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I think it’s decent but he could use some more jaw and the eyes need to be yellow. Blue eyes red Hellboy is not a card I want.


I think the square jaw is the main thing its missing and making look almost like cosplay.


They found an actor with a prominent jaw, heavy brow and said ‘yep that’s enough’ . Really tho without the yellow eyes it’s just beyond cheap looking. I saw a post where they simply added some yellow eyes in photoshop and it improved it so much. Crazy that they just didn’t have the actor wear colored contacts.


It's so close to perfection. His hair and beard is 1 to 1, he hunches over like in the comics.


The new one has those sloped shoulders from the comics!


I love that detail! I always appreciated that Hellboy is big and strong but not built broad and like the typical strong man


Ya know I noticed that too but I thought was just seeing things


I like that they wanted to pay homage to the comic design but compared to the other movie designs he looks really skinny😅


Hellboy in this arc (and a lot of arcs drawn by Mignola, actually) isn’t depicted as a huge brick shit house like they make him out to be in the other films. He’s tall, lanky, muscular but not built, sloped shoulders, jacket practically falling off of them… Everything I’m seeing so far of Kesey’s incarnation aligns a lot closer with what we see in the comics (aside from the eyes)


He used to be very big in his first comics though. He got skinnier when Mignola's artstyle changed 


Yeah he was definitely more gorilla-esque throughout Seed of Destruction


Because in the comics he's super skinny?


In Hellboy in Hell, yeah. But that's a very weary Hellboy by that point.


I don’t hate the new look and I loved the Del Toro rendition. I’m hoping for a great tale!


Yeah looks like the flat comic look. I like it. All in all if the movie is good, I'll like it.


I believe we might enjoy Kesys performance after watching the film. Also the film is under the supervision of Mignola so it might be good.


I thought the 2019 one was also under Mignola's supervision?


It was and it stank.


The thing is, he’s comics writer and golden is an author. Completely different ball game to writing a script. Also consider that John Byrne originally even scripted the comics because Mignola wasn’t confident. I’m not saying it’ll suck, or Mignola hasn’t improved but those points are just something to think about.


Christopher Golden is an S-tier hack.


I've only read the novel "Ararat" written by him. Wouldn't say terrible, but pretty mid, especially given the great premise.


*Baltimore*, which Golden wrote based on Mignola's ideas, is shite. The factual inaccuracy alone drove me bonkers.


to be fair I've read the comic and there's some slight historical inaccuracy there as well


He also worked on the (not great) comic.


Factual inaccuracy??


Yep. He describes the cold ground of Germany as 'permafrost' in one scene (permafrost is not cold ground, it's permanently frozen) and describes a vampire bat as perching on barbed wire. No bats can perch, let alone vampire ones. The guy's a hack.


Unforgivable 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/139cmbki10ad1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afd3971bee1859a885e17946b54984e8005e413e


Also, my friend, in the alps we have permafrost in Germany. It is cold. It is ground. The surface level covering the ‘permanently frozen’ part is still called ‘permafrost table’ - I’m not sure there’s really a problem. And I actually think he’s pretty good.


![gif](giphy|z6z7V16QWDVI9tad3O) You sound like this, grow up


Lol damn. Any specific reason? I’m not thrilled w/ his work either; it kinda reads like fan-fiction imo. But I’m curious to see what other people like/dislike about him. For what it’s worth I’ve really enjoyed Plague Of Wasps & The Proteus Club. But i don’t feel like anybody has ever come close to the level of John Arcudi.


*Baltimore* drove me nuts. It's badly written, it fucks up Mignola's good ideas, and it's full of stupid factually-inaccurate shit like a bat perching on barbed war in a warzone or Germany having permafrost. Someone called Golden out on this and he was a real dickhole about it, too.


Yikes… do you remember what he said? I get that anachronisms & false attributions happen from time to time, but “a wizard did it” is a perfectly serviceable response for anybody being excessively nit-picky. My main gripe has been that I’ve read all of Baltimore & Joe Golem, and had to fight to stay awake the entire time. 🥴


He claimed 'alternate universe,' but he was plainly just super duper wrong.


I loved the Baltimore comic, the first half at least. The second was a little all over the place


I know that universe… it’s the same one where Goats eat Aluminum cans 😋


Am I losing my mind? I loved Baltimore? I didn't realize people hated it so much, and unless there's something I'm missing what is the big deal about small Inaccuracies in a historical fictitious universe filled with vampires and magic!? The complaints I'm reading seem so insane that I am tempted to assume this is some sort of joke I'm unaware of.


I don’t know a great deal about him to be fair


At least we got to see Lobster Johnson in live action. LOL


That's what I thought. And I completely agree, though I'd use stronger language XD


He just crafted the story and let it go. He was not involved with production.


Is this a fan film or something?


Real movie just low budget


Holy fuck leave it to redditors for downvoting a dude with a question


One thing I haven't seen mentioned is that in The Crooked Man, he's a much younger Hellboy. It's set in 1958, and while he matures faster than a human, he's still only 14 years old at this point. So I think this look suits him.


