• By -


Definitely rosaria she works silently and at best night, she's an assassin but could double as a rogue on how secretive she is


Assassin is a rogue subclass, so...


Plus she have backstab skill


Kaeya might actually fit the rogue too. He is very resourcful, stret smart, charaismatic, prioritizes cunning over brute strenght, and a very integral part of his strategy is deception (worming himslef into different criminal organizations, gaining trust, drinking with them, and then later cold heartedly arresting them, or using others in his plans like he did with the traveler, sending them on a wild goose chase,to trap the treasure hoarders XD) He has very con artists abilities, like looking affable, and good natured, friendly while his nature is of unyielding ice, and he manipulates/uses others without second thoughts. He will use every skill in his arsenal to reach his goals, and these skill are a lots of times are very dubious in nature. He walks his own roads, and uses his own methods, which Jean lets him, becuse he is very efficient.


Yelan or rosaria, rosaria works in the dead of night and does take out potential threats under the guise of being a nun, whereas yelan is a spy who gathers information and acts on plans to sabotage, so its either or for me


Rozaria, cus her skill is to teleport behind an enemy and hit them. That’s such a rogue-coded skill.


Backstab is THE Rogue skill.


I actually think this is a fantastic point. Rosaria or yelan


She also gains a crit buff when she does that.


She's also one of the only characters to have a dagger on them at all times.


I guess there's kuki shinobu. But she's for sure a multiclasser because her party keeps needing a healer even though she wanted to finally pick a damge dealer class


It's funny when you consider Rosaria is the reverse of her (coz she's 'technically' a priest/nun)


... does kuki Shinobu count with her kunai?


And Yelan's skill has her litterally disappearing before dealing damage : can't do more "Sneak Attack" than that.


Rosaria is the only character I can think of who has a backstab mechanic in her kit. If that's not a rogue's Sneak Attack feature, I dont know what is!


Kaeya also teleports behind the enemy with his NA4 I think


Rosaria IT fits




I expected there would be a lot of variying choices for the Ranger class round but didn't expect a lot to collectively vote for Tighnari! paired with very good points! As some of you mentioned how his kit really reflects 1-to-1 on what DnD Rangers can do, from proficiency in Nature checks to Feral Senses. Really appretiate how much yall cooked! The next update post will be in r/Genshin\_Memepact (will try to cross post here) Note: You may choose ANY character (NPC or playable) as long as they're in genshin...whoever is chosen for the class can't be repeated for other classes. To vote: just simply comment your choice, optionally explain why, and upvote other comments with your choice...you may sort your comments to newest or contriversial to see what everyone else answered! total upvotes from last posts in r/Genshin\_Memepact (as of the time this was tallied) Tighnari: 2,721 Amber: 1,274 Collei: 358 Here are a couple of websites that could help you in seeing what DnD's Rogues do: [http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/rogue](http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/rogue) [https://www.dndbeyond.com/classes/12-rogue](https://www.dndbeyond.com/classes/12-rogue)


>***Rogues rely on skill, stealth, and their foes' vulnerabilities to get the upper hand in any situation. They have a knack for finding the solution to just about any problem, demonstrating a resourcefulness and versatility that is the cornerstone of any successful adventuring party.*** To me this just screams Yelan.


Also: one of the cornerstones of rogues/thieves is that they steal. IMO Yelan wins because she is quite literally always flaunting **something that she stole.** Her iconic fur coat was stolen from the Tsaritsa.


