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The worst thing in Spain is the behavior between ourselves.


It is true everywhere in the world 🌎 


Yeah because everywhere in the world we are constantly jumping at each other's necks, it's like a country that can't stand the other half of itself


Yup, rotten and bitter people out of some unknown reason.


The British


That’s also the worst part of UK


😂👍 Esoecially those living here for 20 years without bothering to learn the language… Hashtag….. BritishAreTheEuropeanAnericans


Says the American 😂


Yep. It was honestly a joke. Most British people here are lovely. Though Americans don't have the same penchant for leaping off balconies.


I.e thinning the herd.


The average salary vs high cost of living nowadays


I live in Madrid and completely agree with you.


Yeah I was shocked at how minimum wage in Spain is less than half of what it is in England but prices at the supermarket for most goods are either about the same or higher in Spain!


Hombre, €8.26 is not less than half of £11.44.


Dog poop on the sidewalks. Ever-looming drought concerns.


This one


It depends on where you live. I lived in a small town for a while and it was boring as hell and people were very closed minded. Now that I live in Madrid the worst part is that it’s too crowded, I find that many people are selfish and rude, especially while driving. I also think salaries are too low for most jobs given the housing prices.


I gotta add though that service-wise Spain is a paradise for introverts. You can live in the middle of nowhere, in a town of 50 people and 200 cows, and still enjoy fiber internet and 5G. Your house can be very rural for the outside, but modern from the inside with high tech solar panels, gaming corner, A/Cs and so on. We have country-wide 24 hour shipping, so you can order amazing Spanish food, have it delivered, and have a BBQ for with dogs. Later you have a movie night using your 85" inch TV and your delivered cinema popcorn. It's boring, but civilization is often only 1-1.5 hrs away. You can always decide to go clubbing, shopping or whatnot, and then drive back the same day.


For sure. There are many wonderful things in Spain. I just listed the worst ones. I wouldn’t really want to live elsewhere at the moment though 😄


trust me you dont want to live in the UK




Yeah boring is the right word, Spain is boring after a while. But I also think it’s a good thing. I lived in Belgium where nothing was boring, everything was fast, rainy and nervous. Sometimes I just chill thinking that being bored is a luxury theses days


Could you tell me more about food delivery?


Despite several issues that we have, I think Spain is a great place to live at.


I live in the suburbs of Madrid (Las Rosas) and while the fiber is great, the phone coverage not so much. My 50 GB mobile data plan is wasted on me...


As someone from Berlin, I consider people in Madrid super friendly and enjoyable.


I lived in Berlin for 6 months (during winter) and I have to say you’re right 😅


I'm sorry to agree, but I found Berlin to be the least enjoyable city I've ever visited. Hopefully things there will change!


Why? If you don’t mind. Was it the people or the vibe of the city, the way it was laid out?


i have no idea why but I see lots of people hating on Berlin especially on reddit


Having lived in Madrid for a grand total of 2 days - I've found the complete opposite true! I'm amazed how peaceful different corners of the city are (especially the parks) and how friendly people are. I'm not very confident in Spanish yet so no big conversations, but a few people have tried to strike up a conversation and are very polite about taking seats on the metro / benches. Guess it depends what your benchmark is, I lived in London for 10 years prior


Yes, I agree it depends a lot on your previous experiences. I live outside of the city in an area that is upper-middle class, and I find that such people here are very entitled and tend to think they’re better than the rest. You also find plenty of people who dress in a certain way to show that they have money (and many times they don’t even have that much, they just pretend they do).


Small towns with close minded people, big cities that are too crowded, low salaries compared to housing... yes that only happens in Spain. Nowhere else.


The ridiculously low salaries are kind of a distinctly Spanish thing.


... if you disregard 90% of the world that has it much worse.


True indeed with the salaries, almost have to be an expat with your home country salary taken into account to have a northern European cost of Living/salary ratio.


The worst thing, for me, is the feeling that we Spaniards are always at odds with each other. We are still suffering the consequences of a civil war and a dictatorship that instilled in everyone that whoever thought differently from you was an enemy. This has been passed on to later generations, even in democracy, with consequences such as the fact that we often prefer to harm ourselves as a country rather than support a political proposal from "the others". Thus, laws that are objectively good for the citizenry are not passed just because our politicians are incapable of reaching agreements. The result: we are a very rich country but very poorly managed.


