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In a landslide victory not seen since Acheron’s victory in Day 1, Gepard absolutely dominated the Shielder Class poll, marking the halfway point for this series. Though not as close as previous runner ups, March 7th (Preservation) and Captain Dunn were also candidates for the role. Moving onto Ruler (which is importantly *not* a class intended for political rulers), here is the description: *”Heroic Spirit of Arbitration. Tasked with protecting the Holy Grail War from those who seek to tarnish its sanctity, the requirements to qualify for the this class are total impartiality and a lack of a wish for the Grail. Due to this, a large majority of the class is made up of Saints (or saint-adjacent figures), though this is less of a requirement and more of a trend. In addition to Magic Resistance, Rulers possess the Class Skills* ***True Name Discernment*** *and* ***God’s Resolution***, granting them access to each participating Servant’s True Name and Command Spells to control them respectively.” Finally, I’d like to note this since it might come up later on: NPCs and already used characters are eligible for nomination, so picks like Screwllum and our glorious king Yanqing are all fair game. Other than that, fire away!


I think you need to get rid of mooncancer since there's no known qualifications for it. The closest thing we have is Kiara guessing that she manafested as it because of the mooncell grail war, but that's about it.


I mean…Herta feels like a pretty decent fit for Moon cancer. Cause in Fate, the Moon is a giant computer of sorts and BBs a kind of virus in said computer, hence Moon Cancer. Soooo Herta being in charge of the Simulated universe plus commanding an army of puppets from an unknown location feels okish


Yep. Herta admin of Simulated Universe -> BB


The fact that other people are debating about this comment shows that we can totally have a moon cancer post


Silver Wolf fits more the description of a threath to the Moon Cell than Herta imho, plus she is a Hacker wich kinda fits with the story of /Extra.


Herta is administrator. But what about Silver Wolf, she actually hacked it.


Only because Herta allowed her to lol


yeah but herta isn't evil or mischievous. she's the uncorrupted SAKURA A.I that generated BB


Caelus/Stelle could fit, considering they are carrying the “Cancer of All Worlds” around


Also with Herta, Ruan Mei who who slipped some events in the stimulated universe


Yeah, Moon Cancer isn't a proper class. It's basically BB's personal class. Only Moon Cell related characters and Archetype Earth have ever applied.


Silver Wolf can be Moon Cancer because she definitely can hack into the Moon itself. She can also give herself that class and has her own card summon hijack like Kiara and Arcueid.


All the mages/participants in the war are technically hackers in fate extra and I don't think all of them are qualified to be moon cancers. It does seem to be reserved for the admin of the moon cell


If only Void Archives were here


When all else fails, give the BB class to the person most similar to BB. So Silverwolf probably.


It's original intended usage and its current usage have definitely changed sadly. As before it was just "a cancer/bug in the mooncell and until Archtype-Earth all mooncancer servants were Fate extra CC characters. I think we have a couple contenders for moon cancer though being Herta and Silverwolf if we use its original purpose boiling down to being heavily computer/Data based


Based on how Arc, sorry Archetype: Earth, became one at least some kind of connection to the moon is required. If you ignore her though, every single one can be considered a computer hacker in some way.


Arc can be brushed off as a Collab character that's filling out the classes roster. In the cases of the others BB was the one who made the class for herself and she's the one who made the connection between jinako and Ganesh so that's the reason jinako has the class. Kiara isn't even sure why she has the class and theorises it has something to do with her role in the Mon grail war. You could argue it's summer shenanigans that don't need to make sense, but either way we have no solid idea what could qualify someone aside from BB being involved in some way.


I’m only passingly familiar with most of the Fate canon. How is “moon cancer” a class and not just a poorly lit stellaron?


I'd argue Jing Yuan. He's the general of the Luofu, and commands the Lightning Lord. He and the Xianzhou kinda protectors of immortality stuff, so that other races do not suffer the pleights of immortality. However, Imbibiter Lunae could also be possible, as he specifically has the powers of Long the Permenance and with a role to guard the Ambrosal Arbor. Did he commit crime? Yes. Is being sinless required? No. You said it's only a trend. My vote is for Imbibiter Lunae


Tarnished spotted summon the fromsoft fandom




Funnily enough, Ratio is a serious contender for Ruler. While he might have wanted Nous to gaze upon him before, his final ascension line shows that he no longer believes he needs to be validated by Nous. So he wouldn’t have a wish for the Holy Grail. In terms of an impartial judge, I’d like to believe that a prominent member of the Intelligentsia Guild would be ideal. While I do like Screwllum, we don’t really know enough about him to say that he has no greater desires he might wish upon on the grail. Also, Ratio is jacked and willing to throw hands, the quintessential Ruler servant.


