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I have a car but I hate it. I’m an urban planner, and I hate that cars are a necessity in many areas rather than an optional tool. I lived in both Seoul, Korea and Tokyo, Japan for almost a decade combined and I never needed a car the whole time. Which meant no registration fees, no gas, no insurance, so tons of money savings. Cars are polluting, keep people in poverty, and we should be working towards a future where they’re there if you want one, but should not be a necessary financial burden for economic endeavors. Meaning, you shouldn’t have to worry about whether or not having a car makes you more or less employable based on distance. One of the easiest ways we see this play out is the poverty to car disparity. Places to live tend to be cheaper the further you live from a city, which means lower income people tend to live further away. Which means that those same lower income people are often then punished by needing to own a car to get back into the city where there’s more economic opportunities. It’s an added expense that they have to pay for compared to a more affluent person who can live in a walkable neighborhood.


I love driving my gr86


Yeah and I’m totally for people having personal vehicles if they want them. I just find it sad when we build the environment in a way where there’s no other viable choice BUT to own one.


As a car enthusiast, I agree with this statement. People who don’t want to drive or have no interest in owning a car should not be forced to own one. Fewer people on the road = Less traffic. Less traffic = Less pollution


And more road for the people who do want to be car enthusiasts.


As a car enthusiast, this is why I push for accessible mass transit so hard.


Liking and using cars is cool, needing them to survive I think is a problem


They’re so fun. Likely will be my first car!


Off topic, but how does one get into urban planning?


I guess just start by getting inspired by people management and how it integrates with things like transportation and housing. I personally never realized the stark contrast between a car built environment and a people built environment until I moved to a place where I didn’t need a car but wasn’t any more inconvenienced. Just as one example, when you change zoning laws to allow businesses within neighborhoods, then you get more opportunities to put things like grocery stores right next to housing. So instead of needing to have a car to drive a long distance to do a weekly or 2 week haul from Costco to make grocery shopping worth it, if there’s a grocery store just 5 minute walking distance from your home, you get used to just popping into the grocery story nightly to pick up a few simple ingredients to cook some dinner. It’s not uncommon to go to the grocery store every day for 10 minutes and buy as you need. So you don’t end up with a car to pay for, and your 10 minutes a night for as much or less than all the time it takes to drive to, drive from, and shop for a week at a time at Costco.


This is one of the things I notice when going to Asia. People were not stacking up food. Their fridge were on the smaller size and they were cooking fresh almost everyday.


Yeah, that’s how I spent nearly a decade living in Asia. Smaller fridge, and spent most nights just popping into a grocery store down the street from my home to grab a few items for dinner. I never needed a whole week of food at once because the store was always there. It also helped significantly cut food waste, which is another cost savings.


Educate yourself and get involved at a local government level. Keep an eye out for internships or opportunities from your local government. Joining advocacy groups also helps a lot for finding opportunities.


I share the same sentiments. They don’t even make having a car a choice where I am, it’s basically a necessity.


This. We work in order to have a car. Cars aren’t a reward for working like concert tickets. I have a car and I’m grateful for that but as an urban enthusiast, car dependency is unsavory and draining.


I just bought a 2025 Camry Hybrid! I had a 2010 Corolla before, that I put almost 300k miles on, and still ran like a top when I used it as a trade-in.


Toyota’s really are the best


Japanese cars ftw. You gotta jus religiously change the oil and they’ll last forever


Not all Japanese cars...I'm looking at you, Nissan.


Nissan had a bad spell with jatco cvts but their motors are rock solid even those years with the bad transmissions. Today Nissan doesn’t have those same issues as 2010 Nissan or whatever year they introduced the cvt


Our problem on early 2000s Pathfinder was that the AC system caught on fire when it was only 9 years old. I remember it well, we were in the church parking lot at the time.


That’s def not a common issue. No matter the reliability of a brand I always buy for repairability because you never know if something will go wrong no matter the brand.


