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Lyney/Lynette would make a great rogues from the arcane trickster subclass. They're always doing espionage for the House of the Hearth, and on top of that, Lyneys charged shots could be considered sneak attacks imo Since they're also magicians their sleight of hand and dexterity are probably super high as well. Since they could be arcane tricksters, the spells mesh well with the rogue aspects of their kits/character (i.e lynette going invisible)


Surprised no one mentioned Lyney/Lynette They are literally doing roguish things for fatui on daily basis


yeah i did mention them on the previous post, looking into them, it feels like hoyo looked at the rogue archetype and played around with it to get lyney and lynette (and the rest of hoth) while there's good contest i genuinely dont see how any other character fits the rogue as good as lyney/lynette. even their kits complement.


Lyney is a rogue that multi class with wizard


Or Simpler, an arcane trickster


Lyney literally plays a rogue-like character in clorindes dnd game story quest (where they all kinda play like themselves)


WELP, post is "being reviewed and awaiting approval of mods" again...I'll just be posting in here from now on... The next update post will be in here (since apparently some peps just doesn't want to see this thread...but I'll try to crosspost in the main subreddit as some suggested) Note: You may choose ANY character (NPC or playable) as long as they're in genshin...whoever is chosen for the class can't be repeated for other classes. To vote: just simply comment your choice, optionally explain why, and upvote other comments with your choice...you may sort your comments to newest or contriversial to see what everyone else answered! total upvotes from last posts in [r/Genshin\_Memepact](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/) (as of the time this was tallied) Tighnari: 2,721 Amber: 1,274 Collei: 358 Here are a couple of websites that could help you in seeing what DnD's Rogues do: [http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/rogue](http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/rogue) [https://www.dndbeyond.com/classes/12-rogue](https://www.dndbeyond.com/classes/12-rogue)


So you're telling me I cant bring my Ranger 5/Druid 2/Cleric of Nature 2 Tighnari with a +5 Bow and +3 AC Tail to the table?


Rosaria. She has all the looks,backstory even her skill literally is: Teleport behind you and say:''**Nothing personnel kid'**'


Dude, meme literacy, its “nothing personnel kid”


Already fixed!


What? It's personal*. What are you on about?


For context: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/teleports-behind-you-nothing-personal-kid >The word "personal" is often intentionally misspelled as "personnel" or "personel."


Kuki shinobu is more of a rogue. Literal ninja


She is a lawyer ninja.


Kuki Shinobu. Stealthy dagger stuff. She’s a goddamn ninja


Surprised this isn't higher tbh. Kuki is very much the traditional rogue






# lyney & lynette *from the previous post-* feel like both **lyney and lynette** fit the rogue class really well, and in their own unique ways. i'd vote both >rogues focus on stealth and deception refine the skills such as climbing, finding and disarming traps, and opening locks when it comes to combat, rogues prioritize cunning over brute strength almost supernatural knack for avoiding danger **a few learn magical tricks** to supplement their other abilities we've seen all of these in lyney and lynette


That's for specific subclass "Arcane Trickster", or if you take a feat. But yeah, for that subclass they fit perfectly.


i also put forward arlecchino as someone who fits as rogue- however my votes still go to the duo above


The little ninja sayu.


Same as the main sub: R O S A R I A


If we pair thematics and gameplay it has to be Lyney or Lynette, but more Lynette. Otherwise Shinobu or Sayu


Hmm, that's a tough one. Rogue is an agile specialist, it doesn't have to be killing or stealing though, infiltration and espionage are perfectly in rogue's alley, as well as talking their ways out of trouble and having connections all over the place. The "dark-hooded quiet mysterious figure" is as much a stereotype as "horny bard". Which is why I nominate Kaeya. A silver-tongued liar, who originally is an infiltrator from Khaenriah with his own net of informators in the underworld AND connections in both law (being a part of Ordo Favonius) and business (Diluc) of the country. His "slimy bastard" attitude is also quite fitting. Also, wasn't his role in the last summer event something like "The Master Thief" or something? Edit: I also see the fact that nobody before me nominated him as him doing a good goddamn job at it. Avoiding any suspicions while doing his thing.