[The two Spains](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_two_Spains)


Thank you for this explanation. Very enlightening. I hadn't realised that Franco's legacy is still so present.


It's sadly present but not because there are many supporters, the "falangist" party doesn't even get enough votes to get political representation, they are very very residual. The confrontation is present because the left uses it for their political benefit since they know the great majority of Spaniards are pro democracy. So it's not like it's a real issue but an interested political one


It is not l, but it is a nice thing to use and amplify and turn people to each other. Spanish far right is a joke compared to any other right movements in Europe but then everyone call with others fascista while this is one of the most socially progressive countries I have ever known. Civil rights, free access to healthcare, meds, immigrations, etc etc and yet half of the population calls the other half fascists. So lack of self awareness, ambition and critical spirit is what makes this country a shithole in terms of buying power.


so much smoking. especially by young people. despite knowing how bad it is for you it is shocking to me to see so many people chain smoking. I know it happens in other countries as well but I see it here more.


I find France WAY worse in that aspect.






Tardiness. Yeah, living in Spain means knowing and accepting some people are always going to run late even in professional settings. That being said, I hate it when people simply don't even try to be punctual and keep people waiting for 7,10,15 or even +20 minutes for no good reason. Being late with an "Oopsie" should cut it when it's like, give or take five minutes, but it totally shouldn't when you're wasting people's time just because you couldn't be bothered to be even a bit foresighted.


20 minutes?? Erm ... 15 mins is my waiting limit, but try 2 hours in some parts of the world ... lol


I think that's your experience. I'm a Spanish woman living in Ireland and I can't bear with the lack of punctuality here. Even shops are normally opened 5/10 later than they should. 


Salmorejo and pan con tomate are not mandatory to be served in every bar everywhere


Hot tenperatures


I can survive 40° in Colombia, 40° in Spain... let me tell you...




tortilla de patatas from the supermarket


No te metas con mi tortilla del Mercadona >:(


Overall, Spanish people are nice, the food is great, and the communities are kind. But…tourists who pee on our streets, xenophobia/racism, and rising cost of housing (gentrification) are all bad. But, compared to America, these are much more minor.


The tardiness, the always dirty public bathrooms, and really loud talking people ;)


Finally seeing that, to me the worst is how people are unaware of what's around them and that they're not the center of the world. TikTok, talking (loud) on the phone, YouTube... In public transport, full volume. In a restaurant you can't talk without screaming if you have some Spanish group of people close. And all that could follow.


Hmm as an spaniard.. I like manners, and think that they are very important. The problem is that a lot of us are very.. lets say cuddly? we hug, we kiss, we jump on top of each other... and we shout, the thing is that when you grow surrounded by shouts, they dont bother u. I have 3 siblings, i've always seen people talking and shouting around me, so it doesnt disturb me. babies fell asleep surrounded by shouting pple if u they get use to it xD


Sounds like you went to a tourist south location


There are no public bathrooms.


There are, on the coast at least.


There absolutely are public bathrooms.


high unemployment, corruption, crippling economics, toxic work cultures, property crimes, okupas, Telecinco


Toxic work cultures certainly do happen in the United States…


okupas and everything is just Telecinco and Antena3 fearmongering.


Pues yo llevo con una familia okupa dos años viviendo debajo mía y nos hacen la vida imposible a todo el bloque. Se enganchan a la luz con empalmes que pueden provocar incendios, hacen ruido y pegan gritos por la noche, dejan la basura varios días fuera de la puerta, los niños pintan las paredes de las zonas comunes, aparcan en las plazas privadas de otros vecinos, han amenazado a varios vecinos que han llamado a la policía... El problema con los okupas es real. Espero que nunca te toque vivirlo de cerca.


Es real pero muy poco común. Nos venden que ocurre muy amenudo, y es mentira.


Importa una mierda lo poco que ocurra, la realidad es que los homicidios no son muy frecuentes en España, y aún así tenemos normativas y prevenciones. El estado debería intentar arreglar el problema cuanto antes.