To be more technical, she stole it from the Fatui, who intended to gift it to the Tsaritsa. It wasn't hers yet


> Also: one of the cornerstones of rogues/thieves is that they steal. **NO**, that is not true of the class at all. Rogues are not inherently or mechanically tied to stealing things in D&D at all. It is an extremely common misconception because people play them like they're kleptomaniacs out of elder scrolls games, but there is nothing in their kit that ties them to "stealing" beyond maybe being sneaky. Only the pathfinder system technically even has "steal" as a combat ability and it wasn't even "necessary". It is entirely possible to play a Rogue who never engages in that sort of behavior. Rogues are not alignment locked, you can play them Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil and anything inbetween. Rogues are mechanically just slightly dirty fighters, good at flanking things, adept at noticing and disarming traps, and slightly oriented towards stealth. Conventionally what governs "stealing" things is the sleight of hand ability, and that is actually better suited to Bards, who have just as much ability with stealth and sleight of hand, plus magic to make it *much* easier.


It may not be one of the cornerstones of rogues themselves but it is a subclass lol


Partially because of the stereotype, and partially because the "rogue" class was constructed off of the back of AD&D Kender, who were peak 80's moralizing versions of bilbo baggins. AD&D 2nd edition turned their "race" into the "thief" class and then 3rd edition/3.5 turned them into "rogues" which dropped all of the thievery stuff. But as said, people kept on trying to play them like they were from elder scrolls. The "Rogue" could be more appropriately called a "Scout" in terms of what it usually does.


First one I thought of. Sayu or Kuki being my other choices.


Kuki I think is aesthetically the most like a traditional RPG rogue. Sayu too but something about a rogue using a claymore just seems wrong.


The point of smaller stealthy daggers is the light carry weight and ease of concealment. If a rouge has access to some extradimensional storage that they can summon out of thin air anytime, using comically big weapon is a surprisingly effective strategy, as they don’t have to worry about concealing it.




Yep. Yelan is a textbook Mastermind. Spying, instigating and pushing pieces against eachother, causing them all to crumble while she stealthily leaves unscathed. She's a perfect specialist in both gameplay and lore, I don't think there's a character who fits the bill better than her.


If it isn't yelan I riot


This sounds like Kaeya. He is cunning street smart, keeps connections with the criminal underworld, often minglig among them, drinking with them until they tell them all their secrets. He manipulates, blackmails, uses deception to reach his goals. He prioritizes cunning over brute strenght, and he is very versatile, using subterfuge, infiltration, maipultion, etc. Rogue proficiencies/skills fit him very well: Acrobatics (he teleports), Athletics (decreased running stamina), Deception (he did this to the traveler during the quest), Insight (during his quest he knew Paimon would fuck up, and reveal the location of the treasure, and he knew the treasure hoarders will be listening), Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion (with constellation names like frozen kiss, never ending performance, dance of frost etc), Sleight of Hand, and Stealth He used all of these during the quest he manipulates the traveler helping him catch the trasure hoarders (except slight of hand). XD


A good amount of characters actually fit this the role of Rogue. Lyney, Lynette, Yelan, Rosaria, and Sayu are all good choices. Considering how rogues are all about stealth, deception, and taking on fights through flanks and tricks, I’d say Lyney is the right choice.


What about Arlecchino?


she's a hexblade, but warlock should go to Neuv because ELDRITCH BLAST


Nah. Neuv is absolutely Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer.


Neuvillette is the only character whose powers is inherent to them, Everyone else's powers come from an outside sources, most have visions Others use a magical art they learned And all the god's powers come from having a shades of the primordial one And arlecchino's bloodline was cursed While Neuvillette's powers are inherent to him, he didn't earned it, never learned it, wasn't cursed with it, it just came to him naturally, Neuvillette IS the sorcerer of genshin impact


Adepti and Youkai should qualify, no? Neuvilette being the only one who didn't multiclass, doesn't make anyone else not a sorcerer Not arguing that he shouldn't be there, I agree 100% that he should, but I don't think he is the ONLY character whose power is inherit to them


Neuvillete is the sorcerer


Neuvillette is a sorcerer, warlock is better fit to Baizhu since he canonically make a pact with Changsheng


Or Cyno, who gained his powers from one of Deshret's followers


Warlock should go to Fischl, Pact of the Chain


Both Arle and Neuv are sorcerers, since their powers are derived from their bloodline. Technically speaking, I think every character in Genshin qualifies as a warlock except Neuvillette, so he'd probably be the top pick for sorcerer since Arle does still have a Vision (and Delusion).