Kaeya is a bard of swords for me. Ice spells plus swords plus deception and seducing the dragon.


What's stopping him from being a bard for me is lack of artistic medium for him. Unless with his Sumeru quest and summer event Mihoyo want to make a stage actor out of him, of course, we'll see if it sticks. College of swords bard for me is more of a Kazuha thing.


But he did attend to Venti's poem making course in an event that one time...


So did, for example, Bennet. Is Bennet a bard? Plus, it was a one time thing. Theater I mentioned at least happened 2 times.


Yelan, she’s the semi official rogue of Liyue


Imo kuki is nice pick here since she is very stealthy , and she uses kunai in normal attacks and kinda has a dagger , so she is like a ninja


I can see Rosaria, but I think Kuki fits much better. Weapon choice, too




Rosaria or Yelan


Rosaria seems the most fitting


So many good picks. Rosario, Kuki, Yelan. Imma go with Kuki


Lynette (and Lyney but less)


Rosaria. Not Shinobu. Wait, let me cook! First and foremost - her backstory. Her whole village was slain by bandits and then, I quote her character story 5: “Raised by those crooks, she learned how to fight, sometimes thieving, other times doing odd jobs for the crew. She was their servant, but also their tool, a crook, yet still a child. She fought against outsiders and her comrades alike, and growing up was a constant battle for survival against the hunger and cold.” Guys, if this isn’t your typical TTRPG rogue backstory idk who you play with. She’s such a stereotypical rogue it’s honestly hilarious - not only is she a nun by day/assasin by night and looks like she has gothbossed a lil too close to the sun with that roguish cape/veil/whatever it is of hers, they literally GAVE HER TWO DAGGERS IN HER IDLES (yes, two is an important detail as it is directly specified in DND player’s handbook that every rogue’s equipment includes “leather armor, two daggers and thieves’ tools”. Her E is basically both a Sneak Attack (since it teleports you closer to an enemy so you sometimes can hit one without them noticing you before) AND Uncanny Dodge (again, it teleports you). Her spying on people sensing them by elemental traces can be interpreted - although it’s a far-fetch - as Blindsense. Judging by her interactions with Sir Pouncelot in Feline Fortress event and by her overall behaviour/involvement in Albedo’s story quest, I think she fits Inquisitive subclass. Let me quote Xanathar's Guide to Everything for this one: As an archetypal Inquisitive, you excel at rooting out secrets and unraveling mysteries. You rely on your sharp eye for detail, but also on your finely honed ability to read the words and deeds of other creatures to determine their true intent. You excel at defeating creatures that hide among and prey upon ordinary folk, and your mastery of lore and your sharp eye make you well equipped to expose and end hidden evils. This is executed in her dialogue with sir Pouncelot, I will not give any quotes, just find it on yt, it’s short. But she quite clearly reads the cat and uses just the right words not only to calm him down but to win him over. We first meet Rosaria in Albedo’s SQ near Dragonspine during her dialogue with Barbara. We basically watch her from distance and she notices us anyway, telling Paimon “you’re an eavesdropping pixie from who knows where, and you think I’m the trickster?” get it? TRICKSTER We shortly figure out she’s also here for Albedo, and she’s tracking him down by elemental traces. When we join her, she also mentions how interested she’s in Paimon’s ability to appear and disappear at her will, because it can help leave unnoticed after committing a crime. Anyway, she leaves shortly after we find him and then reappears out of nowhere at the very end of the quest - turns out she’s been watching all three of us during our tests with Albedo (which is very roguish itself). Although she can’t read Khaenri’ah (or maybe she couldn’t back then) she figures out Albedo is involved with this and after criticizing us for being very inconsiderate gullible, she disappears into thin air. After this we had Susbedo event and if I remember correctly she also appeared there briefly after he revealed his identity - but I might be mistaken, this was ages ago after all and I’m not rewatching its playthrough. Perhaps it was another event but I totally remember her shown shortly after a scene with Albedo smirking while watching him from a distance. Maybe it was windblume, I don’t remember. Although I might be wrong about Inquisitive subclass(never played it myself), she’s still your very typical rogue. Perhaps if not Inquisitive, she can be just a classic Thief or an Arcane trickster (cause ukno, she has a Vision, isn’t it a kind of magic?) Not Assassin tho, her dmg multipliers are too low to oneshot foes without a specific setup (and not I’m talking about hilichurls or any other low HP enemies, you don’t use your very buffed oneshot sneak attack setup on this in dnd); also judging by her demeanor towards her job you can hardly see an Assassin’s imposter skill in her. But there’s also c1 which increases crit rate… well, I’d rather spare you my rant about her potential subclass. ON TO SHINOBU PART: I’m well aware we have two “ninjas”, Sayu and Shinobu, but Shinobu doesn’t do any odd work in the shadows, she’s just stylized as a ninja (read her story about Oni Mask, for example), and if Sayu’s a rogue she’s like lvl1 in it ‘cause you know how attentive she’s towards her job. Another reasons why I don’t consider Shinobu as rogue are in her Character Details and basically every quest and event she was in. It’s clarified well how pragmatic she is; and we were shown a lot of times that she does like everything very openly and professionally, unlike other more clamorous members of Arataki gang. She’s a lawyer, after all. Only because she’s in a gang and her design is clearly rogue-inspired, to call her a DND rogue is a rookie mistake of someone who takes dnd classes literally and has little to no idea of Shinobu’s character. Gameplay-wise Shinobu is a healer/EM dps (I can’t describe hyperbloom triggerer in any other way), and I think it’s closer to an Artificer. Artificers have access to lesser restoration, sanctuary, cure wounds and many more both wizard and cleric spells, and have daggers proficiency, are 2/3 casters using things like THIEVES tools to cast, and have INT as their primary stat. Well, idk guys, but the literal Jack of all trades of Genshin who has all sorts of diplomas and can get a crew of vagabond menchildren out of any trouble is definitely a very intelligent person. Mind you, rogue’s primary stat is dexterity. Also one very crucial thing I have to note about artificers is that they have both Sword burst and Thunderclap spells which is literally Kuki’s skill and ultimate. And yes, an Artificer doesn’t have to be a steampunkish inventor as many might think. Ps.: now that I think about it, every single kid of House of hearth is a rogue. Well, Lynette certainly is.


