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He's a cunt, but a midfield trio of Rice-Guimaraes-Odegaard can win you titles.


Do we need a bit of cunt in the team?


He would no longer be a cunt if he plays for Arsenal, he would be a dark arts savvy player


I can assure you he won’t get away with half the shit he does now.


His arm will suddenly be a weapon


lol at your profile pic


Goddamn it you made me look


Exactly which would make him average after losing 40% of his effectiveness


To us maybe, but to everyone else he will be a bigger cunt than he ever was. This is arsenal, when our players act out they’re not passionate, they’re immature.


Last time we signed a ”dark arts” player we ended up with Lichsteiner.


Lichtsteiner once got booked for pinching an opposition player in a game he wasn't even playing in. Brilliant wind up merchant, pity he was crap at everything else. Guimaraes sacrifices a bit of twattery in exchange for being actually good at football.


in fairness, by the time Lichtsteiner was with us he was toast. he was v decent prior and it clearly didn't pan out but you could understand the logic of the signing at the time. Bruno strikes me as too temperamental to walk the line, the Jorginho elbow a case in point, dude had red mist all game. Benny isn't nearly as nasty but has an edge but it is (remarkably) controlled


Ahem, Benny blanco!


I’d argue Rice and Havertz fall into the clever tactical foul category. We know Havertz can drop a big tackle when he wants to. White is also a dark arts shithouse, although not in an aggressive way.


Yeah and Havertz gets carded regularly for it


This is the main reason I don’t want him. We finally aren’t the team with the most red cards anymore and I don’t think he gets away with it if he played for us


Seems like some people advocating for alot of cunt


He'll get more red cards than he's ever had if he joins Arsenal


We’ve got Havertz already. For what this guy did to Jorginho this season, I don’t want him wearing the red and white.


Havertz playing striker. Physical spine of Rice-Guimares-Havertz down the middle sounds fine with me.


Glad to see this. People are starting to twerk for him and I'm just not over it yet hahaha


I think I'm with you on this. He would help but there's "dark arts" and then there's just dirty.


Havertz is a very different player. Arsenal need more options, so there isn't a clear first XI and be able to change it up for certain situations.


Yes. Every teams needs a minimum 5 cunts


Emi is at least a cunt & a 1/2


While cunt might be unfair, we definitely have a few players with an edge to them like Havertz, White, and big Gabi.


We already have several let's be real.


Havertz was that guy before we bought him. We would absolutely love him in the team.


To be fair we’re fucking tough as shit now, we used to just have xhaka, now we have a team full of big strong guys BUT We need a slightly smaller guy to kick off the fights




Between him and White we'd definitely go top of the xS (expected shithousery) table.


xSEM: Expected Shithousery Excluding Maupay


xS (-M)


A cunt is very different when he's OUR cunt.


I still couldn't warm to this guy. No matter what.


Lots of people said that about Jorginho


Jorginho is a sport and a gent Guimares is anything but.


Don't like him but I'm fully behind Edu, so whoever they bring in the summer I will back all the way.


he's a really dirty player but also very good and a fighter. maybe Arteta can talk him out of being dirty.


Dude is ruff. Built like a brick house. I'd love to have him in our midfield.


How much of a cunt he is and how he’ll do anything to win is exactly why arteta wants him. He’s not gonna talk him out of any of this, our players cheat and shithouse just as much as any other team


> maybe Arteta can talk him out of being dirty. Doubt it, actually i think him being a cunt is a positive for Arteta. One which i somewhat agree with. We need some more shithousers, Xhaka took a lot of that when he left lol.


Ben White is a shithouser, Bruno straight up elbows people in the head.


tbh maybe you need some of that to protect your players if the ref is not gonna do shit for the borderline assault we get every damn game




No, they just have rose-tinted glasses when looking at Arsenal players.


Edu's gonna make us like Bruno G 😔


He made us like Jorgi, and he’ll fuckin do it again!


Can conquer nations


I'm very conflicted because not only do I hate him because of how he played against us earlier in the season... but my 2nd team is Sunderland...


