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My hatred for painting is overshadowed by how much of a cheap bastard I am.


I the feeling that Jason Todd would play Necromunda.


I am currently painting a printed vostroyan kasrkin team and i will bite off the hands of anybody who dares to lay a finger on my poor babies, they are MY little lads ~~although i have nothing against those who get their armies painted by someone else, you do you i do me~~


Very true! And also you know, money




Bullshit , if you had the money you would.


Nah, I'd rather not play than play with an army someone else painted. They can keep their grimy hands off my models.


I am the polar opposite. A lot of my models are painted by commission, or by friends. I suck at painting. I hate it. I assemble everything so "only" painting remains. But I am not selfish enough to play with an unpainted army against an opponent who painted his minis. I think I am lowering his fun if I do that. Maybe I am a weirdo. I also play Kill Team, so I don't need bazillions of models. When you can buy a whole Space Marine Kill Team (6 models) for 20 € on eBay, it is easier to commission a painting for 100 €.


I hate the assembly part but I do have fun painting them, would I pay for someone else to do it for me? Maybe? Like if I could ask them to paint all my kommando ork skins as a nice yellow green color (whatever that skin tone is for the eavy metal version) then ok I’ll pay the 100 bucks, but idk, learning how to paint and experimenting with color mixing (I made a nice beige/bone color for some cloth) is something you’ll miss out on if you let someone else do it for you.




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