See I like Ratio because I can totally see him barging in and smacking EVERYONE regardless of faction, moral alignment or Aeon status while shouting "STOP BEING IDIOTS!!!" If the rule is "No one is allowed to be an idiot" you can bet your booty Ratio will uphold that.


Ah yes, the ruler class is truly made up of brawlers 🤣🤣


Martha gives a thumbs up.


“O lord, please look away for just a moment...” Proceeds to give a holy beatdown.


If you need to wrangle a bunch of Heroic Spirits with egos that go to the moon and back, you better be ready to throw hands.




the king of all school supplies


While he doesn't care about joining the Genius Society, what he *does* strongly desire is to cure humanity of ignorance. This may be a very widely encompassing desire, but it is his fervent desire nonetheless. Its why he calls himself *Dr.* (Veritas) Ratio.


I feel like he would want to accomplish this by humans' hands, though. His whole deal is that he cares about the people, not about research like the genius society. I would say you can interpret it either way, though.


I was genuinely unsure of who to vote here but this has convinced me. Ratio for Ruler 2024.


I guess the question is whether Ratio has actually given up on attracting the gaze of Nous, deep inside his heart, or if he's just reached the pragmatic point of "Well, I've tried everything I reasonably could to get there, and it hasn't worked." If it's the latter, then the Holy Grail might sway him since it would offer yet another route by which to achieve his wish. *Then again* if Ratio wants to be recognized by Nous for his own merits and qualities then he might consider using the grail for it as unacceptable.


>he no longer needs to be validated by Nous Until certain trash panda will be gazed upon by Nous and made a member of Genius Society, then he'll suddenly care again


Y’know somehow I forgot about Ratio and these are all really good points. I personally still like Screwllum but I can agree that Ratio would actually be good for the class too.


Dr. Ratio


I'm for Dr Ratio as well. He doesn't have a wish that the Grail can grant (eliminating idiocy from the world forcefully as a magical object would rewire the brains of people, which is the opposite of what he wants. He also admires human resilience a bit too much to ever consider that. He wants recognition from Nous, but once again he wants to earn it and has pretty much given up on it by the time the HSR story starts). The Grail generally chooses Saints and his drive to educate mankind is a selfless goal. Given his position as the "harsh but fair" teacher type, he's an ideal candidate to manage a Holy Grail War. EDIT: Also, let's not forget, this is a guy who physically removed a student from the classroom for trying to get Ratio to help him cheat. You don't get more Ruler-core than this.


Artoria: I need the Holy Grail to save Britain Dr. Ratio: ZERO POINTS


*nuclear chalk missile*


Plus, he’s jacked and willing to throw hands. The Ruler Class truly is made up of brawlers.


Ruler: the class for Saints, Brawlers, and Suspicious people


Saints, brawlers, suspicious people and kings, given Bunny Artoria and Gilgamesh in Samurai Remnant.


Plus, considering how smart he is, he'd be like Holmes who basically has True Name Revelation due to his cognitive skills


Idk if Ratio pass for impartiality.


He's a teacher, he has to be impartial to give out proper grades. It's just that Ratio's surrounded by idiots


I'm imagining Dr. Ratio using a command spell just to force a Servant to sit down so he can lecture them, and it is a phenomenal image


Dr Ratio for sure


If npcs are allowed then Svarog. He literally just does his job, if he were to assume the role of the Ruler he would just make sure it goes by the rules because that's his task at hand. You could say that if Clara was involved he would go off the rail, but it's not like Jeanne was faultless either(or a more extreme example - Morgan le Fay was originally summoned as Ruler and as soon as she saw what wasteland British Lostbelt was she decided that it's bullshit and she deserves better, reverse engineered rayshifting and sent her memories back in the past killing herself present). Screwllum also fits, but we don't really know if he's capable of combat(I mean obviously he will be playable, we just don't know if he's legitimately strong) and Ruler uncapable of combat is unfit as they cannot make sure rules are enforced. Also Screwllum actually wants to discover shit so he might have a wish to help him in that. Contrary to him, Svarog doesn't give a shit as long as Clara isn't present. Also yes robots are allowed to be servants, Minamoto-no-Tametomo is literally a sentient robot.