Especially corollas


I have a 2016 4RUNNER and I love it. It is unkillable


Toyota’s are genuinely the best investment in a car.


Hell yeah, my 2010 Subaru Outback currently has 226k miles on it, and I had thought about replacing it at some point with something a bit newer, but then I took it into my mechanic to have it inspected since I was moving last week, and he said it’s still in really good shape for the mileage, so I might just hold onto it and see how much longer it’ll go.


Toyota had a zero tolerance for defective parts; has I think pretty much forever. I know that sounds like standard practice but there is industry standard tolerances of how much “play or slop” fitment can have. Example; we have a ford with a fault ball joint from the factory, it will drive fine initially but over time continue to wear until broken, however while wearing down since the part was never 100% correct it also improperly wore out other steering components that were not supposed to be under stress. It’s sort of like a chain reaction one part being defective causes the surrounding parts to wear not as intended or uniformly.


I got 98 Camry lol. No ac


I don't but I'm hoping I can get one in the near future.


You're like me I am a 2000 baby too


I have no car. I just ride a electric bike, nippy enough to get me around my town, and no Petrol,MOT,Insurance,Tax costs are nice to have as well.


i wish i lived in an area to do that. Recently visited new york on my honeymoon and we walked basically everywhere in the city. I could definitely see myself living off a bike in an area where it was viable. For now tho I've paid off my car and will use it till it drops dead


I can't overly comment about the USA (im from the UK), but i find the bike is great for shorter journeys around my town of 20,000, but it starts to struggle on the longer journeys on it i take (normally 10 miles to the next town over) as 60mph roads are a pain, so i have to go a longer way round to stay on 40mph roads where possible, as it is just safer to do that when i can only go up to 16mph comfortably, but it is still very much doable, though i can at least shove it on a train if i want i suppose.


I use my moms car. It's very useful, I perfer driving somewhere on my own than using the train since it gives me more flexibility and independence


Right now I drive a 2015 Acura TLX Even though it’s heavily modified, it’s still good on gas, so I can’t complain. Besides, I’m a car enthusiast anyway, so I love cars. I plan on driving mine to the wheels fall off lol.


I’ll probably be using my dad’s 2019 TLX while I’m learning. Love that car


Cool, it’s a reliable car, I love mine.


K24 ftw


nice you have any pics? what kind of mods?


Right now I have a cold air intake, coil overs, and a rv6 exhaust. I’m saving up for some rims now. Since I just got the exhaust, I’m going to have to wait. Rims are hella expensive. lol


Nope and I’m moving to dc just for the transit lol, sure rent is more expensive but I don’t have to pay for a car, gas, car insurance, etc


I live in a city with top 3 public transportation in the United States. Home to oldest underground subway system in America. That being said I need my car and hate taking public transport. It’s slow, smells like shit, and filled with some greasy characters that I’d rather not deal with. I used to take it M-F until I was 17 and saved up to buy a shit box car and haven’t not had a car since then. I wish it was better but it just ain’t and my measly $3 to take it isn’t gonna drag it out of economic disaster it’s in. Even if it was quicker I’d still probably drive. Rather spend 20 extra minutes in my clean climate controlled vehicle then share a cart with some drug addict screaming at the top of their lungs while everyone else buries their face in their phone and tries to ignore it.


No can't afford one


I drive a 2021 Tacoma TRD sport. I absolutely love it, and no, I haven’t done any obnoxious modifications.


Oh yeahh


I have a car just can’t legally drive anymore


Username checks out


To relatable


We own two cars right now, but my partner and I have owned a total of 8 in our time together. We love cars and almost our entire lives revolve around having easy access to private transportation.


