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Why do we have so many car fires in Atlanta? In previous cities I’ve lived in it was news if there was a car fire. Here there’s burned up cars on the side of the highway all the time


Insurance fraud. Also keep in mind something like 2M cars go through Atlanta’s interstates _per day_. Lots of chances for a car-b-que.


I will second this plus like no one seems to get their car serviced regularly.


Cars need service when they work?!?!?!?


No that’s ridiculous. Make an appointment if it’s on fire otherwise it’s fine


1.9 M of them can't fucking drive worth a shit either.


That’s another thought. Dekalb and Fulton counties have the highest insurance of any counties nationwide.


Lots of crashes, uninsured motorist, personal injury attorneys in Atlanta. Also if there is a way to scam an insurance company I'm sure Atlanta has figured out the hustle. I'm not surprised Fulton and Dekalb are so expensive.


This is all true. It’s a combination of things. One thing you mentioned that I didn’t think of was the amount of personal injury attorneys. Is high insurance rates because of them being present or do they have a prescence b/c of the high rate of accidents and need for compensation? Insurance companies absolutely try to get out of paying what people deserve, for instance diminished car value of your car if you are in an accident, they will not mention it first but it’s due to the insured. They never pony up the cash or shoot straight but I can’t deny that attorneys are a drain in many cases. I don’t know who I dislike more, predatory lawyers or insurance companies who are by nature predatory because of how they are structured.


When every fender bender has the possibility for $200K+ in damages from vague back/neck injuries then insurance is going to be expensive. The personal injury field is full of less than ethical lawyers/doctors that know how to take the insurance companies for all their worth.


No way you get $200,000 for a fender bender unless it was warranted with substantial loss. You have to show damages. It’s a myth.


Years ago I got into a fender bender where I was at least partially at fault. Literally a fender bender - the only damage to both cars was the bumper. The other driver had no injuries and told the cop that they were not hurt. My insurance paid for the damage to their car and that was that. Then a YEAR LATER I get sued for $250K+ in damages. They claimed they had neck and back pain with 'proof' from a chiropractor who has since been charged with fraud. Lawyers got involved. Eventually my insurance settled for a relatively large sum because going to trial would be more expensive. The whole experience was very eye opening. Everyone involved knew that this person wasn't seriously injured and the damage claims were BS... but the insurance company still settled because it was easier. These personal injury attorneys and less than ethical doctors know exactly how to work the system and extract maximum settlements from these insurance companies. It's based around what it cost the insurance companies to litigate and how willing they are to settle rather than the actual damages a plaintiff might have. When it comes to bodily injury all it takes are some vague complaints about back pain and a less than ethical doctor to have all the ammunition you need to go get your defendant's policy maximums. During COVID all the insurance companies were sitting on a pile of cash and had a huge backlog of cases due to closed courts. This environment caused them to be more willing to settle cases just to get them off their books and really dumped gasoline on the fire. The whole industry is scummy.


How do you know it was bullshit though? Sometimes there is an eggshell person who may have been more injured than the norm because of a prior condition. And it was your insurance that was sued and not you right? But anybody can sue anyone for anything it doesn’t mean they will win. Maybe Covid back log idk. Still, that’s alot of money and I’m surprised the insurance company paid out for just soft tissue unless there’s more to it. Did they not sign a waiver that released the parties of damages for injury at the original law suite-aka when they repaired the cars? It’s sort of odd your insurance waived the right for them to come back after it was settled. Sounds like a shitty insurance company that didn’t protect you, the insured. And surely if it went that far it was not just a chiropractor. I would think they would need to see a paper trail of treatment from various doctors and physical therapists and not just a chiropractor. I am not doubting you but something seems off. Either the insurance adjuster messed up the language or something.


Literally looked at a claim today where there’s 93k in medical for a $600 fender bender. We’re going to pay our 100k policy limits. I do this for a living, it happens all the time.


But if you are at fault you have to pay for medical. That’s not superfluous nor unreasonable. If someone hits me it should not be my insurance company that pays for my medical. It’s the person at fault who is, well, at fault. And $93,000 in medical isn’t unheard of when bandaids are $30.00. So that’s what they are due from any test or treatment incurred as result of the accident. That’s less to do with people being fictitious and more to do with the jacked up prices of healthcare.


