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Males have a natural advantage since their upper body strength lets them smash controllers with ease.


Can confirm, I’m $25k in credit card debt in terms of the controller budget


Those are rookie numbers.


Least passionate Elden ring player


The masculine desire to bottle up your feelings and punch a wall instead of going to therapy


There is also the totally masculine desire to wear womens clothes and be called a good girl, totally masculine and totally cis^(tm)


A fuckin blind guy played at evo this year why couldn't a trans person?


Umisho won the Gulity Gear Strive tourney last year, and she's trans. Funnily enough, the day she won Arc System Works revealed GCJ favorite Bridget as a DLC character for Strive.


umisho my beloved chaos main


Wrong! Sol Badguy


Saul Goodman when he meets Sol Badguy


one of the best SC2 players is openly trans.


First (and I think only as of now) player to beat Hades at Max Difficulty is also trans. The trans agenda appears to be being better than me at all the video games I like.


Ya I'm glad some communities have shut it down hard right from the start, sadly not everyone is lucky.


Scarlett rules it's true


She was top 6 this year too, though she was playing Sol Badguy instead of Chaos. She's a damn good player and I'm glad her fellow competitors were largely nice even if the crowd was suspiciously silent at times for her.


Really? That fucking sucks. I wasn't able to go to the con portion of EVO but I was at arena finals last Sunday and she got a ton of cheers during her matches.


Trans people play at Evo all the time, just watch any Strive tourney, there are also cis women I'm legit confused why there are gendered esports


Same reason there’s women’s chess tournaments. It’s a way of getting women into the sport at a competitive level in a traditionally male space even if it’s not one that is physically differentiated


It's (also) because men have fragile egos and can't handle losing to a woman. Look up Zhang Shan, the only female skeet shooter to ever win a mixed-gender shooting event at the 92 Olympics. What do you think happened after she won?


That’s actually a really sad read. They had it mixed gendered for decades but the first year in 40 years a woman won, and they instantly split it


Wait till you read the history of why we have gendered sports in general


Can I have a link to that? It sounds interesting.


Where canI read said history?


Is this implying it’s because women kept winning? I feel like most sports are more physical in nature than shooting, so I don’t feel like that would be the case.


Not kept, more like one woman won and men were like “that’s possible? We must split it” (this is a half remembered synopsis of a random YouTube doc) men are on average stronger than women and if we had mixed-gender sports we would see more men winning than women BUT I don’t think it would be the colossal landslide we’ve been told our whole lives. But idc about sports soooo I’m not really gonna claim expertise here and note that a 7 year old girl could beat me at most sports


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7068418/ It's actually been studied. Pistols had a slight advantage to men, but not in any major way and rifles were 1:1 Marksmen trainers in the military find that 18 year old women have a easier time, because the men rush their shots. Also grew up in the country shooting clays with my dad and sister. She had 0 issues keeping up, and is an absolute surgeon in archery




I don't understand the relevance or why you bring this up when I used an example to dismantle the idea that there is a difference. IMO that tiny difference is attributed to cultural/gender expectations, not biology. (Young boys will be taken to ranges by their dad more often, and handguns are literally a gift some crazy people give 13 year old boys in the south) Rather than discount science entirely, be critical and understand correlation != causation. Did you ignore what I wrote and just assumed I was agreeing with them?


> What do you think happened after she won? they murdered her?


Thought that’s what he meant too but no they changed the competition from mixed gender to being split based on what I can gather from an article about her on the Olympics website


I was thinking assassination for sure


You mean that they removed it being mixed gender?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd assume the main e-sports leagues allow all genders, while there exists a separate women-only league as an alternative? I can't imagine that the main league is specifically excluding non-males by rule. But I'd imagine there's still very few (if not zero) women in most of the main leagues because of the issues the above chatter pointed out.


Correct. In fact most professional leagues in general are like this. Like there isn't "Men's Baseball". Women are allowed to play in the MLB. Its just that there aren't any women who get onto MLB teams. That's for a variety of reasons and I think if we encouraged women's sports as heavily as we do men's sports then we probably would've seen some Women MLB players by now, but at the end of the day the point is that the vast majority of major sports leagues are not actually "men's" leagues. They don't have a gender requirement, there just aren't any women who make the cut or try out.


I feel like we've moved pretty far from 30 years ago. I mean 30 years before 92, black people couldn't use the the same water fountain as white people. 30 years is a long time and things change.