Arlecchino is a warlock, her powers came from the crimson moon, not her bloodline, she just inherent the contract between the moon and her bloodline


I didn't think there's anything stealthy about her lol


We literally saw her in a cloak ambushing Furina during AQ


Tbf Furina was distracted by a cat, it was hardly the plan of the century


Arlecchino planted that cat /s


So? Doesn't mean she got a Sneak Attack out of it. Any character can use stealth.


actually i think she does fit the role as well. not to mention lyney and lynette are literally taking after her. in a way now that i think about it, the whole house of the hearth is like a clan of rogues with arle as the big fatui rogue leader


Rosaria maybe? She has a dagger, strikes the enemies from the back, prefers to go out at night, and she was sneaking around stalking in some quest a while ago


Albedo SQ?


More than that. She literally makes dangerous people disappear from Mondstadt.


I cannot shake off the feeling that Rosaria is actually a member of counter-intelligence unit of KoF/CoF, while her being a nun is just a cover.


afaik some elder nun made her a nun because of her violent tendencies, even CoF knows she does all this but would rather not speak out because it's all in good faith


Considering Varka trained her and she works with Kaeya quite a bit, that's probably not super far off of the truth, although I doubt it's in any sort of official capacity.


Rosaria is my choice.


Rosaria. Absolute rebel when it comes to being a traditional nun, she actually has knives (even if she can't use them gameplay wise), and her pasttime is running around at night defending the town or drinking heavily.


Rosaria. She has that teleport behind enemies and she moves faster at night she also pretty sure has throwing daggers or something in some art


feel like both **lyney and lynette** fit the rogue class really well, and in their own unique ways. i'd vote both


Plus, didn't Clorinde's DND session basically prove that Lyney plays rogue?


His character wasn't outright called a rogue, but he had a slightly cliche rogue backstory and the typical skills of one so it's a pretty safe assumption. Lyney was my first choice too because of Clorinde's quest lol Outside of that story he feels like a Rogue with a few levels in Bard too (although tbh my DnD knowledge is mostly limited to BG3 so)


ohhhhh was thinking about artificer but now you guys mentioned it, it do make sense!! Lyney is more about tricks than spells so I guess he'd be a rogue that knows little spell that are necessary for missions. I'd say he fits more than Rosaria cuz she looks more of an assassin Also as a note: in other games, Rogue class uses bow and dagger, TLDR; I vote for Lymey


I feel like xianyun has artificer locked. Literally spends all her time making weird magical contraptions.


Rn i was considering her and albedo, it's a toss for me now. let's see when we get to that


Albedo does more alchemy than making contraptions. He's a transmutation wizard imo.


There is the Alchemist subclass for Artificer.


Xianyun… but also, Faruzan and Kaveh. I’d say Faruzan and Kaveh have an advantage mechanics-wise, since they both actively use their tools as part of their in-game kit, whereas Xianyun’s kit is primarily based on her adeptus abilities except for her ult, Sucrose counts too, since alchemists in DnD count as artificers. She even does the elixir toss!


Mechanics-wise you've got a point with Faruzan and Kaveh. But story-wise Xianyun definitely blows all the competition out of the water. The Supreme Cuisine Machine, the electric bike, her popcorn maker, the tea cauldron in Qiaoying Village, her ult's mechanism, and the floating platform above Qingyun Peak are *all* Xianyun's creations.


Lyney is basically the Arcane Trickster subclass for Rogue


>rogues focus on stealth and deception >refine the skills such as climbing, finding and disarming traps, and opening locks >when it comes to combat, rogues prioritize cunning over brute strength >almost supernatural knack for avoiding danger >**a few learn magical tricks** to supplement their other abilities we've seen all of these in lyney and lynette


Full agree, especially Lyney who does more of the overt Rogue stuff (sleight of hand tricks, disappearing). The fact that they have such public faces while also silently operating for a terrorist organization speaks a lot to their abilities.


