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There's some different signals the body uses to sense "fullness"/satiety. One of these signals is a hormone made by stomach lining cells, called Gastrin. I want to say the pH of the food mush leaving the stomach can also affect some of the other signals like GLP-1, but I can't remember right now. Anyway it's entirely possible that if your gastritis is affecting the cells that make gastrin and/or stomach acid, then it could be directly decreasing satiety. It could also be something else entirely, just wanted to let you know I don't think it's actually that weird. I wouldn't say I get false hunger from gastritis, but I do get false hunger. Things that have helped me: - more fiber/resistant starch/complex carbohydrates for my microbiome (as the microbiome can help generate satiety signals) - avoiding high glycemic index meals (I get reactive hypoglycemia where my body makes too much insulin and then I get instant hanger) - digestive enzymes; YMMV with this one but I think sometimes my GI tract is just not absorbing nutrients very well and the digestive enzymes seem to help me YMMV, I also have some other chronic inflammatory stuff that might be causing this


What digestive enzymes do you take?


I take the Pure Encapsulations ones, mostly just because I have weird intolerances to certain additives in supplements and I tend to tolerate that brand pretty well in general If you're struggling specifically with FODMAPs, there are also some FODMAP specific enzymes (FODMate, FODzyme are the ones I've heard the most about)


This is incredibly helpful. Thank you!


OP, this has been my primary symptom with gastritis. It took me years to recognize it is not hunger. Gnawing pain which I/my body interprets as hunger, need to put something in my tummy so it will go away. Now I try to be conscious of it, and take DGL, Pepcid, or make some miso soup. The latter works quite well for me. I am trying to avoid resorting to Pepcid. My other main symptom are burping in the morning when I drink water everyday even when I don’t have an ongoing attack of the gnawing/burning pain.


I once had access to a satiety researcher and she had never heard of such a thing


Yes! Gnawing is the word I was looking for. Gnawing describes it perfectly. I've never had miso soup. How exactly does it help?


Just seems to calm it down. Mushroom ravioli with no sauce also helps but seems temporary unless you make several meals in a row the same. Homemade miso soup has been the most long lasting calm inducer. Miso has good probiotics and other gut healing compounds. Also taking melatonin at night has helped with more severe gastritis/gerd symptoms.


Ohh how does the mushroom ravioli help? I LOVE mushroom ravioli so this is good news. Lol


Your mileage may vary! I think it’s because its dense, relatively easy to digest and helps keep your stomach busy for a while and is pretty bland (but tastes good) (if you’re cheese tolerant)


A reason to eat mushroom ravioli too. Lol. I'll try it and see if it works for me.


I also experience this, no good management ideas yet :(


I feel your pain, literally. :( If I find anything out, I'll send the info your way.


I have Been dealing with this for almost 10 years. This was my first symptom from all the hell that came later (SIBO, esophagus inflammation, malabsorption etc). I solved most of the other problems, however this still persists. The Worst thing About it is that it actually Wakes me up at night and totally destroys my sleep. St first When I didnt kniw what it was I just tried to get satiated so I ate like 6x a day and then at 3 am When I woke up, just to be woken up at 7 by the same feeling. It was just awful hunger that felt like I havent eaten for weeks. Its more under control now but still struggling.  Quick fixes that work for me: 1. Ginger tea - calms my stomach quite a bit and give me satiety 2. Celery or cabbage juice - When I wake up in the morning I usually want to prolong my fast, but I get this falše hunger feeling. So I drink the juice on an empty stomach which usually gives me 2-3 hours 3. Aerobic activity - the only time I dont struggle with this is When Im on hikes that take multiple Days and I just move a Lot. Especially walking helps a Lot, I try to have at least 15k steps a day and I see my satiety gets much better 4. Not drinking too much water - I recently noticed the more I drink water, the more my satiety goes away. I think just the volume inflates the stomach and so its irritsted more. The other thing might be the temperature, because I noticed warm water calms me down while cold water makes me feel worse 5. Meditation - When I was struggling with the night hunger, I was using this calming meditation whenever I woke up feeling hungry instead of eating. This helped me teemendously and allowed me to go back to sleep. 6. Diaphragmatic breathing - regular excercises like wim hof or other help a Lot. I dont know the mechanism behind it, I just know it works The false hunger feeling is truly a terrible Sensstion and it made my life a living hell.


Can I ask - how did you manage with SIBO? My GI suspects I have it but I’m TBD on testing.


To be honest I just realized I probably have gastritis like a week ago. My health journey started with SIBO, although the false hungry feeling was my first symptom ever. I think I have a mild case of gastritis because I dont get any pain or typical gastritis symptoms and I wasnt even diagnosed. My GI just said I had gastritis erytem and that its nothing and almost everyone has it. He said he didnt know why Im getting the hunger sensation. I actually figured it out when I looked up the keyword here on reddit and saw people in gastritis sub mentioning it, and everything just clicked - my trigger foods etc. Regarding SIBO, I had a 5 weeks antimicrobial treatment. It was supposed to be 6 but I had to stop a week early because the gastritis got worse. But as I said, I probably only have a mild case


I think I have this, but I actually feel full all the time and not hungry at all, is that your case?


No, I'm having the opposite problem


Did you ever find a remedy for this? I’m having to eat every hour at night cause of hunger pangs that wake me up out of a dead sleep.


I'm doing better after using the tips from the comments in this post.


I experience this all the time after I eat 😭even with plain broth and white rice. I gave Gastritis and Gastroparesis.


Can somebody explain the "false hunger" feeling? I'm not sure if I have this or not? The only way I can interpret this, based on my experience, is feeling hungry and then taking a few bites of food, and not wanting any more food. But I always thought that was early satiety? When I feel any sort of hunger, I take advantage of it because usually it's difficult to detect, otherwise. If I feel the uncomfortable gnawing feeling, usually that is an instant turn off for food for me, because th discomfort is just too loud to enjoy anything, let alone food. It doesn't even hurt, but it's like the life has been sucked out of my body or the oxygen has been sucked out of the room, and breathing is the focus. Which feels like anxiety, and just absolutely sucks.


You can eat small but frequent meals


I get this all the time. Have been on aspirin for about 10 years and felt awful since December. Nausea, bloating and stomach discomfort as well as hunger pains randomly after eating. I also feel like my insides are inflamed, peppermint tea has been my go to until I get an appointment for a camera. Feel weak and generally rough throughout the day. I'm going to try the cabbage juice as I hear it's good for stomach bacteria. 


Are you still taking asprin? That can make stomach issues worse. I never take any OTC pain killer except acetaminophen because that is the easiest on the stomach. Of course I'm not a doctor, so take my advice with a grain of salt. Obviously your doctor knows better than me lol. Good luck with everything. I know how much this condition sucks. I hope you can find some relief soon. Edit: Just wanted to add, in addition to peppermint, ginger is also really helpful. I take ginger capsules everyday and it helps ease my symptoms for a bit.


The body will try to replenish itself sometimes after it’s been starved of certain foods and you start to reintroduce some. Hence why some body builders go on crazy binges after cutting cause their body just wants to bulk up again after being on that cycle of eating and cutting. Just eat some filling friendly foods like yogurt and banana or some type of bread that doesn’t upset your stomach and broth. Helps a lot.