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>Warlocks are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. Through pacts made with mysterious beings of supernatural power, warlocks unlock magical effects both subtle and spectacular. Changsheng is a mysterious being of supernatural power (adeptus) who made a pact (contract) with a human doctor to give them knowledge and supernatural healing abilities. These powers however came with a cost to the doctors life force, leading him to an early death. However the contract with the entity was passed down to his successor, the successor after and so on leading to Baizhu. Baizhu is 100% Genshin's Warlock


>>Warlocks are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. Through pacts made with mysterious beings of supernatural power, warlocks unlock magical effects both subtle and spectacular. Cyno fits well too with the power of Hermanubis, I guess.


I don't think he's a bad choice, especially given Hermanubis was a being of knowledge, but his power is from the Ba fragment implanted into him as a child. Vs. Baizhu literally made a pact with an otherworldly being. In DND 5e at least the "Pact" is essential to being a Warlock. "Pact Magic", "Pact Boons", "otherworldly patron features". Even things like the Eldritch Invocations are described as things either taught or gifted by the otherworldly Patron. The source of their power being a living and active force with goals of its own is *very* core to the Warlock. Imo Changsheng also being a speaking character puts Baizhu above Cyno.


If tge "contract" can be passed down, the arlecchino is also a warlock, her ancestors made a convenient with the crimson moon, and just like baizhu, that deal has it's down sides, such as getting consumed by the flames, and that mean people of the crimson moon pay their life span in exchange for the crimson moon's power, Arlecchino inherited that power and it's drawbacks She's a warlock, plus warlocks have vibe of "evil" The crimson moon has the vibes of an eldritch evil god


Arlecchino would be an interesting choice! Baizhu chose to enter a contract with Changsheng the same as his mentor did. Like with Cyno (who I also see the Warlock angle of) I think choosing to enter a contract with an otherworldly being is what puts Baizhu as the no 1 choice. Arlecchino didn't choose, she was born with it. You could say she has a sorcery bloodline, not a Warlocks pact. Sorcery and Witchcraft also kinda have "evil" associations with them. So I don't really see that as a big factor here. (Also pact of the fey is pretty classic Warlock) Baizhu's declining health from using Changsheng's power covers the "power with a cost" aspect of the a Warlock very well.


Lisa is a retired warlock


That definition made me think of Alhaitham, many elements in the lore connect him to king Deshret, he's a scribe in the academy and a very strong dps


I like the Fischl argument, but I feel like Baizhu has made an canonical contract with Chengsheng for power.


Chengsheng is 100000% a pact of the chain-esque familiar complete with the eye swapping and life extension.


It should be Oz if you want to go that way.


Its unfortunate cyno is going to win cause baizhu literally made a pact and signed a contract


But he isn’t going to win


He was far ahead when i commented i'm happy i was wrong lol


Warlock at it's core, a pact between a person and a entity in exchange of power. Be it a demon, a fey, an angel, a sentient weapon. With that being said Xiangling


# Gouba is a demon! I knew it!


Marchosias -> Marchosius indeed


Iirc Guoba and other "gods" in Genshin are called something like Demon God in Chinese, so he is a demon, lol. All other gods with names from Ars Goetia are demons too


Um based? Yes, I cast my vote behind Xiangling.


Xiangling: "I cast iron pan"


You’re telling me a shrimp fried this rice?




I immediately thought of Xiangling as well


I vote for Baizhu But I also have question to people voting: as many say that it should be Cyno, what is really valid, some even say that it can only be Cyno, it's weird for me that no one mentioned Razor. Is his case very different from Cyno's or was he that easily forgotten?


I personally put Razor as a Barbarian: Path of the Ancestral Guardian.


Razor is an ancestral barbarian


Its absolutely wild that nobody mentioned cyno, hes literally a warlock 100%


Every single comment is mentioning cyno lol


Use your singular wrinkle in your brain and deduce that when i made the comment there were none


I can't spread hate if i do that


But Enjou


Yeah, but he fits too well the Paladin + Warlock mutli-class. Other options fit better for pure Warlock (like Arlecchino, Wanderer, Fischl).


Cyno is definitely a warlock, complete with getting his powers from an old god.


But does it really count as a pact as much as Baizhus deal with Changsheng? Snek gives him powers but they come with costs just like most pacts between warlock and their patron


Her pact was with Baizhu's ancestors. Warlock pacts are with the individual. He almost seems more like infernal heritage stuff with patron flavor.


