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It's a logical move by them. Vanguard, Black Rock and Blackstone have gradually been buying out all kinds of mainstream media and entertainment in order to push their agenda. Japan and manga/anime have been a kind of final bastion of non woke trash. In a few years they'll bring them into line and have basically the entire entertainment market pushing their message.


If you want to see the end goal, just look at modern day music. This is what they do. In decades previous we had great bands, thought provoking lyrics, songs that broke the narrative and were against the system. Now? its all just nothing but lust and smut, designed for the lowest common denominator. No more bands breaking the mold, nothing in the charts or mainstream with a message. Its all about pussy popping and drugs and buying cars and all sorts of inane shit. Its all by design, and its all because these corporations bought out the music industry over the past 20 years.


>all just nothing but lust and smut Wut? Music has contained lust and smut since the dawn of music. From bawdy medieval tavern music to modern day, nothing's changed.


Counter point, rage against the machine, linkin park. Now days moment someone writes %10 of us pop owns %80 of wealth on a music video you would get called a nazi and blacklisted.


Yes, but that music had to get popular on its own merits and it could be out-competed. Modern mainstream popular music is pre-selected by risk-averse companies that consistently push samey music about sex.


There is a lot of new bands that doesnt do these songs. You are just locked in your little echo chamber, only listening to radio station that plays same 6 songs on repeat. Its not that there arent new bands with good music, you are just unwilling to explore new things. Though I agree, mainstream music, mostly and mainly pop, is just trash.


Tbf, they did say "mainstream". It's clear that you were trying too hard to find an excuse to scold them for being in a music "echo chamber". Cringe.


Being cringe makes me free


I guess if you can't stop being a retard, it's probably better if you can feel no shame about it.


There are more interesting bands today than ever before. You're just an old man who's fallen out of touch with culture.


No wonder you see youths with anime shirts all over the place these days. I was at a concert yesterday and I must’ve seen 100 of them.


LoL Dude, unless they buy every single mangaka, they'll hardly be able to puah any imaginary agenda you fear of.


"Imaginary Agenda" = "I am 100% on board with woke ideology destroying everything." Go back to Grimdank, please. This is Subreddit for non-woke people bitch.


Well, you call everything "woke". Like, literally, the ModMins of this place made a purge of neo-nazis, and they had to rush to explain they weren't woke. That word is just meaningless now. Don't go near Manga. You'll probably have an aneurism from watching gay characters on the covers of the most popular (and older) ones.


"WAA Wokeness can't be defined!" Give me a break. You and I both know what it is and how to identify it. You just relish the stuff clearly. You would happily drag every single setting down into the shitter just paint a pride flag on it. Fuck out of here, seriously just fucking leave bitch. You fuckers get to have all of reddit and you are upset that this one corner of it does not agree 100% with your disgusting Marxist ideals? Go to Sigmarxism where you belong and stay there! All this shit started because you assholes can't fucking keep to yourselves! Everything must bow to you! Fuck that!


they are not human, they are narcisistic Marxists, but I repeat myself




Child resorts to personal attacks about “problems at home” that have nothing to do with conversation or even logically fit here because you have nothing of substance to say, you just pathetic…


Projecting your childhood abuse on to others now are we little woke shithead? Tsk tsk... You came looking for a fight, and you are folding so hard right now. I have a tip for you. Just leave. No one is making you stay. We made our own corner to have fun without you people, the rest of reddit is your fucking playground do as you see it. What made you come here anyway? I am guessing masochism. Well bitch I am a sadist and erotica writer, so I can sate your need to be beaten if you would like to continue.


Brother... please Do not engage out of rage. In the same spirit that we do not brigade, we should speak in good faith, and ignore those who speak in bad faith. We're better than this, aren't we? (I understand the ending is on your brand for Slaneesh, but feeding trolls is a bit beneath you)


I see a woke person and Khorne himself whispers in my ear. I hate them so much. The hatred is baked into my very soul at this point after ten years of this retarded culture war they started! Though I understand what you are saying. The woke do what they do to enrage, and destroy out spite. I am aware they have dragged me down to their level because I lacked the faith to resist the temptation of anger. I hope you all are better than me :(


Remember the opposite of love isn't hatred, it's apathy.


