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I’m a criminal defense attorney and these assholes spend more time and energy on this bullshit than I ever could in a job where people can lose years of their life.


You gotta understand, this is life or death stuff in a way that not even life or death stuff can be. Elizabeth *NEEDS* to be their waifu!


Elizabeth needs to be recognized for her contribution to the advancement of the 3d modelling and animation technology


yeah... from the game... of course....




I was going to add this. Glad to see someone already did.


Well you said it yourself, being a criminal defense attorney is your job, not your *fetish*.


It’s actually about Ethics in Gaming Journalism


If 2B saw what they’re all saying she’d probably give up on fighting for humanity


“Mankind never had glory, I’m taking a smoke break then jumping into the ocean.”


Is this the fabled happy ending?


It's Ending 1,073.


Ending F: [F]uck you all


Takes her twink bf and goes fishing. (Spoilers: 2B's taken)


Honestly we all should take our twink bf's fishing.


True, they need to see sunlight and get some fresh air once in a while


She'd honestly want to go out eating mackerel


This is literally what I thought every time they said "Glory to mankind." Like girl would you be disappointed if you ever met us lmao


drakenier is also such a Woke™ series. 2/3 protags in nier gestalt/replicant are lgbt. there’s so many references to socialist philosophers in nier automata too… (also drakengard is about fucking dragons and pegging)


I hope someone reads your comment and decides to play Drakengard while expecting something wholesome.


my singular goal in life is to hold nier fans at gunpoint and make them remember their roots


No, I won't play Drakengard 🗣️🔪🔪🔪🩸😔


Drakengard 3 is to JRPGs what The Hateful Eight is to Westerns


Let's not forget the cannibal giant babies. Drakengard 1 is nightmare fuel all-around. Love that game. First game I played where the degrees of happiness for the endings are measured in how much of humanity you actually fucked up going from "just this world" to "every single timeline and dimension". And fuck Drakengard 2.


And the music in Drakengard 1 is...anxiety-inducing


i’ve only just actually gotten the game (only watched a playthrough of the story before) and i did not quite realise how terrifying the music was until i was forced to listen to it on loop for hours straight i love it


Wait? What was that about drakenhard????


ok the dragon fucking is only *implied* but zero (protagonist of drakengard 3) openly talks about pegging the male companions throughout the game and goes through with it


So I can't peg the dragons? 0/10


“I often think about god… and wonder if I’ll get the chance to kill him”


Honestly I would play that edition of NieR


That the NiEr Already. She doesn't want to fight for humanity. She is programmed to do so. And the idea that maybe humans is prevalent in game. Most bad things that happened in game are either direct consequences of human action. Or a result of either machines or androids to replicate humanity.


I'm talking specifically about a version where the androids learn that humans dicked up the world in the first place. This is not something that comes up in Automata.


It means that I'll be moving to Japan very soon because it is now the only place on this flat earth that still makes video game waifus that aesthetically, psychologically and sexually fit within my very narrow definition of beauty, sex appeal and personalities.


also dont forget they use the same few screenshots to be like look aloy is ugly as sin!!! so much facial hair!


I just noticed that they keep using the same image of aloy face all the damn time like, can you make something new at least with it?


Well no because then they have to use a flattering angle instead of one where the camera is tilted up her nose to make her look as bad as possible


I could be confusing it for another often-posted image, but isn't that Aloy image just straight-up photoshopped? Like, it's all just so pathetic; when they're not fishing for 1 frame in a trailer or cutscene where a character's model looks kinda wonky, they're out here creating make-believe depictions to get mad at.


I remember there was one common image where someone photoshopped Nikocado Avocado's face onto Aloy and people tried acting like that was how she looked in game.


I don't think I ever saw that one or any reaction to it, but if I had I probably would've pissed myself laughing at how gullible people can be.


“Let me make this female character more ugly in photoshop and post it online as proof I’m being oppressed” - neckbeard


I think it's a modded Aloy from a modder who wanted to make her look a little chubbier.


