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Same character. The only difference is the vibe people get from their demeanor due to their eyes. Caelus eyes look more sharper than Stelles and can give of a more understanding vibe Aside from that literally the same character and even then the different vibe they may give off doesn't really change the actual character themselves


I'd argue their respective voicelines have had much more impact on the community's perception. Caelus's voicelines have a much more serious and forceful tone, while Stelle's are more relaxed and playful.


There are also other little changes like in the board game event. When Caelus is out of turns, he sits back like he's worn out after a workout/sport. Stelle straight up goes into the fetal position and falls over


https://preview.redd.it/ah27hfosvjad1.png?width=231&format=png&auto=webp&s=598cfdcf9cb77275649557cee61e0e0d73adb12b And I love it


Behold, the perfect woman


It was so funny to me, Stelle was like… “Welp, I guess I’ll just die”


"It's Penac-over..."




This also applies to battle animations


Yeah, stelles Lance animations and overall demeanor made me regret not taking Stelle.


Love my bedrot girly, and the Yamcha pose.


Really? In EN dub the Caelus feels more energetic/playful. Just compare their Harmony battle voicelines for example.


But harmony is relatively recent. A better example is how they say RULES ARE MADE TO BE BROKEN both in the animations and the voice lines


Well from that Caelus seems more aggressive and passionate, whilst Stelle is more cool and composed


Makes me think that Caelus is the smoke demon, while Stelle is the garbage gal lmao


Stelle's "rules are made to be broken" sounds extremely flat and devoid of emotion to me tbh.


That’s the whole point of being the “not serious” one.


I mean, Stelle sounds to me as the serious one.


Perhaps our understanding of being “serious” is a bit different. Maybe you see it as cool=apathetic=serious, and the way I see it is like focused=passionate=serious. Well, maybe I’m wrong on that one. But just like how most people (who think the same way as I do) perceive Stelle, her voice and facial expressions usually give off head-empty/goofy/nothing-matters vibes despite the tension of most situations.


To me "serious" is solemn, thoughtful, acting in a non-joking manner. With a bit of emotionless. Stoic. And I see (and hear) her like that.


I think there's just a misinterpretation of a serious attitude vs a serious *tone*. With a serious attitude, I'd expect someone to be putting in 120% of their effort into something that they're serious in like Caelus's line, but tone wise he sounds fierce. Whereas with Stelle her tone may sound more serious, but her attitude is nowhere near as passionate as Caelus, so people tend to interpret Caelus as the more serious one because he sounds like he cares more about the stakes and the fight at hand.


Personally I think it sounds very cool lol, to each their own.


Yeah, I agree with you on how he’s more playful. I also think Caleb is one of the best VAs on hsr


Caleb's range is amazing and it becomes even more impressive once you hear his natural voice


Fr. He was especially great in the Ruan Mei quest lol


***"RUAN MEIII"***


My man's put so much of his soul into voicing that cat cake xd


Bro's rent was due


Yeah, this thread is really interesting to me because I've always gotten the impression that Caelus is the goofier one, partially because of how *zesty* most of Caleb's wonderful line delivery is lol. And that's not just me, either. Before this thread I actually figured that was the popular consensus, because it's what I see in most of the comments on HSR trailers on like Youtube or Instagram. Partially, I think, because Caelus tends to get the goofier stuff to do in the trailers? Like, we had Caelus dancing with Aventurine and jumping out of a trash can, whereas I feel like Stelle is usually fighting someone or running away from something in most trailers she features in.


I think it's mainly due to fan content, since a lot of fanart features Stelle doing goofy things whilst Caelus gets less of that. Also Stelle's natural expression is kinda deadpan, whilst Caelus has a more normal expression. That might add to it. I've also seen Stelle as a kuudere vibe character whilst Caelus is more of a shonen MC type (fits with their JP VA's funnily enough). Same personality either way tho.


Well the last paragraph is something that I never thought I would read and immediately understand and agree with


Yh I think their Physical Ultimate's backs it up too. Stelle being calm and collected, Caelus being brash and aggressive. As for JP Va's, Caelus shares the same VA as Yuji Itadori, and Stelle's VA is well known for voicing lots of kuudere characters like 2B, Mikasa, Violet etc.