Yeah there's the god thingy, but I'm surprised no one mentioned Dainsleif so far, his power origins are still unknown but Khaneriah was a place of people who sought out knowledge and for all we know his powers could've also come from an old, forgotten god after the destruction of Khaneriah since the curse of immortality definitely came from the gods




I mean, yeah, Cyno and Baizhu are good candidates for Warlock, but I think y'all are sleeping on Diona.


True i totally forgot about Diona’s situation, but I think it might been seen as a blessing rather than a source of power. She might be a good contender though.






Cyno is literally a warlock, like y’all.


My D&D is a bit rusty, but aside the pact/possession thing, aren't Warlocks best know for their summons/familiars?


Warlocks are best known for their pacts. The pacts can come in different forms, they can be summons, possessions or just abilities. The defining characteristic is usually the pact tho. Which is why either Cyno or Baizhu fit the bill, Cyno especially with the whole possession thing.


Baizhu has a pact *and* a familiar/summon


Doesn't the pact need to be taken willingly? Cyno didn't agree to having a pice of a god put inside him But baizhu and arlecchino are more warlocks Both inherited the pact made with a powerful being And both pay with their life-span


Any spellcaster can get summons familiarsm it's actually more common on wizards via the spell Find Familiar.


That would be pact of the chain, cyno would be pact of the blade, warlocks are quite customisable


The only argument I have against Cyno being a warlock is that warlocks run off of Charisma... So he's either not a warlock or just constant low rolls when he tells a joke


Cyno absolutely has high Charisma, it's not him that's the problem, it's the jokes that are the problem.


He intentionally is bad with his jokes, but not when he's actually trying. Like when he's trying to be intimidating and scary, he's legitimately quite effective.


He could absolutely be an Int-based Warlock with no issues, which is a somewhat popular homebrew change for some characters.


No you’re thinking of witch from pathfinder I believe Pact of chain is the familiar warlock however there’s also pact of tome and pact of the blade, warlocks are known for contracts dnd wise


# ENJOU! No contest.


Baizhu has a contract for his powers so him fs


Ok hear me out… Enjou I might be dumb but I honestly fell like none of the playable characters actually fit this role and enjou has the most warlock feel out of the npcs we meet


Enjou 2020!


I too, vote for my man Enjou !


It'd be nice to get at least one NPC on the list, so I definitely side with Enjou.


wrong, Cyno


Baizhu makes the most sense to me


It's definitely Baizhu


I was actually thinking Neuvillette would win this one as he was born with magic...but alas the communtiy has spoken with good considerable points. It was also somewhat difficult to pick as sorcerers are known for being born with magic in their bloodline or something similar to that...something we haven't really seen a lot in genshin. The next update post will be here at r/genshin_memepact Note: You may choose ANY character (NPC or playable) as long as they're in genshin...whoever is chosen for the class can't be repeated for other classes...multiple choices WILL COUNT towards the tally To vote: just simply comment your choice, optionally explain why, and upvote other comments with your choice...you may sort your comments to newest or contriversial to see what everyone else answered! total upvotes from last posts in r/Genshin\_Memepact (as of the time this was tallied) Arlecchino: 282 Signora: 256 Neuvillette: 372 Yanfei: 1,194 Here are a couple of websites that could help you in seeing what DnD's Warlocks do: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/warlock https://www.dndbeyond.com/classes/7-warlock


Considering that Sorcerers do not necessary need to be *born* with their powers, but can sometimes have them be "awakened", gifted, or unlocked through other means, I still think that Yanfei is a good choice. Not to mention her ability to enhance her normal attacks reads very metamagic to me.


Neuvillette literally should be a draconic bloodline sorcerer but I guess I see adeptus/descendents being in a similar boat.


Honestly? I think Baizhu aligns best with the pact style of warlocks, while Cyno is more the "child offered to patron without knowing" type


I see a lot of people voting Cyno, but what he has is a fragment of Hermanubis' power, salvaged *after* Hermanubis' death. If anything, that makes him more of a sorcerer than a warlock. The Ba fragment is just an object. Otherwise, how else was Sethos able to give his away? A warlock is defined by their *pact*, and there can't be an extant pact if the alleged patron is dead. Technically, that kind of makes all vision wielders warlocks who get their power from Celestia—but out of all of them, the only one who shares a canonical pact with a defined, still-living patron (Changsheng) is Baizhu.


If we count NPCs and lore, then we also have warlocks (and their patrons) in the form of King Deshret (Forbidden Knowledge, Apep) and The Second Who Came (The Abyss)


I vote for Baizhu


I feel like I’m gonna be the only one alone thinking this… Cyno seems like the perfect fit for a Warlock Cyno was bestowed his powers from Hermanubis, spiritual magic of an ancient dead priest. He was raised and tested on to become a perfect vessel for Hermanubis’ powers. Warlocks use borrowed magic, and the situation with Cyno seems quite supernatural. Edit: lol nvm there’s seem be more people in agreement. Let’s get our boy Cyno this W!