Look at it as weakening the mags.


We were after him for quite some time. In the end he chose for the magpies and in the process ridiculed us a tad bit. Still would like to have him in our team. A proper midfield in addition to Rice and Odegaard.


Great CM, we shouldn't have passed on him when he moved from Lyon especially when we paid agent fees to Kia already


him and paqueta smh


Sign those two and we got best midfield in the league


Ben = bad Gary = good Nevertheless I couldn’t give a shit if he’s been an absolute twat every time we’ve played them, we need more twats. Excellent player that has pretty much everything in his locker. Strength, technique, dribbling, shooting, great passing range, tackling and doesn’t lose duels.


Are you telling me he doesn’t get upset


There was once that Rice was squaring up to Nketiah in a match against us when he was still at West Ham and alot of the fan base viewed him quite negatively afterwards


Big difference between squaring up to someone because you feel like they did you wrong, vs elbowing someone in the back of the head because you feel like you’re not gonna win the match. I’m sorry, but Bruno is both a twat, and not that good of a player. I’ve never rated him highly, and just because we are tenuously linked with him, I’m not gonna suddenly rate him now.


Why do you not rate Bruno guimaraes? What is it that doesn’t impress you? He is very good at dribbling, forward passing (through balls are class on him), he can get forward and score, and he defends like an animal. He runs all game as well. Would be an excellent signing.


What do you not like about this? https://preview.redd.it/jt2pvlwkq1wc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=610553b39624422e5e09b4436ef8afbfc746bc63


I think I rate him a bit more highly than you as a player but not as high as most of this sub seems to but you're absolutely right about his personality. We need more grit in the team for sure. What we don't need is dirty players and Bruno is for sure a dirty player. Won't be the end of the world for me if we sign him and I trust Arteta and Edu at this point but I still won't like it


Damn right !


Funny one because if you know the backstory, they've known each other for years and get on great


You can be friends and still get pissed at each other in the heat of competition.


In a competitive environment it happens on a daily basis. Even Lauren admitted that the Invincibles were fighting among each other at training.


The members of The Police had stretches where they hated each other. They've also said that brotherly fighting made the music better.


You have to take into account that their twattage per 90 will go down as they will always get booked if they play for Arsenal


That or their bookage per twattery ratio goes up


How does that reflect in their xTWTGx90?


Bruno and King Kai shithousing every match. I wanna see rivals bitch all season long. Do it Mikel!


Such a good rule of thumb - always have to remember which Jacobs is which.


If there is one way to guarantee a player can't be a twat when playing against you it's making them be a twat when playing for you!


How is anyone taking this journo seriously? Absolute chancer who clearly doesn’t have any legit sources at the club. Same guy who gave weekly updates telling us that a Tielemans signing was imminent, long after it was clear that Arsenal had no real interest.


Well Team News and Ticks ( our best ITK) just confirmed it. So he must have a source with Bruno’s camp.


> So he must have a source with Bruno’s camp. Ben Jacobs has good sources at PSG and Bruno has been linked to an interest from PSG for a year now so it's likely he does have sources in Bruno's camp by now.


TNAT verified


He's literally just bought a house for 4 million last week in newcastle 🤣


Ben Jacobs isn’t that reliable, but it would surprise me if we didn’t at least enquire - makes perfect sense considering Partey’s likely departure this summer.


Who is this Steven Merchant looking nonce Ben Jacobs and what tier is he?


Ben = bad Gary = good


Gotta ave yer critics


Whoa, he does give off serious Steven Merchant vibes


Got famine eyes






[Team news and ticks](https://twitter.com/Teamnewsandtix) Arsenal made contact with multiple targets/ their clubs in the last week or so to see if a deal is possible. Bruno G is on that list. No idea about the agreement/clause stuff


I would love him! He's total cunt but a brilliant forward thinking player.


Serial waffler. Next rumour please.