Don't beat yourself up. We are all just humans, and they, like you, are truly trying to do the right thing, and getting carried away. Thanks for your humility. We can all learn from your admissions.


Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


"You call everything woke" -People who refuse to even consider what their other thinks It's hilarious how you types always have the same argument. Like you're fresh out of the echochamber and think it will actually work here. It's only meaningless to you because you're incapable of empathy with your outgroup.


You mean the ones no one reads?


LOL Kid only watches Dragon Ball


You know dragon ball is one of the greatest made and is highly popular?


What manga do you watch? Getting your terms mixed up chief.


Woke has been clearly defined many times. It isn't our fault that the woke people are illiterate. It is simply making victimhood a virtue and ranking priorities based on who has the most victim points. The effects that ideology has spreads very widely and destroys everything it touches. So when someone says "This TV show is woke," or "This beer is woke," what it means is that woke ideology has had its predictable results on the product. I.e. Putting a chick in it and making her lame and gay.


Which old anime/manga which was mainstream popular had gay ppl in it? I have noticed recently every new season of anime maybe 1 anime which centres around a gay person. Usually a high school girl realising she likes other girls. I know for this season there was one about two men being in love and because it was set in the future one of the males could carry a baby and shit. I wouldn't say they are popular or mainstream at all.




Created in 1972. Character mentions he has no interests in girls, yes gay (unsure now since binary and asexual exist). Sold 50 million copies and falls into the top 60. So 1 gay character that was popular, I think it was more popular for its setting and content of being dark and gritty than the main character being gay. Which I don't think comes up often except when he says that he has no interest in girls. But I guess 1 popular gay manga in 50 years is good lol.


Thing is you’re loling at my answer but it’s still an example that answers your Q


I think you're a little bit behind bro, it's been years since that gay figure skating Anime was a blip on anyone's radar. Mushoku Tensei, Re:Zero, Made in Abyss, Jujutsu Kaisen, Konosuba, One Punch Man, Goblin Slayer, etc. The actually popular stuff is nothing like you describe it.


I think because of the difference in culture, they are either used as a joke, or is a single trait of a more complex character. Of course there is smut, but people are horny for all kinds of things. It's more complex than i have the willpower to write it here. But yeah it's not the most popular thing.


Notice what the non-human tried to do here. It makes an absurdist midwit attack (purchase all mangaka) because that sounds impossible However what the enemy has done is buy the way for all mangaka to platform their creations. effectivly controlling them. the Non-human asserts this is a false agenda, gaslighting you into not believing the STATED GOAL of the investors, and denying their previous actions. Remember the Non-Humans will always go the same rout they did for everything. Thats not true If it is its not a big deal If it is you are overreacting If you arent its better like this If it isn't its always been like this And it wasn't made for you.


From what I’ve gathered the platform they’ve acquired is one of the biggest sites for digital artists, so maybe they won’t be able to buy every single mangaka, maybe they could influence the ones publishing on their site?


Lol heretic. We know the truth.




Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


Word "woke" lost its meaning. Woke is alertness to (originaly racial) prejudice and discrimination, and there is a lot of it. Woke isnt making orcs humans with grey skin like D&D did, thats just dumb.


This is fking awful, but, and this is me coping, I don't think the Japanese people will be very happy if they decide to start pushing an agenda or the message


Neither was the US before they started attaching it to things that made people feel righteous in supporting. Then calling any opposition to it the most vile things to make people fear being called them. It took years for the tides to shift back to logic and nuance again. And it's only just starting here. So yeah they will have the same arc to it. Comics...