El problema, sin embargo, no radica en las personas que ocupan un piso vacío porque no tienen dónde vivir, si no en las políticas que permiten la especulación con la vivienda, de forma que hay miles y miles de pisos vacíos porque no hay nada que pare a los arrendadores de subir los precios, por lo que nadie se puede permitir uno, habiendo una gran cantidad de gente sin hogar, y de hogares sin gente. Recomiendo encarecidamente leer este artículo: [https://ctxt.es/es/20230101/Politica/41681/okupacion-allanamiento-usurpacion-viviendas-vacias.htm#analytics-buscador:listado](https://ctxt.es/es/20230101/Politica/41681/okupacion-allanamiento-usurpacion-viviendas-vacias.htm#analytics-buscador:listado)


You missed low salaries. Also a lot of scams happening here and there.


Telecinco is the answer. I'm still waiting for the day that supervivientes ends.


What is telecinco?


A private TV Channel in Spain, also on Italy i think, pretty much entirely dedicated to sensationalism, political propaganda, and celebrity and gossip press, in other words: a hot piece of shit.


Fox News eh


It's trash tv, essentially. Kind of unbearable. 😂


Yo mispelled Telecinco. It's actually Telecirco 😅




I would say lack of any permanent jobs are the biggest problem. It seems that most jobs are for 1 year and then they go hire someone else instead of paying for a proper work contract. On top of that you need 38 years of work to get a full retirement which will probably never happen for a lot of people.




A lot of people are very rude and out for themselves first, especially on the roads.


The noise


Many people are rude but really depends on where you live.


This is probably a very mundane observation, but I find that people walking in the street rarely get out of your way in the big cities. Some people seem to go out of their way to get in your way when exiting or entering buildings on the street. Not a huge deal, but I noticed it especially here in Barcelona.


I experienced the exact same thing in Barcelona! I felt myself having to move out of the way too often.


Renting places and getting fucked over by landlords thats all they do


I live in Castelldefels (near Barcelona) and I absolutely love it. My Spanish doesn’t allow me to have a full on conversation with locals, but vast majority of population here speaks perfect English and also we have a list of foreigners here. What I dislike is how the transportation system works. It takes 1,5 hours to go to Universitat (center of Barcelona) by bus, come on. Just make a shuttle that goes from castell to Barcelona. I had those in the Netherlands and in Russia.


that teenagers that think they cool asf but not even theyre mother thinks that


They're so bland


Bureaucracy, housing, salaries, healthcare is quite good but it can take quite some time to get an appointment.


Our president, Telecinco, Big Brother, extreme right and left parties, low wages, graft, city planning, drunk English bachelors, beach littering...


The littering is everywhere. Not only a beach problem 😞


I know! But our beaches here in the Canary Islands tend to be littered on a daily basis


The dirty bathrooms everywhere in public and in restaurants.


People are starting to get in your fucking house while your asleep or while your traveling, happened to me while on a trip and I was fk 2500km away. Thank god the neighbors scared the shit out of them and they ran but right now criminality is increasing so freaking fast that you can’t even sleep no more. They get in your house and live there, if you call the police and tell them what happened they don’t do shit because of shitty gov rules. So yea, basically you pay your rent, house, mortgage or whatever it is for literally nothing, they get in your house and you can’t do shit about it, police won’t do shit. It’s disgusting. Today I placed cameras and signs „video vigilance“, so let’s see when they try it again. I changed the door completely for a new one. It’s a headache. I’m not a racist or something, im myself Arab, but man, stupid immigrants, gtfo of Europe if your ruining it. I’m not against immigrants and shit like that but man, every single person that does this type of bullshit should get their ass dropped again into their continent and never ever touch EU again. It’s harsh what im telling, but if you pay mortgage worth of 300k€+ and even more you will get what im telling. Btw, fun fact, im morrocan and the people that tried to steal, or live in there or whatever, are also Moroccans. Disgusting to see your own people do shit like this. Instead to work, get up, Naaah they steal shit, do criminal things, fking nasty ppl man. Hopefully no one here experiences this, cus, after 1 time, you will live with stress and anxiety. Imagine you have kids, cus people around here experienced it with their kids in there. Traumatizing for them, imagine your 4-6 and you experience shit like this. Failed society. Take care people and be careful out there. These mfkers carry guns, knifes etc… who knows. see ya