Lyney has a focus on precision burst damage with his charge attack, which is a good analogue of sneak attack, you can even argue his taunts act in a similar manner to Rogues damage avoidance abilities (evasion, uncanny dodge, bonus action disengage).


I wish Lyney had evasion -Me, after getting ate by phase 1 Fontaine whale boss


I was coming here to say, Lyney is the rogue.


Good take. Lyney and Lynette’s job and specialty in the House of the Hearth are literally infiltration and espionage. You can see them in action in the entire Fontaine story.


Ooooh it’d be really cool to have both Lyney and Lynette be the rogues together


Inquisitive subclass, considering their real jobs.


Arcane Trickster Rogue :D


Now that you say they do for the trope lore-wise


It's actually funny, cuz most of the "work in shadow" is done by Freminet


Lynette, yes. Lyney absolutely not. He's too public of a figure.


good point on lyney- however- lyney is a public figure/popular as a magician- not as a rogue. the public doesnt know about his hidden (rogue) side. which is why i stated the duo are both rogues in their own unique ways. being very fair- lyney has still displayed far more rogue characteristics throughout the story, and hes seemingly very good at hiding away when having to do his rogue stuff as a last note- i havent seen anywhere mention that rogues cant be public figures in anyway. looking up some examples we even see robin hood show up- who was very popular to his society entirely for his rogue nature.


That's gotta be Rosaria though, no? Kuki isn't a ninja, she's a healer and just dresses up like one. Sayu is a ninja, but sucks at the whole assassination shtick. Yelan's a glorified detective who apprehends criminals and does detective work. The only one who's assassinated anyone is literally Rosaria. The Lyne siblings are magicians, tricksters, not rogues.


Arcane trickster is a rogue subclass


Rogues arent exclussively assassins. Looking at the 5e rogue sublasses you could easily fit a bunch of chatachters under rogue. Yelan- Inquitive rogues are literally detectives Lyne siblings- Arcane tricksters Kaeya- Swashbucklers are also rogues Collei / Amber- Scout rogues Ayato- Mastermind rogue Rogues are usually only super edgy assassins in dnd memes. Its generally a pretty broad archetype.


Also, I think rogue proficiencies/skills fit Kaeya very well: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion (with constellation names like frozen kiss, never ending performance, dance of frost etc), Sleight of Hand, and Stealth He literally uses all of those during the quest he sends the traveler to a wild goose chase, except slight of hand. XD He also has a backstab ability. :)


Or Arccelino. She straight up was going to assassinate the hydro archon until she caught onto the ruse.


Kuki probably has the certification to show that she's a ninja, but it should be noted that her healing comes from being a trained shrine maiden (and a prodigy at that), and the Yashiori Commission's ninja seem to be trained and given their assignments by Narukami Shrine's shrine maidens, so she was probably multi-classing even before she started taking a billion certification exams.


I second that




Let’s go Rosaria Nation!!!


Her skill *and* backstory are just Rogue's 101.


Although I loce Lyney, this is Rosaria's title.




Come on, Rosaria. She was literally raised by bandits and twirls a dagger in her idle. And she is also not above going into the grey areas of the law unlike Yelan.




rosaria fits best imo




**Kaeya**. If you're thinking about the charismatic sneaky fucker that can expertly navigate every social interaction and has no moral qualms about stabbing enemies in the back, he's your guy. Hell, they even gave him a slick Arabian nights thief skin! He is THE archetypal DnD rogue.


This was exactly my thoughts


Surprised I had to scroll down so far to see this! Kaeya was the first person I thought of with this question. Works in the shady side of things, has an intelligence network (remember Vile?), charismatic as fuck, and will not hesitate to shank a bitch.