I haven't much experience with caelus but what I've heard his line reads sound more hot blooded shone protag while Stelle's reading sounds more half asleep girl failure. Feel like she fits the deranged trash panda more while he fits serious character more.


Really? I've found it to be the opposite. Stelle is more direct and no-nonsense in her delivery while Caelus is more goofy


Yeah, I find it the opposite also. Stelle's expressions to me aren't goofy, but more like she's checked out. Caelus climbing all over the back of the ship whilst March waited impatiently was just his typical dumb jock schtick. She feels empty of emotion in places where Caelus just gives off this cringe over the top energy.


i dunno personally i see them as different types of unhinged. they honestly give them a lot more personality than in genshin. like i remember stelle doing a fetal position crying in response to having no rolls in comparison to caelus who is just completely unamused in cosmodyssey feels like i could imagine caelus going leeroy jenkins but stelle would be type to do something stupid like sneak in solid snake style. lot of small characterization differences in the voice radios/web events/just how they talk in the jp voice.


Stelle's larger eyes definitely make her seem more expressive in terms of facial mannerisms


They are different but a large amount of people in this thread definitely can't tell the difference lol. I think part of the issue is that you can only pick one character and 99.99% do not watch videos of the other side.


I play on a few different servers, and use both genders on different ones. They are completely interchangeable outside of as you said their design and how it influences people's perception. Everything about their actions and personalities is identical.


Caelus feels like a guy who grew up on the newest space-memes Stelle is a straight gremlin


For me I like Rachel's delivery more than Caleb's her delivery is more controlled and calm


Both are just as Mental, one's just a girl, and the other's a Boy.


🎵 Can I make it any more obvious?


He was a punk, she loved Dan Heng 🎵


🎵What more can I say?


goated ship actually


With this Jade Abacus, I summon the Xianzhou Millennials


Stelle is Chaotic Autistic, and Caelus is Chaotic ADHD


wtf neurodivergent trailblazer real


wouldn't it be the other way around actually? i mean, stelle is usually perceived as the one that's all over the place while my boy caelus is just chronically confused


At least to me, Caelus sounds way more high-energy. Stelle is a lot more subdued and closer to being monotone, and her face in some official art feels a little autistic to me. It's hard to describe the expression I associate with it, I've just sort of learned to recognize it.


The true answer 😂


Quoting one of them in the Penacony quest in the memory bubble shop thing > Myself in a different gender So yeah I suppose they're the same, just... With a different body, while Genshin MC Twins are both present in the storyline, and have lived through different experiences. Both of them live through the same travels, but when they got separated their opinions and personalities reinforced


Yes, Stelle and Caelus are essentially the same person. Canonically, if one if them exists, the other does not. They have slight differences but that's it, nothing major. It really is just fandom crap. This community loves to gaslight itself into believing nonsense.


Maybe the enigma was the stars we railed along the way


We giving the stars backshots?


They are hot enough.


Stars are too hot for me, actually


hot enough to melt you


Nah, I'd rail


Is it really the case that the other does not exist at all, when Kafka told us the MC was created as an artificial puppet to hold the stellaron, that she spent time teaching them how to talk and behave, and erased their memories before implanting the stellaron on them; but we still see both versions and Silver Wolf tells her Elio wanted Kafka to choose. Do we assume from that that the MC was just like those blank featureless store manequins while Kafka was training them, and she choose a configuration of appearance/genital assignment for them on the spot; or is it not that unreasonable to think that there might have been two puppets under training and Kafka just chose which one would carry the mission out? We don't have a definitive answer either way, but we know the MC already existed in a physical form before the stellaron and wasn't just 3D printed from a theoretical concept (Blade confirms this too saying he remembers the MC hanging around Kafka). And we did see two of them, so I don't think it's too much of a stretch for people to headcanon that the other puppet who didn't get chosen is either still around hanging out at the HQ, or was mind wiped and discarded in some dumpster out there, but did exist at some point.


