• By -


It’s quite unfair how good some of the writing is for Harrymort and Snarry.


Yeah, I love the darker undertones in the fic those ships offer, which makes it so thrilling to read.


Oh boy as someone who primarily ships Snarry I can give you plenty of reasons why I love this ship so much especially the potential this ship has : 1) Snape was a Slytherin that could have been a Gryffindor plus in Harry's eyes at the end of Deathly Hallows he was the bravest ever he has ever known While Harry was a Gryffindor that could have been a Slytherin (even the sorting hat agrees). 2) The forbidden aspect of this ship makes it so thrilling knowing you shouldn't love them but couldn't help it. And imagine the chaos that would ensure if anyone found out this relationship. 3) Snape and Harry are perhaps one of the most developped in the whole series .Plus, their relationship is so fascinating and complex in the books that you couldn't help but crave more interactions between them. 4) Both of them had similar childhoods and both suffered tremendously in the war played by Dumbledore and Voldemort on both ends. Plus, beneath the conflict there's a lot of similarities between them. 5) Despite their initial prejudice and hatred against each other both are willing to work together to defeat a common enemy -Voldemort. Plus with their roles in the war and the sacrifices they made the idea of them working together is even more appealing. 6) Let's not forget in Half-Blood Prince book, where Harry admired 'the Prince', learning his spells and seeing him as some sort of 'friend'. Tho I cracked at the comment when he claimed that 'the Prince' has taught him more than Snape. 6) Their interactions and banter are so filled with snark and sass especially the chemistry between them is so engaging. There's a lot more points that I want to cover but I want to see everyone's opinion on wha they love about their ship.


You've written down my thoughts better than I could have. Absolutely agree with every point. 😍 I always say that they are more alike than people would think. They basically come from the same place, having a miserable childhood (child neglect, abuse etc) but where Harry made a good decision and chose the right side, Snape unfortunately made a bad decision, befriending the wrong people and choosing the bad side. I always love that parallel that Rowling made with the two boys. Also where on the outside Snape seemed the evid, bad guy, all dark, ruthless and snarky but secretly (inside)he worked for the good. Harry was openly the figure and warrior of the good side but inside he had evilness (horcrux) to fight.






Please read the rules. No bashing of ships or their fans.


It's so hard for me to pick an OTP because every ship has so much flavour. I love snarry, drarry, and harrymort. But I will say the one ship that makes me drop everything is Draco x Neville. If there were more content of this ship, it would probably be my OTP, hahaha. I'm just drawn to bully characters and bullied characters. I love any ship that requires characters to go through major growths to become an item.


I haven't read Draco/Neville, thank you, but if only there were more works on Snape/Neville I would be sooo happy


I have some Severus/Neville recs if you'd like to read.


Yes please!


Sorry, it took me so long to reply. Here are some well-written **Severus/Neville** fics that made me adore this ship even more: [**Harry Potter and the Classification potion**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8887642) **by** [**fuzzyhamish**](https://archiveofourown.org/users/fuzzyhamish/pseuds/fuzzyhamish) >Everyone gets tested and classified at the age of seventeen, except Harry Potter. When Severus Snape forces Harry to drink the potion the results are not as expected. [**Suitcase of Memories**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/29582856) **by** [**Klari**](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Klari/pseuds/Klari) **: (Severus/Neville, Luna/Remus, Harry/Sirius)** >A time-travel fix-it type story in which the wolf falls for the moon, the brewer falls for the grower, and the one who never had a childhood falls for the one who never grew up. Other relationships will happen, but first they’ll need to learn about some spectacular betrayals. The dead, who aren’t so dead, have been taking advantage of the survivors. Myths wander over and through the British magical world once again. Basically, Dumbledore is really creepy, Neville is King Arthur, and Sirius looks tasty in a leather jacket. [**The Sword of Gryffindor**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11610783) **by** [**fallingflurry**](https://archiveofourown.org/users/fallingflurry/pseuds/fallingflurry) >“Do you feel strong hitting me?” Neville spits out. He doesn’t think he’s ever been this angry before, but there’s something else too. He wants to feel it again, the pain, wants to control it like he did last time. This isn’t like Amycus Carrow driving his wand into his shoulder blades while whispering about his parents, this isn’t sitting scared in a school bench while his sister rants about muggles with a crazy glint in her eye. A choice. He’s in control here, he can take it. “Do it again you fucking coward.” [**Toffee and Clover**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/4392005) **by** [**Serpenscript**](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Serpenscript/pseuds/Serpenscript) >When Severus is locked in the past, Neville's touch brings him home again. [**I want to repay you."**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1646627) **by** [**w\_x\_2**](https://archiveofourown.org/users/w_x_2/pseuds/w_x_2) >“I was under the impression that the third years were having a practical exam right now," Neville swallowed.“Written,” Severus corrected. “I led them to believe it was practical so that I could catch you red-handed.” Severus gave a minute shrug, but didn’t portray any other emotions otherwise. “You only come down here when you know I’m occupied and unable to come down.”