Rosaria... literally faster at night, teleport skill attack, and she fits the vibe?


Rosaria. Not Shinobu. Wait, let me cook! First and foremost - her backstory. Her whole village was slain by bandits and then, I quote her character story 5: > “Raised by those crooks, she learned how to fight, sometimes thieving, other times doing odd jobs for the crew. She was their servant, but also their tool, a crook, yet still a child. She fought against outsiders and her comrades alike, and growing up was a constant battle for survival against the hunger and cold.” Guys, if this isn’t your typical TTRPG rogue backstory idk who you play with. She’s such a stereotypical rogue it’s honestly hilarious - not only is she a nun by day/assasin by night and looks like she has gothbossed a lil too close to the sun with that roguish cape/veil/whatever it is of hers, they literally GAVE HER TWO DAGGERS IN HER IDLES (yes, two is an important detail as it is directly specified in DND player’s handbook that every rogue’s equipment includes “leather armor, two daggers and thieves’ tools”. Her E is basically both a Sneak Attack (since it teleports you closer to an enemy so you sometimes can hit one without them noticing you before) AND Uncanny Dodge (again, it teleports you). Her spying on people sensing them by elemental traces can be interpreted - although it’s a far-fetch - as Blindsense. Judging by her interactions with Sir Pouncelot in Feline Fortress event and by her overall behaviour/involvement in Albedo’s story quest, I think she fits Inquisitive subclass. Let me quote Xanathar's Guide to Everything for this one: > As an archetypal Inquisitive, you excel at rooting out secrets and unraveling mysteries. You rely on your sharp eye for detail, but also on your finely honed ability to read the words and deeds of other creatures to determine their true intent. You excel at defeating creatures that hide among and prey upon ordinary folk, and your mastery of lore and your sharp eye make you well equipped to expose and end hidden evils. This is executed in her dialogue with sir Pouncelot, I will not give any quotes, just find it on yt, it’s short. But she quite clearly reads the cat and uses just the right words not only to calm him down but to win him over. We first meet Rosaria in Albedo’s SQ near Dragonspine during her dialogue with Barbara. We basically watch her from distance and she notices us anyway, telling Paimon “you’re an eavesdropping pixie from who knows where, and you think I’m the trickster?” >!get it? TRICKSTER!< We shortly figure out she’s also here for Albedo, and she’s tracking him down by elemental traces. When we join her, she also mentions how interested she’s in Paimon’s ability to appear and disappear at her will, because it can help leave unnoticed after committing a crime. Anyway, she leaves shortly after we find him and then reappears out of nowhere at the very end of the quest - turns out she’s been watching all three of us during our tests with Albedo (which is very roguish itself). Although she can’t read Khaenri’ah (or maybe she couldn’t back then) she figures out Albedo is involved with this and after criticizing us for being very inconsiderate gullible, she disappears into thin air. After this we had Susbedo event and if I remember correctly she also appeared there briefly after he revealed his identity - but I might be mistaken, this was ages ago after all and I’m not rewatching its playthrough. Perhaps it was another event but I totally remember her shown shortly after a scene with Albedo smirking while watching him from a distance. Maybe it was windblume, I don’t remember. Although I might be wrong about Inquisitive subclass(never played it myself), she’s still your very typical rogue. Perhaps if not Inquisitive, she can be just a classic Thief or an Arcane trickster (cause ukno, she has a Vision, isn’t it a kind of magic?) Not Assassin tho, her dmg multipliers are too low to oneshot foes without a specific setup (and not I’m talking about hilichurls or any other low HP enemies, you don’t use your very buffed oneshot sneak attack setup on this in dnd); also judging by her demeanor towards her job you can hardly see an Assassin’s imposter skill in her. But there’s also c1 which increases crit rate… well, I’d rather spare you my rant about her potential subclass. ON TO SHINOBU PART: I’m well aware we have two “ninjas”, Sayu and Shinobu, but Shinobu doesn’t do any odd work in the shadows, she’s just stylized as a ninja (read her story about Oni Mask, for example), and if Sayu’s a rogue she’s like lvl1 in it ‘cause you know how attentive she’s towards her job. Another reasons why I don’t consider Shinobu as rogue are in her Character Details and basically every quest and event she was in. It’s clarified well how pragmatic she is; and we were shown a lot of times that she does like everything very openly and professionally, unlike other more clamorous members of Arataki gang. She’s a lawyer, after all. Only because she’s in a gang and her design is clearly rogue-inspired, to call her a DND rogue is a rookie mistake of someone who takes dnd classes literally and has little to no idea of Shinobu’s character. Gameplay-wise Shinobu is a healer/EM dps (I can’t describe hyperbloom triggerer in any other way), and I think it’s closer to an Artificer. Artificers have access to lesser restoration, sanctuary, cure wounds and many more both wizard and cleric spells, and have daggers proficiency, are 2/3 casters using things like THIEVES tools to cast, and have INT as their primary stat. Well, idk guys, but the literal Jack of all trades of Genshin who has all sorts of diplomas and can get a crew of vagabond menchildren out of any trouble is definitely a very intelligent person. Mind you, rogue’s primary stat is dexterity. Also one very crucial thing I have to note about artificers is that they have both Sword burst and Thunderclap spells which is literally Kuki’s skill and ultimate. And yes, an Artificer doesn’t have to be a steampunkish inventor as many might think. Ps.: now that I think about it, every single kid of House of hearth is a rogue. Well, Lynette certainly is.