2015 Chevy sonic, I pretend I’m a rally car driver


I have a red 2008 Mustang GT. My first car was a 2005 Corolla. I graduated high vocational high school in ‘21 and got a good job at a machine shop. I learned everything i could as quickly as I was able to and worked my ass off. I bought it myself. I love cars and I felt I deserved to reward myself for all the hard work I put in and the success I’ve had throughout school and work. Plus working on my car is one of my hobbies, so I wanted one I could be proud of. It’s not great on gas obviously but I save money doing my own maintenance, plus it’s worth it for how much I love driving it. I got it with less than 17k miles and I do all the preventative maintenance I can, so I plan to keep it for as long as I can. That car has been with me through so many firsts. My first job, my first relationship, starting college to take up a scholarship last fall, etc. I couldn’t imagine living without my own car, let alone my Mustang.


I have a cheap 2005 car that I got in 2020 (or 2021). I love driving, I love my car even though it’s pretty old and the transmission is going out, but I can’t drive it right now and haven’t been able to for a year and a half because I had some seizures.     I love driving. Especially when I live in a small Midwest city. There’s little public transportation and I don’t have money for Ubers and stuff. I spent three weeks in Budapest without a car and I really liked that though. But it was because I got really good public transportation. Trams, buses, metros, it was great. 


I’m not old enough to drive


😂 I’m In the same boat. Soon though. 🤷‍♂️


holy shit i forgot there were people born in 2010 that are sentient


Yes but technically its my moms car and we share it cause we are tryna save money. It’s a Toyota Highlander


Just bought a 2023 gti a couple months ago. plan on buying a deuce and a half or a miata next year


I have a shitty 09 Subaru. Delaership fucked me on it, so I'm looking to buy another, yet newer Subaru, because up here in Québec, it's almost a must in the winter.


I have a car, and I love the freedom it gives me


same bruh, not a great car but whatever


i have a 2019 nissan sentra and i wouldnt be able to do anything without it lmao my town is extremely unwalkable and i live in texas so if i tried walking i would most definitely get heat stroke


As a bit of a sports car enthusiast, I'm biased. I love cars! There are some really scummy parts of the car community (I'm looking at you, takeover kids) but I've made so many friends and deepened so many relationships purely over the fact that we mutually love cars. I've also learned how to do a fair amount of basic mechanic work and diagnostics that, otherwise, I never would have been able to do. Road trips, cars & coffee events, garage days spent wrenching with the boys... All wonderful things I wouldn't be able to enjoy if it weren't for cars.


I have fear and anxiety about driving so no I do not.


i dont have a car nor do i need it, i live in a city with great public transportation 🗽


I have a car. Love driving and blasting metal! Gret stress reliver


Had one since I was 16. Couldn't function without it. I'm a fan.


Yes, but I would rather live somewhere I don’t need to drive. Public transportation in Canada outside the 3 big cities is basically non-existent. We never needed a car when we were living in Japan.


Love my car


I have one, I live in an area where it’s a must


Yes, I just upgraded to a new one with 4 wheel drive because I live on a dirt road in an area where it rains a lot


I've got no car but I'm desperately trying to get one. It costs me 200 dollars a week to get to and from work


I have a car but wish I didn't need one.


I have a 2024 toyota gr86 i put 30% down on.


Nice! I’ve never driven one of those but they’re supposed to be really fun from everything I’ve heard.


I saw one at the dealer when I picked up my 2024 4runner and they are so damn nice


Yep. It's Texas. I need one just to go buy chips and a coke


I have a Jeep Wrangler 2018. Great car and great for the south https://preview.redd.it/pirgly2eoy9d1.jpeg?width=1872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1769e9380f88ee3ae5b3165a219616914bc8ac09


I have one. 2011 Audi S4, love it to death. 131k miles currently and if nothing goes wrong *cough cough timing chain*, I plan to keep this until 200k miles.


I drive a 2011 F-150 and my wife drives a 2019 Equinox. Don’t get me wrong, I really like my ford but that equinox is a smooth ride.