It’s from a state-of-play demo, and she doesn’t look at all like that in the actual game.


If Infinite was made now Elizabeth would be snarky and sarcastic, constantly insult and berate Booker DeWitt for being toxic, suggest he go to therapy (even though it’s like 1912), and probably look like Anita Sarkeesian


Sounds like my dream girl.


They could even go out for once in their lives and see that women in real life aren't all the stereotypical video game hot looking character but that'd be asking too much to them


They're about to move on to Tanya from MK1


It's sad that as soon as I see a black female character, I already know what the comments will be like.


I went this whole time thinking the facial hair thing was just some tweet in the wild until I encountered a redditor recently who actually called it a beard. This person thought they did that as a nod to the LGBT community. It's actually really sad when you self report the fact that you've never seen a woman from up close before.


“Gamers” when a woman character doesn’t conform to modern standards of beauty in a post-apocalyptic world: 😡😡😡😡😡


Ngl 2B is hot as hell


pretty sure she is meant to be though


>Japan very soon because it is now the only place on this flat earth Japan isn't actually flat, it's very mountainous, something a Woke Westerner like yourself couldn't never possibly fathom to understand.


*pushes glasses up* heh, what a gaijin, right? I need a shower now :(


>I need a shower now :( So do all the people you are satirizing.


/rj see, this is another misnomer: Japanese people don't shower, they have these things called *Onsen* (温泉) where they clean themselves in narurally pure mountain water. Japanese people actually have no concept of the Western idea of a shower. which is why I, an Otaku and purveyor of Japanese culture, have not touched a Western Shower in years. /uj edit: I saw some weeb arguing that [this music video](https://youtu.be/yYAgBRO-aT8?si=z_AdqAJqsxG4iUZw) isn't about a trans person because Japan apparently doesn't have trans people and "*crossdressing is more well-known in anime culture*" and its haunted me ever since. I'm losing my fucking mind, I swear to God weebs treat Japan with more infantalizing than their own parents do them.


/uj As if the concepts of “crossdressing” and “being trans” don’t ever overlap in ignorant(not derogatory)cishet minds.


plus it's a way to get past censors, official and unofficial. A lot easier to push a nonconforming cis character than an out and proud trans character.


I will only play games where the female characters have a 12" waist, 36" hips, E cups, and a permanent full face of makeup. Otherwise they're basically men.


The world becomes a very dark place when you can only get hard for cartoon women with unrealistic anime/Disney proportions.


What about some Chinese games?


No, only pure nihonjin steel code will be accepted you baka gaijin. Every bit is folded 100 times in order to work out impurities!


I am personally torn between hating how prevalent the sexualization of teens and kids is in asian games and kind of loving how reliable of a litmus test this is for pedo neckbeards to expose themselves...


The West Has Stopped Giving Me Big Tiddies. Millions Must Die.


I'll never forget a quote from somewhere about this whole thing "Graphics have become so realistic, that these men are angry because the have no idea what a real woman looks like" Something to that effect.


Calling these dudes 'men' is pretty charitable.


And yet, somehow, based on who runs the outrage mills on YouTube, very accurate.


The true horror of realizing half the dumbfucks online who act like edgy misogynist 14 year olds are actually in their late 30s


Oh god really? That’s terrifying, I want to believe they’re all dumb kids again


I find it ironic that a lot of these men will cry out for more realistic games, then get angry when a female character (and sometimes male) is depicted with a realistic face and body.


See, I thought this was about the innovations in 3d porn she brought about, but seemingly not.


Is it actually true that Elizabeth did end up causing a lot of development in the 3d animation field due to all the porn?


Supposedly her early SFM model walked so that Overwatch SFM porn could run.