Probably just people arson around!


Your comment brings to mind the multiple bus fires and truck fires that have happened in the area over the years. I even drove directly by an 18-wheeler (truck and trailer) fire on I-285 East one time about 15+ years ago and remember feeling the intense heat from the fire as a drove past just a few feet away from the truck blaze at about 5am on a chilly winter morning.


I see them all the time now, and either I’m oblivious or this is a new thing.


Because we don't have state inspections. It's also why rain makes traffic slow down and there are so many rear ending accidents. My insurance went up 263% when I moved here from a state that required cars meet basic safety standards in terms of tires and brakes and such.


I moved to Colorado a couple years ago. What I was paying for liability in GA now covers full coverage plus some. It’s ridiculous how expensive auto insurance is in Georgia.


Deregulation and no inspections create a death spiral. High rates mean people go uninsured. More uninsured motorists means higher rates. Higher rates means more uninsured motorists and so on. Look a lot of of the state inspections were bullshit. But making sure the tires, brakes, and lights all meet the bare minimum I cannot argue with. While I support ensuring cars pollute as little as possible failing every broke person with a CEL is a hard sell for me when billionaires fly around with a backup private jet. And I understand we have a car dependent society and not everyone is paid enough to keep a car in good condition, but we need to ensure a basic baseline of safety.


My last car had an issue where the check engine light would randomly pop on, I’d take it to get looked at and nothing would be wrong with it besides the malfunctioning check engine light. Well, I could never pass inspection with the light on, even though my emissions were fine, it was something with the computer. It was an annoying and difficult job to get the light to turn off, and there was no way to make sure it wouldn’t just happen again. So I’d have to pay $150 or so every time this happened, just to pass emissions. Apparently having an oil change recently can also cause a failed emissions test. I understand why the test is important, it was just so much money and hassle to fix something that was never a problem in the first place. I wish there was a way to make the testing better or more accurate, because any time I’ve failed a test, it’s never been because of my actual emissions.


I think that safety inspections would be a good thing. I also think that emissions testing should go away. 😁


You’re telling me, that the state you came from requires passenger and light duty vehicles to be inspected regularly? What state is that?


I know VA and Maryland do. I think it’s pretty cool


Our neighbors in NC do, too.


And it keeps insurance down? Why doesn't Georgia implement something like that? It's ridiculous what we have to pay here because of people who shouldn't be on the road.


GA used to have it. Safety inspections went away 30+ years ago under the logic that the police would simply catch and ticket anyone who would have otherwise failed an inspection and thus give them an opportunity to fix it without losing their means of transportation. Enter stage right well-meaning judges and lawyers who throw out those tickets followed by the cops electing not to waste their time writing them as a result and you get the current situation.


Ask our state legislature.


How does that work?


NY. Once a year to make sure you're not driving a complete hazard. I didn't realize how important they were until seeing traffic come to a crawl every time it rains.


Georgia is the first state I’ve lived in that doesn’t require this


Even though I owned my last car with a completely cracked engine until the fact it was spewing anti-freeze and unburned gas/oil mix out of the exhaust caused me to fail emissions, I do strongly believe that we should have safety inspections, too. God KNOWS they should have made me trash that focus at least two years before that point. Since it was my first car, I had no idea how dangerous driving that clunker was until I got a new one that didn't randomly stall out on entrance ramps and had working gas meters and spedometers.


I don’t see why they can’t teach and test on basic car maintenance when getting a license. There was a lot of things I didn’t know with my first car, like oil changes and tire safety. I guess my family assumed I knew all that already, but I didn’t.


Alabama here, we don’t do inspections. Never ever once have I seen a burning or burned out car


Driving through a couple of times a month, I see some. you're just not looking for it.


And you have half the population statewide. Comparing Atlanta metro to Birmingham metro is like 6x. More cars = more disasters


Literally my point. They’re saying it’s because we don’t have inspections. Not everything is the fault of the state government. Inspections have little to nothing to do with the burning rate, it’s traffic flow. Insurance is higher because Collision as well as theft and vandalism rates are higher in Atlanta than the “state that requires cars meet basic safety standards”


You also have fewer people. I drove through Birmingham on a Friday at 5pm recently and I just kept looking around wondering where all the traffic was.


Fridays are the lightest traffic days in Atlanta post-COVID since that is a popular WFH day for the office folks.