Svarog/Clara indeed. He just arbitrates with no greater desire. Clara just does her best to help everyone


Elio. Cat rules.


Clara & Svarog. Saint quality, impartial that only want to help people. Do not intervene with the final fight.


Wouldn’t Clara and Svarog be better as Avenger? Especially since her ultimate only works when she gets attacked?


That’s more like retaliation when attacked,if that was enough to qualify for avenger, then most could be argued to be avengers. Avengers all generally have some deep seated hatred or vendetta against a person or thing. Like enough hate to define their existence. Which Clara most certainly does not have, and I don’t think Svarog holds grudges.


Jing Liu would probably fit best. I mean she spend possibly centuries torturing guy out of spite...


That's probably the trickiest class of them all. Some candidates I consider are: Jing Yuan, Sparkle, Welt, and Dr. Ratio. So let me go a bit more in-depth. Jing Yuan: He was shown to be, frankly speaking, the chilliest person ever. Plus he would definitely uphold the rules of the HGW and not stray from his rule of a judge if summoned. Sparkle: Now hear me out, the 2.3 trailblazer quest showed us that Sparkle actually takes orders for pay, making her basically a mercenary. I also don't think she would actually have any interest in the grail, I feel like she'd think something like "having any scenario you want play out with no effort kills all the fun". Obviously she wouldn't be the best judge, but it would probably lead to a fun HGW. Welt: My argument for him is basically the same as Jing Yuan's, except him being from a different world might play a part in him being not biased. Dr. Ratio: I actually think that this one might be the best candidate. Think about it, he was shown to mostly care about logical sides of things, rarely showing any emotions or basing his decisions on them. While in-life, he probably would've wanted to obtain the Grail, if he is to be summoned after death (like any servant) I feel like he'd be the fairest judge possible, having to emotional connections to either the participants or the world itself. So overall my rating would go: Ratio > Welt ">(very slightly)" Jing Yuan > Sparkle (> means "better than") P.S.: I know that most of these characters have classes way better suited for them, but it is canon in Fate that a si gle person can be eligible for multiple servant roles (Hello Saber) so I think it would make sense to have such a weird class be like an off-class to a character. Edit: now that I think about it, Screwllum could also be a very good candidate, considering how him being a machine removes basically any possibility of him favoring one side over the other (because he's a machine, duh), plus him being an emperor ties with some other rulers being, well, rulers. Edit 2: Updated tier-list 2.0: Ratio ">(slightly)" Screwllum > Welt ">(very slightly )" Jing Yuan > Sparkle. Pre-edit updated tier-list: Screwllum > Ratio > Welt ">(very slightly )" Jing Yuan > Sparkle.


You don't need to rule over anything to be a Ruler. And Screwllum might want the Grail just to test it out and find if it's reproduceable, or just to help him to discover new shit. Among robots Svarog is a far better pick.


That's a good point. While I do agree that being a ruler is not in any way a requirement for the ruler class, a lot of its representatives are, in fact, rulers of some kind. (Jeanne d'ark led the soldiers, Gilgamesh was the king of Uruk, etc.) This makes me think that at least some experience of being a leader is required (or at least recommended) to be a ruler servant. Regarding Screwllum wanting the Grail, in my opinion he's much less likely to want it than most other characters, as most of his desires lie in research itself, rather than the results of them. Plus, considering that a servant is always a dead person and doesn't retain their memories, I find it hard to think that someone as rational as Screwllum, would try to use the Grail, knowing that there would be no practical reason for him to. P.S.: Svarog is actually a terrible ruler candidate in my opinion. Considering that he's a robot programmed specifically to protect Belobog, he has a very big reason to get the Grail, considering that it's probably the most effective way to make sure Belobog is never in any sort of danger (Or at least has stuff like unlimited energy, Grail wishing is hard, gotta be content with small wishes).


Svarog was not made to protect Belobog, he was made to do his task and that task happens to be protecting Belobog. If he was created to complete a single task of protecting Belobog, he wouldn't be able to do side quests like finding Clara's real parents he promised to do, so it's obvious he was just given a task to protect Belobog. If his task is to ensure HGW goes by the rules, he will hardly give a shit about anything else. Also that is easily countered by him being summoned at the age when he was already built, but not given the task yet. Unless he modified himself somehow at a later point there will be no practical difference except this Svarog will actually have nothing but ensuring HGW goes as intended on his mind.