>Do we assume from that that the MC was just like those blank featureless store manequins while Kafka was training them, and she choose a configuration of appearance/genital assignment for them on the spot; or is it not that unreasonable to think that there might have been two puppets under training and Kafka just chose which one would carry the mission out? Blade comments how he remembers you, and that you were the only one who managed to stay at Kafka's side for so long Blade says that to you because your face is familiar, which means the face/gender you had before is the same that you possess right now It can be entirely possible that elio designed two puppet/models for when the stellaron transplant will happen or it could also just be entirely possible that Silver wolf's comment is not to be taken seriously as it could just be a fun little joke that not much thought was put into aside from making a fun little commentary Either way Blade's comment on us makes it clear we look the same as we did back then, at least as of right now that is what is hinted by the game They can still make it that blade only recognizes us due to us having similar features but not really exactly the same face and hairstyle, nothing is really final until the game finally reveals everything to us


Silver wolf's comment could be a 4th wall break, as her doing that isn't out of character.


We only can say that both physical bodies at least existed. Since in prologue both Silver Wolf and Kafka aware about them and the importance of Kafka's choice. This is dialog they have in that scene: >**Silver Wolf:** The receptacle's ready **Silver Wolf:** Your decision. **Kafka:** Elio said this decision will bring about lots of changes. **Silver Wolf:** He also said, it must be you who makes it. **Silver Wolf:** Why are you standing around? Having second thoughts? **Kafka:** Yeah. We've always been the ones taking Stellarons. It's the first time we're giving one out. **Silver Wolf:** You're gonna think for this long? Didn't make up your mind when you got out of bed this morning? **Kafka:** Don't hurry me, Silver Wolf. This is a big decision. **Silver Wolf:** Come on, I'll pick for you! This one, yeah, this one! **Kafka:** Uh, Silver Wolf? Did you forget that I must be the one to make this decision? (Select a receptacle) **Silver Wolf:** Wanna give (him/her) a new name?


There’s a line in here that’s sort of interesting on reread - Kafka says they’ve been “taking Stellarons” until now. Sure, reasonable (even though we haven’t actually seen them take a single Stellaron, just distribute them), but wasn’t it a big deal that Herta managed to stabilize and store a single one of them? That seems to imply that they can’t just collect Stellarons and keep them someplace, they have to *use* them for something that probably consumes them, or else it would be super unsafe to keep collecting more. Like they’re getting fed to an Emanator, or Elio’s required to exhaust a Stellaron to produce a script. Or they could be a source of destruction as a concept, like how the Express runs on trailblazing as a concept, or something like that.


IIRC in the lore it is always like "no one knows why they collect stellarons". I just assume that like Astral Express they have means to seal stellarons and store them somewhere. Or, as you said, use them as a "fuel" in some process.


mfs praising Stelle nut dunking on Caelus is wild. Like, bruh, they're literally the same mfer. Even if there is a twist where they both exist and one is out there as a SH w/o the Stellaron in them, the TB we play and adore still canonically has the exact same lines regardless of their gender, much like how this hypothetical second TB would have their own lines.


Yup, people just get really hung up and want their waifu/husbando to be straight/lesbian/gay but if anything any one interested in the MC would be bi since their voice lines are the same. For some reason that upsets a lot of people.


>Is there really that much of a difference or is it just fandom crap? The latter, people just love to forget that they are the exact same person


I saw comments how obviously both of them have to exist because Kafka could choose the gender in the intro


Considering the game actually has Silver Wolf and Kafka have a whole conversation about how Elio put it in the script that Kafka had to choose, I don’t think it’s crazy to think that there could be two of them somehow. Two receptacles, at least, even if the personality is basically the same.


It'd be funny if Kafka actually picked the opposite gender of who TB originally started out as before the whole memory wipe thing


Trans TB 🔥


The tribalism over it is so much too, it’s crazy how personally people take their perceptions of them too when in the end it doesn’t really matter (if you want to feel like one is more so and so than the other that’s fine but dang people sure get upset if you don’t share the same opinion or think they are just the same). It’s chaotic how controversial a topic it is sometimes


I suspect most of the tribalism stems from a case of sour grapes. I bet that most of the fighting would vanish if MHY just allowed the player to switch between male and female MC freely like some other notable gachas allow. For example, Granblue Fantasy allows this, and I never see any sort of MC wars from that community.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking. It confused me when I first started as I thought we’d maybe encounter the other version of mc, since everyone was so certain they’re different.


Caelus being the serious one is the biggest lie I've seen today. They're the same kind of unhinged.