I needed this so much, thank youuuu


ohhhh, I've never read that ship, do you reccomend any fic


i sure do! [All This and Heaven Too](https://archiveofourown.org/works/18467632/chapters/43754221) : A mistaken identity and a one night stand lead to a weekend that will fundamentally change the way Draco Malfoy chooses to live his life. (This is very much a love story). [Good People and Death Eaters](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24168277/chapters/58204318) :Draco Malfoy is adjusting to his new reality (social pariah, purveyor of muggle home remedies, miserable, broke, but at least sexually liberated and no longer living with a homicidal madman!) when a one-night stand with a man he used to bully upends everything. Angst ensues! (warning this one is incomplete. BUT. it is my all time fav Dreville) [Theft of Assets Destruction of Property](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1808485): Surely it is a mistake to allow a single youthful indiscretion to cloud an already promising career. [Trying](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14137785) : Neville had hoped when he left Hogwarts that he’d never have to see Draco Malfoy again; he’d barely even seen him in that last, terrible year, when Malfoy had dropped out somewhere around the Easter term. But then Harry, Ron, and Hermione came back from their delayed seventh year and with them, pale and sneering and sharp-tongued as ever, came Malfoy. [We two Might be one](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28429989/chapters/69666060): When Narcissa calles in an ancient life debt, Neville finds himself married to Draco Malfoy. With reputations to repair after the war and a marriage to navigate, Neville and Draco find great compatibility in their sex life but other areas are more difficult to reconcile. Journeys end in lovers meeting.


My favorite ship is **Snarry.** To be honest, before I read my first Snarry ([The Syntax of Things by Arrihsa](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1097794/chapters/2208903)), I was skeptical of the ship when I saw it on the top ships of AO3 so I decided to try out the most visited Snarry on AO3 out of curiosity which later kind of became my rabbit hole to the Snarry fandom as I hopelessly fell in love with this pairing. What I love about the ship is the complexity and the dynamics of both the characters and the idea that despite their differences, Snape and Harry are quite similar. I also love the tension that enemies to lovers bring with it as a trope, and I think Snarry can bring out the best in this. Not to mention I felt myself drawn towards the forbidden aspects of the ship such as the age difference, the student/teacher taboo, and the hatred on both of their ends... from this, it makes any story that aims to realistically have them as endgame all the more complex and dark. Next in line is **Draco/Ron** or **Dron.** I've always loved the thought of Draco and Ron and for some reason, I ship Draco with Ron more than Harry or Hermione. Maybe that’s wildly not-so-popular but it just has always worked in my head due to both of them being purebloods, but raised differently. And I’d say that the Ron/Draco dynamic reminds me of Romeo and Juliet, only gayer, with both their families hating each others’ guts.


Omg I want to read a Dron bc of the romeo-julia thing I never thought of this but it makes so much sense


Any good Draco/Ron reccs??


This is one of my favorites. There’s a Harry/Blaise bonus too! https://m.fanfiction.net/s/1681264/1/The-Prophecy-of-Absconditus