2021 Mercedes C300, love my car and driving in general.


I have 2. I just bought a brand new 2024 4runner paid in cash and I have a beater 2010 toyota rav4 which I bought when I was 16. Love them both to death and im a car guy so they are 2 of my most prized possessions.


Yeah a 2016 Subaru crosstrek. I love it


I have a 2005 Chrysler PT Cruiser with about 110K miles, it's pretty much a meme car. I only got it because my town has shit public transportation and some things are in another state. Lol


Not me, but I'm fortunate enough to live in Japan where I don't really need one. Still tempted to get one so I can move up north though.


I'd much rather use public transport, but that's not an option where I am.


I live in nyc and don’t need one


I don’t have a car. I don’t want one and I don’t need one. I live in an area with great public transport to get me everywhere i need to go. If i can’t take the metro, bus, or micros, then i just ride my bike there.


Yep, have a 2013 Seat Leon, first car was a 2006 Volkswagen Golf but I only had it like for like 1 year from 19-20.


I love my Camry 2021 se, recently bought a cold air intake for it. Next is the exhaust and then ima get a body kit for it


I don't because it's not an affordable method of travel to work here and doesn't make much sense as it really wouldn't save me time either. Faster to take the train everywhere.


I’m driving a 2008 Chrysler 300 LX- 2.7L V6, surprisingly good on gas (26mpg highway- basically all I drive). Used to drive a 2002 Ford Focus SE Wagon, until I got tired of fixing her every other week. I enjoy driving and having the freedom to go wherever I want, whenever I want, but I do wish we had better public transportation options in the Midwestern US.


If I lived in a city with public transportation I wouldn't.


i will never have a car, i seen how much people spend on gas, insurance, maintenance and I rather keep it


I would love to have a car/drive however I'm not allowed to drive where I live due to how much I dissociate (ptsd doing me dirty)


The planet is dying, my bank account is dying so fuck that shit. Public transportation ftw even though it's ass.


Not a new car but I go thru used cars like it’s nothing.. Idk if it’s my luck or what lol but i have had more than a handful of them . My car insurance is thru the roof and way higher than my monthly car payment but hoping one day they can be around the same amount . Everyone drive & stay safe out there .


I have a car and I love it. It’s a 2022 Volkswagen Arteon and it’s bright blue.


I have a car and I adore it, I love it and bought it myself used. I did my first brake job on it this weekend and I feel super proud of myself.


My grandpa gifted me his maroon 2008 Chevy Uplander and I'm so grateful. It works good, my parents pay for repairs and stuff, I find driving myself to school, work, and where ever I want to go a lot more enjoyable than being dropped off by my parents.


No car. Set to get one near the end of the year, though. I'm learning to drive currently. I absolutely hate it, but I live somewhere where I can't safely walk to work or most places even nearby. So not driving isn't an option for me for my own independence.


I have a 2014 Ford Fusion. It's kind of a turd but at the end of the day it gets me where I need to go.


I’ve had two crashed my first one (not a flex) it was a 2005 Mitsubishi Eclipse my second one now is a 2005 Ford Ranger. I peeped a lot of us either have a license or don’t especially the younger we get in our generation. Personally I’ve only been to Dublin but I loved walking around being around huge groups of people it’s fun, but I also like driving my little truck and I modded my first whip and now I’m getting work done to my ranger. I like the aspects of how Europeans can live their whole lives without a car but I also love that in America we have big country and race culture and it’s honestly addicting see your shitbox go to a fucking ricer or a tricked out whip. And just having a car culture to me at least is awesome


I do




I just use my dad's car


Long story but I don't have a car


I live in Canada, and you really can't get around comfortably without a car in most cities. First of all, the distances between cities are huge (hundreds of km, even for neighboring cities). Secondly, public transportation sucks in most cities, with the main exceptions being Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal.