Ornstein said recently that arsenal like Bruno G (someone posted it on this sub). Someone on this thread noted that team news and tix said Bruno G is on a list of arsenal targets.


He’s got a lot of making up to do at Shoba when he meets Jorgi


We should’ve brought him before Newcastle. His profile was exactly what we were missing for like the last 5 years. Still doubt these rumors, his profile is exactly what we should be looking for.


We were interested but focused on a striker at that time.


I'll never forgive the disrespect he gave us in his announcement video when signing for newcastle


ootl here any more info on this?


Imagine the stick we could give back though


Omg. A double pivot of Rice & Bruno G in front of White, Saliba, Gabriel, and Timber. No one is getting past that wall without getting a big whack on the ankle.


Would be a top tier signing


We are going to fight with PSG for him. They badly need him because they're solving the same problem. Otherwise, he's a no brainer.




If I was making millions a year, I probably wouldn't worry much about losing a few thousands having to flip a house fast.


Why do we always sign them years after being linked at high prices....


Football has gone crazy. 80mil being below a release clause 😭


I think the real question here is - is his middle name Gabriel?


80 million + 1 pound incoming


Always rated him and never once described him as a face dying to be punched


We could have gotten him for half of that when he was at Lyon when we were first linked to him ffs. Although, shit i guess we now know for sure that he "works" in the Prem, so.


LMAO they think he’s worth 80 mil?


As a Newcastle fan, I'm sure every club in Europe would love to have him in their team. Also it's weird looking out from within at the perception of Bruno - A cunt, dirty etc. etc. Let's be clear that's maybe a good interpretation of his personality on the pitch, but off the pitch, everyone says he's the nicest guy you'd ever meet. I think when you see a player that way you know he's class, you hate him because he's so frustrating to play against. We felt that way about Gordon before he joined. Now we love him. I also have to say that if these rumours are true, it'd mean Bruno has lied on many occasions, which happens, but it'd be a big deal. He recently bought a home for £4million in Newcastle and has repeatedly said he is very happy. So, from his word alone, I couldn't see him leaving, however... I couldn't fault him for wanting Champions League football. He's the most aspirational player I've seen at the club in a long time. I wouldn't blame him for wanting to compete at the highest level. There are a lot of Brazilian players at Arsenal, and I'm sure that's a draw, too, since he gets along with Joelinton incredibly well.


Don't believe for a minute he is worth that kind of price tag.


I hate Bruno G with a passion, but then again, I said the same about Jorginho… Let’s get a quote on a Bruno/Isak double swoop


How could you hate Jorginho? He was always class lol


He had a few moments playing for them other lot where he was winding our guys up a bit, he made it easy to hate on him. He’s more than made up for it though.


Absolute work horse. Really wanted him when Lyon was selling. He is a bit of a hot head though but could be good for us. I’m happy to forgive his previous antics if he kisses the badge


A top winger, a top CM and a Wingback(or two if Tomi can’t shake off his injuries ) + an up and coming striker will be Arsenals summer wishlist. I d take him to replace Thomas Partey in an instant. Say what you want about his performances against Arsenal, dude bosses midfields.


I'd rather go all in and get a top striker than a top Winger. Jesus can suck it up and realise that he's a Winger, we have no room for a striker that can't finish.


I disagree. We’ve scored the most goals in the league this year. Our play style is great at spreading the goals around the team. What we really need is someone who can compete with Saka and give him rest. Saka has played way too much football and has been looking lethargic for the past month. Our mediocre wing play is what is causing our current slump. Martinelli has been off pace as well, and Trossard doesn’t play the way we need him too. Trossard doesn’t stretch the field and always cuts in early. And he doesn’t have the pace to worry defenses. We need a world class winger like Leao to push Saka and Martinelli. Focusing on a CM, a top winger, and another LB/RB will allow us to have greater depth, and to shore up our glaring weaknesses. Then we can splurge on a top striker next year if necessary.


Like who? The "top striker" market is really spare right now. Even Real Madrid have had to do without one. I'm not sure any of Osimhen, Vlahovic or Gyokores will cut it, either. Especially for the way we play.