This actually presents an interesting question: "Would the Grail overpower the Throne of heroes to rewrite a servant in a way that benefits it?" Because remember, the servants that are recorded in the throne of heroes are affected greatly by their public reception. For instance, Brynilld is largely known for killing Sigurd, this changed her spirit origin to reflect the public opinion, making her basically incapable of *not* killing Sigurd if she ever sees him. So that's basically my answer, Svarog was largely known for being the protector of Belobog, which would probably reflect in his spirit origin in some way that cod potentially ruin his impartiality to the Grail. P.S.: Considering it's Fate we're talking about, practically any character can become any class with the most flimsiest of excuses, which we already see with Yanqing, so I'm honestly scared to think what will happen once we go further up the extra classes.


That depends on which Svarog of what age is summoned, I think. If you are famous for different things at different ages then you possess different qualities as a servant. Svarog was first a prototype robot from the great war, then turned into a personal bodyguard robot for a researcher, then reset and sent to Underworld to do his stuff. Obviously the Underworld version is most famous, but usually the most famous version qualifies for a certain class and more obscure ones open up possible qualifications for other classes. Freshly reset Svarog/honestly any non-Underworld seem to be fit as a Ruler. Also you actually don't have to care about the war, Gilgamesh in SR was summoned as a Ruler and simply didn't do his job because he lost interest in the war as soon as he was summoned. You can be summoned as a Ruler and fuck off elsewhere. Btw I think there is a non-zero chance that Svarog might be scammed by the planet just like Shirou(just like Shirou because post-reset Svarog also doesn't like violence) was to become a Counter-Force agent. Because he operated depending on the importance of variables in the main quest and I think nobody is that likely to predict that the planet itself will fuck you over.


This depends entirely on if he was famous before becoming the protector of the underground. Cosidering that most of his past is revealed through readables and Svarog himself, I'm inclined to believe he gained his fame after become the Big Boss. Also the example of Gilgamesh being a ruler was provided to show that having ruled over people in the past seems to be a trait shared by many of ruler servants, not that they should care about the HGW being ran smoothly. I could see him being a ruler if the Throne of Heroes records his unyielding will to protect Belobog as him just having an unwavering convictions or him being the protector of the weak, due to "protector of Belobog" being too specific of a trait while also being tied to both a time period and a place. I still don't think that he would necessarily be better than screwllum at being a Ruler, though if he is indeed summoned with the task of "overseeing a GHGW" than I can see him being on the same level of compatibility.




This is because the 'rule' in ruler is for 'the rules', not ruling.




it would! but i meant more specifically the meaning of the word rule in the title.


I actually was thinking about Sparkle too. She’s unconventional but she’s literally the only one who has no wish and would follow order but with her own twist


I had a good long thought about this. I mentioned Welt and Ratio yesterday, but has now decided against it. Svarog is my ~~man~~ robot. Outside of Clara, he is pretty much impartial. He would follow his programming. If he is programmed to uphold the rules of a HGW, he is going to do it. As a robot, he would have no wish for the grail either. ~~besides for clara~~


“The role of a ruler is to arbitrate the truth and adjudicate all things in order to maintain human history” and “The criteria to be summoned for the Ruler Class is impartially and possessing no desire for the holy grail”. Among humans, usually a saint, though an unusually rational being, such as Qin Shi Huang, also qualifies. Maybe Hanya? She’s a judge and literally described as having become dull to almost all things, a perfectly objective arbitrator. Screwlum also qualifies. He’s not human and what guides his actions is sheer logic, as far as we know. I could totally picture him discussing the deduction of a problem with Sherlock.


Clara (and Svarog). In away she's arguably the closest thing to a saint we even have among the PCs, what with being an orphan that created and sustains a community to help outcasts survive for no other reason than it being the right thing to do. She fulfills the impartiality requirement considering during the main story despite having so many reasons to side with Svarog during the main story, basically right from the start she is willing to hear us out, weight our side against Svarog's position, and comes to the decision to support us in trying to convince Svarog to step aside with the only favoritism she shows Svarog being that she's unwilling to let us kill him. She also probably doesn't have a wish for the Grail since she's pretty selfless but at the same time she seems content with what she has in just taking care of her robot family and the vagrant camp, so I don't see her having any strong desire to make a wish for the sake of others either. Add in Svarog to further reinforce the impartiality considering the only bias that exists for him are to protect the Underworld and Clara, the latter is irrelevant since "self preservation" doesn't disqualify you from being summoned (and as a servant protecting Clara *would* be self preservation) and the former only matters if they're summoned in Belobog.


