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New to gastritis? Please view [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/15m6ngg/gastritis_101/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for a detailed breakdown of the major root causes of chronic gastritis, as well as a detailed guide on how to heal. Join our Discord server today using [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/14oxl12/list_of_gastritis_support_groups_other_related/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Also consider joining r/functionaldyspepsia today! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gastritis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've started amitryptaline (a tricyclic) and it has helped a lot. It also helps my sleep issues and anxiety levels.


This helped me as well but very low dose, can’t take it anymore sadly


i’m on lexapro and for me it’s a necessity with gastritis. i’m already an anxious person and gastritis made it 1000x worse, and the excess anxiety was feeding into making the gastritis worse. it was a neverending cycle of two conditions making each other worse until i got on lexapro. the first week had some rough side effects (nausea, dizziness, muscle spasms in the face) but those were all completely gone after less than 7 days for me, and now i just feel the benefits of being able to actually function as a person. i can’t tell if my gastritis is healing yet, but my whole life has become Actually Bearable since starting lexapro, when gastritis was making me extremely suicidal and hopeless. the second week on lexapro was like, oh i can live through this, actually. lexapro specifically may not be right for everyone but if you have high anxiety, it’s going to make your gastritis harder to deal with, and could cause further damage to your stomach, so i honestly highly recommend trying to find something that works for you to help with anxiety, because for me it is like night and day. i owe lexapro my life rn.


I’m on day 3 and I feel so tired and cry all the time :( I just feel so off tbh


My GI doctor recently prescribed me a low dosage of amitriptyline for my gastritis. Telling me the same as you GI doctor. I have had it for about 3 weeks and I don’t want to take it.


I tried taking ami but it made me feel really weird so I stopped taking it after a week. I’ve heard from others that it helped though. Maybe give it a try? I finally just took the lexapro. We’ll see how it goes.


Keep us updated, OP!


I will!


Update I haven’t noticed any effect on gastritis yet but it’s been doing amazing things for me anxiety/depression already. I used to cry every single day and now I feel like I have the energy to beat this. I’m happy I started, and I’ll update later about whether it’s helping with gastritis.


Me too!


Just responded to the comment above for an update:)


10 mg Lexapro has been incredible helpful in treating my acute gastritis. Highly recommend.


I took a very small dose of Venlafaxine which is an SNRI. It really helped me out big time.


That’s great to hear! Are you close to healed now?


Lexapro helped me.In my first healing episode.Took around 3/4 months for my stomach to get its strength back 70/80 %. But that was 6 Years ago.Now I am taking it again though things are positive but taking a lt more time to get results.May be because now my gastritis is even more chronic. But I also took homeopathy medicine both times.So not sure only lexapro alone did help or both played their part.


Did you ever heal up completely 6 years ago? I just took my first lexapro pill!


If eating a full plate of rice with a piece of fish plus some other vegetable curry means healed I will take it. I was also eating meat from time to time. So I still had to becaruful not to overeat excessively.But I could eat a standard meal for lunch and dinner.My bowel movement was also became quite regular.No longer undigested food pieces,mucus etc.


Sounds pretty healed to me. I wish you luck on your healing journey this time around.


I just started taking it about 10 days ago . I believe it is helping but it is still early . Doctor only gave me 5mg then I will go up to 10mg in a few weeks . I took it years ago way before I had gastritis and it def helped with anxiety and depression. I have been getting some bloating from it but could be the gastritis. If you do get it I would recommend taking it with food . I took it on empty stomach first day and it messed me up.


I had really bad gastritis, had started lexapro shortly after, both the anxiety and gastritis got a ton better. I tapered off my GI meds, then life situations changed and I felt I could go off lexapro. Within months of stopping lexapro, anxiety and gastritis came back full force. Now back on everything trying to heal again. The lexapro is definitely helping the second time around as well.


I was prescribed Lexapro for mild depression and anxiety 10 years ago. I picked it up from the pharmacy and stared at it for like 30 minutes…then tossed it in the trash. I’ve managed my anxiety with diet, exercise and thinking differently. It’s not always perfect, but beats the side effects that come from SSRI’s. My current gastritis flare up stems from stress due to multiple deaths in the family during the past 2 years, constant setbacks life has thrown my way and not taking care of myself. With that said, everyone’s case is different and some people may benefit from Lexapro. If your anxiety is mild, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world exploring alternative remedies like I did. Trust your gut.


I fully respect that choice but if you never tried it how do you know if there were side effects? Often times repeated side effects are only for a fraction of the population. I’m in the I’d rather not need a pill boat but if a doctor prescribes something I think you should give it a try at least and then quit it if it’s not working or doesn’t feel right. Otherwise this sentiment could have some very sick people skipping medication they truly need.


Like I mentioned on my initial comment, everyone is different and some people might benefit from the medication. For me, I feel the doctor was too quick to prescribe Lexapro for something that could have been managed with exercise, diet and meditation. Everyone knows their body best….and I felt I made the right decision at the time. If my symptoms ever get worse, I just may give medication a try.


I’m strongly considering starting an SSRI but nothing seems clear so much conflicting information and choosing which one seems more like guesswork than science, but what do I know.


Interested in updates!


Did you have any side effects from taking the first dose?


Just some drowsiness but that was about it


Has it helped your anxiety you think?


Absolutely, and my depression too. I just posted an update in this thread. I’m only 2 weeks in but I think I’ll feel even better later. No effects on gastritis yet.


Hey that’s amazing! One last question for you. What dose are you on?


On 5mg right now (it’s a baby dose)! My only regret is not starting sooner 🥹


puf......no comments.


You might want to try low dose amitriptyline first.


I feel like it would def help symptoms. Any disturbance in the gut causes anxiety and that makes the condition worse because it's causing more stress which makes gastritis worse, it's awful. BUT ssri's come with their own side effects. It's worth weighing risks/benefits for your own situation. I'm a guy and a lot of men report sexual side effects with ssri's. So id honestly rather deal with gastritis than not being able to get it up or finish lol double edged sword I suppose


Oh gastritis has already done an excellent job at killing my sex drive lol so I’m not too concerned at this point. thanks for you input!


Me too. Mine is dying a slow death. I’ve lost 30lbs in a year and I feel horrible a lot of the day.


I see so many people in the lexapro subreddit complaining that it reduces their sex drive and I’m always thinking to myself that I would take that any day of the week over depression and anxiety I really don’t understand the sentiment no offence


I take zoloft and it helps my gastritis. There are sexual side effects for maybe 6 weeks, then things go back to mostly normal.