From what I could tell, they didn't bring back mixed-gender shooting events to the Olympics until 2020. I'm not really here to argue that we're stuck in the 90s, I'm just saying in general that men don't like it when women compete with them, especially when the women beat them.


Yeah, but we've been moving backwards.


Thirty years is half a blink of an eye what’s this “long time” nonsense


Most e-sports have an open and a women’s category. There’s nothing stopping women competing against men, in fact it used to happen all the time in counter-strike.


Unfortunately we're still at the point with esports where gendered separation is kinda necessary. Infrastructure and culture of professional gaming has been so hostile to women for so many years that it feeds a vicious cycle. No women play, so no woman has the longterm high level experience and practice to keep up with even the lower rungs of male competition. Generally if you look at any bespoke women's league in something like LoL or CSGO, the top levels of competition and skill are still around equal to semi-pro men's qualifying divisions, or even less. This isn't to say there's an inherent gender advantage, but the very opposite; because it's so massively biased towards *experience* instead (many top male pros have been playing at a high level for years and have basically been playing these games since childhood, women are culturally forced out and won't typically start until later in life because of the constant rampant toxicity towards them) your average man is simply far more likely to be better at the game. The interesting offshoot of this, related to the OP, is that trans women (having been culturally raised and probably thought of by others mainly as men) are much much more likely than cis women to have that necessary time and experience, so at the top levels of a lot of gaming competition (ESPECIALLY fighting games, where you are completely self reliant and don't need a team) there's a lot more trans women than cis women who are able to keep up perfectly fine. Fighting games are also a little easier for cis women to get into for that reason, but again, the culture of a lot of fighting games is so aggressively masculine that they need to be able to deal with not fitting in for something like Tekken (I find this is highly variable by specific game, personally).


[The FGC has been extremely queer-friendly for a very long time.](https://www.teamliquid.com/news/2023/06/30/why-is-the-fgc-so-queer)


Wait there are gendered esports? I mean there’s been loads of efforts to try and diversify exports so it’s not a fucking sausage fest at pax but that literally just comes with diversifying videogames in general to appeal to the now much larger audience of people outside of white male dudes aged 18-35.


It's mostly like "Open" and "Women" esports categories where women category tends to be like entirely separate events and stuff like that to give some spotlight to female players. I can't really think of any case where I would heard that esports event had full locked Men/Women separation.


Mostly to have spotlight on female players being shown forefront. Since due to variety of factors that all in all result in smaller playerbase of women in competitive settings of many various games (that shit could be entire god damn essay of its own, there's so many factors to cover), which leads therefore by default also to a lot smaller pool of possible female players reaching top tiers of competitive gaming and thus limiting visibility of women in esports. But there's not really "men only" categories for esports as far I can think of.


Because otherwise the women would distract the guys with their boobs. And the poor poor men would have no other choice but to stare at the titties, giving the women unfair advantages. This is obviously a joke, but honestly it feels like something an incel would say unironically.


They even have Smash players.


I know for chess women face rampant sexism, sexualization , etc. assuming same for most esports considering how gaming communities are


>I'm legit confused why there are gendered esports I always thought this had to do with the available talent pools and skill ceilings. I'm gonna pull numbers out of my ass to make my point, so its not scientifically true or anything like that. This was just my theory. But a lot of games used to be catered towards boys and men, instead of everybody. And it was also I think socially more acceptablefor men and boys to play video games. So lets say 80% of boys play videogames, where 20% of girls play videogames. Same with football, chess, etc., you have a bigger talent pool and a higher skill ceiling.


Umisho made top 6! And easily played the most entertainingly out of anyone there except maybe tyurara and Daru ino


Ricky Ortiz became Ricki Ortiz over the last decade or so. Nobody cried foul.


In fgc, no one discriminates anyone based on their sexualities. I mean people do but they are not tolerated. Thats why I love the fgc, its such an amazing community and always produces the hypest moments.


Now we need a blind woman to really settle the score


Remember when they screeched about a trans woman's "genetic advantages" for fucking *Jeopardy*


They've argued "genetic advantage" when trans women compete in beauty pageants. It's just an impulse, they know they can get away with transphobia by masking it behind "concerns over genetic advantage", but they've done it so much they don't even understand the original point.


"It's not fair! A hot and sexy 'man' got to compete with all these gross women! God I hate the lgbt community! This is in no way ironic!"


to be fair, a lot of people would vote for finnster over a lot of cis women.


