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To eleminate gastiritis. You need to eliminate what is causing it . Otherwise there is no benefit. My gastiritis is due to h pylori infection. So did the course for that first now i have to make sure that its gone and then once its gone i have to start healing


Sometimes theres no root cause i have had every test going all negative 🤷‍♂️


Some of the tests require that you need to be off the ppis . My endoscopy showed negative h pylori but moderate chronic gastiritis but i was on ppis. I stopped ppis and then did a test for h pylori. Which came positive.


Ive been tested twice 1 week off ppi and 2 weeks off ppi both come back negative


Have you ever checked for parasites


Dont think so ive had blood tests and different things like its proper crap


How many weeks being off ppi before having endoscopy to avoid false negative? Im about to have mu endoscopy too soon


14 is good in my opinion. Usually foctor dont say to ayop ppis


What are your symptoms? That’s odd you don’t have any foods or drinks that makes yours worse. So you basically don’t have any triggers?


My main symptom is constant burping. Very occasionally I get a bit of nausea and pain under my left ribs, but this isn't common. And no, I have no food or drink triggers. In fact, I feel better the day after drinking alcohol. If I abstain for a few days, my stomach tends to get worse. I can eat pretty much anything and it doesn't seem to make it any better or worse. Extreme stress will make it slightly worse but not by much. I realise, however, that it could well be the case that I am under constant stress and am not even aware at this point (I suffer from GAD). This is my wife's theory.


For sure try to get tested for SIBO and h pylori.


Tested for SIBO?


Which supplements and how long did you take them?


I noticed on myself that physical activity helps. But not like going to the gym and lifting heavy weights - that will actually make things worse. Stuff like long walks, swimming, skiing etc... Make it a habit and do it as much as possible.


What diagnostic tests have you done?


I know how you feel. I have been on my PPI for over 6 months, I know that’s short compared to many but this illness is so defeating at times because it feels like you’re doing everything “right” but you still flare for seemingly no reason, and it drives me insane not knowing what my root cause is (I have also had all the tests done, and I mean ALL of them). Are you sure this is gastritis though and not GERD? If your main symptom is belching that makes me wonder, perhaps you’re not treating it correctly (although GERD treatment is so similar to gastritis treatment). Did you get a scope done?


PPI didn’t work for me at all, made it so much worse. I’m still not 100% back to normal, sore throat and having reflux at night but sleeping with my upper back and head up helps. Most of what helped was lots of yogurt. I mean LOTS. I wake up, take children’s Zyrtec, chug two Yakult’s. Then will have a Chobani for lunch with sweet potato cubes. And then before bed I drink plain Kefir with lemon juice (yes) and honey mixed in. A pretty large cup of that. This has helped immensely. I also got treated for Hydrogen Sibo with Bactrim. And then I also recently started trying to take Pepcid again to get the healing to go a bit faster and someone on another reddit said they put 10mL (I have the liquid kind from the pharmacy but you can dissolve the Pepcid AC too) into a bottle of water and sip it throughout the day. This has helped so far but it’s only been two days. Personally I’m under a lot of stress, financial and relationship, so I’m going to therapy for that as well. Whenever my stomach feels bloated and gross I have a hot decaf Americano from Starbucks and it helps a ton. Best of luck to you hopefully this can help


Depends what dieting means for you. I had exact same symptoms and for ine yar and I thought I was dieting too, by not eating chocolate fried food acidic and soda but hell no. Thats not dieting. You need to be strict, I eat for over a month boiled potatoes boiled chicken pasta with very low fat, plain water, broccoli, carrots califlower all boiled and bone broth plus oven baked apples for sth sweet and bananas. Thats all I have been eating and after almost 2 months I feel so much better. My gastritis was and is more serious tho probably I will have to keep this for a year or so. But do not give up. I also take supliments mastic gum.


did you have acid reflux?


Yes, that's what cause the burping. I was burping all day every day.


How much juice are you drinking daily and which ones? You say you've tried everything, so you've been juicing 16oz celery a day, carrots, apple and ginger and then a whole cabbage a day, right? If not then start doing this. I've just eaten pizza and a big add back coffee totally symptom free. 5 months ago I was ready to end it all due to gastritis. Juices are the cure, eat bland, cut dairy, cut meat if you can it's poison anyways. Whole food, plant based is the way to go but absolutely start juicing! It's the best cure.


Been sick for 3+ years over here. I was wondering if I could ask you a question...? What did you do for protein if you cut meat?


