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In what? The movement didn’t have a proper goal. Just a nebulous policy of corporate America needed to change


Ill give it a try. They succeed in getting their demands met. The US simultaneously pulls out of all foreign wars, legalizes all drugs, disbands the FBI and CIA, and provides universal basic income and universal healthcare, while also rebuilding the middle east and becoming the largest charity on earth. The borders are simultaneously completely closed and opened completely. Jimmy Hoffa's murder is announced as a CIA operation, as well as a psyop orchestraed by the KGB and Fidel Castro. Anarchy becomes the default US government. But also a Socialist Republic, but also a Direct Democracy, but also a Geniocracy. The US ends the use of all fossil fuels, while also, somehow, only using US oil. 90% of politicians are simultaneously executed and imprisoned. Vaccines become both mandatory and illegal. Money becomes illegal, while banks become nationalized. The federal reserve both gets disbanded and put in control of all financial transactions. The occupy groups were literally opposing viewpoints in each little sect. There was no single goal everyone agreed on.


There wasn't really any sort of actual goal.


Do you mean they manage to take over the wall street companies like goldman sachs and replace the ceo with a communist? Then we are talking complete wealth transfer and Bolshevik revolution in the USA. Likely troops will be called in and the rebels crushed or massacred like in tianmen