's just a plus tbh


on the one hand, kinda skeptical of the game's ability to fulfill all its promises (destructible environments is the big one) on the other hand, holy shit playable Magik!


Ever since Midnight Suns I’ve become a big Magik fan. Very excited to see her playable


The roster in general is a good mixture of big names and more niche but cool heroes (similar to Midnight Suns).


I thought Luna Snow was an OG character just for this game at first.


Even as a comics guy I had no clue who she is, but I mostly stopped reading around 2016. She is a South Korean K-Pop idol with ice powers.


Had to look her up. Created in 2019 for the curious.


The cynic in me thinks she was probably included in the game just to sell more units in South Korea. That said she does look *cool.*


Even if that’s true, who cares? It’s a good thing that there’s representation in games like this that gets more people interested in it


She was, but not for this one she was made for the mobile game future fight


She was created for a mobile game called Marvel Future Fight This does open the door for other Marvel mobile game OCs like Guillotine, the Warriors of the Sky, Civil Warrior, Symbiote Supreme, Sharon Rogers.


She was awesome in Marvel Heroes 


Loved teleporting all around with her and her army of minions. Man I miss that game


I mained Rogue and Iron Man. Loved "House Party Protocol"


Magik was strong AF in Midnight Suns, especially if you got the right upgrades and abilities on her.


Is portal.


Magik were amazing in Midnight Suns. She was so fun to play.


Nothing like a good "Gather" on a group of enemies


I also liked how she was the only member where sucking up to them wasn't the right choice 90% of the time. Was nice to have a character who doesn't give a crap about you being nice to them.


She was written so well. She doesn't want you to pressure her to talk about her feelings, but she still values having someone to listen when she *wants* to open up. And yeah, she doesn't take well to superficial compliments - you have to show you care instead of just saying it. I'm pretty sure I remember a couple times where directly disagreeing with her actually *increased* your friendship, because she valued that you were being honest with her.


She was the first I maxed my friendship with. No regrets. Coolest shit chick ever.


The destruction in the trailer just looks like simple pre-calculation. The big pieces that stay around look like they'll always land in the same place. Not hard to do even in a online environment.


Think of the skins they’re going to make for her…. But yes, it’s Netease so my expectations are pretty low. That being said, if I can get a few weeks of fun out of it, I’ll be happy.


The real problem is the dev/publisher, NetEase. This will for sure be P2W filled with MTX


I mean, it's a hero shooter with Marvel characters, doesn't look half bad, but nothing particularly interesting. It will get a lot of money for that alone, let's see how it holds up given Netease's history.


I just want Marvel Heroes back


There is a group that is reverse engineering the server side stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x3XAUjzbuI


I'm so excited for this.


God me too. All this game did was make mus miss it more.


Given ARPGs have seemed to become a lot bigger with games like PoE, Grim Dawn, etc., you'd think a Marvel Heroes reboot would be pretty much of a no brainer at this point.


I'm not sure how far it is these days, but there was a private server in the works,


man I put so many hours into that game


Having destructible environments is kinda interesting seeing how far we’ve reverted from games a generation ago or 2 having that in multiplayer modes to it being kinda rare.


Man I loved that era of games that was pushing physics simulation. I was so disappointed going from GTA IV to GTA V and they just got rid of the whole natural motion thing. Car and human physics was so much better in IV. The destructible environment looks very basic, and more like destroying a block then any real physics simulation.


GTA V was way too scripted for me. I don't recall how scripted GTA IV is, but my favorite memory of a gta game was Vice City: I had to kill some dude. The quest usually goes that the dude hops in a car, and you chase him down. That alone is cool, because he doesn't take some specific route, it's all random. Once, we ended up in driving cars through the mall and getting in a shoot out. You could even damage his car before the quest so when he tries to escape his car is already wrecked. That's such a stark difference to gta V, where you had to simply follow a car for 1 minute, until some cutscene triggers where you catch him.


> where you had to simply follow a car for 1 minute, until some cutscene triggers where you catch him. And while chasing that car, that car is indestructible, every car that get in the way is tossed aside, like being hit by a 100 ton truck, you can't even push it off road, since its like trying to push a wall


It's a really fun gimmick, but very hard to balance a multiplayer game around. It's also very resource intensive since you have to run the physics calculations server-side to keep them properly synchronized for all clients. *The Finals* seems to have this figured out. They fixed the balance issues by making the maps very large, keeping match times under 15 minutes, and randomizing objective locations. This basically solves the Battlefield problem of the game becoming a miserable sniperfest after all the natural cover around the objectives has been destroyed. Right now there is a limited 5v5 mode similar to Push from *Overwatch*, but the payload hovers and it's path goes right through large buildings, bringing them crashing down.