Since NPCs are apparently allowed, I'm voting Screwllum.


If that's because he rules a planet - being a ruler is nowhere close to qualifications of being a Ruler. If that's because you think he has no wish, I don't know where that thought comes from - Screwllum wants to discover and might want the Grail just to try to reproduce it/test it out. If just because he's a robot and will be fair - that's true, but then Svarog is a far better pick because he's shown to be actually impartial to anything other than his task, unless Clara is present(and should he be summoned as a Ruler then she wouldn't be with him).




Hes best at staying neutral


Luka is 4* and punches people. What else do you need to be a ruler? What's that nonsense about impartiality? He has hands!


Martha's best buddy


I believe that the best fit here that doesn't double dip is Robin. She has no true desires of her own and simply strives to bring piece and shelter to all, or more accurately to say to spread Harmony across the cosmos. She hides everything to maintain this peaceful message to the public, even hiding nearly fatal scars she got while providing relief in a warzone. and perhaps most importantly of all, she has been offered the in universe equivalent of a Holy Grail, the Stelleron, and rejected it and her own brother simply because it would not be the right thing to do. If that doesn't fit the requirements of Ruler I don't know who does.


We are explicitly shown that Robin *does* have a specific desire; to bring about a truly peaceful home *with* her brother. Sunday is an integral part of her desire, and given the chance, she would no doubt wish to fulfill their promise together.


Except the entire point of Penacony was Sunday offering that wish on a silver platter, only for her to reject it because of the way it was being achieved. Sunday's entire plot was to use the Order and Penacony's Sweet Dream to ensnare everything in a perfect world where everyone is at peace and living their best lives free of (other) Aeon influence. Robin rejected this, leading to Sunday trying to do it anyway without her as a last resort to create the world she wished for even if he had to sacrifice himself to do it. You legit can't get a more direct example of not desiring the Holy Grail than being offered you deepest desires with a Stelleron and rejecting it like Robin did. Nor can you get a more explicit example of being impartial than Robin choosing to save her brother despite everything he did and forced her to do to stop him.


Robin knows very well that the price of using the Stellaron is paid by the innocents, and she fundamentally disagreed with how Sunday interpreted their promise (ie. enslavement by Order.) She continually expressed her desire to bring him back into the light. There's no "except" there. Her desire to save her brother (even at the cost of her own life, if necessary) is an integral part of her character that really can't be debated. She tells us as much in her follow-up quest in the Theater.


True, but the same can be said for actual Ruler Servants as well. Honestly Robin seems very similar to Jeanne the most iconic of the Ruler Class. They both sacrificed everything and experienced the hardships of war in order to pursue there faiths. Jeanne even expresses her own personal desires as of Fate/Grand Order as she explicitly states she wishes to be a big sister and loves drawing Manga so Rulers canonically are allowed to have there own wishes and desires. the only requirement is that they remain Impartial and have no desire for the Holy Grail specifically. The former sits right at home with Robin And You have to admit that Stelleron's are very similar in function to the Holy Grail.


I vote Ratio


The Ruler class is defined by those who don't have a personal wish that they want fulfilled and are capable of acting as an impartial judge that is neutral on most matters. As a result, I would vote for Dr Ratio. While he does Harbor a personal goal, it is not something he wants forcibly enforced. Rather, he desires for people to seek out knowledge and elucidate themselves out of their own volition, and takes on a different mentorship role depending on who he's interacting with. It's a selfless goal that can not possibly be enforced through a Magical Wish due to the reliance on other people's personal motivation. I think Jade and Xueyi are also solid contenders. Though we don't know enough about Jade yet, and Xueyi surely would wish to cure Mara.


Bronya if we're going by classic Ruler qualifications. Luocha if we want Amakusa vibes (lol).


As unusual as it is, I believe the Trailblazer is most suitable for this. TB have shown multiple time that they care little for worldly desires due to the lack of memories, everyone else more or less have a wish deep in their heart. March? Recover memory. Welt? Go back home. Jingyuan? Want to go back to HCQ golden day. TB is truly the only one who goes with the flow and vibe with it.


Stelle/Caelus do have a worldly desire. They wish to know more about themselves, their past with the Stellaron Hunters, and they have been shown to care significantly about Kafka, despite having their memories of her completely erased. They've also been shown to care for Firefly a lot more than for most others, so they cannot be considered impartial.