You’re not wrong, but people clung on to SFM for a while and more people have been migrating to blender recently


Yeah but Elizabeth specifically was the reason for leaps in Blender animation. It was all SFM before then


With how much Rule 34 content was made of her, basically yeah. Like, she was *the* Rule 34 queen before Overwatch was revealed/releases and models of the characters from that were ripped or recreated. After all it's kinda telling how big she was with that kind of content when it reaches *the lead creator* of the series and they publically come out and say "please stop making so much porn of our character" (probably fueled in part due to the fact that she's *the player character's daughter*). And when you've got a type of content that's as popular as it was and you're a creator, naturally you're gonna try and push boundries and make it the best you can to attract viewers, especially towards things like Patreon to, and the very least, pay your bills and to help you keep pushing those boundries further.


Makes me think of the Bayonetta designer, when asked about Bayonetta porn, he lamented that they always make her too submissive. Fucking Chad.


Pretty sure Yoko Taro asked people to send him any good NSFW 2B stuff they found too.


*"Why do the androids wear maid outfits? Does it symbolize their devotion to serve mankind? Are they the ones that must clean up the mess humans left? Or is it to juxtapose them against the blocky, naked metal robots they fight?"* Yoko Taro:" Maids are hot lmao."


Such honesty is a rare sight.


As far as 3D renders, I would go as far to say Moxxi did that far before Elizabeth, but, people went pretty ham with Elizabeth in the 3D modeling space. It's like a mix of Elizabeth and Moxxi with the Blizzard IP Porn Modelers that existed before Overwatch (for WoW mostly) that really lead to the great Overwatch blender renascence.


The lead creator was protective of Elizabeth long before people started making SFM porn of her. [Back when her pre-release model design looked like this.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTUet_uCGzFTmhBpdWxUm3luWfLHK6rU6M4Pg&usqp=CAU) (this model does appear in the ending) Back then of course, the joke in the gaming circles was, well, stop designing her with that cleavage.


No, that's definitely what my boy Triple-Q was talking about.


I dearly hope so. It’d kinda suck if the Siivagunner contributor of all time was the worst


Photoshopped alloy Checkmate america


Yeah, I made it look like copper! Your alloy is copper now, eat shit! /RJ


/rj alloy (character) is an affront to God. /uj alloy (bronze) is an affront to God.


FACT: even though the WOKIES called it the bronze age, most people continued using STONE


Gods curse you, Ea-nasir!


" Tell Ea-Nasir: Nanni sends the following message: When you came, you said to me: “I will give fine quality copper ingots.” You left, but you did not do what you promised me. You put ingots which were actually alloy before my messenger and said: “If you want to take them, take them; if you do not want to take them, go away!”


It took until now to realize it's Aloy and not Alloy


All good lol, we're just ribbing :P Yeah, its Aloy


Fae shooting the shit at a bar telling the story about how ancient fae had to introduce tin to copper-age mediterranean civilization so they'd stop making weapons out of arsenical bronze which can actually hurt them because poison. Joke was on them when humans figured out iron on their own, though.


im literally playing right now and shes comically good looking aside from a couple of bad shots at the start of the game. What the fuck are these dudes on. And Abby is also pretty attractive, shes just covered in dirt and blood for most of the game and her shirt kinda sucks (no drip abby). Which makes sense you know, theyre in the apocalypse i dont think fashion is a priority lol


I mean, I get not personally being attracted to her type of a woman. But she is pretty attractive. Clean features etc. This might not at all be what the devs intended, but I found it interesting how Abby, despite being a bit more masculine in her presentation, has her hair in a decently long braid that looked well kept. Might be only to have a clear contrast between her and Ellie, but I found it interesting.


Sorry man I bet your comment is really dmart and all but im.too drunk to make a proper reply. Howrver i hope you have agood day or night.


Wasted comments will forever be my favorite


What do you make of that? I’ve not thought much of it.


Well, this might all be bullshit and projection from me. But I think it might be representing some contrast within her character. In west a long hair that is braided and well kept is usually very feminine feature. Wouldn't it be much more practical to keep it short like Ellie does or just go buzzcut for a soldier? But she has the well-kept long braid. I think that it is part of the whole character of Abby, she is full of contradictions. Same with the fear of heights. She is a very powerful figure in both aesthetics and in character traits, but she is also very afraid of heights which usually is not a trait given to action heroes. I think I am trying to say that her physique/vibes would have been easy to pair with more gender-neutral haircut. But naughtydog chose to go for more feminine hairstyle. And I don't think it is in the same style as the more basic "full head of luscious hair under the helmet" trope, it feels more grounded. Anyway, that is my rambling. It might just be to get more visual tells between her and Ellie to help to differentiate them quickly.