I really don't think destruction was a huge problem in MP like people say it was now (BC2 for example still had lots of rubble cover and there were also indestructable portions in some areas of the maps) but BFV fixed this anyways with the Fortifications system. It was a bit undertuned in that game but the concept is golden - just let people repair it :D In a shooter like this it could be automatically repaired with a cybernetic visual effect and explained in lore that the matches take place in the X-Mansion Danger Room or something similar. Although having certain characters with the ability to rewind time and restore buildings is an interesting concept to play around with too, though much harder to implement and balance.


Yeah I can't believe Red Faction was doing it like 30 years ago


It's crazy to think how many games were the first to really popularize something unique but then died out before they could reap the rewards. They were too ahead of the time. Red Faction with environment destructions, Shadowrun with PC-Console crossplay, Infiniminer with big voxels (minecraft), and many more i am forgetting.


In my opinion one of Overwatch’s biggest strengths is its characters and how you feel all their personalities from gameplay. Marvel already has characters people love, so they’re halfway there. I was initially skeptical but I can see how it’ll work


Yep, I see a lot of hard work into the characters, animations, abilities, voice lies, etc! Despite the heavy cribbing from OverWatch, I'm cautiously optimistic that this might be fun. Hopefully they can focus on gameplay and player experience rather than sucking every penny out as a live service game.


A hero shooter with marvel characters is not an especially inspired idea, but if they execute well on it it might at least be a bit fun.


Its hard to tell how it will play from a trailer but the characters look fairly stiff and slow, almost like they’re from Smite or another MOBA. That being said art style, and abilities look really cool. Interested to see where this goes.


I noticed that too. Would be a weird choice if that's the case, especially for characters like Spider-Man or Iron Man who are known for their mobility. I was waiting to see some web-swinging but oh well.


I think it’s due to maps being kinda small so it’s a bit tough to have them run and get across the map in a few minutes. I saw Spiderman swinging though so maybe that’s like an ability like pharah’s jets that last for a few seconds.


Spiderman yelling "Don't mess with the Amazing Spiderman!" really lost me. Makes the game sound like it's aimed toward 5 year olds with no knowledge of the source material.


Spidey is a bit cringe tho, that’s part of his charm


They likely have to be somewhat slow so they can actually be hit with projectiles. If they move too fast, they'll be impossible to hit.


Warframe's PVP is an example of what happens if characters move too fast in PVP


0:23 in trailer, Spider-man swings. And during his gameplay part you can see swinging ability on shift button


It’s been a few years since I played it but it screams Paladins more than Overwatch for me.


100%. In terms of polish and general feel this looks a lot more like Paladins/Smite/Battleborn than Overwatch.


Yup. Paladins, Smite, etc




People are calling it Marvel Overwatch, but the third person view is definitely giving me vibes of all the third person MOBAs that came out years ago like Smite, Paragon, and Gigantic. Gigantic is the most niche of the three, but Marvel Rival's sense of scale, movement, and cartoony art style is definitely evocative of that game.


Paladins it's basically paladins with Marvel


Sure, if Paladins was third person maybe.


Paladins used to have a third person mode...


Years ago??? Gigantic (re)releases next month!


after like 6 years


Oh wow I had no idea it was coming back as a buy-to-play game lol. I just remembered its servers shutting down after a year. Glad to hear its coming back though!


I played a few quickplay games during the beta weekend, it is still pretty fun!


Yeah I went into the trailer because I was told it was marvel overwatch but it's nowhere near as fast paced and smooth. It's not necessarily better or worse but they seem to be going for very different things


From the trailer, I only got that the attacks have absolutely zero weight. The only way I was able to tell that they connected was because the enemies' HP dropped. I don't know if I like that too much.


Yeah I noticed this as well, overall it looks decent for what seems to be alpha but I'd definitely want more impact on hits.


One of the core things Blizzard managed to retain after all these years is some of the most buttery smooth yet high impact animations out there. Even when their games fail, their animation polish is still the best in the industry. It's going to be tough for anyone to match that.


it feels like someone screwed the scaling on models or environment. it feels like a bunch of characters running around half finished levels


spider-man was running like he was underwater, dr strange was flying forward slower than grandma in her rascal scooter. If it stays that way im already out, superheros are many things but "slow" isnt one of them


Smite is exactly how magik made me feel.


Everything feels so limp in the action of this trailer Like nothing hits that hard or feels heavy enough it all feels so floaty and weak


It's free to play which I guess is cool in one way because folks cam drop in and try it, but also means all the cool shit will undoubtedly be locked behind ridiculously priced microtransactions.


This would be DOA if it was paid imo. As it stands, I am very excited to install and try this


You're probably right. I just hope the Micros etc are reasonable as it looks fun.


