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I wanted to replace him in like 2020 but ok


That's what I thought the idea was Biden would be a one term president and they would replace him with someone younger and at least progressive


Yeah like fine, I’m glad y’all are coming around, but I’ve said it since before the start. Bit late.


The one time ranked choice voting would really help. They should push for a quick new primary revote.


Lmfao. You think they'd do a primary....they'll just handpick their candidate at the convention. (Not that a primary is much better).


Yes but I don't see how that wouldn't be viewed as antidemocratic by voters and fail.


Voters don't care...they want Joe replaced...if it's done, Biden will step down right before/at the convention and name his successor. Especially if they pick Kamala they can say she's been his VP and is "continuing his legacy"...as much as Kamala is a bad candidate, she's better than Joe just on the fact she knows where she is...


Kamala will instantly lose the election. Senile Biden with low approval still polls better with voters than her. Going with Kamala is taking a 40-45% chance of winning (Biden) and swapping it for a guaranteed 20% chance (Kamala)


As much as I hate Kamala, I disagree. I think the debate and seeing senile Joe might make people more accepting of having Kamala...as much as we all hate her, she still has a brain. If they replace him with her and she can come out and just basically be a standard issue liberal Democrat and sane person, the Democrats will win. Would be repeat of 2020, with people voting anti-Trump moreso than pro-Kamala.


I honestly think she would embarrass herself more than Biden on tv. She’s genuinely one of the worst public speakers I’ve ever seen. She’ll ramble about things that make no sense, but are really easy to make sound bites making her appear like she’s a moron or on drugs. That combined with her having to reintroduce herself as a presidential candidate with only a few months left. Not to mention her terrible polling with the black vote. I know for people who are tech savvy we keep up with this stuff, but most people genuinely might go vote thinking Biden’s still running.


I think that would probably be the best way to do things but still it only takes like 1% of voters to be unhappy and lose.


The alternative is doing nothing and sticking with Biden and almost definitely losing...more people will be happy with basically any change in candidate than with no change...it's honestly almost a Hail Mary decision to make...you can't do nothing or you lose...replacing Biden is the least bad option.


The other 40% are Jill Biden and Maga Republicans


Don’t forget Mamala


Nah, she secretly desperately hopes he drops out in the insane belief that she will get the call up The vice presidency is only desirable as a stepping stone


That's the hilarious part of this situation. Kamala might be the one person who performs worse against Trump than a decaying corpse and you know she'll fight Gavin Newsom to the death before relinquishing her birth right


I don’t think Newsom wants to run this election. It would be a massive uphill battle and could lead to him losing his chance. I think he has his eyes set on 2028. Being the fixing Trump candidate or the young change democrat is way easier to do in 2028 than the last few months of 2024.


I was thinking she wants him to win because she’s hoping he’ll die during his next term and they’ll be forced to take her lmao


I think it’s awesome how after the media was like oh shit we should replace Joe that Trump switched up and started saying Joe lucid he is. Trump knows Biden is his only chance at winning


The Dems have known that for quite some time yet they still ran him? What does that tell you?


This comment is a little off topic here but yea we all know how corrupt the DNC is


Keep in mind Republicans don’t want Biden replaced cause they think it’s an easy W.


Replace him with who?


“Any generic democrat” is beating Biden in polling. They could replace him with literally anyone and they’d be doing better. Likely replacements aren’t much better from a left wing perspective because I kinda hate them all, but Pete Buttigieg, Gavin Newsom, and of course Kamala Harris are all top contenders. I think Newsom is probably most likely. Of the names I’ve seen floated, I think Gretchen Whitmer is probably their best bet. She’s pretty popular in Michigan, a must win state, she has union backing, and I don’t absolutely hate her as a leftist. Honestly though, it’s probably too late. I think realistically, Trump’s just got it in the bag at this point.


Newsom won’t run, he would be wasting his presidency shot on an embarrassing loss and I don’t blame him. Swapping candidates now, is a sacrificial lamb for whoever gets swapped in. He’s a very good candidate that has a lot of potential for next election, wasting him here for nothing would be bad political strategy.


Thanks for the in depth response. Would you take Whitmer as a more likely to win candidate than Newsom? I entirely disagree with the fact that Trump has this in the bag though.


98% Hitler


The 2% missing is powerful rhetoric




Cenk, duh.


"Sorry Jack, this isn't a Democracy"


I am but a concerned citizen worried about elder abuse.


Nobody wanted him in the first place. The people clearly wanted Bernie. These elections have always been a joke.


Bernie! Slide up in there!!!!


Bernie is older than Trump or Biden. it is too late for him to run.


What percent of democrats though, most republicans probably want Biden to stay in lol


How many voters of them are Republicans?


They have too replace him. There almost zero chance for him to win now with so many ppl think he cant do it.