Finnster supremacy, if everyone looked like him there'd be no war


F1nn AND icky over many people.


hospital bored zealous degree direful resolute shelter recognise faulty nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That last one is just hilarious. Like, if a trans woman can look like a prettier woman than world-class pretty cis women, she deserves that trophy


They just see the words "trans" and "competing" and they have to mention "genetic advantage" it could even be a trans person competing in a bingo match "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE GENETIC ADVANTAGE!?"


that’s just misogyny at that point


no, its mostly just the fact that these people do not want us to exist, so seeing us in any sort of setting is instantly a reason to start raging and crying


it's both


I believe in Amy Schneider supremacy


The Transes are getting experimental Gamer Gene therapy to outperform men


Yeah that's what HRT is


Hate Rage Tryhard


Ok I'm going to have to remember that one


Theres still ppl that think amab people have an inherent advantage in video games as well


I thought this was an AFAB person who won lol, it is hilarious how people are still unironically believing 1990s Nintendo propaganda


If we start banning trans people from gaming tournaments who will be left to play magic the gathering?


The guy taking pics of butt cracks?


No joke, I've met more trans people playing magic the gathering than I have in all other aspects of life combined. I'm also for banning them so I can finally win for once 🥺


I'm trans now?


Sorry we had to break it to you like this


Congratulations ^ - ^ /j


Always have been :P


Here's your complimentary Blahaj.


Male To Gamer


its a known fact that trans people are better than cis people at video games


especially at fighting games, if i had a dollar for every trans women that kicked my ass on gg:s id be a gazillionaire


being part of the lgbt is a buff in fighting games swear.


Wait...so I'm this bad WITH THE BUFF?!


Could've fooled me. Where's my buff?


you gotta have the word trans rights as the user id for it to activate. sonicfox did it to win tournaments


Getting your ass kicked by a trans person in Strive is a meme at this point lmao.


i got destroyed at smash bros when i played it in queerspace, the only issue is im trans too so i should have done the destroying


At least that's my excuse for suckinf at online smash and I'm sticking with it


its a known fact that trans people are better than cis people ~~at video games~~ ​ /j


Shoutout to angel1C, the goat




I honestly thought they weren’t lol


as somebody into esports, women's leauges/tournaments pop up to combat gatekeeping, bigotry, and just as part of the scene for lower tiers of competition. In most of the women's tournaments I see trans people are explicitly said to be allowed/encouraged to play since they would face a lot of the same roadblocks that cis dudes wouldn't.


so outside of assholes gatekeeping is there any necessary longer-term decision or do we just need to make gamers less shit(easier said than done)


get the bigots out and keep providing opportunity I guess


>so outside of assholes gatekeeping is there any necessary longer-term decision or do we just need to make gamers less shit(easier said than done) At least in CSGO the idea is to create a space for Women to be able to play without fear of bigotry or sexism in order to better cultivate female talent within the space. So far the results have been mixed but most Tier 1 orgs have a womens team, The Na'Vi Javelins (the womens team to the Na'Vi org) are actually dominating their respective scene rn. I personally hope to see as time goes on and the orgs continue to cultivate and build female talent we'll see more mixed gendered teams/all female teams competing in Tier 1 tournaments. Unfortunately at least in CSGO the biggest roadblock isn't the orgs or T.Os but the fans being toxic fucking losers, Chinese players in the CSGO scene face a similar level of bigotry, discrimination and toxicity in the scene as I imagine female players would. It's an extra weird contradiction as well considering there are several female talent members who are casters and analysts such as Freya who are adored by most of the community but the second they start actually playing CSGO it's like a switch flips and men turn into shit flinging apes. It's actually a pretty big issue a lot of people in the scene from Casters, Analysts, Orgs, Male Teams and Content Creators have been working to address. [Women and Counter Strike](https://youtu.be/F6gf-u8QG_4) There is still a ton of work to be done and part of the reason all female teams/leagues exist is because unfortunately in the general public area on CS this is what the experience is like for a lot of women playing with randoms: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eaSLIM3Aq9I](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eaSLIM3Aq9I)


Yeah I don’t think any other reason besides the gaming community just being extra hostile to anyone that’s not a heterosexual cismale. Emphasis on _extra_ hostile. Of course fixing that, well, how would you even do that? Best I can think is trying to minimize all that bigotry in general and hope that ends up appliying to gaming too, but that’s just waiting and seeing so…