The thing is that the tide is turning on Woke nonsense here in the West. People can see through the lies, and have had enough of being bullied. Change is happening. All Japan needs to do is hold out for another few years, at most. This is what it's done so far, so I don't think it'll have trouble resisting now. The cultural background upon which Wokeness is based is antithetical to Japanese culture. I don't think Japan is about to change its attitudes any time soon.


we will have to protect all forms of Japanese culture now. After the Marxist coruption of China all historical documents were destroy falsified or removed. The same will happen to Japan. we must safeguard the culture NOW. The enemy is already angry they have refused their cultural enrichment in assasins creed




Second paragraph replace “has” with “does not have,” and you’ll be describing yourself/ your cult.


Bold of you to assume that only you and co. ain't one.


Removed for violating Rule 5: No Bigoteering.


Like you fucking read anything 40k woke freak!


I've read more than you will in a lifetime. And my count is only barely a dozen.


Aw, a dozen, cute. It is that like books total because I believe it, woke brains are too small to really read much of anything.


no no, the thing might be right, Marx brainlet pamphelt was like 10000 pages. most amrxist stuff is easy 4th grade level reading so its likely it has read more books quantifiably, but we have read more qualitativly


Unironically yes the people complaining about GW catering to tourist aren’t wrong but then they always say shit like “Why would a human not like le Impurium? They are also le humans???”


I find it funny when they say it's a facist dictatorships, well dah of course. Than they call the orks black ppl or the nids Jews. It's a fantasy setting where all humans are united and fighting for the survival of the species. You should be able to resonate with the idea of the human species fighting for its right to exist. The counter is that the imperium is starting wars and so on. But as what happened with all human empires, it's better to be the aggressor than the defender.


My brother in Christ I am talking about you right now Humanity is not united they are enslaved The whole point of 40K is that the imperium is the cause of humanity’s suffering I cannot resonate with the imperium the same way I cannot resonate with Russia


Can't resonate with the imperium, has imperium title and uses an imperium picture lol. Bro your more imperium than you like to think. When it comes to reality, if Humans were at the technological level as the imperium and had ventured into the stars, than been forcefully removed from the star to rediscover them humanity would probably do the same thing. Different political setups work at different levels and to ensure the safety of humanity at a level where you have trillions of ppl and billions of worlds in it, you can't obviously have paradise on all of them. And when every threat is a cataclysmic wipe out your species kind of threat, I guess you do kinda become a totalitarian/Utilitarianism species. You don't need to resonate with it, but you can still understand why it's happening and that it's probably the most realistically to happen. I just find it funny when people try to say the imperium is the bad guys. Imperium isn't perfect, but it isn't bad either.




FFS, Larry Fink. Can you stop ruining things I enjoy with your turbo-boner for communism and social justice FOR FIVE FUCKING MINUTES?!


Best he can do is taking your favorite character making her a lesbian and super lame


As long as he is in charge, no.


Nah he's got a hard on for capitalism. Funfact if you include people in media they're more likely to buy it=> more money. If you want non profit driven media check out shitty indie stuff


Have you checked the ratings for the Acolyte lately ? How well did the Captain Marvel movies do? how about Bud Light? You sell well by catering to the majority, not by pandering to the minority and calling it "inclusion".


Capitalism would be asking "what does the audience want?" Men: we want masculine men saving the day and getting gorgeous, loyal, and feminine women as their partners. Women: we want emotional, inner turmoil stories, which resolve in a happy ending for all involved after much emotional growth and introspection, where I can clearly project myself into the shoes of the protagonist. Capitalism: of course, here are products made clearly and _separately_ for each of your distinct interests, and marketed to each of your demographics because I am not a two year old and understand that men and women want two different things from their entertainment. Whatever the fuck this is: YOU GET THE EXACT OPPOSITE. Men, your "role models" are all pathetic losers, and the women around them tacitly hate them and/or have a superiority complex. Women, your stories boil down to you already perfect and flawless and awesome just exactly as you are, no need for growth! Also, you both have to watch the same exact thing, because saying that there are measurable trends/differences delineating men and women is Haram!