Seems more sorcerer than warlock. Warlock is defined as a "pact" between you and someone with power. So unless hermanubis *gave* the ba fragments, he ain't warlock.


Yeah, I think the main argument against Cyno is that Hermanubis isn’t alive, so even if Cyno uses their power, it’s not really a contract Baizhu is the most direct example of someone making a contract with a divine being and gaining power from it, so it think he fits best of all


Counterargument: warlocks of dead/dying gods are ***dripping*** with roleplay potential. However, the issue with Cyno is that Hermanubis did not personally grant Cyno the Ba Fragments' power, and thus his power is not sourced through the result of a contract between him and his Benefactor, but rather through the efforts the Temple of Silence made to implant the Fragment (and the shenanigans leading up to the acquisition of the second fragment), making his backstory line up better with that of a Sorcerer.


I mean, he *intended* for the fragments to be a method for others to use his power once he was gone, and Cyno's ability is called "pactsworn" so it's not totally out of theme...


Sorcerers are defined by their magic coming from their bloodline, what are you on about


They aren’t. That’s only the case with Draconic specifically. Notice how it’s the only subclass with “Bloodline” in the name. Heck, the subclass feature itself is called Sorcerous Origin, not Sorcerous Bloodline. Shadow Sorcery can occur if you get randomly infused with shadowfell energy. The same can apply to Wild Magic. And storm sorcery. And clockwork soul. Actually, most if not all of the subclasses save for Draconic Bloodline is just a radiation based superhero origin story.


I can definitely see what people are saying about Cyno. Even Xiangling. But my vote is 100% Baizhu. Literally formed a pact with a minor god/supernatural entity. He fits the class *best* even if there are other decent options.




this goes to baizhu- he is the most obvious warlock




Fischl gameplay wise, Baizhu lorewise. I call Baizhu.


I think my vote goes to Baizhu here, because we know that he had to pay the price, which I don't believe any of the other candidates did. They may have overcome trials or fulfilled some task, but Baizhu entered a contract of his own free will where he gave up 30-40 years off the end of his lifespan in exchange for the power he wanted. What's more, he is now trying to become immortal, which represents the classic warlock storyline of "trying to escape the consequences of your deal (without technically breaking the rules)."


I vote for Baizu


Warlock should be Traveler, with Paimon as their patron. Those theories about Paimon being the Traveler's vision.


Well, *Paimon* IS a demon's name. So she's the closest thing to a demonic familiar (at least compared to the others like Oz or Changsheng)


We can't vote based on theories


Sorry I didnt read the voting rules


I would vote for Chlothar Alberich "A warlock is defined by a pact with an otherworldly being. Sometimes the relationship between warlock and patron is like that of a cleric and a deity, though the beings that serve as patrons for warlocks are not gods. A warlock might lead a cult dedicated to a demon prince, an archdevil, or an utterly alien entity—beings not typically served by clerics. More often, though, the arrangement is similar to that between a master and an apprentice. The warlock learns and grows in power, at the cost of occasional services performed on the patron’s behalf. The magic bestowed on a warlock ranges from minor but lasting alterations to the warlock’s being (such as the ability to see in darkness or to read any language) to access to powerful spells."


I love Chlothar


Fiscl. Her summon is intelligent and self aware. From character trailer, she can also be a part of her summon.


A traditional warlock pact would have a 'give and take' dynamic. As much as I like Cyno, he just doesn't have the 'give' part. Implanted fragment would also be closer to somebody getting a magical item rather than making a pact. Baizhu, however, just ticks all the boxes. His pact literally is costing him his life. Patron dynamics are the most interesting part of a warlock. I don't see Cyno interacting with his Ba fragments or Hermanubis in anyway, especially not the same way Baizhu does with Changsheng.


>Warlocks are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. Through pacts made with mysterious beings of supernatural power, warlocks unlock magical effects both subtle and spectacular. baizu with changshen? enjou the pyro lector? edit: oh god.. xiangling falls in this category too. GOUBA! GET EM!


Baizhu, since he gains healing powers in exchange for his life force. That’s a very warlock thing to do!


Baizhu literally has a contract with his snek


baizhu 100%


Definitely Baizhu. Changsheng fits the "magical patron who grants powers/knowledge" to a T, right?




Baizhu, carries his patron around his neck.


"I mean..I totally did betray them." Enjou is just perfect


Baizhu or Cyno. Leaning Baizhu because, well, Baizhu is older, and I can't detach the image of an old man from the title "Warlock" in my mind.