It always the same pictures, the pre-release models for Ryder and the Fable protag, and the photoshopped Alloy. Throw in an Abby (her arms scare weak men), and you've got bingo. They can never find any other examples.


I've played Andromeda and default Ryder is still super uncanny valley in my opinion, at least when she's in motion. I had to make my own specifically because of that.




if they acknowledge that women exist on the not-porn-star-hotness level, then they might have to face the truth that the reason why they’re single isn’t because they’re at some unfair disadvantage, it’s because they don’t even have a proper grip on reality.


"how dare all girl characters not look like perfect super models!" then he probably complains about how all dude characters are super buff, and how it creates unrealistic standards for men


Truly pathetic that America may truly start building the camps on the back of an alt-right movement that started with pathetic shut-ins whining about their games of choice.


Knowing how decadent and sloth-like these alt-rightists tend to be, I'm not really all that afraid of them getting these sorts of initiatives off the ground.


I am for the sake of the minorities they help rally the trigger-happy people around shooting. If only we were just dealing with internet neckbeards...


It’s kind of insane when you think about it huh


It means our society aint in such a bad place if all this rage is going on about fake wire-frame people in a video game.


There's been millions of games in atleast the past 3 years. And they claim that every single female character since 2013 is ugly based on 4 if them who are not attractive to them


Based on just two, the top row are games you can create your own character


If these weirdos want games with hot girls, they can play porn games! So why don’t they?


Please don't! We don't need more chuds complaining about games having gay sex or trans characters.


So we just forgetting Cyberpunk, huh?


No no you see, Cyberpunk was made in Poland and Poland is the last bastion of antiSJW in Europe. That's why you can go to jail for playing the Witcher in the west.


Or Baldur's Gate 3 that just came out lol, not only are these people idiots but they're also wholly ignorant of the media they claim to be so passionate about


If these clowns played bg3 they would have an aneurysm after a male party member flirts with them lol. Chud gamers' hatred of women who don't look like fashion models is only rivaled by their hatred of queer men.


You say that like they would get past picking your pronouns in character creation.




Judy is hotter


Judy is gay, that's woke.


New rule; if someone complains that "female characters in video games are unattractive", they have to include a photo of themselves.


on the one hand they should, on the other hand idk if I want to look at that level of sad sack


Passing around the same five pictures. Meanwhile like 6 games have come out since those.


you must be this attractive to comment on video game women. ​ also if you don't want strong female to carry and protect you that's kinda sus.


OK BUT, Karlach and shadow heart ARE RIGHT THERE


This shit is straight up the most terminally online junk in the world, like fuck I'm online way too much and its far too terminally online for me.


It’s always the same pictures


![gif](giphy|YKBUqCzryx33kNm4tF|downsized) This me when I see these type of twitter user


I base my life decisions around "do I want to bang that?"


Ok Shepard


She was the daughter of the main protagonist. Why would she need to be hot?


Oldboy has entered the chat


It's been a hot minute since I played bioshock but isn't she a kild for the duration of the game


She's 19-20 but she's very sheltered so she may come across as younger.


Shes in her early 20s in the base game. Probably mid to late 20s in Burial by Sea. You are right though that she likely comes across as younger because she is so sheltered.


OK thanks


she's also>!the protagonist's daughter!<


All bets are off if she gets herself stuck in a washing machine though.


I always thought it was such a odd choice. There is this weird flirty tension between Elizabeth and Booker only to find out this.