Alabama has its fair share of burn outs … both machinery and people


Said it just now but DeKalb’s and Fulton counties have the highest rates of any two counties in the nation.


Some people are just negative. We’ve lived in FL, WA, CA and GA - never had to do a car inspection (besides emissions). I don’t think that’s the issue lol. Also GA’s car insurance is lowest of the 4


Yall downvoting me is funny as if I’m wrong; it’s not true to say we have more car fires and people drive slower in rain because a lack of vehicle inspections lol.


Our car insurance doubled when we moved from CA to GA a few years ago.


I moved from San Jose to Fulton county last year, insurance went up $16 a month. Less than 20% difference for me.


Yeah, mine went down about $20/month moving from Seattle to Cobb County - it sounds like some folks really need to shop around lol


I drive 3x as much here b/c my company ran tech shuttles out there, so the increase was fair IMO.


MA to GA mine doubled.


We do have county inspections. Every time you renew your tag, have to get inspected. Unless you live in one of the backwoods counties that doesn’t require them…


That’s for emissions


Emissions. Not an actual safety inspection.


$25. Plug the scanner in and crank it. Good to go!


Come on now. They also tell you to buy a new gas cap and wave a mirror underneath your car


I wouldn't exactly call Henry county backwoods, but no place does an inspection of the car when I get emissions done. You can ask for a multipoint inspection, but it is not required by state or county law to have one down.


What county has them? I'll been in multiple counties like Bibb, Jones, Houston, Wilkinson and Baldwin and none of them require it


Man you are all around me. No inspections here in Laurens county either.


You lived in all the ones that don't require it. There aren't many🤣


All of the metro ATL counties need inspections and some others in metro areas. We really don’t have multiple metro areas like other states (6.4m people live in metro ATL) so if you’re outside that, there’s a good chance you won’t need it


That’s just emissions tho. As far as I know, there isn’t necessarily any safety component to the inspection.


I’ve lived in Marietta, douglasville, and Chamblee and none have required it


Cobb 100% does emissions. I’ll be honest and I don’t know what that exactly checks for but if your tag is Cobb and it’s not within like 3/4 years of being a brand new car, you can’t get your tag without emissions testing


Yes emissions. Not inspections. Inspection are like the multipoint ones dealers give you where they say your tie rods need replaced or something. The states which require that will not renew your registration until you replace whatever has been deemed a failure. I’m saying GA doesn’t have that as far as I know


Ooohhh, yeah it was conflating the two and I have no idea if any georgia county has that. Interesting and you’d think if it’s road legal then that’d be needed!


Yeah I bet it’s a bitch to keep up with but would def make me feel safer lol


There's a couple cheat codes to that. One is electric vehicles and the other (what I picked) is a diesel!


I'm in DeKalb, and nothing beyond emissions is required.


See previous comment


Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, Coweta, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry, Paulding and Rockdale County require emissions testing.


I haven’t been required to get one in any of the counties I’ve lived in Georgia, and all were fairly populated areas.


So many!and they just leave em there for days.I was just saying the same thing about all the twisted exit guard rails they’re everywhere here. I literally white knuckle until I get in the driveway it’s scary driving here. The worst drivers I’ve ever seen.


The driving is next level bad in Atlanta, even by large city standards


It really is.I’ve been all over the country and here it’s hands down the worst.we drove up to pa from here one time and didn’t see a single wreck.on the way back 5 from the point we crossed state lines into ga until we got home in south atl.it’s wild.they really need to bring back drivers Ed.


Lol. The State of Georgia did start requiring teens to take and pass a driver’s education course before being allowed to receive a driver’s license before age 18. IIRC, the Georgia Legislature passed and then-Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue signed “Joshua’s Law” into law 2007 after a car full of teens died in a tragic automobile crash in Cobb County in 2003. But people who get their first Georgia driver’s license after age 18 aren’t required to take driver’s ed classes and there’s many drivers who first received their Georgia driver’s licenses as teens before 2007 who never took driver’s ed courses before being licensed. Plus there’s numerous adult drivers out on the roads in metro Atlanta who don’t even have a driver’s license or insurance, much less having taken a driver’s ed course.


Well there ya have it.thanks for the info.


That was my same thought when I lived there. Why is the perimeter so combustible??