I don't think DEI is an issue here so much as it's more likely that legal resources will be expended to take down websites that host manga and anime content. Which I think would be a mistake. I know piracy is technically bad but a lot of these IPs make most of their revenue off merchandise and pachinko machines (yes look it up) so easy access to the brand is more preferable than getting a one-time blu ray purchase.


Especially since it's one thing to stream the hottest thing of the season or buy to read a manga that has 60 videos talking about it blowing up but when it comes to more niche shows and movies or mangas that are less popular and mainstream it will be harder to get any overseas fans to engage with it and spread it.Everybody will pay for a new chapter of One Piece if they have to but most people will probably skip checking out a new weird manga or one from a more overdone genre if it doesn't catch on in first few chapters


Piracy is a service issue etc.


I would love to purchase alot of 40k books but they're unavailable in anything but ebook(you don't actually own it) or second hand so I have no issues getting them off internet libraries. I feel the same way about Manga, I don't really read the big stuff anymore and alot of smaller stuff is only fan translated with no option to buy, which I then dump after a few dozen chapters, or webcomics fantra slated with no option to buy in either language


as fked up as this does sound I have hope for several reasons: 1. BLACKSTONE AINT BLACKROCK - although the naming is cringe when linked to something as hideous and dark as Blackrock... Its completely diffrent.  Blackstone is an Investment bank that manages assets located mainly in the United States and Europe. Although its presence does not span the globe with the magnitude of Blackrock, it is currently **the largest private equity firm in the world**. its leader Stephen A. Schwarzman is a republican and from what I have seen , not very woke or concerned for DEI/ESG shit. He is in fact good friends with Trump lol 2. E-MANGA AINT GOT SHIT ON MANGA SALES WORLDWIDE - yes, I am aware that it is concerning that the biggest platform for e mangas is being bough by westerners, and that the effects could be negative due to censorship and restricting mangakas sales and influence online, I believe that most mangakas, and anime/ manga enjoyers worldwide prefer traditional manga volumes printed on paper (physical media always wins lads). All the people and collectors I know have never read or bought shit from e-manga sites 3. JAPANBROS SUPREMACY - People from Japan and normal, conservative, polite and very traditional. They take great care for their media. That includes mangas an anime. They are also very vocal about how much they despise american woke bs and degeneracy. So even if they manage to get ahold of some influence...Japanbros wont let that shit slide.. That is why they are the last bastion of hope i have for modern entertainment. Altough i remain optimistic...nothing good ever comes from the West.... I do belive this will have some negative effects but also that it will never ruin the peak of anime and mangas :)


I didn't know that about the current leader of Blackstone, I hope you're right. On the other hand I am not a fan of saying "nothing good ever comes from the West", since, first, the United States is not ALL the West, it has a strong influence, yes, but even its most classic and identifying products appealed to universal and unifying values ​​as we can see in the old Disney movies, and, second, our cultural problems are relatively recent, there have always been problems, but it is like in the rest of the world, the reason why we stand out so much is because Western culture was the advantage of the class, Now that is having serious problems those problems stand out more.


You are correct , should have said " nothing good comes from the West media these days" im just tired of all the shit that is spreading man -_-


 "nothing good comes from the West media these days" I like it, I will use it, it is much more precise, it focuses on what is important and it is not too intricate to not be sticky. I understand you, I am also very tired of all this dementia, but I guess the only thing left to do is resist and be consistent with our own ideas.


If anything i will make my own entertainment so the establishment can suck it


That's the spirit.


I don't know who Blackstone are, but it looks like they're separate from Blackrock.