I've seen 2 things that both work very well, more controlled game chat options, and holding most tournaments online. Game chats are notorious for being filled with bigoted garbage, and are impossible to moderate effectively. Luckily, for most games it isn't needed for 99.9% of players. Fighting games can do away with it no problem. It's only in team games where you need a little extra work. In those cases, a well designed ping systems like in a game like apex will probably be sufficient enough most of them. Online events instead put a physical barrier between you and the other people. It's a lot harder for women to be harassed by men in tournaments when they aren't forced into the same space. A lot of fighting games for example saw a lot more women competing over the pandemic, which carried through to in person events. Neither of these would solve the problem entirely, but it's a good place to start


it’s like how there’s women’s chess leagues, it’s to give women an equal chance to shine since otherwise they would be pushed down by bigotry and misogyny. There’s a reason almost every grandmaster is a man and it’s NOT because they’re inherently smarter than women


My first thought was: Wait, but there’s no real difference here in terms of physicality. (And if we wanna actually talk about it afab people apparently have better natural reflexes; dispute me if I’m wrong about that) So the main reason to have women’s only tourneys would be for inclusivity. I guess all it boils down to is people simply don’t want to include trans people. Damn.


I know over in the League of Legends community, plenty of guys actually legitimately believe that women have slower reaction times and are only suited to playing Support. I don't know if these people always existed or if the Andrew Tate/manosphere chuds made these ideas popular but it's legit flat earth levels of stupid.


To be honest gendered leagues for many sports don’t need to be so heavily enforced. Women aren’t that disadvantaged to men, or rather, men aren’t so massive in advantage, and it’s not like we’re just flat out better or anything.


I find it extremely similar to gendered chess tournaments. I believe the idea is because of certain biases in the past, women are at a disadvantage due to a lack of experience, not skill/mental ability.


Exactly, past biases mean woman weren't playing videogames in their childhood like boys.


Not just a lack of experience, but more importantly a lack of resources. To play chess at a professional level, you need to dedicate pretty much your entire life to it. That means an extensive support structure with professional coaching and hours of practice every day. The same goes for any other sport or e-sport. Due to societal biases that are still very much prevalent today, girls are much less likely to have family who are willing to dedicate that kind of resources toward something seen as "unfeminine".


Because a lot of women don’t like entering mainstream tourneys because they are treated like shit? Video gaming is one of the most sexist fucking things out there and a lot of women would rather not get involved in any of the mainstream shit because of it. Plus not only is the toxicity horrible but other contestants will down talk you to your face then turn around and try to “flirt” with you. Shits whack.


For the same reason as chess


Chess tournaments are gendered too


A few years back I read something as to why there are separate gender tournaments for esports. I'm most likely bastardizing it but it boils down to the fact that I'm an effort to legitimize esports they'd have to adhere to many policies/rules in place that effects other sports leagues, one of them being separate gender tournaments. If this isn't the case and someone knows why, please correct me.


Eh, separate gender tournaments for sports where hormone balance isn't going to effect anything delegitimizes them. Air Rifle in the Olympics didn't have separate gender classes until a woman was on track to win gold, then suddenly they needed an entire separate league for women that ran with different rules and scoring so you could absolutely never compare the men and women's gold scores and conclusively say the woman would have beat the man. Chess does it the right way: anyone can enter the main tournament but there are also specific side tournaments for under-represented groups; women, people under 20, seniors, etc.


Same reason we have women's chess tournaments. Because in an ideal world, they absolutely shouldn't be gendered, but we aren't in said ideal world. Instead, we are in a world where women are pushed away from these things from a very early age (while young boys are pushed into it), and so to actually have more women approach these sports at all, measure like this need to be taken. Ideally the goal would be to integrate them fully eventually until there isn't a difference, but we are evidently far from that yet.


Uj/ This is why I love the fgc because we don’t discriminate unless you play top tier and downplay


Everytime a bigot complains, sonicfox wins a tournament in their game


Why is it separated by gender in the first place?


honestly? because men in gaming are gross. like the hate they get for simply going to watch events is insane.


Honestly? It’s to give women a chance to play competitively, there aren’t enough women playing at that level to compete with the men. It would only be men playing.


Because so many gamer guys are gross, especially at the top levels, yes.


