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Doesn’t look like a slice to me (tho you may have e that too), the ball goes right because you’re face is wide open at impact and you toe it


I thought a slice was just referring to the shot shape where it curves to the right a lot regardless of how you get there. Or does a slice require it to start the path left?


The way I refer to a slice is you hit the ball square and it starts straight with a nice closed club face, but you hit it OTT causing you to swipe across the ball curving it right. “Slicing” right. This swing you posted, you hit the ball with a wide open club face so it will always start very right


Take a look at your right hip. See how it comes “off the wall” pretty close to where the space your hands should be. This will route your hands toward the ball and thus over the top out to in and slicey


Question for these kinds of driving ranges. What happens when the lake/water is full of balls? Do you have divers to pick them up?


They use floating balls, a boat collects them like a range cart


Pretty cool. Do floating balls have a different flight pattern/hit feel?


Your path seems decent. If you stop the video at impact you will see that your club face is wide open. Keep the same path and close that face and you might see a good difference


Agree 100 %. You can hold the lead hand stronger or release the club earlier. I think it's better to strengthen the grip, try to see 2 or 2 1/2 knuckles if you have a weak lead hand grip. That way you don't need to fiddle with your release timing. Feel the back of the lead hand facing the target at impact and let your hands release naturally.


What’s the position of the ball in your stance? It seems pretty close to the middle of your stance but hard to tell from this angle and the fact that it’s on a tee makes it look deceivingly more forward than it actually is. If it’s in the middle of your stance, move it closer to the inside of your front foot.


Point your left toe out just a bit more and check where the ball is in position to your left heel. Adjust accordingly.


Square the club face , practise the impact position couple of times before you swing . See where the club face is and adjust. Try moving the ball further up toward your lead foot


With the driver, don’t swing at the ball. You want the bottom arc of your swing to be where you address the club before your backswing. Your bottom of the arc was just beyond impact. The driver is a weird club — learning how that feels takes your game to another level.


Toe strike, swing so far towards short stop you'd think no way it comes back. But it will.


Strengthen the grip to square the face.


Like others have said, you gotta get that clubface closed. For me I find that a lot of times I block it right because I'm swaying laterally. Try to keep your head behind the ball until after impact, the lower body can sway as long as the upper body stays still.


Grip will help you close the club face. This was my exact problem after I fixed my club path. I was still slicing. You should be able to see 3 knuckles on your left hand at set up. It felt uncomfortable at first for me but I got used to it (because I stopped hitting right!!)


It looks like you're attempting to swing it like Dustin Johnson - only part missing is the all-important left wrist hinge at the top of the swing. To make up for his extremely upright and fade producing swing, DJ really forces his left wrist to bend so that the clubface stays closed throughout the path. If you pause the video at the top of your swing, your drive face is pointed directly up when you want it to be facing towards the ball.


Club face open. Regrip the club with a slightly closed face.


Is this the driving range at the GSR in Reno? Looks real familiar!


Is this the driving range at the GSR in Reno? Looks real familiar!


Is this the driving range at the GSR in Reno? Looks real familiar!


I saw one semi right answer here . Yes your face is open but that is because you are early extending and tilting backwards . It is a very common issue but very hard to fix because the change is more subtle . AMG’s YouTube has some great videos on it but the feels are different for everyone . You have to stop sliding your hips left and rotate your shoulders around and not up


no way! i was at the gsr driving range yesterday also


Things look pretty at the top of your backswing. As others have mentioned, it looks as if you extend early. That is, your hips move closer to the ball in the downswing and through impact.


It’s just all about that face being wide open at impact. You can 1 get a stronger grip, 2 practice turning the wheel to close the face. Other than that you’re looking pretty good brother