~~Bronya as supreme guardian even though she just got the rank is a good fit considering her role~~ Edit: Bronya does not fit definition of impartial nor is saintlike, my bad ~~Screwllum isn't playable otherwise he's the most obvious choice. So I'd either vote Bronya or Jing Yuan out of the playable~~ Edit: Non playable characters are allowed so Screwllum is the best choice then


Being a literal ruler isn't relevant for the Ruler class, in fact I'd argue that being a literal ruler is a pretty strong argument *against* someone being a Ruler class. I highly doubt Bronya lacks a wish for the sake of her city, hell if she had the chance to I highly doubt she wouldn't use the Grail to wish to undo the damage caused by the Eternal Freeze considering even with the Stellaron no longer making things worse the planet is still in a pretty sucky position with the permanent ecological damage and fragmentum.


Why would Screwllum be an obvious choice? Not saying this in a derogatory way, but I’m not super knowledgeable on HSR lore and I’m just curious! :)


Bro owns his own planet which is incredibly fitting for a ruler. He even threatened to turn against the family if they didn't give him access to Chadwick in a gigachad move Also generally impartial due to being a robot acting off logic and reasoning. Emotions aren't really something that would sway him


Impartiality and a lack of wish are the requirements for being a Ruler, not being a literal ruler. Using your position of power to threaten people into doing what you want is the exact opposite of what a Ruler class should do, the Ruler class should only use their power to enforce the rules of the HGW.


Asta owns like 3 planets after her parents bought them as a bday gift tho


HOLY thats some boss shit I guess I’ve been living under a rock idk how I didn‘t know he owned an ENTIRE planet 😭


Relic set and planar ornament set lore offer some really nice lore for characters. Pioneer relic set goes into Acheron and Frebass which many didn't know who Acheron was talking about in the main story when she mentioned short nameless girl


Screwllum is allowed


I know he isnt playable, but i think Screwllum fits the bill the most.




Out of almost all of the characters we have in the game, he just seems like the most neutral and impartial. He would not really have wish for the grail, he only really wants to understand human nature, wich he could easly do through a holy grail war. Also for some reason he just gives me Sherlock vibes, so im going with that.


Screwllum is the type of guy that even if he had a wish he would straight up say "why would I want my wish granted this way Ill just make it true with my own hands" and then would actually do it with not a lot of struggle.


Saw NPCs are allowed so I’m voting Screwllum. He’s the most impartial of everyone introduced so far but doesn’t hesitate to step in if he thinks people/life will be harmed.


Natasha is forgotten as usual. She's surely a candidate. She's rather saintly and while she leads a faction, she can surely be impartial and support whatever is in the best interests of all the people of Belobog.


Dr ratio.


Dr. Ratio definitley. If not him, Jing Yuan


We all know sparkle is gonna be pretender . I also feel like blade or Jing Liu could be avenger as well. Cocolia as Alter Ego. Tingyun/Phantylia as beast.


Sparkle can't qualify for pretender. It has already being confirmed that someone just pretending to be someone else does not qualify them for pretender. The qualifications for pretender is someone who has taken another person role and tricked the world itself with their entire soul itself being fake. Sparkle doesn't bother hiding her real identity and mostly always reveals herself. I don't see Phantylia as beast because she really doesn't harbor any love for humanity or care in anyway for humans with only destruction being her goal. 


In terms of "Rulers" in the standard sense, we have Herta, maybe Asta, Bronya, Jing Yuan, and Fu Xuan. Sunday would sort of make the list if he was playable. In terms of the "Ruler" Class role, while it rarely ends up working out this way the class is supposed to be characterized as an impartial arbiter. And the Rulers we've seen have all been leaders if not "rulers" in the traditional sense of the word. Jing Yuan strikes me as a good option, he often stands back and watches things play out while only stepping in if things threaten to go sideways. He is also generally focused on the greater good of the Loufu as a whole over any personal goals.


Wait. NPCs are allowed? Guys the answer is Xipe!


Gods (or any divine spirit really) aren't summonable as servants, so unless you have a vessel for a pseudo-servant, you're not summoning an aeon.