Because the traffic is so bad. If you have any kind of problem with your cooling system in your vehicle, it will oftentimes show itself while you’re sitting at an idle, such as when you’re in traffic. This is because when your vehicle is moving forward, cool air hits your radiator and helps to cool everything down. When you’re at an idle/not moving, your radiator fan is supposed to come on to cool the radiator down when the air is not. People sit in traffic for so long in/around the perimeter, they have a bad radiator fan, engine starts to overheat, something blows up under the hood from all the heat and pressure, and something gets ignited under there—or, the car starts to overheat, they pull over to the side of the highway, some grass or trash nearby them gets ignited and then the car catches fire. It also makes it even worse that it’s so goddamn hot here 9 months out of the year—you won’t see very many car fires in the winter, simply because cars don’t get as hot during those few months.


Stolen, used to commit other crimes and torched to destroy evidence and of course insurance fraud


Nah. None of this is unique to Atlanta. And it only seems to happen during summer instead of all year round. The more likely cause is that we dont have an annual state inspection for registration renewal. Atlanta cars are likely less road worthy than other major cities.


People not doing general maintenance on cars or ignoring the recalls about their vehicle, that's the only explanation I can think of.


I saw a car on fire (well just the smoke, a lot of it) on 75 south near Warner Robbins. Turns out someone drove the wrong way and hit two semis at like 3 pm in the afternoon.


So this is a thing? Every time I’ve been to Atlanta, I’ve seen at least 3 cars on fire each time.


Summer is here! I love car-b-cue season 


When it gets hot out I worry one day my car will be the one that invites everyone on 285 to slow down and feel the burn. But that name makes me smile every time they say it on the radio.


Auto flambé - Captain Herb Emory


You have all weekend to get home 🏠


But was there still ice in the Stanley cup?


Yep, munched on it while I took these photos


Was this your car?!


Lol no thankfully




When I was in college one of my best friends and his gf let a crack dealer borrow her new PT Cruiser her dad had just bought her in exchange for some crack It was later found outside town riddled with bullet holes and burned down. Her dad's name was all over the news and that's how he found out Man he was he some kind of pissed off.


“…let a crack dealer borrow her new PT Cruiser…” I’m not sure I can comprehend that level of stupid.


it was in exchange for some crack! i think she came out on top


Shit. The car was in her dad's name and he was an EENT doctor on the board of a major hospital. His name was all over the news. He was not happy. She didn't get another car either. My buddy and her moved into his place in Atlanta and he called the cops on him and he got busted. Did a few years over it. She's doing great now and just got her RN. My friend is trying to sell used starter motors on Facebook.


You would have to be a crack head to understand. Once you smoke that first hit it becomes a very strong compulsion to keep doing it. That's why people blow all their money on a binge. Or in this case let a shady crack dealer borrow your new car. My Uncle went on a binge a month ago. He was gone for 6 days, we all thought he was dead. He came back and had been ripped off for $20,000-30,000. He's to embarrassed to tell us the real number. Got fired from his job to because he didn't show up and didn't call in.


Sounds about right. Perhaps the dumber part was giving her a car.


Her dad had a lot of money and had no idea she was smoking crack.


Well, easy come easy go.


Rich out of touch parents….must be from east cobb


Maybe man. Her Dad had a great job. The incident happened in Savannah 🤣


I have a remarkably similar story.


11k on Carvana


no lowballing, i know what i’ve got


The backpack is still in pretty good shape!


That's mine! It was insured for more than it was worth and I'm trying to trade up.


So… arson?


It's not arson if it's your own property. It's ourson.


Forreal? What happened!?


It’s a joke


Lol I’m stupid


Looks like a Walking Dead prop someone forgot to remove.




Driven past this car a few times and was actually curious what it looked like from the inside. Also did Wolverine cut a triangle in the hood?


Guessing fire dept trying to put it out in the engine bay


This is what happens when you don’t talk to them about your cars extended warranty.


We will find you…. And we will kill you


Is 85 on fire yet? Then we know summer is really here.


Is this still available?


“Price is firm. If ad is still up, it’s still for sale. Won’t respond to lowball offers. $9500.”


“ I know what I’ve got.”


“Might need to be towed.”


“But if you’re a good driver, should be able to get it home”


“1st gear sticks a little. Might need a look over.”