He is exactly the profile of player we need in midfield, a creative 8 who can play on the left half-space and a bit more well-rounded defensively than Odegaard. I don't like him as a person though.


You don’t know him as a person


You should check out some of his interviews and his charity appearances - seems like a pretty decent guy off the pitch. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_vonTr1CyNM&ab\_channel=SkySportsNews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vonTr1CyNM&ab_channel=SkySportsNews) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9LeDmpxqBo&ab\_channel=PremierLeague](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9LeDmpxqBo&ab_channel=PremierLeague)


You've totally misprofiled him lol he's much better as a central pivot at the base of midfield.


Of course we've approached his camp. He was, and remains, an absolutely perfect fit for this team. And it is one of the few blemishes on Edu's record that we didn't try and get this guy coming out of Lyon. He can carry it at a high level, he can pass it short or long, he can shoot, and he's dirty AF. Sign me up.


90min. The sham media house that originated from caughtoffside.com, known for manufacturing rumours to stay relevant. You’re better off trusting the Sun. And if you still trust either, I have a bridge to sell to you.


So I get the claims of FFP, but Newcastle ownership absolutely have the money to keep these players. Maybe I’m crazy but imo I don’t think they are looking to sell any of their Talismans. Right now I see Isak, Bruno and Gordon as 3 essentially untouchable players. I truly believe that Newcastle would just take a point deduction rather than lose any of those 3.


Why not both? (Bruno and Isak)


Now that’d be cooking, does Isak have a release clause?


Hopefully we can sell partey for £35-40mill to fund this move


Has Jorginho's head been consulted on this possible move?


Zubimendi is cool, but this guy feels like a surefire bet to me. Can do everything to a high level, and done it in the PL. Maybe less exciting than someone more unknown, but these are the kinds of signings United won the league with for years. More controversially, I think him being a dickhead is being slightly overstated because he had a couple of especially poor moments of sportsmanship against Arsenal. I don't think he's worse, temperament-wise, than Xhaka, who I think was mostly within the borders of legitimate rough sporting behaviour (Unlike, say, Luis Suarez, who had serious anger issues.)


I’d rather have Isak


What a joke, someone presented this idea a couple of weeks ago and everyone was like “no way, not near this club”, now all of a sudden “he can be our cunt”


Not worth it unless they are willing to take Ramsdale plus cash I actually think long term Arteta does veiw Havertz as the 8 with Rice as the 6


I think Arteta wants to have flexibility, especially in midfield, and he can see on the pitch that more depth is needed. So I don’t think he sees it in the way you suggest


Ramsdale to Newcastle doesn’t make sense anymore since Pope will be fit next season and imo he’s maybe the second keeper in the league.


Pope is a good shot stopper but bad with his feet. Also a lot older and this isn't the first time he's missed the majority of the season with a shoulder injury. Ramsdale could be their keeper for the next 5 years.


He's a fucking cunt and I fucking hate him with all my guts. Sign him IMMEDIATELY EDU!!!!!


Don't like this mug but if Mikel wants him then we back the gaffer.


He’s a cunt but if he joins, he’d be our cunt. I’d be on board.


Turns out he is a lovely lad. The elbow in the back of the head was more jealousy than anything. He just envied Jorginho for that spot im Arsenals midfield. :)


The league ain't ready for White-Havertz-Bruno G. shithousery. We're gonna be the most disliked team in the prem lmao, love it.


Can’t stand the prick, please don’t.


This guy is such a cunt, I hate him.  If he comes to Arsenal I will love him because he will be our cunt 


He’d have impact here but not for 80 mil


I’m worried that he won’t get along with the rest but man I’d be happy to take him


Wouldn’t complain if it happened and added a bit of steel in midfield while being a pain in the arse


he’s a twat but he could be our twat. plus he’s a baller


I’d love a striker


My G


I really like him and wanted him (and Paqueta) at Arsenal before they went elsewhere but is £80m on this player the right call when we badly need a lethal finisher?