I've already said it before but I think the only real *close* choice for this class is Acheron. I don't think there's an npc that has been introduced that fits either. Screwllum doesn't really make sense for this class for obvious reason. He's quite literally choosing a side for going against Rubert. Acheron on the other hand is pretty impartial. She only chooses to fight when the other party cannot be reason with and is the one starting the fight. Duke could've lived had he accepted Acheron's offer. She's willing to spare what is clearly a villain's life. Acheron also doesn't actively wish for anything. She goes on her way to sever the chains of Nihility but that's more of a mission for her not a wish. And I know being an actual ruler isn't a qualification for this Class but Acheron kind of acts as the ruler of the *Border of Nihility* where she guides anyone who has been tainted with nihility to the after life or to go back to the reality. Doesn't matter what kind of people, she just does her job regardless. I know not everything of her character fits the Ruler class but like I said, it's the *closest* one that I could think of. Either we put her other form here or scrap her from the Saber class.


Clara and Svarog!


Ratio best ruler. Also it makes sense for him to brute force content because that’s what rulers do in FGO. Screw class advantage or lack or imaginary elemental weakness, Ratio will just brute force it with massive crits.




Dr Ratio


Dr Ratio for sure deserves the spot, his wish cannot be granted by the Holy Grail and he would be the voice of reason in any grail war in which a Ruler Class servant is needed


Dr Ratio


Of the options that are best suited in descending order: 3. Screllum: Screwllum has the mindset to follow logic and the mindset to interfere only in cases of danger to humanity while not desiring the grail. Of course, there is a large problem of him most likely not qualifying as a servant in the first place due to being a mechanical lifeform. 2. Dr. Ratio: The same as above, while having the ability to be a servant in the first place. 1. Himiko: Himiko has shown multiple times to be a mediator within conflicts. As a Nameless, she does follow the tenet of leaving a planets fate with its people(Belabog specifically). She would probably be more qualified than Ratio due to her renown as a nameless and having shown the ability to involve herself in events that she has connections to while keeping a level of neutrality.


Where did this thought come that Screwllum doesn't care about the Grail? He wants to discover, he might just want the Grail simply to test it out and figure out how it works


Acheron is the most fitting for the ruler class but she’s already selected as Saber.


I don’t know what Ruler Class is but if Bronya’s ultimate doesn’t scream “Ruler”, then Luofu must’ve been the best story arc in this game so far.


It's kind of a misnomer. In fate the ruler class is meant to be more of a judge/mediator that doesn't have any desire to get the holy grail and stays neutral.


Basically the one who can stay neutral in the Grail war and has no desire for the grail. Minus Amakusa but his case is because Einzbern cheat.


Ruler as a class is more an "impartial arbiter with no wish", not a literal ruler.


the ruler class isnt literal rulers (Qin Shi Huang is an exception) they are more of people who are impartial enough to simply be a spectator and only jump in when the rules would be broken and also have no desire to seek the grail themselves which is why the class is largely filled with Saints


In FGO , most character have every single class and different so yeh


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Bronya would be a great choice if belabog wasn’t in the state it’s currently in she would 100% want to use the grail to restore it to what it used to be so Bronya doesn’t qualify for Ruler but as far as I know Dr. Ratio doesn’t have a desire that the grail could grant so my vote is on Ratio


can we vote Aeons? cause Xipe


This sounds like a stretch but hear me out, the fate rulers are essentially following their version of order. So the harmony and order pathstriders are probably the closest contenders for the ruler class. Robin is fairly saint like in the traditional sense that she has quite in common with the fate saints like Jeanne or Martha. Even Sunday could somewhat work, because his methods when he had the harmonic choir Domincus was is somewhat like a ruler in the sense of actual order like how fgo Qin Huang Shi had his lost belt China in control or extella's link Karl Der Große was the manifestation of Charlemagne's side as a monarch. Sunday's motivation was actual noble and empathic despite that his methods being wrong


Either Welt Yang, Dr. Ratio, Fu Xuan or even Huohuo are good candidates for Ruler. Jingliu for Avenger. Herta or Silver Wolf for MoonCancer. Imbibitor Lunae for Alter Ego. Luocha for Foreigner. Sparkle for Pretender. Caelus/Stelle (as a dual servant like the Dioscuri or even individually) as Voyager. Beast is quite tricky, but if you could actually propose one of the Aeons, most can actually fit since they are in actual opposition to "humanity" as they are "The Authors of Calamity": Nanook, Yaoshi or even Tayzzyronth.


Ohhhh Fu Xuan that might be a good contender for Ruler


I’ll toss my vote in for Clara&Svarog dual Servant. Clara has the impartiality (was willing to hear MC out despite them explicitly being against her own father figure), could qualify as a Saint, and Svarog would be a second impartial opinion with the power to enforce that. 