Fascists and people who miss the times when Spain was a dictatorship


Probably wont affect you as an individual but what disgusts me the most about my country is the shitty bull torturing "culture" we have here. I'm glad it's prohibited in certain regions


The top-heavy government institutions that make doing anything official like living in a Kafka book. Other than that it's paradise


The Germans in Palma




The people from UK


Generally, Spain has had the worst problem in the housing prices, a problem affecting 70-80% of population (big and middle cities and some extense areas around it). The other variable of the problem is salaries in Spain are very low on average. That is your number 1 worst thing here.


People smoking next to you and your kids without even asking if you mind.


The same applies to all of Europe.


Bulls are tortured.


Too much sun.


Right wing politicians.


As some Brit said, is full of Spaniards lol Jokes aside, housing, unemployment, drought...


The government is trying to issue a 30-day digital access card to porn websites.


Porn is just the cover, and it is really an online ID to take away the ability to be anonymous online.


The vast majority of people are already not anonymous online, even if they (we) think otherwise.


Yes, im aware, but this takes away even more freedom.


Too many smokers everywhere. It's like they've never heard of second hand smoking.


Tourists jumping from balconies because they are super drunk. Tourists complaining that there are "too many natives" in the country they went to vacation.


Don't let the few bad tourists paint the picture. It's an infuriating sentiment, but I'd be surprised if as much as 1% of tourists said that.


>Tourists complaining that there are "too many natives" in the country they went to vacation. That was a rage-bait story that was [extremely misleading](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1czhqbt/comment/l5gtztt/).


Then I change my answer to "British and German settlers who come to Spain to live but refuse to learn a single word of Spanish after 10 years". Or better yet, going somewhere and not being attended in any of the Spanish languages because the service is 100% English or German. That's a wonderful situation too!


Never heard a tourist complaining about „too many natives“. Sorry but I think that’s purely made up


This is one news story with a misleading headline.






Nothing.. It's boring




The retirement system that is doomed to fail.


Low salaries for the majority non-specialize Jobs.


We are the worst thing in spain. Hands down.


1. Littering. My friend will be driving, eat a candy in her car, and then crack the window and nonchalantly toss the wrapper out the window on the freeway. 2. Pressure to dress up. I have a mother figure here who, without fail, gives me SHIT for not wearing makeup, not wearing cute clothes, and/or wearing my hair in a casual ponytail. She says “well we need to get you a husband”. No, we don’t. 3. Machismo moms and grandmas who baby all the young men and men in their families. 4. They seem to not know how great their country is. This comes as a detriment when they put other nationalities on a pedestal Caveat: Of COURSE all these things happen elsewhere, but they are marked differences that I have noticed, juxtaposing what I’ve personally experienced in life vs. what I’ve seen here


El reggaeton y los ritmos latinos. Seriously, is a pain.




America is not a country and the US Map doesn't represent the entire world. Said that I consider the worst spanish quality to be very loud and disrespectful in public areas




Overcooked tortilla de patatas con cebolla.


I can't believe no one has mentioned the fact that men *never* local the door behind them when they go for a piss, and that many men's toilets don't have a lock for this reason. Absolutely insane.




Gentrification, lost of identity of the cities




Insane taxes just to do your job (autonomos) I make around 1000€/month I pay 300€/month regardless of how much I made Every 3 months another 21% of all my income


No, you don't. 300€ are contributions, not taxes. You don't pay taxes on such a low income. That 21% is also not your money, you're invoicing extra to cover for VAT and then returning it to the state. How can you be an autónomo for three years (because you are paying the whole contribution fee) and not know that?


It’s a Reddit thing


That 21% is not yours, you're collecting IVA for the state. Don't make the mistake of believing it's your money. You're welcome. How much would health insurance and retirement saving fund would cost you if you had to pay them to a private company?