Caelus for me is funny/energertic and Selle is more "calm"(I don't know what word to use, she seem non bothered but do weid shit all the time) but both are unhinged.




Caelus and Stelle are the same person as the game doesn't acknowledge that the other exist once you pick one. The only differences between them are the animations (specifically the Ultimates on Destruction TB and Preservation TB as for Harmony they actually harmonized and have the same Animation for ultimate) where Caelus is show to be more passionate in these animations while Stelle being more reserved (I personally contribute this to how Caelus shows more of Blade's edginess while Stelle shows more of Kafka's nonchalant as they're taught by the Stellaron Hunters) The majority of differences you'd see in the Fandom are just crap or overt exaggerations to make the two 'different'.


They still have a difference in the Ultimate animation for Harmony. Caelus does a slide when taking the Hat from Clockie while Stelle does a quick step. Though admittedly that's because sliding in a skirt and heels is a horrible idea.


Man, imagine if Stelle has a hidden ult animation where she does the same slide but end up with extra bandages/plasters on her knee from that point on in the fight because of it. That'd be really funny.


well explained, this sums up my thoughts tbh


It’s just fandom crap just like you mention unlike travellers in Genshin Caelus and stelle are same person for now until they decided to make the other trailblazer canon in future


I kinda want there to be an event where TB swaps genders just to see how the rest of the characters would react


that would be amazing


That would actually be hilarious


I want the TB to honestly be super chill with it meanwhile everyone else acts slightly weird about it


Not even for now, there's an achievement called "the other me", confirming that they are the same person


There is an argument about the "vessel" we pick being technically separate bodies, but for all intents and purposes, Stelle and Caelus are supposed to be exactly the same person. The only thing we can point to about their individual personality is minor differences in voice acting, visual design, official art, and unique ult animations. Like, you can make the argument that Stelle looks more silly than Caelus in the Cosmodessy art because she literally flops over into a fetal position. https://preview.redd.it/r7v1t2v3bjad1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b0402e1b22de8506ea3ce3ea13c41f93f28cad3 but she also sounds far more cool and aloof in her phys ult voice line versus Caelus who sounded more aggressive in the original release (I've heard they changed his voice line to sound more like Stelle but I'm not sure.) Personally, I don't see much of a difference between them, but there are very minor instances you can point to if you really wanted to make Caelus different from Stelle. In the end it has no real Bering on the story.


Honestly the "Caelus Serious Stelle Goofy" thing is probably some sort of "carryover" from FGO (AKA Beast VIII Riyodako), considering how some people here are veteran gacha players Plus, most of the time when Caelus is depicted here, he's usually in ~~shipbait~~ comics/art pieces where he isn't the real focus


The "Caelus serious Stelle goofy" thing never made sense to me because Stelle has the more stoic ENG voice.


too real


There's also the fact that, the first two big HSR trailers were "Space Comedy" and "Interstellar Journey". Space Comedy had Stelle, Interstellar Journey had Caelus, and you can tell by the names alone which was the serious trailer and which one was decidedly *not*.


the main difference between them is animations for attacks and facial expressions that's about it. In EN at least I always thought stelle was more of a kudere vs caelus who was more expressive


that is how i saw it too but idk the community's lowkey tweaking


https://i.redd.it/yvxhzojtbjad1.gif The truth behind stelle and caelus


I can hear the sounds


People hate it but it's Genshin brainrot basically, because that game's plot setting for the character you play is completely different, as the one you pick becomes the main character and other one becomes part of the abyss, Aether being in almost all promotional material made people believe Aether is the canon one, as we all know gaccha players lack reading and basic comprehension so people also brought the "Canon MC" brainrot into this game as well when in HSR, the MC setting is completely different, it's literally the same person, different gender


Genshin fans play anything other than Hoyo games (IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE)


Blaming them again shall we? Not surprising at all


They are literally exactly the same person. It's just community shenanigans. If Stelle is a raccoon then so is Caelus and vise versa.


subtle difference. the core personalities are the same because you really play and make the same choices anyways. But Caelus is more passionate like a shonen protag. And Stelle is more deadpan and cool. At the very least from VA and facial animations. Hoyo also ever so slightly acknowledge this (the fan perception of Stelle being more chaotic) in the anniv board game event. But really it's more just fan service. But realistically they're both the same trash diving galactic baseballer.