I choose Rosaria. -was a Treasure hoarder before Varka adopted her and bring her to Mondstadt -she is known to sneaking her way out of everything, including church practice -rogues are known to have a skill called ‘backstab’ or ‘sneak attack’, her elemental skill is literally teleporting behind the enemy and attacking them


Rosaria for sure!! Yelan as a runner up.


Rosaria. She's even a rogue nun lol


Rosaria. Has a backstab. Masquerade as a nun. Pretty sure she is an assassin.




Rosaria wins this round for sure


Kuki Shinobu?


Her or Rosaria. Damn, I feel like playing my Rosaria again. I love Rogues.


I think Rosaria’s passive decides this one!


Rosaria. Teleports behind you.




Rosaria with the backstab fits best






Rosaria has the best rogue / assassin backstory


Rosaria - not just for her attacks, but also her personality. If we're going on abilities, then lots of characters have the daggers and speed, but I think that personality and mindset also make a rogue. Rogues are a bit dark and complex. They may do morally ambiguous things, they may have an ends-justify-the-means outlook. They may bend the rules or be underhanded. They may do the violent or ruthless jobs that no one else has the stomach for. For example, a knight might care about honorable battles, but a rogue will assassinate someone in their sleep and not worry about whether it's fair. Even when they are on the side of the Good Guys, they're not going to be paragons of virtue. In my opinion Sayu is too direct. Her motivations are really straightforward - she's cute, innocent, and likes sleep. And Kuki Shinobu is very law-abiding, she's always trying to get the gang to get their act together, take proper jobs, and be proper law-abiding citizens.


rosaria. she uses a dagger and is an assassin but if not her, then kuki, because dagger and shinob~~i~~u


Is either Rosaria or Yelan. Im leaning towards Rosaria a lot more mainly bcs of her outfit and her Skill.


Rosaria is a very good choice for this, Sayu too.


#1. Rosario #2. Yelan io #3. Lyney/ette


Yelan, Lyney and Lynette fit very well. First choice would be Yelan though.


This made me realise that having an actual rogue in Genshin, with stealth mechanics, grapling hook and the like would be super fun






Rozaria! She literally teleports behind the enemy for her skill, and carries small knives! That’s such a rogue thing to do.


Lots of good picks, but in my opinion, Rosaria fits most.


Rosaria is pretty much an assassin so my vote goes to her.


