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assuming you're 25% body fat, you'll need to lose 14 kg's to reach 12% (lean). around 7 months at a 500 kcal deficit. in my mind "shredded" is sub 10%, which will take a little longer.


I'd put you at 22% body fat. Assuming you've never before gotten into crazy great shape then I imagine you'd be ecstatic with the results of 14-15% body fat. If so, you could literally do it 3 months with a steep deficit, with regular lifting to keep muscle during the drop. Look good though either way :)


Thanks, man. The pic might be a bit missleading tho, I hold the most fat in my love handles which you sadly can’t see. I’ve never been in something I might consider a good shape for me personally but I was a lot leaner before. I was on 82kg before I severely injured my back but didn’t have that much muscle. But thanks for the advice, I’ll try my dang best!


Probably close to 20% bf now. Shredded is 5%. 15% body fat needs to be lose, so 30 lbs, assuming you lose no muscle


I would say 10-12 kg you could honestly do it pretty quickly with an aggressive deficit. And it doesn’t really look like you have gyno, just looks like normal fat tissue with this pose and lighting. If you got shredded you probably wouldn’t be able to see it


I guess I gotta put in the work in the kitchen as well. I’d love to be shredded at least once. Sadly, it is gyno.. I was leaner before and I always had hard lump under my nipples, about the size of a wallnut, but when I have a flairup, they go to golf ball size..


I'd say about 45lbs


25 kg