Just please don't lock characters behind paywalls. Nothing more off-putting than unbalanced characters with a price tag.


probably just skins


Usually that 'cool shit' is just clothes so people that wanna play dress up can fund the actual game for the rest of us


It looks better than I expected actually, but I'm not sure how much of a compliment that is. Got that stench of *"game that comes out, is popular for three weeks, is shut down nine months later"* that's all too common these days. That said, looks they've done a good job making all of these characters seem distinct on the playing field.


Maybe, though the F2P + big IP combo is a pretty good recipe to get strong early momentum. I can see this being a long-term success even if they deliver a merely ok game, never mind a good one.


To your point, that Pokemon MOBA is still around


Per their [Discord](https://discord.gg/marvelrivals) FAQ: >✦ What is Marvel Rivals? > >Marvel Rivals is an extraordinary third-person hero shooter game infused with the Marvel Universe, showcasing a diverse array of iconic superheroes and imaginative battlegrounds. Each hero wields incredible superpowers, delivering unexpected twists and exhilarating fun to the battlefield in the blink of an eye! > >✦ What about game modes? What's available? > >At the moment, you can dive into our electrifying 6v6 team-based competitive mode. Keep an eye out as we're crafting more game modes to intensify the adventure! Ignite the Battle! > >✦ What platforms will the game be released on? > >The game's first stop will be on Steam. However, we're actively exploring potential releases on other platforms. Keep an eye out for further announcements as our universe expands! > >✦ When will the game be launched? > >The game is currently in the throes of development, and as of now, the launch date remains undetermined. Keep a keen eye on the ⁠game-news channel for the latest updates. Stay tuned as our epic journey unfolds! > >✦ Is Marvel Rivals free to play? > >Absolutely! We're committed to making the game accessible to all. Marvel Rivals is completely free to download and play.


That's quite the non-answer to the game mode question. What *is* your 6v6 competitive mode, NetEase?


Looked like a point capture and escort a payload mode, if you look at 43 seconds in when they're showing off spiderman it looks like they're fighting over a square point just like you would in Overwatch. They were also escorting a payload in the next scene so yeah, so its payload/point capture.


"We copied Overwatch, but it's Marvel"


> Marvel Rivals is an extraordinary third-person hero shooter game infused with the Marvel Universe, showcasing a diverse array of iconic superheroes and imaginative battlegrounds. Each hero wields incredible superpowers, delivering unexpected twists and exhilarating fun to the battlefield in the blink of an eye! ChatGPT goes wild.


It’s comic books. Extraordinary, amazing, uncanny, incredible. They do all the adjective work for you


ChatGPT always reads like marketing releases, so the reverse is also true.


That's just how I've always seen marketing. It's really not that different from the blurbs you've seen for new games for decades. Just read the back of some video game boxes


ChatGPT seems to love giving way-too-excited descriptions about how great something is in a way that no human does anymore. That said I don't know if it's definitive proof of anything, I can believe people who do Marvel shit have to use the most corporate language possible


> ChatGPT seems to love giving way-too-excited descriptions about how great something is in a way that no human does anymore. > > To be fair, that's been marketing forever. They always try to sound way more excited about something than anybody truly is.


> ChatGPT seems to love giving way-too-excited descriptions about how great something is in a way that no human does anymore. ChatGPT is literally trained on content created by humans. And plenty of people are using hyperbole on Internet still now


Looks pretty cool at first glance, I'd definitely give this a go! I do prefer FPS games but I understand why 3rd person is more alluring when playing as specific heroes.


Plus getting to see cosmetics I assume you spend real money on is nice


Cosmetics in FPS games never made any sense, especially if there are no cutscenes.


From the menu screen, to the POTG and the victory screen Overwatch actually does a lot to show you your cosmetics and of course all cosmetics also affect the first person model so it's not true to say you can't see them.


Not to mention the kill cam. Skins in Overwatch have always been insanely popular and a big part of the community's culture. It's a prime counter-example to the narrative that people don't care about cosmetics in first person games.


FPS games practically invented cosmetics. Doom and Quake 1 let you choose your color, even though you you could never see it yourself in-game. Quake 2 added a female player model option. Quake 3 had dozens of skins to choose from out of the box. People like dressing up even if it is primarily for the people around them to see.


Third-person tends to be more exciting for games like this, Arkham and Spidey where you actually are playing *as* the hero. The new Indiana Jones recieved backlash because first-person makes you feel more like a cosplayer with a whip than watching *the* Indy kick ass on screen.


I actually feel way more immersed in first, even when playing as a set character. I'd love it if every superhero game offered first and third (I know that's unrealistic, just my "ideal game" dream). I think it's the same reason I love first in Bethesda games, I feel more like an actual person in the world when I see it from the character's perspective. Though I do love the option of 3rd or 3rd in specific areas to see how the character and their suit/costume looks. For that reason, I thought the Indy game looked AWESOME, though I'd certainly still play it if it was 3rd only. From a PvP shooter gameplay perspective I think 1st person is better because there's no wallpeeking or anything like that, but this game is more of a brawler with some long range characters so it's a non-issue on that front.