Here are my favorites. Based on the summary, you can choose which one you wanna try: **1)** [**A Soft Spot for Lost Causes**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/228337) **by** [**Helenish**](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Helenish/pseuds/Helenish) **: (13k+ words)** >**Summary:** "Remember at school? Weasel? You’re so poor and dirty?" Ron said encouragingly "You hated me." "I did," Draco said. **2)** [**At Your Door**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27874238) **by** [**orphan\_account**](https://archiveofourown.org/users/orphan_account/pseuds/orphan_account) **: (25k+ words)** >**Summary:** “We are two Purebloods of marrying age, and you were in my flat, with your arm all over me and your stupid Weasley lips on my forehead! My feet were bare! It wasn’t proper! It’s not done!” Draco bellows. Ron stares blankly up at him. And then he bursts out laughing, just at the stupidity of it all. Draco’s nostrils flare, but then he’s grinning, too. He reaches out to place one slender hand over Ron’s, squeezing it as they snicker helplessly like school children. His brows are still all narrow, like he’d love to reach out and smack Ron over his head, but he’s laughing, so maybe it’s not all bad. **3)** [**A Fine Foray into Fashionable Fellatio**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23216707) **by** [**calrissian18**](https://archiveofourown.org/users/calrissian18/pseuds/calrissian18)**: (31k+ words)** >**Summary:** First comes tolerating, then comes shagging, then comes unintended consequences. **4)** [**Part of the Plan**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/17954174) **by** [**keeperofthemoon**](https://archiveofourown.org/users/keeperofthemoon/pseuds/keeperofthemoon) **: (31k+ words)** >**Summary :** “Thought for a moment there you were going to send the Killing Curse my way,” Malfoy said tensely. “Tempting. Though it’d be much more likely for me to reach over and strangle you with my bare hands,” Ron grunted, folding his arms across his chest. Malfoy sniffed.“Comforting.” **5)** [**Seeing**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/481516) **by** [**cynthia\_arrow (thesilverarrow)**](https://archiveofourown.org/users/thesilverarrow/pseuds/cynthia_arrow) **: (10k+ words)** >**Summary:** About ten years post-DH. Ron and Draco work together at the Ministry of Magic, and they build up an odd friendship, born mostly out of loneliness and being at a confusing stage of life.


I was a die hard Tomarry shipper (still adore them) until recently, I only just got into Snarry and I’m going through fics like there’s no tomorrow! But Drarry will always have a place in my heart as it’s the first slash pairing I ever read.


It's not my all-time favourite ship, but I wish there were more Scorpius/James Sirius fics. The potential is insane - oldest son who falls in love with his younger brother's best friend who also happens to be the son of his father's childhood rival. The fics that I have read are great but I'm hoping that the next gen harry potter era will eventually have a marauders-esque renaissance.


Omg your answer led me to think about a dark fic with Albus Severus and Snape Old Snape falls in love with the grandchild of his first love and the child of his most hated student. Insane Thank you😘


Oh,that sounds interesting, can u drop the name of the fic💫


Sorry this isnt written it just popped my mind but if I ever decided to write it I send it to you🥺🥰


Oh that's alright, 💖




I LOVE this. I love Scorbus as well as anyone, but Scorpius with James or even Harry hits so good. Anything to add that extra spice to a ship. I mean, what's worse Draco or Harry than their kids canoodling (especially if they have their own romantic history) - I genuinely love Scarry (harry/scorpius) and dralbus (draco/albus) probably the best because GASP - HOW COULD MY RIVAL DATE MY SON WHEN HE LOOKS JUST LIKE MEEEEEEEEEEE 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I love just about any slash ship, except Harry/Ron... I really just can't with that one. Harry to me is such an onion of a character that with the right perspective, anything can work. A strange one to be sure but I found a Harry/Percy one recently that just blew my mind. All Hail the Dark Lord, Or Something Idiotic Like That by NinjaPandaScholar http://archiveofourown.org/works/44582866 Now thoughts: Snarry and Harrymort to me have similar reasons for working. With using mostly cannon background for Harry and the two Paramores, Harry seems more mature for his age due to the things he's gone through. So I can see a need for older lovers to be able to relate and not annoy him with juvenile stuff. And having similar backgrounds they can easily find common ground. But Harrymort is my all time favorite because the complexity of similarities, and making it work just means you really have to dig super deep into creativity. Favorite Harrymort: The Black Bunny by windseeker2305 (beware it is a WIP and has not been updated in forever) https://archiveofourown.org/works/1176279 Favorite Snarry: Oh Merlin! By Snarry5evr https://archiveofourown.org/works/13227198 Tommarry (it is different to Harrymort, just FYI) this ship works for reasons above, but brings the age gap down and gives an even more human aspect to Tom (whether it's time travel, de-aged, or horcrux Tom). Favorite Tomarry : Lord of Time by DebTheSlyrherinSnapeFan (recently completed) https://archiveofourown.org/works/4877764 Drarry - the old opposites attract... And really he's been pulling pigtails since the first second they meet. Favorite Drarry: my own fic... Fate Falls (novel length) https://archiveofourown.org/works/22176790 Summary: Cannon including the Epilogue. It can be read directly following Deathly Hallows. Harry has to deal with the fallout of a vision. A new power grows and he has to deal with growing up and staying young at the same time. New paths form new friendships and interesting choices. Rage reveals a Harry that the Dark Lord underestimates. Harry mends fences and finds a way to come to terms with his life, power, and past. Love can be both black and white and just a bit tinged with darkness. Harry/Lucius... It's just HOT, there are no reasons needed. Favorite: The Slow Unintended Seduction Of Lucius Malfoy by VoxFuriae https://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600098620 Harry/Rabastan ... It's complicated, so making it work is truly a magical thing. Favorites: 1. The Contract by DebTheSlyrherinSnapeFan https://archiveofourown.org/works/17361419 2. The House of Lord Potter-Black by StarLight_Massacre https://archiveofourown.org/works/2348840 Now one of my all time favorites for almost every reason listed above... Harry/Jasper Hale sigh... Favorite: My Soul, Your heart by Seriously_awkward_amy https://archiveofourown.org/works/33606196 So yeah... My more than two cents.




