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New to gastritis? Please view [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/15m6ngg/gastritis_101/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for a detailed breakdown of the major root causes of chronic gastritis, as well as a detailed guide on how to heal. Join our Discord server today using [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/14oxl12/list_of_gastritis_support_groups_other_related/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Also consider joining r/functionaldyspepsia today! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gastritis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As someone who was on antidepressants for a long time, they absolutely just tone things down and suppress it. My doctor confirmed this in our appointment this week since I’ve had so many issues coming off of it. They alter our bodies in ways we don’t even know yet. It has messed with my hormones, thyroid, hypothalamus, pituitary, vision, etc. They have many mechanisms of actions including affecting histamine, neurotransmitters, microbiome, and even being anti inflammatory. They more or less just turn the volume down of a really loud movie, but they don’t turn the movie off.


Thanks for the reply, that makes sense. I just don't see the point in taking something that is just numbing physical pain that could be a signal of a real physical problem they are just essentially numbing :/ I know I could just up the dose and turn off the pain but is that really the solution, idk :/


Let me rephrase this. I want to point out I don’t think numbing it out means it doesn’t help at all. These medications obviously help people with many things and some may have no issues. They disabled me so I’m very cautious with them and have a bias (as do people who weren’t harmed). There are many mechanisms these drugs act in that can be causing that relief, but all I mean by they don’t cure anything is they aren’t directly addressing whatever the cause of the problem is. There’s always a cause to every ailment. They may help bridge the gap until you find that cause, but they definitely aren’t a long term solution (not just an opinion, but they quite literally haven’t been researched for long term safety) so it’s best to use them temporarily and find other alternatives for long term.


Yeah they've kind of just given me the Ami and have no further plan is place to actually identify the pain issues. So yes I agree with you - thank you


With diet should the gastritis heal then ??


The one laid out in the gastritis healing book is a great place to start that many have success with. Smaller/more frequent meals, reducing big offenders like alcohol, spices, high acid, NSAIDS, etc and then eating more of the plain/nutrient dense food. It’s all in the book! It’s not a perfect guide, but it is a good foundation


Did you get better following the diet?


Mine was triggered by Covid and another condition so sadly I am not improving like a normal person would. However! I do notice if I don’t eat this way, it’s 100X worse so a win is a win lol


How do I heal then if it’s just a foundation I’ve been on ppi for 3 months and recently getting very bloated and constipated with lower abdominal pain I think from excess gas and constipation I would assume from low stomach acid But I can’t tell if it’s the gastritis tho I have a pressure pain in my stomach so when I press down I get pain but I saw ppi can cause abdominal pain so idk I had a burger once a few weeks back as I thought it would be ok with fries and ketchup and it made me bloat bad and burpy but that might’ve been coz I ate quite a lot and I don’t have much acid and thus enzymes to break the food down as I didn’t acc get any extra pain just the usual under rib pressure pain but my food was kinda stick I get that now too Also what’s the perfect guide? And have u healed ?


Mine was caused by Covid and another condition so it’s a bit more complicated. But I know I absolutely could not eat a burger/fries combo lol. A strict diet is essential and not returning to the things that hurt the stomach. I haven’t eat at a restaurant in over a year and a half and feel sick if I even try now. I’ve just made it a goal to only eat freshly prepared food with minimal ingredients and overall, it has helped a ton. Gastritis always has a root cause and diet and lifestyle are huge factors if it’s not bacterial. So if those diets and lifestyles can cause it, then returning to those things can cause it over and over. That’s when I just stopped making it a goal to go back to eating that crap and just became dedicated to unprocessed foods all the time. I definitely notice a difference if I try to eat more processed/take out. It’s not even worth it anymore 😞 So I always tell people to get extremely strict with eating healthy and removing as much crap as possible for as long as possible to give their body a chance


I don’t even eat crap tho and I think mines stress induced from a long period of time I wasn’t sleeping and was having anxiety and stress for years and insomnia to top it all off and my diet has been pretty good I only had a burger once and I didn’t get any pain just bloated and burpy I have bread and lactose free skimmed milk and a very very small amount of cheese with some meals but avoid everything else as these don’t seem to affect me


What dose are you on and how long until it started working for you?


What’s your current dose?