What does that have to do with attraction? If the player is attracted to the character it’s not through the lenses of the MC. It’s irl. What does this have to do with anything


Bioshock infinite was probably bigger for porn than it was for gaming. Massive innovation in blender were made solely to make porn of this character. Much of the tech used today to make 3D porn can be traced back to Elizabeth. Quoted from other redditer




rj/ But it has an annoying black woman that I don't like so it must be woke. 🤬🤬🤬


I don't know what they're on, because I'd personally lay the clam down on every living thing in ME:A; sapient or otherwise.


Bottom line is real gamers have always and will always hate women


This shit is affecting me mentally. I should take a long break from Reddit.


the way he said “no videogame … has attempted such a female character” as if it were a challenge to write and design women who exist solely for the male gaze and have no defining characteristics of their own


when i see bad takes that have 79 likes after trying so hard to be "engaging" to their chud audience, i laugh


Damn, no hot and likeable characters since Elizabeth? Gonna have to go ahead and disagree with that one. Black Cat and MJ in the new Spidey games are extremely likable to me


They can’t play vidya without their cock in one hand ofc


It means they're porn addicts


Unrelated, but weren’t people so horny for Elizabeth that people made multiple advancements in animation just for porn?


I genuinely cannot understand these people and their opinions on Aloy. She seems the most stereotypically beautiful out of all the ones they keep picking on and it still doesn't matter because they'll just rip one or two bad face shots mid animation like that means anything. Everyone looks a little weird when you catch a still of them in the middle of doing something.


/uj I mean, objectively speaking they're right about 2B being hot as fuck, given how Yoko Taro intentionally designed her to be super sexualized, but everything else those guys said in there... *gags* Also, I legit can't tell if "Gee that's Sus" is actually calling people bigots unironically, or they're mocking those of us who do. I hate the internet's lack of tone sometimes. **IMMEDIATE EDIT:** Just realized that the pic of Aloy is the photoshopped one to make her look worse. Yeah, fuck that "sus" guy.


So... his ideal woman is an underage girl raised inside a tower by ultra-religious bigots and literally related to your character by blood? So just your average redneck?


I thought Elizabeth was like 19 when you first meet her?


/uj Something tells me they were mad they couldn't join Comstock in Bioshock Infinite.


What do you mean by underage?


didnt ken levine say it breaks his a little everytime he sees porn of her.


UN Helmets: Western video game characters are ugly ALOY IS BEAUTIFUL!!! ALOY IS BEAUTIFUL!!!


Dr.Emillia from Evil West is a cutie and that game is from 2022


Gamers are gonna go fucking crazy when they figure out what happens when you search up "boobs" into google images


It's funny cuz the "ugly" female characters are still WAY out of their league 😂


Been playing Baldur's Gate I and II. Neither "ugly" nor annoying are new traits in western games.


New research proves: ugly women in video games is a global psyop by evil globalist feminists created specifically to make gamers mad and steal their fun.


I didn't know Triple Q was one of these. Damn.


The Aloy discourse is really stupid because she is an outcast who grew up in the wilds, feeding on meat and berries. And the closest thing she has to a tribe, the Nora, are all viking-like hunter gatherers. Asking her to have an hourglass physique and wear makeup and mascara while she climbs mountains and pulls piles of rubble with her bare hands is just demanding coomer bait.


One name: Karlach


Mason the numbers, what do they mean?


/uj (G)amers hate any woman in media who’s not white, slim, curvy, and showing skin. They have a bonus for them if they’re: Blonde, Questionably young looking, or oddly sexual /rj Leon based last line in re6


The new fable game hasn't even been released Also what about baulders gate 3 girls?




Why does God send me his hardest battles? Why can't these femoids be fuckable again? Who is trying to feminize me?


Damn. Didn't realize Triple Q was a chud after peeping though his twitter.


I'll never understand why these douchebags include Aloy in their posts. She's literally gorgeous. Half of the images they include look more like bad photoshops than actual gameplay moments. Tldr: Slay Queen Aloy


It means your ideal woman would drown you in a river.


The first one, Elizabeth, is also your characters DAUGHTER


oh so you're saying she's unattainably sexy 🤔


Donald / Ivanka vibes


Mfw I'm not my character, so it's not incest: 😏


I'm fucking in love with Aloy. Such a cool and wonderful woman.