He's much younger here, yet somehow manages to look older than both Perlman and Harbour


Looks much better than the layers of crap they buried Harbour under, not as perfect as Perlman but not so far off that he looks bad either.


The Harbour makeup looked so awkward.


i’m really mostly okay with the look but his voice is throwing me off (i also wish he was wearing yellow contacts but… )


Where is his voice?


Honestly if they changed the eye lenses to a gold/ warm color it would improve the look significantly...also the horn stumps look like 2 resin lumps with no texture/layers


The only real problems, for me, with the new look are the eyes (even just yellow contact lenses would have made a huge difference) and the horns (which don't look like part of his body at all). For the rest I want to trust this film and I hope for a good outcome of the story, with the right divergences from the original comic. The problems with the 2019 film were a lack of visual relevance to the original material and the fact of having put too much stuff and characters into the film, therefore presenting them poorly.


I like the look.its simple. Like Mignola’s art😄


Crooked Man was drawn by Richard Corben so that's why he looks weird here imo LOL jk


Budget happened I’ll still be watching the movie tho


Del Toro and Perlman's is still number one, but nothing could be worse than what they did to David Harbour in that make-up chair. My only criticisms of Kesy are that the eyes look too human and that the horns look a little off. Overall, I'm happy enough, and I'm more than ready to overlook my reservations if the film is any way decent.


I really liked Pearlman’s Hellboy but have always thought he looks too plasticky and polished. That’s why I really liked Harbour’s gritty metalhead Hellboy, even if the makeup looked to stiff and the red tone of right hand of doom didn’t match the face/skin. The 2019 movie had some really cool bits but as a movie it kinda sucked.


That design just isn’t Hellboy though, he is not a creepy scary halloween demon like that


I don’t agree. That said, if he had the original hair bun it would’ve been a better look closer to the the comic.


Not without changing the silly monster face they stuffed him into, but to each their own


With every iteration of him he’s getting more skinny lmao


Pearlmans was too beefy, then they went and UPPED the beef quota with Harbour for some reason. This version is so far the closest we’ve seen to a comic-accurate HB. He was never meant to be a massive meathead.


Idk David Barbour’s was a friggin beefcake


I don’t necessarily hate the make up. I think the lighting and colour correction is really flat and isn’t doing him any favour. Also get a better jacket.


I shot some documentary material and shortfilms. This looks almost not graded to me at all. I'd give it more saturation, contrast and actual black.


So I just saw the trailer and god, the movie looks visually flat and the trailer edit wasn’t doing any favour.


I really like that they got the more slumped shoulder look of the comics, but i also think they need to work on that nose. I think that's the main thing making it look odd, and maybe make the horns a bit bigger Edit: or closer together.


The movie has been shot since 1 1/2 years roughly.


LOVE the low-budget horror vibes tbh. It’s definitely going to be a different flavor of Hellboy, but I’m very excited they’re finally not just making another action flick.


i really liked David Harbours’ design, but i suppose we’ll see how the new one is


My response to all three slides: "that's Hellboy"


Loki messed up the timeline again 😂


I actually think he looks okay and the trailer was pretty good.


I kinda like the new look better than the David Harbor one.


I really don't think he looks that bad. People are bitching because they need a reason to bitch. Give it a chance.


I like the sulk-iness of this look, gives me more of Mignola’s art style vibe


I can’t get a good read on what we’ve seen yet. I’m curious if they’ll keep his eyes blue or fix them to be yellow. I think once we see a clear full shot of him head to toe with the Right Hand of Doom I’ll be able to determine if it’s a good fit or not. He doesn’t look horrible but definitely doesn’t look as iconic as Perlman. As for right now from what’s shown in the trailer it looks like comic-con cosplay. I wanna see that right hand, tail etc!!!


Trailer indicates that we're getting a Hellboy movie that's actually scary; a real horror movie, as opposed to just an action movie with horror trappings. This version of red looks younger than Pearlman or Harbour's versions. I'll give it a chance.


If someone told me the 3rd screenshot was from a fan made film, I’d believe it. But that means nothing to how this will turn out. Hell boy has a lot of potential but I’m still sore on never getting a 3rd part from Del Toro


It's one of my favorite stories, so I'm optimistic.  


He better have fucking hooves!


I really didn’t mind Harbour’s look.


I honestly hate the new one, the horns just look like goggles to me instead of the sanded down horn stumps like how they look in the Ron Perlman and David Harbor versions. The David Harbor version isn’t as abhorrent as the new one, but the original Ron Perlman version is easily the best


I definitely feel like people that are saying they like this are trying too hard . “It’s more comic accurate” just because it’s comic accurate doesn’t make it good . And even if it was they did a bad job with the cosmetics and it’s just looks like cosplay and cheap that’s the whole point of why people are irritated with it


They are trying so hard to capture the spark from the first 2 movies but it’s just not gonna happen.