There is no such thing as too many!!! Muahaha


I know you said you don't like Harry/Ron and I was the same for a while until I discovered some fics that were very cute childhood friends to lovers. That might not be your thing but if you're into the whole 'omg I've been in love with my best friend all along' or 'why am I now just realizing that my best friend is hot' thing - Harry/Ron fics can actually be really great. I totally second the NinjaPandaScholar fic tho - I love all of their fics, especially [The Medium Between Life and Death](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38564790/chapters/96397959)


For me, it's just Ron. As a character I hate him. I'll read non-ron bashing stories and all, but I still hate him. It's so completely illogical, I know. But it is what it is.


Drarry forever and always. 😍 I started reading Drarry before I ever read the books, haha, and I only read the books to get a better understanding of what I was reading in fanfics. Edit; forgot to explain why. I find their relationship to be the one that makes the most sense and is the most interesting to me, because every canon interaction with them is riddled with childish school-yard fighting, until the end when every interaction between them builds up into the final battle. Malfoy's actions are integral to winning the Battle and having that be a focal point is huge in Drarry fanfics. A lot of works build off on this, using it as a turning point for their relationship to improve and flourish when they're rebuilding their lives. It shows that Malfoy is and has always been capable of knowing what was right, and seeing how writers utilize this or how they find ways to work this out earlier in their timelines has always been fantastic. Draco was the first wizard Harry ever met, being so influential in his life that he's the reason why Harry makes some of his first life altering choices. Harry always thinks about Draco in some way, culminating in him obsessively tracking Draco in sixth year, to the ire of his friends. I don't think a normal teenager would be as obsessed as Harry was without being considered abnormal or a stalker. The fact that his total focus is on Draco for so much time, despite the threats to his life and his safety, is just excellent. 😊😊 >“Harry, however, had never been less interested in Quidditch; he was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy.” ― Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


Yessss Drarry for life!


Yesss 🙏🙏 I've jumped around ships for several years but once I started reading Drarry again a couple years ago, I find myself unable to stop. It's truly my OTP of all time and I can't get sick of them being together! <3


I don't think there is a "best" ship, but by favorite is Remus/Sirius. I've been a Wolfstar shipper for like 20 years, since Order of the Phoenix came out, I went online to search for more information about Harry Potter, and came across the existence of fanfiction. At the time, there were also Ship Manifestos, explaining why people shipped stuff, and I thought the reasoning behind it made a lot of sense. I don't think JKR ever intended it to be canon or to even suggest it, but there is a lot of """evidence""". I like it because I think in how I interpret the characters they work together. I think it has both the potential to be a healthy relationship or not, depending on where they are in life or who's writing the fic. I like the soap-opera-ish drama of Remus finding out Sirius is innocent after 12 years of believing him a murderer, I like to see them rebuilding their relationship together after that. I think being queer men resonates with what we know about them in canon. I like that they're very flawed people and how they can work on these flaws together. I like the moon/stars/wolf/dog symbology because I'm a huge sap.


Snarry and Tomarry. It depends on the day of the week. I started reading HP fanfics because I always adored Snape as a character and wanted more. Started with some Gen Snape character studies that I still love. Then I read some Snape/Hermione which taught me that I mostly hate Hermione in fanfics but adore Snape as a romantic possibility and from then it was just smut sailing for my first Snarry, I never looked back. Harry and Snape are So Good together. Their characterization can have some variation depending on the fic but the circumstances of their love are so beautifully complicated. I think is the struggle that makes me love it so much, everything is against that relationship. Their antagonism, the Potters, their age, their positions, their pasts. And Yet. Also the snark. A good Snarry Must be filled with Snark. Tomarry I took a peak out of curiosity when I was having difficulty finding a good Snarry. I got hooked so fast. The ships can be similar in some aspects, the age gap, Harry + Dark Man. But Tomarry has that aspect of mysticism in it, Tom and Harry mirroring each other and just being inevitably pulled together. I feel like despide the adverse circumstances the struggle in a good Tomarry is mostly external while in a good Snarry is an internal struggle (circumstances vs psychological) Of course it depends on the fic but those are some aspects that I like of my ships.