Whilst waiting for my biopsy results to determine the cause of my gastritis I've amended my diet drastically. No wheat, sugar, high fructose fruits (I mostly eat berries and papaya), no pork, no salmon, I've cut down slightly on red meats, no fried foods so saturated fats, no potatos and no grains. I drink keffir daily and usually before bed to settle my stomach acid. Dandelion tea has also been really good.


Ask your primary care for a prescription of Zithromax.   It’s a five day treatment of an antibiotic.  You will feel results the first day.  After you finish the medication, it continues to work for the next 14 days.  After you finish the medication, drink the drinkable probiotic yogurts—drink in the morning and then drink hot loose green tea with a tablespoon spoon of grated ginger and two teaspoons of Manuka with 80 or higher MGO honey every day in the morning.  Raw honey is good too if you can’t find Manuka honey.  The brand Siggys probiotic drinkable yogurt is good.  Also, eat plain oatmeal topped with berries and nuts and bananas.  Use almond milk.  Stop eating things with processed sugars and carbonated sodas and stop eating ground chop meat and just eat chicken and seafood or filet mignon lean types of meat once a month if you crave meat.  Otherwise, stop taking in anything that is bad for you and your gut. No drinking anlc and no smoking of any sorts. Those two things will deteriorate your stomach lining—once your lining is inflamed it’s up to you to reduce the inflammation—that inflammation will wreak havoc inflammation throughout the body eventually if you don’t get it under control.  Also, fried foods are no good for the microbiam. Lastly, only way to confirm if you do have gastritis or acute gastritis is from an endoscopy.  It does sound like you have chronic gastritis because I had the same symptoms/issues with dull ache in between the diaphragm and stomach without heartburn and gurd.  Was nauseous in the morning or wake up at odd times and felt fine at times once standing up in the morning.  Also, had a constant migraine every single morning.  Since getting the inflammation under control, no more headaches and stopped taking rizatripaphan for migraines and was taking zofran for the nausea.   Basically, the doctors can’t help but only give you or recommend meds like Prilosec that’s a over the counter that you take for 14 days which barely helped me and once I took Zithromax after complaining the Prilosec did do much I requested the Zithromax which definitely helped.  I now just maintain a healthy way of eating.  I was diagnosed minor chronic gastritis without h-pylori. 


Why do you think the Zithromax helped you? If you didn't have H Pylori, what was it killing?


Continous nausea and vomiting spreads bacteria throughout the body and can spread from the body throughout the nasal cavity and spread elsewhere including onto the outside of the body as well as bacteria on the skin that may enter the body— otherwise, not only can h-pylori  can damage the mucosa lining but there are many types of bacteria beyond that can’t be listed here that can effect the immune response to cause gastritis or gut issues that can become infected or inflamed inside and outside the body—Continues and habitual use of any antibiotic penicillin, amoxicillin, Zithromax, will deplete the effectiveness.  Otherwise, in my case it helped because I rarely used medication throughout my life and depended on food as a lifeline of healing and found that I needed something stronger then a PPI to help rid the symptoms I’ve experienced.  Environmental factors can affect the gut like secondhand smoke and mold spores.  I asked for the medication and so my doctor prescribed the medication because my body is able to handle it compared to a 30 day dose of amoxicillin versus a 5 day pill that continues to kill bacteria on the outside of the skin that has inflammation and do to the vomiting that carries bacteria.  Bottomline, contaminants gets into the gut somehow, from somewhere when food alone cannot just assist in ridding bacteria when an antibiotic can assist with the help.  A stool sample can let you know what string type of bacteria is causing issues.  Otherwise, no one wants to suffer with gut infections/issues for years into 10 years or so and not know what’s out there that can boost healing—sometimes food alone cannot help.  Basically, the body’s bacteria remembers how many times a person uses the antibiotics for whatever reasons.  So, if you are using them continuously and having trouble digesting antibiotics, wait at least a year from using them and restore using healthy foods.  Antibiotics can’t be used back-to-back for months—you will find that your bacteria may be gone and you’d have to rebuild the bacteria up from prebiotics and probiotics and aimed the good and bacteria can be gone for ever and that’s when SIBO can happen and the antibiotic can cause issues. There’s a food sensitivity and drug sensitivity test that can let you know what medications and foods can effect the system—check with your doctor or go on CVS and look for EVERLYWELL TESTS. Â