Baizhu for sure


There are too few Mondstadters, so I'm gonna choose Diona for her spring fairy stuff.


Baizhu makes most sense. He literaly made a pact. If Cyno somehow wins will be suprised since most of people seem to have agreed Baizhu is the warlock.


ENJOU or Dainsleif


Yanfei won sorcerer? Not Lisa?? Is there a difference between sorcerer and witch?


in dnd case a witch is just female wizard ( basically you studied really hard to point where you get magical powers ) while sorcerer is your great great great grandad slept with a demon and you get some power cause of it


Thank you for the break down! Totally makes sense.


In D&D, Sorcerer is the class that can cast magic due to their magical ancestry, such as the Draconic Soul subclass, where one of their ancestors was a Dragon. They are so in tune with their magic that they can alter a spell in some ways or another. Witches and Wizards are spell casters who dedicate their lives to study and research of the Weave (the source of all Arcane Magic). Due to their scholarly nature, Wizards are capable of learning spells and storing them inside of their spell book. In the mechanics of the game, this means that Witches/Wizards are capable of learning and preparing a VAST variety and amount of spells, making them Generalists. Meanwhile, Sorcerers can only learn a fraction of what a Wizard can, but become Specialists of those specific spells with their Meta Magic, being able to cast 2 spells at once or not needing verbal components of a spell.


Sorcerers have innate power. Wizards learn to use magic through study. Lisa, being an Akademiya scholar and a librarian, is much more like a wizard. The wizard vote will come down to Mona vs Lisa.




Baizu 100%


I'd have to say Cyno. His powers come from Hermanubis, an ancient priest of king Deshret, who once shattered himself into ba fragments to save his followers. Not only did he receive this power from the temple of silence, an organization responsible for guarding the knowledge from king Deshrets era. But he's also the general mahamatra, which are explicitly comprised of alumni of Sumeru academiya. And lastly, his favorite game to play is genius invocation, as in warlock invocations.


I was making arguments for Miko as the warlock, with Raiden as her patron, but with everyone bringing up Baizhu and Changseng's relationship, yea, that's much closer. Defo Baizhu




Probably abyss heralds/lectors, they use the power granted to them by our sibling/the abyss(a higher entity/patron), though depending on the lore we get about Surtalogi, Foul Legacy Childe could fit, but its too early to tell


Surprised to see so many people mentioning Cyno. While he does have his power from higher being, it is not a pact he willingly made. Pact is THE defining feature of warlocks. With patron being somewhat actively present in the life of a warlock, taking his price for the deal, or the price should be something serious at the very least. Think about being a servant if you want to merely keep your power or "selling your soul to the devil" kind of deals. Patrons are often a pain in the warlock's ass while being a source of their power and can take it away or punish them if deal is broken. Cyno is more of a sorcerer, as sorcerer is not only born with power, as people under last post have argued, it could have been somehow imbued with it. There's a right comment somewhere here that basically only draconic has a "bloodline" in it and how other sorcerers are more of a "radiation superhero origin stories". That being said, my vote goes to Baizhu. I liked some ideas for Xiangling and Diona here, but Gyoba decided to go around with her himself and Diona's more like a blessing, as she does not pay a price for it, except the fact that it hinders her plans of destroying the wine industry, but the important part is that she isn't even aware, so it's not a willing pact and she didn't seek that power.


Yes and no. At first he was kind of forced but in the end he not only accepted it, he didn't want to part with this power saying he needs it to protect his friends and even took Sethos's fragment.


After this. Choose their DND 5e subclasses (from official classes)


LMAO Rosaria as a rogue: "Hey can you unlock this chest?" Rosaria: "Sure" *dropkicks it and smashes it to bits*


"I suppose it wasn't too much trouble"


Traveler would make sense as a warlock, more specifically using the great old ones text as they might not even be aware you are borrowing their power and thus it goes to the statues giving the twins power for some reason


baizhu vs cyno, but i struggle to see a healer warlock so i think it would be for the best if cyno won cyno


Cyno because he is cool, nobody play a healing warlock brother




Technically, both Neuvillette and Furina literally made a pact with the Focalors, but I'm not sure if that counts since one regains his own power and the other is part of this deity


Idk if it's too early for it, but I'm casting Lisa for Wizard and Albedo for Artificer


How are people saying Cyno? It's definitely Baizhu




everyone's saying cyno/fischl, but I wish smn will notice my pookie chlothar🥺🥺


Literally any vision wielder technically. HOWEVER, I believe Fischl fits it best. She has a vision, she is a bit crazy, and she has Oz, who who seems to be some otherworldly being or something (Idk, my friend gave me the idea). Therefore, Fischl is a warlock, subclass: Oz


There is a Warlock Subclass called The Raven Queen, which gives you a pet Raven that can scout and fight for you, give you stat boosts, and let's you merge with the raven. Learn some electric spells, and you've got almost 1-to-1 Fischl.