Yeah basically this, they are essentially the same person but from intonation and body language (in this case facial expressions and animations) they have slight differences that makes them slightly different from each other


it's so much of fandom crap that my personal hcs completely differ from the ones you described LMFAOOO. They are literally the same person.


Oh, i always thought Caelus was the goofy one and Stelle was... well.. a psychopath


Well, VAs are different so their portrayal of the character will be different, even if they're using the same script. Things like intonation, timbre or even accent can really change the perception of the character. Think angy EN frog Xiao to JP/CN calm sad boi Xiao, or Ara Ara JP Yanfei to EN's "my redbull is finished, time to get work done on the caffeine high" Yanfei. Same character, technically same voice lines, but the feelings characters give are very different. In that sense, Caellus and Stelle can be seen as separate. Sorry for using Genshin's characters, HSR voice direction is imo pretty consistent between languages, I guess we could use Mute EN Argenti to any other Argenti.


"Mute Argenti" 😭 They need to fix that ASAP. I'm so sad about it. But I do agree about your point. Different VA's different energy. But that doesn't explain why people think Caelus is serious when he has all the same opportunities to be silly. He also digs in trash cans, chases origami birds and annoys the heck out of Dan Heng and March 7th. Conversely, you *could* choose all the serious options with Stelle, but honestly who's out here doing that? The unhinged responses are the most fun.


They’re the same person. Same thing as other silent protags like Byleth, Gran/Djeeta, etc. It’s not like a Persona 3 Makoto/Kotone situation where they have different personalities. People on Twitter getting mad that Caelus is the “self-insert” are just hypocrites cause Stelle is literally the same thing but she has a skirt instead


Differences in the character are complete fan interpretation. Ostensibly they're canonically two separate individuals given Kafka's and Silver Wolf's dialogue in [the prologue mission](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Chaos_In_the_Deep), and that Kafka's choice on which vessel to use was somehow important for her to make. This implies that both vessels were "raised", but only one was chosen. After that point, the Trailblazer is the same entity regardless of who was picked, and the only difference between them would be in appearance and expression. All thoughts, actions, and otherwise are the same, so they might as well be interchangeable and without difference. This does leave the possibility of the unchosen vessel appearing later in a different role, but this doesn't really matter for this concern, as neither vessel maintained unique attitudes, or at least the chosen one doesn't due to Kafka's complete memory wipe. Thus any preference towards Stelle being "goofy" and Caelus "serious" is no more than player bias based on their appearances and movements.


It's Fandom crap. They're the same person so they're not any different other than looks


They are not. It's just Stelle brainrot.


Same character. Different haircut


In desstruction battle voicelines, Caelus has a fiercer demeanor while Stelle seems calm and cold. I guess that's the only difference.


Yeah, there's just some very minor differences in rendition for voice lines between the genders. I can see people getting a different vibe when comparing the two for battle dialogue or cutscenes. But reading too much into that is pretty silly. Functionally they are both the Trailblazer and one isn't any more "canon" (god I hate how much this community misuses that term) than the other. People can have their preference for one or the other. And there are tangible differences in the performances of the VA across all the different languages. But the fact we're this many versions in and folks still harp on each other about this is just kinda sad.


no. ignore such posts


I think a lot of the difference in perception comes from fanwork. Stelle just seems to get way more fanwork portraying her as a chaotic trash goblin. While Caelus isn’t as bad as Aether in this regard, I do feel a lot of his stuff still uses him as a pretty generic self insert harem guy


No, they're the same. The fandom is just being weird and annoying, as usual.


One's a guy so twitter already hates him. One's a girl so twitter already labels them as lesbian.


Are they the same? Yes, aside from a few subtle differences. Now, I want to take this opportunity to diss some things: Stelle fans make up the majority of this subreddit and frankly, they are annoying. Caelus fans are the few, the proud, and the fanatic.


I feel like we've gotten these kinds of posts way more often lately. Yes they're the same person beyond some superficial differences in body language. I guess the way they're used in marketing and fanart also affects general perception of them, but that's headcanon territory.