Used for a criminal act, trying to destroy evidence so it doesn't trace back to those involved.


Is this at the Pryor Rd exit? I drove past it this morning lol Or was that a different car-b-q


This was the intersection of 75 and 285 near Marietta


That’s been there for a while


That’s been there for 2 weeks or even more


I thought it was the one on 75 near the exit for KSU Marietta/south loop. So many car fires I guess! 


Saw a van on Glenwood that got torched by another car having burned up nearby. Seems like a shitty way to get your car totaled...seemed totally random


Oh that’s just a scratch. No big deal.


Just gotta replace the carburetor.


That’ll buff right out.


A bit north, like 4 panels wide of the sound barrier are melted. Like a semi caught fire or something.


Auto flambe


Meh, it'll buff out.


ATL is the only place that an accident can occur and somebody runs on foot and random stripped car are just casually on the side of the road


Nah that was a common sight in New York back in the day, especially the Cross Bronx Expressway.


It’s a Hyundai thing, you wouldn’t understand.


Some dude on Facebook Marketplace: "$2500, firm!"


I can’t remember the name of the traffic reporter based out of Atlanta, but I remember the term “carbecue” being used almost daily. Right up there with the ubiquitous ladder in the road. As the signs say, Atlanta happens


Captain Herb Emory with WSB 750!


Actually, it was the guy with WGST. Used to say, “clear a path for me, I’m coming home” when he’d sign off for the day.


I thought only electric cars catch on fire??


I was driving by during the fire my wife got a video https://imgur.com/a/GlOGTRQ


Ayy cool! Thanks for sharing


It'll be on Facebook marketplace soon. "No low offers, I know what I got"


Of course it’s a Hyundai Kia product


Guess you’ve never had a VW


No that’s the devil


"$25k firm. I know what I got!"


Is that the one that’s been sitting there a couple weeks?


Yeah, it’s been there a while


Right near Terrel Mill Rd…. Somebody tried to destroy some evidence.


Not a Tesla so this didn’t happen




Man those EV fires are getting WAY too common. /s


it is hot out there, folks! reminder to stay hydrated!


I was down there a couple weeks ago taking my daughter to the airport. Saw one burnt car on 285 and another on 75.


They finally towed it off Tuesday or Wednesday .


Probably too long ago for most here, but I can hear Captain Herb going "there's an auto flambe on I-75!"


I was just driving through Atlanta last week and saw so many things that looked like this. Even one of those walls with the door in it looked like it'd been under enemy fire. Have the aliens begun to attack us and chosen Atlanta as their first target? Haha


"Project car"


Eh, you can buff that out.


Coat of paint’ll fix that right up.


But looook! There's still ice in my Stanley cup!




When your AC doesn’t work


sorry guys I got a wittle angy


I drove past that the other day.


Car be que


that shit was there like 2 weeks ago, is it still there!?


Is that a disc golf bag??


Did anyone guess the make/model?


What causes a car to burn? Driving too long in the heat?


Electric issues, not enough oil or no oil, not enough coolant or no coolant are a few big ones


I warned them my new mixtape shouldn’t be played in the car!


Where did you suggest?


It's been there forever lol


I guess that cigarette butt was lit after all..


Omg I saw this while leaving work this afternoon


On the life of me I can’t figure out the make/model


Idk. My car caught fire and it was fairly new and well maintained on schedule. Electrical recall exactly one week after the incident.


If that’s the same one I think it is that things been there over a 2 years now. When I lived in GA I’d pass it going to work


It wasn't until I moved here that I realized how flammable cars are. I didn't know they could just spontaneously combust on the freeway like they do here


I passed this car the other day! Wondered what happened. Hope everyone is okay.


With a little TLC this thing can drive again. Just needs some WD-40


I drove past this car - why was it just left there ? It is/was on 75 North around Marietta. I also saw a pickup truck on I-285 W that looked like it broke down, then somebody came along and took the tires and wheels. Really bad day for people.




If only it was blue


That car has now been there over a week, if you took those photos yesterday. Who eventually removes the car? The owner? The city eventually?


Thank god I’m at home today. That’s a everyday thing in Atlanta


When isn't there one, lmao there's a burning car in the side of the interstate like every other week


A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.


Probably used in a crime don’t worry about it