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They told me he was doing handstands and cartwheels behind closed doors!


Remember when Jon Stewart came back recently and on his first show, the main topic was Biden (and Trump)'s age? And libs got so angry at him. https://youtu.be/NpBPm0b9deQ?t=738 Oh yeah, all these glowing comments about how sharp Biden is behind closed doors. You can watch the whole thing (personally, I love him, even if he's a big lib), but the linked part is just the montage of Dems playing cover for him.


I'm going to loose my fucking mind if *this* if what wakes up libs that biden is to old. He has basically been hidden from the public for 2 year. Handled by aids 24/7 In interviews or any speeking performance his studder is worse. It's been obvious. Leftist got told to sit down and shut up for years. The first media appearance that isn't 100% scripted and it's just so fucking obvious how unfit for the job he is. It's comical honesty. DNC down ballot is fucking killing. It's not the country, it's the party tanking its own presidential race. JFC. Can't wait for this to be my fault in November. Shoot me into the fucking sun dude.


But if he loses it’s the leftists’ fault obv


Tomorrow morning they'll have figured out their cope. It'll be something like he had a cold or was up all night.


It’s infuriating Being right too early The concept that people will shit on you then become you without apology is upsetting I’m not about to stop being correct tho


Im waiting for “oh it was just an off night for him you know how old people are it is ageist for you to say anything.”


[oh holy shit here it is](https://x.com/markhamill/status/1806537884159369446?s=46&t=uRzzXsL5s7XiOYs5h0HN9A)


But it's not complicated Biden is obviously too old, even if he wasn't he is still a lame moderate candidate. they had four fucking years to prop up a younger and more progressive candidate and they didn't because the DNC doesn't wan a AOC type




Agreed. These are the same people who believed that unironically Ukraine was gonna march into Moscow and breakup Russia, when at best its turned into a stalemate.


And with the bonus that liberals will never acknowledge that leftists were right all along, even after they admit that they were wrong. Which, of course, leads to a political dead end, since they refuse to move left


He's old; he's the nominee. Kind of silly to think "leftists" are the only ones who noticed.