Can someone explain to me why Blackrock and the others are buying everything and trying to interject their own beliefs into it without sounds like a crackhead Every time I google the subject I feel like I am talking to someone who forgot their meds and the guy who told me about it IRL mentioned devil worship


This will be long, but thanks to whoever reads it. Investment funds as large as Blackrock also make investments in political campaigns, (they have surely put money into Democratic AND Republican campaigns) and they hope that these "donations" will be repaid. The reason why these investment funds do not fail despite the fact that they turn every product they touch into garbage is for two reasons, they already have money from other investments and what concerns us in this conversation: The state gives them special aid every time they have economic problems because "they are too big to fail and if we let them go bankrupt, many investors will suffer and then they will not vote for the politician in office because they will know that that politician could have saved the investment fund by printing money and giving them loans but they didn't do it."    That covers the part of why they don't go bankrupt, now the second part of why DEI.    There are several reasons, on the one hand you have the intellectual influence of the postmodern left that you can find in universities, those students will graduate in stuff like marketing, and when they are hired to do market studies they will have a confirmation bias that will tell them that what they have to do to make money is sell things to women and gays because according to their information these demographic groups earn and spend more money than straight men... and this is true, gays are a demographic group that makes a LOT of money (probably because they have fewer expenses than a married man who supports a family and/or generally are more ambitious than a man who is single but does not aspire to have a family and is content with having one or two hobbies and eat), and on the women's side they have more consumerist tendencies than men, except that in other things that one as a man does not think much about: beauty products, travel, fashionable clothing, branded products, etc. What they don't think about is that women/gays, men/straights have very different consuming trends and you won't be able to sell plastic soldiers to paint to the average Californian girl who consumes mostly at Starbucks and buys brand name bags every month. She will NEVER be interested in little plastic soldiers, actually she will LAUGH at those who buy those.    But this is still not the whole reason, if you promote individualism consumerism increases, families with strong bonds spend less money: while the young man who left his parents' home at 18 to live alone in an apartment in a large city ​​to feel "independent" will buy a coffe every morning at Starbucks, the one who stayed at home to learn the family business will make his own coffee every morning, or the one who is already in his twenties and is happily married will receive that coffe from his wife who makes that coffee for them both.   These companies know this, it is something obvious that anyone can see when they stop to think about it, that is also why they go against traditional pro-family values: so everyone will depend more on these companies instead of their families (who generally want the best for their children and will be suspicious of any external factor that separates them) and will receive more profits.      There are also other theories, such as that some large companies promote DEI because they KNOW those policies doesn't work but want that smaller potential competitors who are forced to accept such policies to receive government subsidies to be able to stay in the competition with the big companies lose a good part of their value with the time due to the disdain of their customers so they can subsequently be absorbed by these giant companies that know that DEI does not work in the first place but were able to survive because they are already giants that are "too big to let them fail."   Add all this to the push of DEI from the governments. The current political left has replaced the worker as the subject of the revolution with the "oppressed minorities", they base their political strategies to appeal to them and win votes because they know that people with a "rightwing" mentality will never vote for them and they have to get voters from somewhere to be able to continue maintaining some power, and having the largest entertainment industry in the world as the propagandist of your ideals is very effective. At the end of the day, large corporations and globalist/leftist politicians often have common objectives, so they mutually help each other: Less influence of the family over individuals to replace them with the state/prodcuts, control the market (big corpos ARE NOT FRIENDS OF THE FREE MARKET although they are willing to use it), replace people's faith in a god with faith in the political party/brand (console wars, does that sound familiar to you?) and in general terms obtain more power and money.    There are many other points as to why so many companies opted for DEI policies (it's not just blackrock/blackstone) but I think I just told you the main thing. But like the other guy said, do your own research.


This is such a good explanation compared simplifying the root cause of the everything into a concept of ‘wokeness’. It all comes down to manipulation of the market, and corrupting the left wing politics by draining the worker’s rights of it and replacing with some vague social oppression of people who tends to be some of the most privileged individuals of society.