Cyno or Baizhu


Has a pact with an ancient godlike being for incredible power? Say no more, Xiangling.




Since Childe is already the fighter (I had some great arguments for him as deep one/hexblade warlock with pact of the blade), I have to go with Cyno. I get the Baizhu arguments, I think Cyno fits more.


CYNO 1000%




Fischl. She has the edge.


Abyss Sibling


weirdly enough, I'm voting for the traveler, according to the main definition in the comments, the Traveler always makes deals / helps these Archons so that we can discover more about our sibling, Khanriah, or Celestia, although not beyond this world, it's something way beyond our knowledge and even some of the archons too and the powers unlocked are the resonating with the statues which unlocks new powers each time we do it >!if only they had more than one useful element!<


I'd say Baizhu due to his pact/contract.


Nahh, I'd say heizhou because of the fact bro is rocking that standard fighting style + wind (cold variation) warlock build with an even 50/50 split between magic and strength


definitely baizhu


Arlecchino (Hexblade) : her blood thingy is definitely some Pact magic. *Honorable mentions : Cyno & Xiao (probably mutli-classed with Paladin), Baizhu & Qiqi & Dori (multi-classed Cleric, Bard or Divine Soul sorcerer), Wanderer, Fischl.*




Baizhu bcs other ppls argument make sense


Either Baizhu or Xiangling. Fischl has the aesthetics, but she summoned Oz herself, she didn’t make a pact with him. Cyno could also be a Warlock, since he draws power from Hermanubis.


What about lisa she paid with half of her life span for her knowledge


Definitely Baizhu. The pact is clear.


Cyno since he use the power of a higher entity to ult


*Cyno since he use* *The power of a higher* *Entity to ult* \- OverallBodybuilder60 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Bro Cyno literally screams Warlock.




Baizhu, but Enjou is also the winner in my heart


Baizhu 100%






Either Traveler or Baizhu


I would vote Cyno. His connection with Hermanubis definitely feels like a Warlock/Patron relationship


It's gotta be Baizhu




Can't believe Yanfei won the last one, so dumb. Your bloodline fuelling your magic is what makes you a Sorcerer but she clearly uses her vision to do all her magic instead, by the Yanfei voter logic anyone with nonhuman ancestry is a sorcerer by default just because they have nonhuman blood and can do magic even if those two things are completely separate -_- kinda makes me lose faith in the rest of the votes ngl, hate to be so negative but if anyone can change my mind please do bc I've otherwise really enjoyed these posts :( Anyway if we ignore the fact that basically every character is a warlock with celestia as a patron then this one could literally only go to Cyno I think? Also anyone voting Fischl is blatantly wrong, Oz is clearly a familiar not a patron?? I'd argue similar for Xiangling and Baizhu since they're much closer to a familiar than a patron since they don't grant much power being so far past their prime but that's a little more subjective


Baizhu and Cyno both fit, but I’m leaning more toward Cyno just so we can have at least one Electro character in there.


Cyno easily. As for Baizhu, he gets a Cynope.








Come on guys its Cyno he got his power from a deity. Same with the new character. But cyno has to totally get this.




Scaramouche, Shouki no Kami, to be precise, he was controlling most of the elements in the game


Wtf, how did Neuvillette lose Sorcerer? That's the biggest throw I've ever seen.


Cyno & Baizhu are the two best options for Warlock by far


Cyno, Baizhu, Hu Tao, Traveler, Dori


Fischl!!! Girl tranverse universe and has familiars. Nahida is my 2nd vote, this little raddish packed with knowledge and has her own domain. Otherwise its Alice, she literally knows whats up, and Enjou for his abyss knowledge and tranverse between realm if its non playable character. 👍


I would like to nominate skirk. Warlocks usually get their magic by making contracts with higher powers, and while it’s not the same, skirk did train under one of k’hanreiah’s great sinners (aka, a higher power). Either her, or baizhu.


Wait hold. How did Mona not win sorcerer?


Because she fits the Wizard class way more. Sorcerers are born with magic. Wizards earn their magic through rigorous study and practice.


Fishll literally is her whole thing


It would be fun if at the end of this, there could be a D&D-like RP using the characters who won.


I really thought rogue would be kuki but makes sense


Neuvillette’s the only one that can cast eldritch blast y’all


Xiangling because she bad a pact with Bennet






Collei didn't choose it.