I didn't know people had such a hard on for elizabeth. She's just Girl in Dress??


dress gives off trad vibes = waifu for basic American incels


These chimps are too obsessed with porn to accept anything remotely real.




I've never played mass effect, but that girl is so fucking pretty


I’m so tired of seeing the Fable one specifically because these people clearly haven‘t watched the trailer they‘re so outraged about. David literally talks about how the age of beautiful, holier-than-thou heroes is over and is consistently interrupted by clips of a brutish woman who kicks chickens and steals beer while neither being particularly attractive nor well-liked. Her not being super pretty *is the joke*. They‘re not even breaking with beauty standards, because that would require them to claim she‘s pretty. Which they don‘t.


So pathetic that their argument is always a custom character, photoshopped picture and mid motion screenshot


I hate it when women look like real people that could actually exist instead of a shopped instagram model. Le woke ruined it again.


Because everything under double D cup isn't breasts, and don't forget females are another species! They don't have Hair, pores, or facial features like men and so on. And besides all that, I don't have high standards and haven't seen a woman besides my mum.


You see, video game development is time consuming and hard to do. Given one chance, most developers would naturally push towards peak design for characters. As such, these characters are idealized to a point of convenient, monogamous, born-sexy-yesterday (look it up) with the player (usually young adolescent male) as the self insert. Video games are a nerdy and increasingly cheap hobby that encapsulates a large portion of the world. In that, there is a considerable percentage of adolescent men who are not well socialized and have poor self esteem. They are mainly raised off of popular media believing whatever they see, being sold an idea of infinite possibilities and retries. Die hard, that's them. John Wick, just let me get my suit. The Rock? More like, ME if I get buff! James Bond? Fuck yeah! Get shot? Wipe the blood away, full health. One pretty girl but inappropriate time? Who cares, my kick ass k/d/a ratio will woo them and this story is built for me. Once I'm done being kickass in one, I'll just move to the other, all perks and women acquired in between... (end fantasy) While most should be able to distinguish between the two, absurdities accepted in our every day realities bleed into our media and vice-versa. As U.S. politics encourages women to be quiet, complacent and submissive while men are unaccountable, womanizing, liars, along with a host of other unrealistic beauty standards and world issues; the average gamer is then left with a warped reality that what's in front of them is A. exclusive and meant for them (including people in their lives, potential partners, workers, "npc's", etc.) and B. static and needs no input because the player is all that matters. Well, it's all fun and games in real life until one of those 7.5 billion NPC's speak up and say "Yo, is it our turn?" or "Can't it be like this..?" or "Can I see myself up there sometimes?" or "Can I not always be the bad/good guy?" or "Can it not be so sexual and weird?" Then everything comes crumbling down under scrutiny. Darker skin tones are suddenly pushing agendas, graphics good enough to show fuzz on female skin is 'unrealistic', non-white or non-European characters/stories are pandering... etc. Then suddenly there isn't enough room for 7.5 billion NPC's when they're not all serving the same narrative... and the truth is, games are games life is life. 1 billion seconds is 30 years. You will never think about a billion people for one second each, meaning, there are real limitations to the number of people you can realistically meet. Among these people, they all have different backstories, goals and lives that are constantly interweaving and you are potentially a part of any, all and none of it... Look around, movie/video game people do not exist. The people you meet and see in real life are the unique set of people you are meant to meet and see. There is no other better version of things to find and the likeliness of falling into the perfect scenario and ending up with your dream person is practically zilch. To think that you have no effect or accountability to them (your friendly neighbors and the world) is a fallacy. Take care of yourself, forgive and be the dream person you want to meet. That way, they might actually run into it. Life lesson rant over.


gamers when their unrealistic expectation isnt in vidya


>Aloy >Ugly Like, we know these people are sick in the head, but this one always gets me.


>What does any of this mean!? Something about not having talked to a woman IRL ever.


Did you know, Ellie is still only 17 by TLOU2


For men that claim to be straight, they *really* fucking hate women.