Because of misogyny in gaming spaces, women have been driven out of competitive gaming since basically forever. That makes it so that the statistical spread of averages heavily favours men, because they have more inherent incentives to playing. Meanwhile women have way less incentives and way more roadblocks to even get interested on a competitive level, and then climbing up. If we have a thousand men and a hundred women competing in a certain tournament, the higher you go, the less women you will see, and it's not going to be an even spread. Coupled with mistreatment and rampant misogyny, the safest way to guarantee women presence on e-sports is with women-only leagues.


There is A LOT of toxicity but also if you go by what pro players said about League of Legends (I think it was Cloud 9 specifically that said this) less than 1% of the top players actually get into the proleague. Women in general don't play videogames as competitively as men do and you'll rarely see them in that top 1%. Even Riot has stated that there is no rule against any gender competing in the LCS but they have a minimum rank and if you don't meet that then you're not going to be able to join a team to compete.


Why are video game tournaments gendered?


Most a only gendered for the women’s league. For CSGO there is the normal league, which anyone *can* compete in, but is currently 100% male above tier 3. Then there are women’s leagues and tournaments which only women can compete in. It’s to try to eventually lower the roadblocks for women players


there's also the issue of esports sorta being boys clubs in the sense that, at least historically women have been treated really poorly by cis men in gaming scenes. But the same can be said of basically anyone who isn't cishet, white, male, and part of the dominant culture in european countries or america or canada. esports are kinda just like other Gamer^(TM) spaces with all their general problems but now there's money on the line so they get even meaner from my understanding


Many e-sports groups are closer to gambling houses than actual sports and are run by the worst of the worst, and as a result, it's not uncommon for many groups to bring on horrible people with shit views and protect them by any means possible so if John McShitbag's on the team believes that women shouldn't play women get removed from the team and blacklisted so they don't talk about it.


RJ/ Because women don't want to be anywhere near people called professional G@mers 🤢 uj/ for real it's because the industry is bigoted so women made their own circuit because they were ostracized


> uj/ for real it’s because the industry is bigoted so women made their own circuit because the were ostracised There’s definitely a lot of bigoted gamers, but your second point is completely wrong. Most women’s only leagues were designed to boost women’s participation in esports


Yeah, designed to boost women’s participation which has been historically low because of them being ostracized


It's that one Oh No comic again isn't it




so the girls don't get lipstick all over the controller, duh


To keep the women from dying from the smell


It’s only gendered for women so they can have a space to break into the scene and people can see their talents. The only one I follow is valorant which has the “game changers” scene and a couple of NA GC teams have competed in the tier 2 scene


Hah Imagine the outcry if it was a trans man winning against all the chuds. And I thought gaming tournments couldnt get more silly after hearing that gamerz had been dopping themselves to play better lol.


Transphobes dont acknowledge the existence of trans men, its not politically convenient for them. So they would most likely ignore it outside of "poor wittle stupid girl was brainwashed into cutting off her boobs poor wittle helpless victim 😭😭😭" Meanwhile trans women are the literal devil incarnate to them, thought of as predators here to rape all the children and cis women. Despite the fact that trans men and trans women both transition for exactly the same reason, and are essentially the same.


Dopping? As in drugs?


Yup, that’s a thing in esports. Think more adderall and less steroids.


Imagine finding out you have adhd by trying to cheat at video games lol


Wasn’t that the girl who also posted a bunch of “women aren’t as good at videos games as men are because genetics and emotions” type tweets. Huge pickme vibes


The amount of dudes who base their entire pride as a man on their skill in games is unreasonably high


Are these the same dude's that go to a local, get blown the fuck out, and then go back to vicariously living through someone else?


i gotta come clean guys, I changed my gender just so I could be good at overwatch ..and it still hasn't worked :(




I came out as trans, and instantly got GM. Have you tried turning your gender off and on again? If that doesn't help you become as good as Eskay on the funny frog, I'd suggest completely reinstalling your gender. Hope this helps <3. (/j)


Transphobes: “These trans women are perverse; going into women only spaces like that!!” Women: “Because they are women. We see them, recognize, and accept them as women” Transphobes: “Shut up, what do women know”


Well TERFs are a thing so its not quite so clear cut as you put it.


she said Transphobes that has the TERFs covered


Males have an inherent advantage due to their natural urge to play video games all day instead of going to therapy


We'll use our giant man-hands to press buttons faster and kick your ass


clearly the bone density in our eyes makes our reflexes faster


I am good at feminism. I am a feminist. Women are inherently inferior to *males* and thus trans women need to be kept out of every sporting event and esport and every competition of any kind. Women just can't beat *males* at anything at all. This is a feminist take. I am a feminist. /s I just . . . TERFs really don't even hear themselves. They get so caught up in their hate that they really just place us (trans women) as inherently superior beings, which is just so fucking weird to me cause with all my disabilities i struggle to take care of myself let alone bet women in every competition ever >.>


I'm actually curious what the initial justification was to have separate gender categories in a video-game tournament. I'm also really curious how somebody can fuck up and say "man's changed gender"


>I'm also really curious how somebody can fuck up and say "man's changed gender" Because they didn't fuck up, it was 100% intentional. Look at the context - the comment it happened in was making a transphobic point.