kuki - her whole thing is so much like classical dnd rogue


But if we're also taking kit into account, she doesn't fit rogue at all.


it's gotta be rosaria




Absolutely has to be Yelan as an actually Rogue master and thief. Also high dex with her gambling. Rosaria doesn’t steal, even though she’s sneaky. Kuki Shinobu is a lawyer and pays for stuff Itto accidentally steals or damages, which is absolutely not what a rogue would do. Lyney and Lynette maybe, but they’re multiclass rogue/bards in my opinion


Lyney, plain and simple


Rosaria seems to tick all the boxes, including the Thieves' iconic sneak attack, as it's usually depicted.


It's gotta be Yelan right? Spy theme and stealth run' all that shady shit.


Yelan is literally the Roguemaster for Ningguang and she has feats to back it up: Literally stole a gift intended for the Tsarista.




There are too many characcters from Mondstadt, so I'm gonna say Lyney.


I'm torn between the literal ninja sayu and the espionage/spy Yelan. I think they both fit lore wise for a rogueish character and they both have tricky gameplay with sayu placing decoys/traps and yelan becoming invisible and bonding opponents. I think yelan fits the feel better as like an arcane trickster rogue.


Rosaria as I voted the prev post!


My vote kinda has to go to Rosaria. She even has a dagger in one of her idle animations, was a bandit at one point, killed her own “father,” and has a cold exterior while a warm interior. If that doesn’t scream every dnd rogue idk what does




Rosaria fits the description too well


I'd take Yelan first and maybe Lyney as a second


It should be dainsleif


Fatui agent


I'm gonna vote for Kuki! She can do so much lore wise I bet she can be quite stealthy






Might as well put in my votes for the remaining four now while I'm at it, if you even tally them this early. I used [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/dlvwg5/sorcerer_vs_wizard_vs_warlock/) to form the basis of my nominations for the caster classes:  * Sorcerer: Neuvillette - Literally draconic lineage forms the basis of his power. Doesn't get more sorcerer than that. * Warlock: Mona - She inherited her vision from her master, which greatly augmented her hydromancy and gave her combat prowess as well. * Wizard: Lisa - She studied magic at the Akademiya and earned her vision as part of her studies. Plus her entire aesthetic is based around her being a wizard. I can't think of anyone more fitting.  * Artificer: Xianyun - She uses her adeptal magic to power her many devices. She is *the* artificer of Genshin Impact.