I don’t know if I understand the appeal, I’m genuinely curious why people like this ship so much. I think my major qualm is that Snape seems so antagonistic and I just want Harry to be loved after everything else has been through. I just want someone to explain it to me cause y’all have so many fics and I want to get into them 😩


Ohhh honey he is loved by Snape. Somethines the relationship is rude and akward at the beggining but when Harry warms his cold heart with his brave and reckless attitude Snape is the best lover. He is sarcastic and moody but he cares about Harry and he wants Harry to became a great wizard. https://archiveofourown.org/works/1008857/chapters/2001606?fbclid=IwAR2IKuPN1Psv8E9kabr0H5H6pE9BiS7gcpX04Xp5QtIzhmw16l_bvyy6gBU_aem_AT8OPDtu94T9_f0RksT8CtqVIrrSlu2KIv-sl4xHP_I7hQIQyDOM7jf3Asbsi1cUqyA Read this. You will understand. I loved that with my whole heart it was passionate, loving, enemies to lover type of fast burn and its just wonderfull.


Oh god, **Penance is the play** is so good. especially the part where Harry thinks that he has outplayed Severus, only for Severus to be five steps ahead of him. Plus, the mutual masturbation bit was so hot, and when Severus compels Harry to recognise his scent.


Yeaaah and I loved how he treated Harry for the whole time. When he insulted him he had motivation and reason bc he wanted to be sure that is mentally prepared for the battle and it just had so much sense, my mind was just blown. And when he thougt that kinsley attacked Harry he was so angry and carriing and worried that I was just so amazed. Like he loved Harry and it was so obvious, that I could cried. He was so patient with him and I was really jelous. Now I understand why girls like older men.


I'll never understand Snarry and I don't agree with the reasoning the fans of the ship have for it, but to each their own. Maybe reading some of their works would make it make sense for you? If you find it doesn't work for you, we're thankfully in a fandom with an abundance of great ships and fanfics.


Mine is Snarry too, but I mostly prefer if Snape is the submissive one in the relationship. I read the other way around too, but I mostly go for Snarry fics with bottom Snape.


Hahha Same, Bottom Snape is my guilty pleasure. I remember a wise person in Tumblr quoted > "I mean obv as a childless gay man in my thirties who am I to judge what kind of mom energy Snape has, but my basic point is I want to see that salty little man get bred."


Haha, that's a hilarious quote :))


My favorite ship is Harrymort or tomarry. They are PROPHESIZED. Harry holds a piece of tom's soul. Its ok with me either female harry + tom/voldy or M/M (harry + voldy/tom) I started with dramione, then tomione. Finally found my roman empire with harrymort/tomarry ❤️


Im really very much into Draco/Sirius right now and very few people will understand this but I love it so much.


Recs please 🙏🏻


My favorites are [Burned Silk, Buckled Leather](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21099140) by RuinsPlume, the [Gray Eyes](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3496297) series by DanPuff, [Scar Tissue](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38891079) by maraudersaffair, and [Second Chance](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37706905) by anonymous Oh and what's this? Oh... Hey... It's my own (currently in progress) fic.... [Mad Dogs of Summer](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50891524/chapters/128567608) :) :) :) warnings for all of these that they're all pretty much toxic relationships lmao


Thank youu <3


Oh ... they are not what i expected 😅


Hahaha ooooops sorrry! I think this is a ship that begets some toxicity lmao


Narry!! Neville/ Harry!! I will die on this hill


OO it's one of my faves too!!


I’ve read some pretty good Ron/Snape fics. It’s become one of my favorites. I like Ron with pretty much anyone though.


Oh, can I get some recs? I read Snape with mostly all the HP cast except Ron and I would love to expand my tastes


This author has a bunch, but this is my favorite. https://archiveofourown.org/works/8594218/chapters/19708561 This series made me cry a bit. https://archiveofourown.org/series/1193149 I thought this one was funny. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/1263609/1/The-Catch




Please read the rules. There is no reason to come to this sub specifically to bash fictional characters or the people who know the difference between fiction and actual child grooming. OP, I'm sorry this post seems to be bringing all the trolls to the yard.


Not a fan


Y'all can never convince me with Snarry, sorry...I love Tomarry, especially in AU


It's so good, I'm recently dipping back in after ages away and rereading old favorites.