When it comes directly to state policies, I am not a big fan of either side. On a moral and cultural level I am conservative and I also believe that a considerably freedom level in market is objectively the best. But I don't think that either the right or the left represent my believes, I prefer to talk directly to people about ethics, morals and economics rather than right and left... but I also know some of the subject. The left has not been corrupted as such (at least as we understand it today, the "left" has not always been about socialism, in its origins it was anti-monarchy if I remember correctly.), it simply follows its logical course: It tried to start a workers' revolution, thinking that the social inequalities caused by the free market would create massive discontent where the workers would rebel against the "bourgeois", what really happened is that the workers became bourgeois, since the economic proposals of capitalism worked and still works to generate wealth and reduce poverty, yes, there are inequalities, but the worker stopped caring that a businessman was filthy rich if he saw that his own wealth also grew, perhaps not to the businessman's level, but it did grow. In fact, this even created the possibility that a worker could rise from a worker to a businessman, and in cultures like the American one, the figure of the entrepreneur who manages business, the man who creates himself and emerges from the mud to rise successfully, became something that admire, not something to despise The left lost the support of the workers, so they had to look for a new sector to appeal to for political power, they claimed victories of certain social movements (some of which they even opposed at the time, such as the civil rights movements) and regained some political power. Currently there is equality before the law in almost all Western countries and problems such as sexism and racism were decreasing and as with the workers, the revolution of the marginalized sectors never came; women obtained the right to vote, gays their rights, blacks equality before the law and all these groups saw how their wealth grew. The perception that the revolutionary left was necessary to defend the marginalized was weakening, an attempt was made to push such a revolution by creating problems where there were none, to sell themselves as the saviors again, but apparently they are failing. The left has not been corrupted, it is doing what it has always done, trying to create revolutions to confront its enemies who beat them economically and socially.


I doubt they’re thinking of long term income if they want to demonize the traditional family. Where are they gonna get their spenders from in the future? Cum donations? Or are they really banking on children being made from women’s bone marrow?


Larry Fink is the CEO of Blackrock. Larry Fink has tremendous say in how his company invests its money. Larry Fink has a MASSIVE hardon for social justice. Larry Fink created a scoring system named ESG to allocate money according to his political beliefs. Larry Fink recently threw a hissy fit on an investor call that people disagree with his politics and his pushing of ESG is losing money and is deeply unpopular.


What a dink


cultural Marxism Thanks to Antonio Gramcsi All must be corrupted into Marxism before the Marxist revolution can happen. HEIL MARX HEIL THE VICTORY this is what they beleive and desire. the death of all you love.


Well then perhaps you should do your own research and come to your own conclusions


People blame “wokism”, for the built in feature of capitalism: monopolisation. Thats it


The current oligopolies (There are no monopolies, but there are oligopolies) exist mainly because of the state, not because of capitalism. Blackrock would have been forced to change its policies or go bankrupt a long time ago if there was a free market, but since it is "too big to fail" they recieve special aid from the government that other smaller companies will not receive. The free market is a double-edged sword, they use their mechanisms when it is useful to them, as in this case, where there is no a legal reason why they couldn't use the money that has been legally given to them to reinvest in the way they ended up using it, but in a capitalist system with a more free market the people who gave money to blackrock without thinking about it would have been punished by losing that money with a reduction in blackrock's profits. At the end of the day investments are a bit like gambling, there is nothing that guarantees that you will win beyond the reputation of the fund where you put the money.


It's Grim Dark setting appropriate for 40K fans to be facing an unwinnable situation that can only end in our eventual destruction... ... also weebs be legion, yo ... We can and should struggle on ... ... but we can not win this fight ... 🤣


Blackstone is NOT Blackrock, and their founder just gave Trump a tremendous amount of money. He is NOT woke...I dont think.


Can you explain in monkey terms


The people who ruined comics, superhero movies, video games, Warhammer Fantasy and are progressively destroying Warhammer 40k are going to use all their economic power to ruin anime and manga in Japan from their headquarters in California. They will not need to bribe every mangaka that exists, they only have to demand that the publishers not publish the mangas with certain content because they are "problematic" or else they will withdraw their investments and ruin that publisher. Honestly, sometimes I HATE the free market.