Rosaria or Lyney and Lynette. I don't believe Yelan should be to represent Rogue on this, as of right now, very accurate Genshin ver. of DnD.






Sayu. When they need someone to get in and out, she's the one they call; I think we can infer she has lock picking abilities, stealth, scaling walls, etc. (It's not like they asked her to steal fruit off a cart; she went into a secured, guarded facility.) I would even argue she moves silently like a rogue; that's why she doesn't startle animals. Her Daruma is her She's got speed to escape, too.


She was even in the Itto event and no one there noticed her


this one is tricky base from the description. I think I will also vote for Lyney


Really feels like a lot of characters could fit into the rogue archetype but the first one that came to my mind was **Kaeya**. That guy has put a lot of points into charisma and deception. He even has a sneaky vanishing move during his normal attack string.




Kaeya is the first rogue we see. He fits all the rogue archetypes.




Diluc!! He is literally Batman. I’m so surprised he’s not the top pick


Lyney and lynette Lyney was quite literally the rogue the clorinde story quest and lynette primarily the stealth and rogue type between rhe twins






Yelan. The ultimate spymistress of Teyvat.






Yelan has stealth, can actually target weak points (bow), and in game is someone who does subterfuge. I get where people are coming from with Rosaria lore wise but nothing else about her, especially gameplay is really rogueish. If teleporting behind someone during an attack is enough to be a rogue then Kaeya is even more of a rogue than Rosaria.






Rosaria, Liney, Linette, Yelan and even Kaeya a bit




THIS!!!!! Wish more people voted on him. He is the texbook rogue. :) Also, I think rogue proficiencies/skills fit him very well: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion (with constellation names like frozen kiss, never ending performance, dance of frost etc), Sleight of Hand, and Stealth He used all of thses during the quest he manipulates the traveler helping him catch the traseure hoarders. XD


Lyney easily.


Lyney&Lynette fit it so well together pls allow two people


Lyney is the obvious choice, also he literally played a rogue in Clorindes's SQ




Lyney! He would fit the Arcane Trickster Rogue subclass well too. Prestidigitation is also a perk he’d have.


Lyney seems a perfect fit, sneaky, cunning and acquired a bit of magic to assist in his most sneakiest of deeds




Lyney +1 * CA/sniper (precision silent kill) * Elemental skill - taunt (deception) * sleigh of hands * tricks people * occasional con artist * spy edit: Hoyo wasted a golden opportunity of making his 3d NA his i-frame/evade instead where he turned invisible and became a card # also cmon people, Hoyo literally made Lyney the Rogue in Clorinde's web event. IDK how much official it could get


I'm voting for the magic twins


Yelan, Rosária or Arlecchino


Lyney definitely


From a kit perspective probably Lyney, Yelan or Lynette. Lyney would be an arcane trickster, lynette a thief, and Yelan a mastermind.


Lynette, Kaeya or Rosaria. If i can only have one vote, it's **Kaeya**. **Lynette** is very obviously a Rogue because she's nimble and has an ability that's appropriate for backstabbing. She's not only a street magician, but specifically uses magic tricks that tend to involve being un-noticed, or where people confuse her and Lyney. Her Elemental skill is very Rogue-like. However, **Kaeya** shows off the social side of roguery, where he always knows what is "going on" and usually has a plan for it. He keeps lots of underworld contacts in order to stay ahead of trouble. He's not just a Rogue but one proactively managing things. He has a keen eye for detail, engages in multiple forms of subterfuge and employs dead drops for communicating covertly. He's able to fight when necessary, but is cunning enough to track down unconventional problems like Collei. he s the best Rogue, precisely because most people don't realize he is one, instead mentally putting him into the category of Knight & Cavalry Captain. **Rosaria** is the more predatory form of Rogue. She's hunting targets and eliminating threats in her own way. While the game doesn't specifically have a "backstab" mechanic her Elemental skill does exactly that. **Lyney** is really more of a Bard or even Sorcerer -or even Wizard more than Rogue. Yes, he uses some deceptive talents. However, his powers tend towards powerful fire attacks and being the center of attention.