Encourages more players. Most don't have categories for men and women, but a main category and a category for women as well. Women are rare at top level competitive gaming, partially because fewer are encouraged to join and partially because those who do join are often treated differently and badly. The main leauge isn't segregated, women can join it, but in order to have women being encouraged to play at high level, a league just for them is added. It encourages more people to play, same as any league other than the primary one.


Men = better at video games, duh!!1!


If you go through all of the hate, HRT and whatnots just to have a slim chance of winning 100k instead of joining the far larger number of male and mixed tournaments, then you deserve that 100k


The very first gamer tournament winner was a trans woman I’m pretty sure. The game was space invaders she came out way after but still trans rights fuck you


On one side with how from time to time a new sex scandal appear with people involved with videogame tournaments, I get it why women would want their own division. On the other if your tournament require heavy physical activity, if the people organizing the tournament doesn't check participant's past history and do some testing then you shouldn't bother participating. Like when a friend tried a gotcha of "I will just claim to be a woman and win the price". First of all no you won't, you can't even climb the stairs without tiring yourself and second you shouldn't be able to do that, judges should check your history to see if you just decided to change gender 5 min before the tournament starts and judge your testoterone levels.


Being a non athletic man I would get my ass kicked in pretty much every competitive sport by even my non athletic women friends. Theres no way in hell I'd be able to compete against any women athlete cis or not


Why they treat being trans is like some cheat code?


Because they hate trans people.


Because transwomen are clearly the superior gender. They've got looks, the strength, the elegance, the smarts, and the juicy bits. Their deific presence makes them quake in their mortal boots.


These arguments couldn't be any more blatant at being repackaged sexism "men inherently superior to women duhh"


Scarlett is a pro Trans SC2 players who smashes men and has made like 470K in prize money.


Excellent choice of words


OP you make me want to WAAAARRRGHHH


First off, how dare you, second, take my upvote.


gonna lmao when a trans male inevitably beats a cis male gamer. muh superior genetics!!11!1


gendered esports make sense because it's not about skill, it's about opportunity. but trans women get less opportunities than cis women so what's the fucking problem


No fucking way this wasn't a troll. I refuse to believe it wasn't.


What game was it


~~/uj I think it's Apex~~ /rj Celeste


It was csgo


Thank you




Don Cheadle doesn’t approve of this behavior


Women have slow thumbs. Everyone knows that


Skill issue


Uhm why are there male/female separated video game tournaments?!


Sounds like a skill issue


These transgressors must pay in blood and flesh to the demon god.


just take some estrogen it'll make you better at videogames instantly it's a win win


Scarlet has been better than them at SC2 for like a decade.


Remember when Sonicfox came out as non-binary and immediately won another EVO. Don't say this Twitter person didn't warn you!


I'm about to be the Lia Thomas of women's pro rocket League


Lol pissbaby actually complaining in a situation where it makes actually no difference what gender you are lmao


Anyone who’s ever played video games knows it’s an unfair advantage to have a trans girl on your team regardless of the genders of the rest of the team


She's never been the best, but Scarlett a trans woman, has consistently been at the top of SC2 for most of it's existence and for some time was the best of her race outside of Korea.


Theres faster reflexes in their bone density /s


Men are better at vidja gaems because we're better at saying slurs Im sorry ladies, but i dont make the rules


why the fuck are video game tournaments gendered??


Esmeevee has been on this grift for ages and people have only just picked up on it. Apparently she wasn't that good at competitive CS:GO or Valorant for that matter so she's just been blaming trans people for being shit at video games herself.


Ok, but like the existence of there being a women's category in eSports is kinda maddening


...why is a video game tournament being separated by gender?


Yes don't want to take away from the athleticism of the 400lb gamer


Gaming tournaments are separated by gender?


Wasn’t the first video game tournament champion, ***ever*** trans? I forgot her name but she also was one of the founders of interplay