Does anyone else feel like Attacks are lacking in terms of "weight"? Attacks that look like they're dealing a heavy blow seem to land like a weak slap. Maybe it's different while playing, but it's one thing I noticed about the trailer.


Yeah the combat looks about as floaty as paladins which isn’t a good thing


Art direction on the heroes is actually pretty great! Especially in those more cinematic clips. Can tell they had talented concept artists & stuck with their work closely. Gameplay wise, yeah I feel the fact that these are marvel heroes carries quite alot of it atm - a bit slow, combat seems a bit .. limp? - and a very Overwatch/Smite/Valorant kind of feel to presentation, incl sound design which makes it feel a bit too familiar imo. Can tell MTX will be overhwelming, but i'll probs give it a spin.


FYI: This is developed by NetEase, who previously worked on Diablo Immortal. Expect this to be a MTX-ridden cluster within a month of release


"Do you guys not have money?"


Looks more like smite but with a different more action based gamemode. Could be fun if they figure out the balancing. Im really surprised about all the people that claimed this game is or looks like overwatch... this game is not a shooter and looks totally different gameplay wise. Even the map design looks totally different, I would even say the map design is similar to paladins. (more open, more highgrounds, check Stone Keep map)




It wasn’t all the people, it was a leaker who played the alpha who said this. And he meant the art style is similar, it does kinda look like a Overwatch copy. Also this game is a 6v6 with dps, tank and healers. They will also have escorting payloads type maps too. Which is another thing that Overwatch does. It kinda looks good, but this is just the initial impression so far


The shot with the characters all facing left with a white background. Overwatch had the exact same 'poster' as well lol Tbf if it's anywhere near how fun ow was early on, count me in haha


feel like i am taking crazy pills, cause this looks absolutely miserable. ​ goes to show how badly people want an overwatch clone i guess.


Iron Man literally said "It's Nano Time" and ~~shot a generic beam at enemies~~ Nanoed all over the enemies ... How is anyone hyped for this?


Slowly nano'd all over the enemies. Every character looked like they were wading in molasses.


Glad I'm not the only one cringing at that atrocious line.


"Cup of liber-tea" somehow further turned up to 11? I shouldn't be tired of the cheesiness of your voice lines before I even finish the trailer. I know that's kind of Marvel's "he's right behind me, isn't he?" shtick, but at least they can pace it properly in a film.


I’m with you. This doesn’t pass the smell test on the mobility of characters and how quick the kills seemed to go. It’ll be dead in about a year after launch or reworked and scrapped entirely.


And I think it looks nothing like overwatch and it'll be miserable to play. It looks so damn slow...


It looks like a mobile game (which isn’t surprising considering the developer). It also just seems boring and lacklustre? And it will 100% be pay to win because Netease.


“It’s nano time”? “Maximum pulse” with a wee little blast. At least Black Panther’s lines were cool.


Went to sign up for the playtest, and at the bottom of the form there is a question asking if your PC meets the [minimum system requirements](https://i.imgur.com/3gcIWnH.png), and they sure are something... Granted this is a playtest I suppose so it will probably (hopefully) improve, still kinda funny tho.


I think they may be trying to get a variety of systems. My form was asking for a gtx 1060/rx 580 and a 3000 ryzen cpu.


Ah yeah, went and loaded up the form again and it's showing the same 1060/580 like you, could be that. Or maybe they changed them, idk.


Yeah, that's definitely Overwatch-inspired. I do dig it, though. The team-up mechanic seems cool. I would guess only specific pairs are allowed. That would encourage working together, but I can also see it causing certain heroes to be used over others.


its feels more smite n paragon inspired imo


Even if game would be trash, visually it looks really nice. Reminds me of Arkane tv series and also games from Arkane studio


I’m very hopeful for this concept. But anyone else find a lot of the voice acting and lines to be grating? Particularly Spider-Man and Dr. Strange. In Overwatch for example, the voice delivery is more natural and perfectly suited for the given character - think Hanzo, Tracer, Lucio. Even the “exaggerated” voices like Reinhardt feel appropriate and not over-acted. The casting, directing, and writing (for the most part) are top notch. Whereas the voices in this trailer sound like grown adults overacting with cheesy uninspired voices. It has that corny English dub anime feel of overexaggerated delivery.


My bi-yearly "are they finally redoing Marvel Heroes? Nope..." trailer view. Sigh.


Marvel I'm only interested in you bringing back Marvel Heroes Omega, that was a GREAT game with acceptable microtransactions and you could earn every Hero simply by playing. This BS though? Is gonna last just as long as Gundam Evolution, possibly even less.