So happy you mentioned Kaeya. :) He has some very texbook rogue skills/personality. He is cunning, affable, friendly, but underneath his nature is of unyielding ice. He manipulates pople, he worms his way into multiple criminal organizations, often can be found drinking with criminals (to gather info) Also, I think rogue proficiencies/skills fit him very well: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion (with constellation names like frozen kiss, never ending performance, dance of frost etc), Sleight of Hand, and Stealth He used all of thses during the quest he manipulates the traveler helping him catch the traseure hoarders (except slight of hand). XD


Yelan for sure is the rogue. Although it seems like I missed a couple of posts here.. how did Shenhe win the monk category over Heizou? And Noelle over Jean as Paladin?? Noelle is a fighter. She has no divine connection. While one of Jean's titles is lionfang knight, based on her following and almost channeling Vanessa's spirit, who was the og Paladin of the Wind. Plus she's a healer and buffer like a paladin.


Paladins don't have to be religious at all. You could make atheist Paladin. Noelle deals damage, her skill is basically Shield of Faith, her burst is round after round spamming Divine Smite. Paladins have ways to heal, but damage is where they excel at. While Heizou may be a good fit for a Monk, it's quite shallow interpretation. Shenhe is seen as a Monk in much deeper connection. Monk isn't just fists go pow pow.




I'm gonna vote for Kaeya. Although judging by the other votes he probably won't win, at least I was here, heh


Honestly, Kaeya. He is so very sus all the time, has a lot of sketchy connections, and he was raised to be a secret agent. Plus, iirc, his na string has him teleporting behind an enemy to stab em in the back.






Kaeya as a swashbuckler rogue (pirate skin and prince of a long lost kingdom) Lyney for arcane trickster (magician and sleight of hand)


I’m surprised no one’s said Arlecchino yet. Lyney has the more obvious sleight of hand schtick, but Arle literally trains people in espionage. Including him.


Why is no one saying Kaeya?


Omg I missed so many days!! Glad Noelle got chosen for Paladin, that’s my other favorite squared off and on the board  AND MONK SHENHE YAYYYYY




...how is Shenhe the Monk when Heizou exists.


Kuki Shinobu, εz


I think kuki shinobu is a ninja and fits rogue


1. Lyney 2. Yelan 3. Rosaria


Arlecchino. When she tries to assassinate Furina, she had the garb, the hood, and a very mean-looking streak. She also has a very persuasive personality to coerce opponents to get what she wants. She plays dirty if she has to.


As a Yelan simp I wanna say her. Lynsey would have a vote, but he’s also kinda more sorcerer-esque


Albedo and alchemy go hand and hand for Artificer


Rosaria is my first thought for a Rogue, but Yelan makes so much sense too. Rosaria is an assassin type, while Yelan is a master spy


Caterpillar! He just gives me those vibes


After thinking long and hard... Yelan.




Here are the candidates: -Lyney and Lynette: experts in sneaking and espionage as well as camouflage. Although I would classify them as multiclassing between a rouge and a bard (bards don’t necessarily need to play instruments, they can also be performers of any kind depending on what your GM approves of.) -Yelan: an actual spy with multiple identities that works for Ningguang and has the ability to traverse the battleground with ease. Can appear and disappear from nowhere. -Sayu: literally a ninja that mastered many arts of hiding and sneaking in and out of highly confrontational areas. -Rosaria: although I wouldn’t classify her as a “stealing” type of rouge and more “assassin” type as that suits her best….


Rosaria (my pick) - Assassin Yelan - Inquisitive Lyney/Lynette - Arcane Tricksters Sayu - Rogue, or Way of Shadow Monk, in training




Yelan My stealth pick is Lynette though


Nah make it kuki