It's crazy to see so many have cars, I especially hate those that have a car but do not know how to drive or not willing to get their drivers license. And then there's me with a drivers license but have no car. I take the bus/train but tbh I'm starting to realize I need a car to get around,been using my mom's car if I want to go out etc but really don't like how I have friends who drive and have a car but don't want to offer to drive us back home cuz of distance and then others literally wont meet up unless driven, like damn when I'm the driver I make sure everyone gets home safe regardless of distance but well some people be like that.


Hauling around my grandpa's truck at the moment. I love it and hope that I can buy one of my own one day.


I feel you man


Don't have one. Can't afford one. Prices are still too inflated. Even absolute pieces of shit cars are too expensive.


I have a car but hate owning a car.


I have a car because where I live, I literally could not do anything. Not because it's unwalkable or whatever but because the nearest Walmart is a 3 hour DRIVE there. I wouldn't be super excited to walk there.


I haven’t owned a car for the past few years now I just rent from hertz lol


I grew up in vancouver and worked near home. Up until I moved out of the city there really was no justifying having a car or license for myself. Now on the other hand, I wish I had my license and a vehicle lol


I've owned three, and I turn 23 in two days. Two were less than $3k. Wrecked One and sold the other. My current daily driver is a 2012 silverado through a used dealership. Do yourselves a favor and buy used cars outright. Car payments and mandatory full coverage insurance is hard on the pocketbook


I have 2. One for going to work which is 140km of mountain roads at 2:30am. And an old truck for towing boats, trailers and going 4x4ing.


I have two, a small SUV for normal driving and an old truck for work Both are 4 wheel drive, which is a huge blessing in the winter time.


I’m almost 24 and have never had one. In fact i’m just barely about to get my permit. For context gas prices in my area are some of the highest in the country so I decided a long time ago holding off until I was financially stable was the best option. Now that I am I’ve finally decided to stop being lazy. For years I barely even bothered working on it until fairly recently. You’d be surprised how many people I’ve met who are 21+ with no car. Plenty of people of all ages don’t drive for completely legitimate reasons and anyone who doesn’t understand that just doesn’t have life experience. Sure it’s kind of embarrassing to admit now at this age, but because I’m so well off financially there’s really nothing anyone can say that will convince me waiting was the wrong decision. Gas is $5 a gallon and average insurance is sky high for new drivers in my area. Getting a car at 16 or 17, especially a new one, in today’s economy is pretty much a financial death sentence.


i got mine at 14


I’m actually not old enough to drive yet but I thought my perspective might mean something. I personally will be getting a car or using my parents’ cars (though I will get my own eventually because I’m a nerd car enthusiast) because my city is just entirely unwalkable. I live in one of those calm cities in the south where there’s really nothing to do unless you’re willing to drive at least 10-15 minutes.


I live in Alaska, so its like 80% required to have one. I like driving my Toyota avalon hybrid, great car and lots of fun. But I would rather live in a city that had reliable public transportation any day of the week


I bought a 2024 Corolla Hybrid last December. Before that I was driving a 2001 Nissan Pathfinder.


Nope. Don’t even have my license.


95 Camaro


I have 2 cars, love them both. One is pretty much strictly for work and other long commutes. The other one is more casual going out or normal around the town weekend. I love it


I still have my first car from when I got him almost 6 years ago :) his name is Splish and I love that lil guy


Yep, I have a 2009 Volvo. My friends keep telling me to get a newer nicer car but I just don’t see the need — my car gets me where I need to go, has all the features I want (power seats/windows, air conditioning, a radio, an engine, a steering wheel, and four wheels that spin) and gets good fuel economy. Planning to drive it until it dies, I love my Volvo


I have a car. A 2006 Subaru Outback 2.5 xt. I like my car. Ive had 2 (#1 being the ol’ reliable 97’ civic), but i like this one more. I got my license on my 19th birthday.