To expound; all of the men are going to become ineffective sissies and morons. All of the women are going to turn into ugly mountain trolls with the personalities of a rabid wolverine and constantly cry about oppression and patriarchy, and reassure each other about how "strong and independent" they are, while lecturing the men on their toxicity. You know, you'd think people would say "gee, making men pathetic losers and women ugly bitches didn't seem to go over well, and now everyone's reading Manga where neither of those things are happening... maybe we're the assholes?" Instead they're screeching "REEEEEEEE! HOW DARE THEY REJECT _THE MESSAGE_! WE'LL HAVE TO 'FIX' THIS!"


Exactly. That last thing you say would come especially for the employees, but these are already useful idiots who serve to spread the message. The reality is that the big corpos that push DEI have all the logical reasons to make these movements, they need EVERYTHING to be impregnated with their message, perhaps they will not make the changes immediately since maybe they have learned from comics and video games (which are already ruined, Why bother fixing them if those markets are already getting closer and closer to a crisis?) and they will do everything in a more gradually and insidious way.


What games have you been playing?


Dont like manga Or anime Feels to Close to Porn For my tastes But i dont know if i Like Companys Investing Large sums of Money in one Area cause even if its something you agree with What happens When the Next Ceo Uses the current Purcheds things to do something you dont like yk?


It really is the dark age of man


I can’t speak for mainstream as I don’t listen to whatever is popular or trending but I can say that there are definitely great musicians and artists in the music industry still. The top 100 artists or whatever may not have many of them but go look outside the trending shit. I found one of my favorite bands ever because they just happened to be touring as an opener for Otep one year. (The World Over btw, please check them out) Recently found another guy named Anders Manga who has some absolutely SICK goth music. Polyphia is getting bigger since I first found them and I’m happy for them. Anyways, all that to say tldr; there’s plenty of great music, you just gotta find it.


Well…aren’t the destroyers of hobbies big anime fans. So won’t they just welcome it?


WTF does this HAVE TO DO WITH 40K?!?! Is this just a ragebait sub, now? I'm going to start spamming poorly photographed models from now on. I'm done complaining.


You are right that this is not about Warhammer 40k directly, and you have the right to not like these posts, but they are allowed because there is a connection with the topic being talked about and you can see it in the title of the post. The fans of warhammer 40k who are worried for the current political/ideological disaster that could ruin their hobby are interested in knowing the situation on a broader spectrum. We are in a globalized economic conflict, so the movements made by companies like blackrock, blackstone and vanguard interest me since in the long run hey will affect Warhammer just like the rest of the companies managed by these investment funds. This news is very recent and is important, it may sound exaggerated, but the reaction of the weeb community and japaneses could benefit us. [https://animehunch.com/american-company-blackstone-inc-to-acquire-japans-largest-e-manga-site-in-usd-1-7-billion-deal/](https://animehunch.com/american-company-blackstone-inc-to-acquire-japans-largest-e-manga-site-in-usd-1-7-billion-deal/)


That's fair. I should stop complaining tho tbh. I'll start posting daily tomorrow


Guys anime & manga has had “woke” shit for years. It’s a medium not a genre.


The japanese have their own culture and their own approaches to topics such as sexuality, they do not openly push left-wing policies, they will not tell you that you should vote Democrat or Republican, at most they will make political references or use their work to promote certain moral values ​​(like basically every work of fiction that contains a moral). In fact, they do not even hesitate to avoid making certain character designs so as not to offend the Western public, nor do they condition what themes they deal with in their works to receive funding from the state. I'm not a big fan of anime (although there are certain works of the medium that I like, but I just don't like a lot their tropes), I'm not a fan of Japanese culture either, but I recognize that they do what they do to please their public, not to receive subsidies.