Machines have no feelings and are impartial relying on good ol logic so screwllum, svarog and Dr ratio


Svarogs good ol logic worked out great during the quest /s


Where is this poll that you're talking about??


Svarog seems to fit the Impartiality and zero self interest bill. Veritas Ratio is a close runner up.


Not impartial. His goal is to protect the underground and Clara above all else. If getting the grail means he can ensure that happens he will throw hands with everyone here for it. He's basically the Berserker to Clara's Illya. Ratio would probably be Ruler due to his stance being solely on getting rid of stupidity. That can be achieved without a wish from the grail so he wouldn't need to get it, he would also disregard any prior beliefs if he's meant to be an impartial judge. He seems and is the type to go against both good and bad people if it means teaching them a lesson so having him as the war's mediator seems more fitting




Also why do you have voyager as a separate class?


Imbibiter Lunae could be possible, as he specifically has the powers of Long the Permenance and with a role to guard the Ambrosal Arbor. Did he commit crime? Yes. Is being sinless required? No. You said it's only a trend. Therefore, he fits


Luocha, he is almost catholic. The first rulers were Catholics. He is similar to Amakusa, and his ultimate removes buffs, just like Amakusa's. I think many will forget him, but he would be the best as ruler


I'm voting for Svarog, he's a calculating machine. He's dedicated to completing his mission, so if his mission is arbitrating the HGW, he would do it. Not only would he complete his mission, but I think he would do it in the most efficient way possible as he did with his mission of protecting belobog.




The Aeon Ho-oH


Ratio or jing yuan


Either Bronya or Jing Yuan


I have no clue what the rest of these classes even are lmao


The Harmony Aeon


Not a playable character (yet), but I'd say Sunday, just considering what he attempted to do in the story


That's what makes him unsuitable for the role tho. He has to be impartial with no desire for the grail. The grail grants any wish the winner craves, he for sure would try and get it to achieve his dream.


Ratio or Jade.




Jing Yuan and Bronya have serious contention for ruler, but I am leaning towards Jing Yuan because Wasabee


Oh, Yangqing is archer? I see, but isn't March's IMG form like literally EMIYA


Pretty sure Blade would make a better Avenger...




I dunno why I just wanna say Elio......Elio is a solid candidate for ruler.




Kafka for Ruler... she is the law!


Wtf pela literally has rulers on her design


How about Giovanni? He just wants everyone to have fun with his games, I know it's a "desire" but I think it could work


I feel like bronya would be a good fit for the role cuz she is the supreme guardian of belabog.


Jing Yuan is a literal ruler of the Luofu. And he is all about Arbitration.


Duke Inferno


Clara or Robin for the pure definition of a Ruler


Clara & Svarog


Never played fate, but what the fuck is a Moon Cancer?




I’d say Ratio. However, that one scene with Sunday bribing him really makes me feel uneasy choosing him…


Wouldn't Acheron be a great fit for ruler?


Sunday. I know he's not a playable character but he gives off strong Amakusa from FA vibes. Trying to save humanity by leading them to peace in his own twisted way


I would vote for Kafka. Her appearance, character and abilities as a boss qualify for a ruler




Hanya for Ruler and her Sister for Avenger


Definitely bronya since she is the supreme guardian


Glory to Pitch Dark Hook the Great!!!


Acheron should be alter ego or pretender




Ratio, he woudnt use the grail as a shortcut


Dr Ratio


jing yuan cuz he has lightning lord


What's with the Ratio bias? He has a clear goal stated multiple times. Svarog is the top qualified


What about Sunday? I think he fit since he don't actually have a GOAL. He also gives me amakusa shirou fluid for some reason


I wasn't following this but whoever picked Yanqing as Archer is a genius. Also, for Ruler, i'm going with Sunday


I'm going Ratio






While Sunday isn’t playable (yet hopefully) I think he would fit ruler well that or if we have any other character from order or equilibrium


Pela's pantyhose can be used to measure things so obviously she must be a Ruler >!/s!< Pompom. He doesn't have a wish to fulfill and is impartial to the conflicts that happen outside of the express.


Dr. Ratio. And I just really think Pretender should be Gallagher.


I think berserker should be jingliu and blade should be assasin or avenver sampo should be pretender and sparkle is obviously alter ego


If luocha is not pretender i stop everything


Fu Xuan


I'll vote for Sunday on this one