Lol! Benny is the rogue! That lovable failure of a scamp!


This one is very hard, but the next 3 gonna be nightmare picks, I don't even know if Lisa can fit into wizard or warlock (because of the short lifespan deal thing), so with all the other catalyst caharacter is gonna be even harder.


Sayu, kuki, Lynette, and Lyney. I’d say for broad coverage lyney


Oof. Too many characters fit the role of generic "Rogue", so it might be better to look at subclasses. * Arcane Trickster: Lyney & Lynette. They're the magical duo * Assassin: Yelan * Inquisitive Rogue: Rosaria, nobody expects the Barsibatos' inquisition... or was it Bartobas? * Scout: Sayu * Mastermind: Kaeya * Swashbuckler: Beidou


Lisa or Alice




I'll toss my vote in for Lynette and Lyney!




Ima go with Sayu, she seems underrepresented here


It's gotta be Kuki! She's definitely the type.


Lyney/Lynette is as close as it gets, pure show of Arcane tricksters. Edit: also Yelan, how could I forget... She fits pretty well for rogue too. Ninja is a monk subclass, not rogue, at least according to 5e rulebooks which eliminates Sayu: "Monks of the Way of Shadow follow a tradition that values stealth and subterfuge. These monks might be called ninjas or shadowdancers, and they serve as spies and assassins." Kuki is admittably much more ambiguous than Sayu with her gang membership and wide network of contacts. She reminds me somewhat of mastermind rogues, but then she relies much more on her intelligence than dexterity in story and her healing abilities make no sense for rogue, making me feel that she is more of an early multiclass.


Rosaria and her knife swinging.


Clorinde is the artificer






I'll say Kaeya. He has the whole "dashing rogue" attitude down pat


Mona as wizard




Pimon better be warlock


I’m giving it to Yelan. She’s the only one who actually does stealth. Also she’s literally Ningguang’s spymaster.




Rosaria, she has an edgy backstory and a dagger on her person at all times. Truly the rogue of all rogues


Rosaria or Kuki, both fit the traditional roles of rogue. I guess Yelan or Lyney/Lynette if you want a rogue who moves in high society


Probably Shinobu


A lot of people (including me) say it’s Yelan.




Kaeya is like rogue to a T


Rosaria is my pick. She's usually sneaking up on people, she has a lot of knives and she's cold! Even has pale, deathly grey skin, could work as a drow. Only bit that ruins it is the polearm..


yeah it's Sayu, she's absolutely the most rogueish Kaeya is an honorable mention


Arlecchino. She literally trains people for espionage, including Mr. Sleight of Hand, Lyney.


Arlecchino is likely a sorcerer, because her magical abilities have always been innate due to her curse (and sorcerers abilities are innate) and her kit isn't anything like the D&D rogue either.


Sayu or Kuki Shinobu. One is a ninja and one has a name that has the job in it


I was thinking Lyney before, but I think Rosaria fits better.


Manga Diluc. His Darknight Hero vigilante costume in the Genshin Impact Webtoon screams Rogue.


While there are a lot of characters who have roguish aspects, I think in terms of the overall vibe and aesthetic and skill set of a *pure rogue*, it has to be Rosaria.


I'm surprised Dehya is even on the list considering Barbarians are actually useful most of the time.


I feel like in terms of gameplay, Keqing would probably fit here


Eh??? Ranger is not Amber? How??? =\_= Shinobu for Rogue. But I'll be happy with Rosaria in this place too.


Kuki Shinobu. Its literally her name as Shinobi




More of a college of sword bard imo. And being ronin is more of a fighter thing anyway, he is in no way exactly discreet or stealthy in his approach.