It's always fandom crap


They are actually an excellent example of what gender is as a social construct! Outside of some very minor dialogue options they are virtually the same. However, the expectations put on them by our current global culture are vastly different. When Caelus picks up a baseball bat it's a completely normal thing one would expect a boy game protagonist to do. When Stelle does it, my brain melts from excitement, because *a girl protag in melee???* It's all about expectations. Try to imagine March - behaving just as now, same personality, fashion sense and all - but as a boy. It feels different now, doesn't it? Boy March crosses our cultural expectations in a similar way that Stelle does (probably even stronger). Girls just aren't supposed to be chaotic trash pandas with blunt weapons, you know? So yeah, technically the same, but the gendered expectations color our perception.


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Voice acting and character design are what makes the difference in character. Facial shape and personality are actually linked with some research behind it.


They are both idiots, but they are loveable idiots


it's the exact same character. Only difference is the animations and look obv. + being referred to with she or he


they are the exact same char lol just a different gender


They are the same person, but they have subtle differences in animations and voice lines (B/c, ya know, there's 2 different VAs). Basically, they express themselves a bit differently.


I actually thought a bit on this and aside from the fandom bit I do think gender stereotypes/norms play a factor. Caelus as a dude isn’t considered goofy since boys will be boys and goofing around is not out of the ordinary(therefore other actions stand out making him seem more serious), but stellar as a gal doing the same things goofing around and making odd jokes is viewed more quirky (therefore the goofiness stands out more than her serious parts) hope that made sense


You're 100% correct, just fandom inserting their own made up conclusions and asserting that it's canon.


Answering this in the most straightforward, no nonsense way possible: They are literally the same person, from their personality to literally how they act in-universe. Things you hear about Caelus and Stelle having different personalities are purely bs from the fandom's headcanons that went too far that some people legitimately think it's canon.


The are literally the same. I think one of the only things they do differently is how they rest on the board game, and some people spun that out of control.


They have the same dialogue and personalities. The devs even dropped doing the gendered dialogue choices, so they literally have no differences. People saying otherwise are genshin players trying to aetherize caelus.


Yeah. There are a lot of similarities, sure, but what little that's shown of their personalities are in their specials. Caelus is more aggressive and Stelle is more calm.


headcanon is a powerful thing


Exact same person. There’s some differences in how the voice lines are said by the different actors/minor animation changes that has lead to different fandom characterizations but none of that is intended


Fandom I think the only difference is their vas pull of a bit of a emotionally hot and icy cold vibes to the male and female But dialogue is the exact same either way Just fan interpretation of each


I agree with you but I take it one step further, there is no difference between lumine and aether, their personality, morals, choices, relationships and powers. It is the exact same shit.


Neither. From a gaming culture we think degenerates tend to pick stelle. And normal guys will pick caelus. So stelle would represent the goofy nature of the gamers and caelus would represent the serious side. Thanks to giving them different personalities they can live together in the same universe. It's not that they are canonically different, just that they represent 2 sides of the Fandom. Same thing happens in other games too.


I have no idea. But I love Caelus and don’t see myself playing the game without him. Also, chinese gashas usually have way more female characters than male ones, so having one more boy there doesn’t hurt


One is Itadori Yuji, the other is 2B.


They're the exact same except one of them wears pants and the other doesn't 


Caelus is portrayed as having more emotion to me. Thus he seems to have more personality. I heard the voicelines for the destruction ults and my choice was made to go for Caelus. Though I was already leaning that way.




They are written to be the same but saying they dont give off different vibes is also false imho. Their delivery in lines often is very different the best example being the destruction TB ult line "rules are made to be broken". Caelus goes into full shonen anime protag mode while stelles delivery is very sassy and calm. Of course the little picture of them when they are out of dice in the board game event also gives off two different vibes. Overall it is just a very minimal difference.


“Caelus sits down while Stelle literally dies”


Stelle is addicted to board games, no dice means no play, might as well lay down and cry.


There are slight differences in how they’re portrayed, such as the ult animations or the monopoly board game where tired stelle is laying down but caelus is sitting.


They have slight differences in animations and expression, and they have somewhat different voice direction. So while their lines are identical they give off different impressions.


Echoing what others have mentioned. The preconceived ideas that come with a male vs female character definitely play a role here, but outside of that the general facial expressions are slightly different just due to them having difference faces, and their voice performances can give off different vibes due to them having different VAs. Are these major differences that completely change the characterization between them? Not really. But small differences here and there can give them a slightly different vibe overall to different players.