2013 Subaru Brz 😊


I have some cars, they’re technically family cars since I don’t really have a job or my own money (in medical school), but my parents let me drive em so I guess that counts? I like em, I like driving in general, but I have no idea what to do in terms of maintenance and repairs, we usually call people for that. So I wouldn’t exactly call myself a car guy, though I do enjoy driving since it’s convenient. We also have some family drivers, but I let my parents use em since they’re older and need to be driven around more than I do. I’m from the Philippines, and while we have public transportation, it’s not really clean, efficient, or safe. I’ve traveled to other countries and been to countries where people tend to walk or take public transport more than drive (Europe and Japan basically) and while I enjoy the convenience when I’m on vacation, back home I really prefer driving or being driven around.


I have a car, but it’s been a source of stress. My abusive mom keeps trying to take it from me and my work is too far away for me to walk, and I shouldn’t be biking due to health issues. It’s helpful but I wished I lived in a more acccesible area and that my car was my car yk?


I have a car and my dream have been to get rid of it. They charge us an head and tail just because we are young and supposedly can't drive and are irresponsible. Didn't seen them say no when we needed students loans 🙄 or signing up for the army. The double standard on that one is hard. My other dream is in increase on infrastructure, more trains and busses. I would also love to go ahead and walk around. I hope big US cities can be like Madrid, Seoul and Tokyo.


2010 Ford Escape XLT You need a car to get around in E TN. I paid cash and she’s just shy of 200K mi now. Aside from maintenance repairs left by the previous owner, she drives like a dream. One day I’ll upgrade but for now I’m happy without any car payments.


2014 VW pasat. It has about 150k miles and cost me 5k when I got it at 130k after I traded in my broken jeep which cost a fortune to upkeep. I only really drive 3 miles to work and back every day so I'm not putting alot of wear on it. Houses I'm looking at buying at about 5-8 miles from work also so I expect to be putting minimal wear on ot for a few more years then go electric.


I walk


I drive a 2002 Pontiac Sunfire SE, but I really hate driving, I barely take the car anywhere except where I need to go like work and the gas station. The furthest I've drivin is maybe 25mins from my house. I hate the car centric ecosystem we have and wish I could change it.


I have my own car that I love modifying and driving. Modification is the best part of owning a car.


Nope, live in the capital of my country with great public transportation and car sharing is a thing.


I do have a licence but own no car, i sometimes use one of those my parents if i really need one but It doesnt happen often. Here you can go around pretty easly without one so why bother? Currently for my daily computer to uni i use the train and i might go live in the uni city next semester so i dont think ill get one for a while. Even when ill find a job and live alone hopefully i wont need one as much.


I drive an 05 Honda Pilot that runs great and has relatively low mileage for its age. I entertained the idea of selling it for a while because I was able to do most things where I lived by walking, biking, or taking the bus but I’ve recently moved somewhere where having a car is a necessity. I’m glad to have not sold it at this point but the expenses associated with auto ownership are beginning to become a real burden


We own 3 cars. My husband was given a 98 long bed Silverado after his grandfather passed, and I bought a 2002 4Runner, and drive a 2007 ford fusion. I love my cars, but wish they weren’t necessary for where I live.


I have a car she’s what we call a little trashy looking but I’m great full I have it. The truck hatch is an electric blue, the driver side door is black and the rest of my car is dark blue. On the driver side there’s a bunch of wires low key hanging out and the lights inside the car i hanging on by a wire. There’s a layer of nicotine/dirt that covers most of the surface that have been unable to get rid of. The tire sensor, overheating sensor and the break in sensor do not work. Im also missing an airbag on the driver side door and the driver side door does not fit properly so the car always thinks the door is open. I got this car(Nissan Versa) for free with 80k miles. My cousin did phent and died that’s why I have it. I’m privileged to have a car but omfg it drives me nuts. Also a minor complaint it had no aux plug in but now I love cds so I guess there’s that.


I have a 1999 Toyota Solara. It’s older than I am but reliable as hell. That thing refuses to die.


Don’t have one, don’t need one. Cardio’s fun and I meet more people on the bus.


