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Pack it up, everyone. This one’s gonna fix it all for us by *checks notes* hoping corrupt politicians do the right thing.


So many bad political takes begin with a bastardization of “So when capitalists willingly accept less profit, and don’t use their influence in politics…”


0/10 never form a thought ever again 🗣️🔥🔥🔥


Socialism may not be the perfect answer, but finding the right balance between capitalism and social welfare could be a better approach for everyone.


I agree with that.


Ok boomer


Fun fact you probably didn’t know part 1: I’m Gen Z


Ok Class traitor


I don't mean this insultingly but you should read a book on this topic.


Facts 💯




> It’s very simple large companies with vast access to capital competing for better products drives progress. Progress like what? Planned obsolescence? >let’s say you are a farmer and you have 100 tress of oranges to eat. If someone told you that if you gave 3 tress but your overall quality of life and economy improved significantly, you would bother ? NO ! Yes! I would! > Billionaires which you all hate own only 3% percent of the USA’s wealth and that’s an actual statistic. You're lying. American billionaires have a combined wealth of $5.5 trillion. >Economically Social Democratic capitalism. The only problem is that those sorts of countries still exploit the developing world. > companies the power to do their wonders No. That just gives companies the power to make shitty products, collect people's data, destroy the environment, etc.


With progress I mean, mainly economic. Yeah, that’s a sad reality that I agree with you, 2 billion people live good lives but the rest 5 billion are in poverty I agree with you. For the last thing you said, that’s why I say regulated, again it’s simple large companies with huge access to capital drives progress. It needs tons of regulation I agree with that nor is perfect. And instead of complaining maybe you can also achieve wonders in your life. I believe you can.


>With progress I mean, mainly economic. How is planned obsolescence a sign of economic progress? In the case of the US, how is privatized healthcare a sign of economic progress? >And instead of complaining maybe you can also achieve wonders in your life.  Spare me the condescending bootstraps bullshit. You don't know my life, keep your nose out of it. On top of that, I dare you to tell kids who work in sweatshops to stop complaining about their situations, I DARE you.


What do you consider socialism? I'm curious because you never defined it in your takedown of it.


Well I can tell you capitalism defiantly is not working for people. It’s making our lives less meaningful and less rewarding. I don’t think it’s crazy for everyone to have the bare minimum to live a decent life.


It’s less rewarding if you are a minimum wage worker. You can one day open your business, advance in your career. Or most the one with the most feasibility, set goals.


Upward mobility is extremely rare in the US. You are very unlikely to escape the class you are born because the system is setup to keep you in your place. Most businesses fail because larger corporations and monopolies have a stranglehold over consumers. So that’s not a viable option for most people. Just the lucky few that are able to make it work. With socialism you would be able to get affordable housing, free healthcare, college, and assistance if you need it. That helps lower income individuals more than getting nothing under capitalism. Also socialist countries have higher happiness and better quality of life compared to capitalist countries.


That’s simple not true, if you actually work very hard and very smart you can achieve things in life and it’s proven, a lot of people escape their class, we are in a capitalist society not a feudalist one. Most millionaires statically are self made, 88% to be exact. I agree late stage capitalism is bad (like South Korea). I also don’t believe in an unregulated capitalism. I believe in a strongly capitalism with a big welfare state. I’m not against welfare, just socialism is not the way to go.


Here’s the data showing that upward mobility is uncommon and that very few people actually manage to escape their class they were born in: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1802508115 Is it possible for someone to become rich when they didn’t start out as so yes. But it’s extremely unlikely. We don’t live in meritocracy. So, working hard and smart is not always enough. The system isn’t designed that way. Socialism has many more positive aspects to it than capitalism. I personally prefer the democratic social model that gives people individual freedoms but also makes sure that its citizens are provided for and the rich don’t have too much power. Capitalism has failed us and we need a better model.


Because everyone will open a business. You do realize that requires workers right? Not everyone can be a capitalist, someone has to work


It does work for us in Poland. Since the fall of socialism in 1990 our economy grew 10 times and the quality of life greatly improved.


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what? democrats and republicans will save the day?


I don’t believe that nor I even mentioned it in my post.


Socialism won’t work because a socialist country will lose a war to a capitalist country.


Capitalism has failed us so wanting a new system implemented is only reasonable The nordic model has proven to work well and id love to adopt it in my country. Whether that is “socialism” or not (the media loves to decry that term when referring to the nordic model) it should be adopted regardless.


Socialism is the way of the future


theres not enough trust in american society for socialism to work


Welfare state needs lot of trust from it's community. It doesn't work if people compete w/ each other. It's sad to see Finland going other way.


the northern european countries are kind of a fairy tale. their economies are heavily subsidized by the US and the rest of the EU. it's a ticking time bomb.


Actually no. You are wrong. Finland pays more to EU than receives. Can you provide a source of US handouts?


Sadly politics doesn't work off good vibes so this will literally never happen. Here in reality we need real solutions to real problems, not hoping we get nice rich people one day.