Happy Cake Day!


Subtle differences in design, animation, and line delivery give the two slightly different impressions. It's not a lot though, and anyone who says the two have different relationships with other characters is coping about *something.*


Stelle is Origami Tobiichi.


I love them


I think the logic that they are the exact same person cause they have the exact same dialogue isnt really supportive of the case that they aren’t different since its the same case with aether and lumine having the same dialogue. Only difference there is we are told that Aether and Lumine are 100% different characters being brother and sister. From my perspective there’s a very small difference between caelus and stelle depending on their different animations and expressions. There’s also how hoyo uses the two in trailers like Caelus was used for “White Night” which is a bit a more of a serious trailer while stelle was used in the “story of tatalov” the goofy story about trashcans. But there’s also the concert trailer where stelle was chased by jing liu and having her wanted ICON being her profile picture when she texted kafka, while Caelus was hiding in a trash can and went out spinning but at the same time helping out robin. Point is, I think both are goofy and unserious, its just Stelle is shown to be a bit more unserious outside of quest dialogues and cutscenes. This is especially shown during the board game event during anniversary with Stelle acting like there’s no reason to live anymore without any turns left with Caelus just looking like his tired.


It’s more in the voice lines. Stelle is more passive and “Quiet but threatening.” Caelus is more in your face aggressive, being louder and more forceful with his combat voice lines. Other than that they are functionally identical, with only other minor differences in personality coming from promo material which shouldn’t be taken as gospel.


Same character. Caelus comes off as more in promos, with Stelle being used for gremlin behavior.


nah it's just banter you can hc whatever you want. Some people just get a diff vibe from the slight differences in design/animations(in combat).


No, but I wonder if the story will ever tell us what happened to the other body. Blade once said we used to follow Kafka, so either there was/is another Stellaron hunter who looks similar to us or Silverwolf wanted to do a little trolling by adding/removing our balls when we started the game


I like to believe it's cause of the trend of how the fate /go community depicts Gudao and Gudako and that sort of has spread to other games MC, like how people show Lumine's character being an absolute degenerate most of the time, it's kind of just something that happened and has stuck


Probably because of the voice overs. Stelle sounds flatter, Caelus sounds more energetic. Anyway, what does it matter when in-universe characters' considered either stelle or caelus unhinged? Like the recent npc's conversation when caelus/stelle were on the Radiant Feldspar with march 7th trying to talk sense into him/her. Both have been weird, savage and goofy since belobog, even in serious moments...it's hilarious. Still remember how disappointed M7 became when stelle/caelus pointed out something smells weird😂.


Caslus is goofy and hot Stelle is serious and hot


I think any differences depend on who you ask. For me, it's minor differences, and I simply prefer how Stelle looks. But I also think Caelus is very cute and dorky, which is nice as well!


The only real difference is the way that their voice actors play the character. but they don't really talk enough to be that different to me. Only thing I've really read from their performances is Stelle being more monotone and tired and Caelus being more excitable and passionate. But even that could be argued on.


https://preview.redd.it/z70mbd5vblad1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8915e4ae636f553029391c058662804d70fefff8 The legendary goofball, I wonder how their absurdity fair against Trailblazer?


The point of Penacony was even to nail home that they are the same person. Their personalities are dependent on how you (the player) play them. I play my Caelus as more chill/laid back than my SO plays her Stelle who is more feral.


People who just play the game in Japanese, Chinese or English interpret the game in different ways. Now, factor in the difference between male and female voice acting and you'll have more different interpretations of the characters across varying languages.  I don't think Caelus and Stelle are similar at all, personally.


they are, by definition, the same character. the dev team made some choices with their voice lines based on their gender, which is why we have controversy, but they are born of the same moment and only one comes out of it as "the trailblazer". It's much like Eivor in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.


Not sure if it's just me but stelle's poses make her seem more sassy as apposed to caleus poses in ults


No, there's nothing different between them besides theirs gander and looks, same personality and everything.


To me they are the same character and I treat them as such.