I live in a big city so I typically use public transportation to get around, but I also borrow my mom's Nissan Rogue if we want to go out to restaurants. Sharing a car is a bit inconvenient so I'm looking to buy my own car and apartment.


I bought my first car earlier this year, as I was tired of my long bus commute to work, waking up at 05:00 to catch the bus in time, and having to arvtager my work hours to fit the unforgiving and infrequent bus schedule. Also, I just love cars


I drive a 1998 Jeep wrangler with no ac, roof or doors and made it a redneck push to start, it’s my shitbox and I love it. Definitely need a car to work in Florida and I love having something I can beat the shit out of with little to no consequence. I also can just hose out the inside if it’s dirty since it made it all marine grade


I didn’t get a car or my license until I was 23. Once I did, it cut my commute time to a third of what it was, significantly reduced the amount of time I spent in dangerous weather conditions (110°+ F), and I can now do road trips on my own, though I wish public transportation was better so I could have just kept not driving. I got a used 2007 Toyota RAV4 and it’s a good little beast even with 200k miles on it


I do not have a car and have never owned a car. Too much work to maintain it, too dangerous, and too pricey to justify how little I would use it




i miss walking


Hey, I came across this post, and you mentioned road trips. Just curious, where do you take road trips to? I recently took one to a popular lake in my state, Arkansas. I'm kinda stumped right now, and I want some ideas of where to travel.


Just got my first car in January as a 25-year old. Licensed at 23. I hate driving but it's not all bad. I mostly go to work and the movies which are less than a 15 minute drive. I hate driving long distances and a lot of cool stuff here is pretty far, but I'll get the hang of it down the line, I'm sure


A small truck but I live in a rural area so it’s a necessity, both for day to day living and recreational purposes. Hiking, exploring back roads, camping, hunting, kayaking, etc.


I have a 2013 Ford Escape, but most days I take an electric scooter to work so I don’t have to deal with parking or traffic. I’m also a ten minute walk to a grocery store and 20 minute walk to a bar so I do that. Everything else I use the car.


i have road anxiety, despite cars being expensive and a responsibility kinda i wish i had one so i could get around easily.


I have a car and I love it. Every friday/saturday I go on a late night drive and I’ve been doing it for the oast few years. Super relaxing dude


Ive got an old shit box, I live out on a farm so it's necessary. Plus in a tiny town you've gotta drive an hour ro get groceries that aren't super expensive


Yes. (Disclaimer: on the cusp). When I was younger, a car was a necessity. Now I could get by without it, but it certainly makes my life easier and I’m used to the “car lifestyle.”


I have a 2002 Toyota Camry as a daily driver and a 2016 VW Jetta with a 5-speed manual. Absolutely love rowing through the gears in the Jetta but the Camry is easy to work on and is indestructible. I tend to do all maintenance and repairs myself unless it’s the clutch or air conditioning system. I also have an old moped as a backup.


I have one. Need it for my 40ish minute commute to work I guess I could take the bus or carpool, some people living around me do that. But having the freedom is nice and I make trips other places, make plans during the week, etc., all of which would make relying on others/buses less practical


I’ve had my 2014 Toyota Prius Hybrid for 4 almost 5 years now and almost paid off and that girl has taken me out of state and back. On 20+ hour drives and multiple month long work contracts and going back and forth from destination to destination. I’ll cry the day she won’t be functional anymore. But so far she’s as strong as ever 💪. Nothing broken at all, just cosmetic upgrades.


I think car good.


I’ve got a VW GTI. I love cars and driving, hate how they’re necessary to do anything in pretty much the whole US. The more we rely on public transportation, the more open roads I have to drive on and enjoy myself 😎


I have one, I don’t use it. Anxiety while driving as well as having to pay for gas, biking or walking is better Personally, having them to exist at all is what makes them a hazard around living creatures


I have a car because it’s necessary where I live and how I make some of my income. I wish I had public transportation.