That will be one awkward dressing room....


Why? So that we don't have to worry about him getting away with elbowing our players in the face every time we play Newcastle anymore?


Incoming bid of £80,000,001. Joking aside, I think he offers grit, determination and technical ability. He'd be able to play deeper or higher depending on the game, similarly Rice, Havertz and Odegaard can be moved around too as a result. I like this the more and more I think about it.


don’t care if he’s got an attitude on the pitch, he is an amazing player and would fit in perfectly


Do we need him or should we be rivaling City for Paqueta


So no zubimendi if he comes i guess


Let’s say we end up getting him. Where does that leave Havertz? As much as I love him, I don’t think we can win titles with him as an out and out 9.


We've been top class at bringing certain characters in, why tf would we bring BG into this group? Can't see it.


Honestly fine with it.


He's precisely the sort of player that you hate on someone else's team but will excuse pretty much everything he does if it's in your shirt.


I can't see us splashing out on two midfielders so i imaging if this happens then Zubimendi doesn't




Idk how real this is. He would be a really good addition to our squad, especially since Jorgi’s time is probably up and I’m assuming we’re trying to move Partey on


We need this type of player. As long as he can play with his aggression without getting a red card


He's a total ass but that's also because he plays against us.


I think he and Rice would be a perfect partnership. He can get on the ball and let Rice get forward, and Rice can cover for some of his athletic shortcomings.


Arteta: “I can change him”


Not sure how to feel about this...


He's definitely a huge cunt but he would be amazing for us. I would honestly be over the moon with this transfer


Would be a good move, but I prefer Frenkie De Jong


Interesting, I can't find this tweet anywhere


He's one of those players you only appreciate when he's on your own team


I’m pretty sure these are agent driven rumors, because as I understand we are very much in on Zubimendi, and we definitely aren’t signing both.


I hate him but the minute he joins I’ll defend him like my life depends on it


I'd support any player in the squad. But would love to have likable players.


My problem with him is he suffers from head loss in almost every big match I’ve seen him play in. That’s not just matches against Arsenal.


Would Jorginho be cool with him joining?


I would love him or Brandt on the left side of the midfield, if we can't get a top striker just leave kai up there and triple down on the midfield.


Makes sense, because their are not so many midfielders in the world that tick as many boxes. For example, I really like Barella, but he would be almost impossible to get from Inter. Also has huge availability. Would Newcastle sell Isak + Guimares? I doubt it. They can really attack the top 6 in the next decade. Also, wouldn't leave huge room for a striker/winger.


On one hand, fuck this man for punching Jorginho. On the other hand, he’s a class player and I wanted him desperately before he went to Newcastle


I vote to bring in the cunt. The left 8 position is screaming for someone like him


We have the same barber. He was desperate to go to Madrid, but that was before we were an option. Getting my haircut in a couple of weeks, I'll get the scoop then!


I mean thats a big deal if it happens. I see him fit in easily like Rice. Mean off the ball, great decision making, long and through balls, can shoot. Perfect player for us honestly. Just the price will be a little to insane to feel like an obvious deal. 


£80m + £1


Could have paid 45m, but we are idiots


When we sell ESR and buy Guimaraes...


Would Dilan Markanday be a good midfielder/winger for Arsenal?


I rate him as a player, bit of a cunt which I'm not a fan of, I think we can and should find someone as good for less.


Would love to have him but seriously doubt Newcastle would sell to another PL team let alone us.


No thanks! 🙂‍↔️


Welcome Bruno.


I dislike him cuz of his attitude but footballing wise there is no doubt he would improve us a lot


Still don't understand why we didn't buy him before he went to Newcastle. It was such an obvious one that we let slip away


I can't stand this stupid cunt, but that's because he's not on our team. He's like Bill Laimbeer.


People need to get over that game at St James Park earlier in the season. He's a very good player that improves the team. 


He will be 27 come November. That's a lot of money for somebody who will have no sell on value