Same amounts if you earn 100k/month. Maybe your problem is the kind of work you do. Of course,there are other taxes, but they are progressive


By no means an exhaustive list: - The monarchy - Housing crisis - Low salaries - Gentrification and loss of culture - Droughts and forest fires - Hunting culture - How people treat animals (it’s all very legal) - The Far right - The lukewarm left - The military police - The way we treat immigrants and refugees - No safety net - Collapse of the public health system - Privatisation of everything that is a human right - Erasure of plurality of cultures - The fact that we still have occupied territories (Canarias, Ceuta, Melilla…) - Our bloody ass history … Telecinco


I'm a German living in the UK. Most if not all of these sound like problems we have in Germany and the UK. I genuinely wonder how these problems across the western world are going to be fixed... I'm worries and excites (in a challenge kind of way) at the same time!




Any form of discrimination (racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, etc.) will be removed. Dehumanization, exaltation of dictature, advocacy for nazism or hate speech are also prohibited.


tourism and fascism, next question


The food is far too wholesome if your used to an American diet full of shit 😜😂


Parella eaten in the evening. - War crimes /s


Why though.


Taxes for freelancers are not proportional to earnings and thus becaming one is too risky. Salaries are too low and have not been keeping up with the cost of living. Rent is very high compared to salary due to speculation, despite being plentiful. Others have pointed work culture, I think work culture in USA is way worse, except maybe in restaurant bussines. Also okupas are a non-issue overblown by media.


The worthless Okupas and red tape


Many things but at the moment I'd go with vacational apartments. It really needs to be regulated. Everyone wants the big buck, but because of it, almost everywhere in the country it's impossible to find affordable flats. And I'm not gonna blame just the tourists, expats and similar but obviously also the landlords and, above all, the government, that I won't do a thing, even if they pretend they do...


Madrid has the most friendly people in EU


Gentrification and if you're in the south the terrible heat


Noise, mainly because of thin walls and basic windows.








Shoplifting around the hot places.




The racist fools like you are worse


Any form of discrimination (racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, etc.) will be removed. Dehumanization, exaltation of dictature, advocacy for nazism or hate speech are also prohibited.


Spanish Inquisition


Say that América is a country


Me as a Spanish I can tell you it's or the xenophobes or the climate


Bring me a bike rack mode please


The ability of two grandmothers who can barely move to occupy a whole 3m sidewalk and not let anyone past. Also just general obliviousness to everything going on around. Yes, it's a thing everywhere but Spain takes it to the next level.


This 💀




Health care is a disaster


Work culture is abysmal


La Linea de la concepción. It’s the scummiest part of spain. Right next to gibraltar too which is nice at least. But the people here are downright disgusting and rude




Any form of discrimination (racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, etc.) will be removed. Dehumanization, exaltation of dictature, advocacy for nazism or hate speech are also prohibited.






Any form of discrimination (racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, etc.) will be removed. Dehumanization, exaltation of dictature, advocacy for nazism or hate speech are also prohibited.


Pickpocketing!!! I’ve been scrolling for a while and I don’t see anything about it. I had 4 phones stolen from me while in Spain (at some point I figure it’s my fault), but it happens to Spaniards too. All the time. It’s not even the cost of the phone that’s the most annoying part, it’s replacing everything that was in it and reconnecting everything. Massive pain.


Maybe people completely disagree but if you work in an office the working hours are crazy. Finishing at 18h30 Monday - Thursday all for 2 extra hours off on a friday, where you have to work through lunch to get them. Give me 9-5 everyday anytime. I also dislike the time culture for dinner, bedtime, etc compared to how other countries do it.


Spaniards. They ruined Spain!






Is it worse than Florida?


Low salary, expensive housing, summer too warm, worst leaders ever,




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Toda discriminación (racista, sexista, xenófobo, homofóbico, etc.) será retirada. Tampoco está permitida la deshumanización, la exaltación de la dictadura, apología del nazismo, o discursos de odio.




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Where I live, the fact that I won't be able to leave my mom's house until I am, at least, 30. I don't make enough money to live on my own and save money while doing so. The rent here is absolutely ridiculous.




Toda discriminación (racista, sexista, xenófobo, homofóbico, etc.) será retirada. Tampoco está permitida la deshumanización, la exaltación de la dictadura, apología del nazismo, o discursos de odio.