They both have room to be serious vs goofy at times, but there are significant differences. The vocal delivery is different between the two characters, and the animations tend to be different outside of HTB. During DTB and PTB's ults Caelus seems to be putting everything he has in his attack. He's shouting and his body language is very tense. Stelle otoh is super casual in both of those ults, acting like this ult is no big deal. She twirIs her bat and swings loosely. I prefer cool girl Stelle personally, think it looks pretty cool.


I picked Stelle because I like pissing off March. When everyone is running away you can clearly see Stelle is on her phone playing whatever.


It’s weird I see people pitch them as different but when it came to the Firefly drama of Caefly vs Stellefly they were suddenly the same person despite the community continually saying they have different personalities. I’ve always viewed them as the same person just genderbent versions of each other 


I get that from the Valentine Twitter post, Caelus appreciate the gift, but Stelle had the Gremlin option "I want more, give me more"


Don't forget their animations when moving are different


They’re literally the exact same people, with very slight emotive differences because they’re separately animated & look a bit different due to the gender difference. People and their headcannons are so cringe


In the akivili voice scene you literally have option to pick "myself but another gender" to read lines. Same character


Tldr : Litteraly the same chara. The only thing making a difference is our perception. However thats interesting because ... well, you cant do anything without perception. Like, just try it but you cant. In fact, it might be even more important than canon. Its one of the thing that can becomes True you believe it enough/enough People believe it. The difference between Stelle and Caelus will never be canon or canonicaly disproved because its irrelevent to the "self insert" MC's story. And so, we can dream of our goofy racoon because a simple minded trash collectionner or her man counterpart being a mommy chaser thats a little more serious... because its irrelevent, it can be true, and it changes everything. If i didnt imagine Stelle being that goofy, the more serious moment in the game might have had less impact on me, and i might not be such a fan of her chara. I love her so much... Welp sorry for bad english, its late need to sleep. Love you if you pick best girl, still valid if you pick mommy's boy ❤️


They are one, like marika and radagon /s


Apart from animations no


They arent that different, theyre just different in people's headcannons


The last patch proved to me Caelus is just as unhinged as Stelle. He is all over the place in that mission when playing as firefly.


They literally have the same dialogue options and everything. If someone is saying they are different characters it's cope.


It’s the exact same way people say Lumine and Aether have different personalities when they have the same lines and animations during cutscenes; they only become different once it’s “traveler vs abyss twin” not “traveler but gender”. The only difference is physical appearance and the rest is projection.


People just create differences between them to suit their own headcanons. Maybe cause they prefer one over the other and make excuses on why one is better than the other. In actuality, they're both the same character. There's no differences in personality. They both have the same dialogue choices. The only difference is in gender due to which they make different animations sometimes for them to accommodate that.


Yup stelle is the female ver and caelus is the male ver Hope this helped !


I picked Stelle cuz Violet Evergarden


caelus = angry racoon stelle = dead inside racoon


i always saw Caelus as more goofy and Stelle as more serious and thats why i've preferred Caelus. i also just like his voice acting more. i honestly don't care abt the whole 'which mc is better' thing, though i am really annoyed that almost all fanart is Stelle and never Caelus :'( rip male mc enjoyers


They have slight differences in demeanor and cadence in their voicelines and expressions. They don't have canonically different personalities but the way they are presented is slightly different


i think the different ult animations in their destruction and preservation forms started it. for example, destruction caelus is a lot more passionate and aggressive. destruction stelle, on the other hand, is stoic and relaxed (in a confident way). i think en stelle's delivery of the "rules are made to be broken" line influenced it too as a majority of people on en play in en, and en stelle is the only version in which there isn't a grunt(?) before the "rules..." line. granted both jp and cn have the grunt, but instead of it sounding like she's powering up for a strong attack, she comes off as confident in her power to defeat the enemy (it comes off like a scoff) add little things like the penacony gameboard event where caelus just sits angrily vs stelle collapsing to the ground in the fetal position, and you have differences between them that, for a lot of fandom communities, is enough to differentiate them with "canon" personalities. i think hoyo plays into it too, so it adds to it


I really think it's because Stelle has way more fanarts and with that way more fanarts where she's being a goof, so people associate that trait with her more than Caelus and in general community cares about him less. Personally from their "looks" neither looks unhinged, goofy or anything, Stelle looks like calm and kind of kundere, while Caelus looks like energetic standars shonen Mc