I'm looking forward to it. Because yeah more Hellboy content and i like the vibe of the trailer. Just not a big fan of the design from this trailer. It might look better in context of the film


I think Hellboy is losing weight


The new Hellboy at least looks better than the ass-ugly Harbour one, IMO. The movie will probably be better, too. Not good by any means, but still an improvement over the last one.


Looks too human. Otherwise looks cool. His nose and eyes mainly fuck me up


I think the only problem is that they did all this makeup but didn't even try on the chin?


after thinking about it for a while i believe he looks perfect for a hellboy that is a desilusioned middle aged man. which would be a nice contrast to the imature angry juvenile (del toro or call of darkness).


The Harbour one looks like they handed Hellboy to a stupid producer who thinks the character is a scary evil demon monster. The latest one could have been more respectful in makeup quality and shape design, like have some passion for your work.


Ron Perlman is my favorite but I still like the Harbour ones look. The latest one looks like if the CW did a Hellboy show


The new Hellboy is set in the 1958, when he’s roughly 14-18.


It’s the eyes, should be yellow. Would turn the whole thing around


David Harbour was actually a great choice for big red! Just the script was bad!




Lower budgets?




I personally think that this new iteration is the best looking one yet. I love the og del toro films but those were nothing like the comics. I'm cautiously optimistic about this new one, folk horror, a one off Hellboy adventure, and a comic accurate Hellboy look. Fingers crossed everybody, this could be the one!


I think it's a solid first look, especially for a younger hellboy and a more folk horror overall vibe. The eyes don't kill it for me. I'll need to see more to have a more concrete take but I think all the catastrophizing in other threads is really dramatic. I've got faith.


I just wish for the jack kesy hellboy the skin color was a bit brighter, didnt look so old, and didnt look so dehydrated


Pearlman HB = Best Harbour HB = Good Kesy HB = Poor


The look seems off maybe the horns are too big? But definitely the eyes should be yellow


Look at the comics


I'll watch the film and see if it's any good, then make an informed decision.


I like the down to earth characterisation. Fits the horror tone more than GDT's pulpy look.


I think there’s a lot of rose colored glasses going on with the Perlman version. Great make-up? Sure. But look at OPs provided picture of him and tell me you don’t see the obvious seem running along his forehead. Each of these has It’s strengths and weaknesses. I love that Hellboy looks both strong and wiry in this one, which is comics accurate. I also like that his horns aren’t the same color as his skin, which ISN’T comics accurate but makes more sense when translating to live action. But yeah, a squarer jaw and yellow eyes would be nice. As others have said, if the performance is good and the story is good, I’m happier than a perfect looking Hellboy (which we’ve never gotten) and poor writing.


Id like a mix between the new one a Harbor's tbh. Del Toros is fine but I think his face needs more "distressing". It's just too smooth like the new one.


the jaw needs work but i think the only things that truly hinder this design for me are the blue eyes and saturated red skin, i think if the red was a bit more vibrant and they added some contact lenses the jaw wouldn't even stand out that much


Downfall of movies in general, not just a hellboy thing.


Meth, not even once


New look is good it's just needs a bit more red


Definitely and the yellow eyes


I mean, at least he doesn't look like a scary gross monster like the 2019 one....


Lower budget for sure. Also, I guess this is supposed to be a younger Hellboy as it takes place in the 50s, so that could be something that contributed to the look. Idk.


good lord i hate seeing that david harbor costume, why'd they make him so disgusting?


I dunno man. Perlman's Hellboy is the OG, but you could tell it was makeup and practical effects. Too clean but overall good. Harbour's Hellboy, they scruffed him up a bit but did way too much plotwise for just one movie. Was good, but confusing plot. This one... Dunno. Too uncanny valley, but haven't seen anything yet.


If Mike is happy, I’m happy.


The second one will always be the coolest design to me. He actually looks like a demon and not a red monkey.


But Hellboy kinda looks like a red monkey, not a WoW orc painted red like 2019's HB


Look Ron Perlman is my Hellboy just like how Christopher Reeve is my Superman.


Hellboy movies seem cursed at this point


Harbour's costume was good. He looks demonic. Way more than Perlman's did.


That's not how Hellboy looks tho


I guess. Hard to say since every Mignola character tends to look odd.


Don’t like the look.


Evolution but backwards


Beefy Boy - Actual Demon - Coughing Normal Man with sunburn.


Can't wait for Deadpool to reference this in a future movie.


Ron Perlman honestly had the perfect shape to his head to play Hellboy. Everything else just feels like some cheap knockoff in comparison.


If you take the best parts of all 3 of these, you get the character from the comics exactly as he is. Hair and eyes and personality and good writing from the first, overall build and jaw of the second, sideburns of the third, as well as, I assume, the horror aspects, because it appears they're going further into the horror approach and less into the action approach of the previous films, which may be the only plus. The problem is we're supposed to be getting closer to the source material and better in quality than the previous ones, but instead we're getting further away.


Why’d they make him sexy? CW’s Hellboy


When you get it just right, the first time. Then for some reason you keep going, and go too far. Then you over correct back the other way, and end up going not far enough.


What a great looking fan film