I have a car. I like not having to rely on public transportation and being able to leave somewhere whenever I want to. Hate how much it costs to own.


I have one. Me. This guy, right here. *Finger guns.*


Sharing it with my brother, its under his name but I use it the most.


2012 Chevy Cruz. Bought it early 2023 at 18,000 miles and currently at 30,000. I know American cars suck but I do love this car and it runs great. Haven’t had any issues yet.


I have a car but it costs 1/3rd of what I make a month :/


I do, but it's a necessity to have one since I live in rural Canada.


Yeah, I’ve had my 2012 Corolla for 9 years now and it’s not dying anytime soon.


i don't but i want one so bad.


I've had a car since 2012 (the same car actually). I would never want to live life without one. I actually would like to own multiple. I keep a few as projects.


i had a jeep wrangler, don’t have it now, i plan on getting another jeep wrangler


I learned to drive on a 2003 Honda odyssey (minivan mafia), currently have a 2016 subaru crosstrek about to trade in for a Toyota tacoma


Have a 2010 Porsche Cayenne. Love driving. I work as a valet on the side and I love driving different people’s vehicles


Just got my second ever car, car note. My first car was all cash & plus I was learning how to drive then but now I’m all good. Just insurance is a mf to pay cause it’s so high. Even without any wrecks or anything




Not at the moment. Currently live in Chicago and absolutely love the accessibility of transit: Bus, train, electric city bikes/scooters, my own bike


I have a car and I use it every time I go out. I was privileged enough to get it and I'm forever thankful for my parents to provide me with it. They gave it to me mostly because the city I live in is very dependent on cars and when I started college my house was very far from the campus. I like to drive, I like to be able to go anywhere, whenever I want, BUT, I've always been a public transport enthusiast, I collect metro cards of all the cities I've been in that provide one, and if the public transport in my city was good enough to be able to go to the places I usually go to, I would drop my car in an instant. Besides, the traffic where I live is goddamn awful and it can be insufferable to experience. I've been to a couple cities with good public transport, specially big subway/metro systems and I've always loved them. Too bad many big cities in North America have little to no signs of getting efficient public transport soon.


I love cars, planning to upgrade mine soon.


A hand me down from my grandmother. 80k miles, 2006 sedan. I’m chilin with it for awhile. I’ve already made a bunch of repairs on it myself (change serpentine belt, power steering hose, brake pads, rotors) Although… I really want a truck because I’m always stuffing my car with all sorts of things I find on the side of the road, or wood I buy at Home Depot. … one day I’ll have my own truck :) (which is the most American thing I will ever say in my life, many truck owners hardly use their truck bed which is so stupid to me.. I could care less about the status of owning a truck, gimme a shitbag for all I care.. I just want to be able to fit big things in my car!)


I have a 2016 Chevy Spark that I’m planning to drive til the wheels fall off! I think it’s a great little thing; amazing on gas, can park almost anywhere since he’s so small, and friends usually don’t wanna take my car when we go on road trips cause it’s not big enough to accommodate much people :D


I have a car. I think it’s a necessity where I live but I wish it weren’t.


I use my parent's car, but only if I need to go to an area where there is no public transit, or if I am carrying a bunch of heavy items.


used to and you really take it for granted when you don’t have one especially with how most of america is designed


Don't have a car. Don't really want a car and don't ever intend on owning one. There's nothing I really want to do that requires me to have a car so I don't bother. I'd imagine I'll save a lot of money by doing do


Friday I’m getting a 2014 ford f150 and BABEY I couldn’t be more excited. I’ve been working my ass off and it feels good


Got two. A smallish pickup and a bmw. Work and speed 😅


A Volkswagen Golf 4 from 2001 inherited from my parents, I love it, low fuel usage and a bit sporty and small.


No car, but I would love to have one if I didn't live in a downtown area where getting a spot in my apartment's parking garage is $300 a month. I love to go hiking/skiing frequently so a car would be super nice.