So when anime puts trans and gay people: good for them So when West puts trans and gay people: woke. XD you're delusional


First, cross-dressing/transvestites are NOT the same as transsexuals, and in anime and manga there are many more of those than transsexuals. Culturally, japan have their own terms and concepts about these topics, not like howt is perceived about them today in the west, where It is conditioned by a socio-political movement, not by an inner cultural sense, it was forced here with political objectives. Second, for decades there have been gay characters and even certain characters that today would be considered "trans" (which seems to me to be a wrong and politicized term to refer to them but for practicality I will use it) in video games, books, comics, etc, NO ONE complained about them except the people who were external to these media, but now suddenly the contempt for these characters is growing. Is it because nowadays, when people is less conservative than ever, somehow people are becoming more sexist? That makes no sense.


> "trans" (which seems to me to be a wrong and politicized term to refer to them but for practicality I will use it) And you're so offended that you prefer using transvestite, which is offensive [TRANSVESTITE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/transvestite?q=transvestites+) Or cross-dresser because you very deeply in your heart believe that trans people exist and they're just playing house while dressing as the opposite gender?


Since you can't refute me then you go around the bush and try to accuse me of things I'm not. I already won, but I'll still answer you: I don't know in your country, but in mine the term is/wasn't derogatory. Before, the concept of transsexual was almost nonexistent, so those who dressed, identified and acted like the opposite sex called themselves transvestites (I don't know if it's an insult to you, but in my country it isn't/was) and they presented themselves as a different community than the typical gay community. The term transsexual has several problems, since a person cannot transition from one sex to another, it is something simply impossible (at least with the current medical technology), and transgenderism is an ideological-political term, it was accepted by current psychology, yes, but it bases its conception on the gender ideology, ideology more socio-political than a scientific theory. It could have been assumed by many psychologists as something true, but when you delve into it it doesn't make sense, in addition to the fact that its roots are based on John Money's theories that were proven totally wrong (some time ago I argued with someone about this and he told me that this changed and that now the concept of gender is different on the part of psychology, look up what theory is currently in use and it is PRACTICALLY THE SAME, only that the person who proposed it did not have corpses in the closet as money so he was used as a reference and not the monster that was money).


>The term transsexual has several problems, since a person cannot transition from one sex to another, it is something simply impossible So just as I've said you don't believe trans people exist. And nice of you to bring John Money into discussion since as we know died in 2006. And we know that science hasn't moved since 2006 and whatever was claimed in 2006 cannot be changed. You're delusional.


Again going around the bush... people with the disorder called "gender dysphoria" exist. They feel that they are the opposite sex and have the need to come as close as they can to resembling the other sex. There ARE NO people who have changed from man to woman or vice versa, such a thing is impossible, and I am not saying this in bad faith, it is a fact. What determines what sex you are are your gametes, these are defined by your genes. "You say trans persons do not exist" is an argument entirely in bad faith that totally ignores this explanation, makes no sense and only serves to manipulate. And yes, science has advanced, although psychology is anything but an exact science and much less is it an area where there are absolute concessions about nothing, speaking with psychologist friends they have mentioned to me that rather than seeming like a space for discussing theories through of the scientific method, many psychologists try to promote their own personal opinions and beliefs. It is difficult to reach consensus in psychology because you use the human mind itself to study the human mind, plus we are in the infancy in areas such as neurology. In the area of ​​psychology you could get 100 studies that support your theories and I could get 100 studies that support mine.


I'm not going around the bush... I'm hitting a dumbarse hiding in the bush claiming trans don't exist. > There ARE NO people who have changed from man to woman or vice versa, such a thing is impossible, and I am not saying this in bad faith, it is a fact. Yes, you're saying it in bad faith cuz you don't know the difference between sex and gender. And since you started with man and woman... can you provide biological definition of them?


I already said what the definition is, it can be verified in the genes. A man has XY chromosomes and women have XX chromosomes. There are diseases and chromosomal mutations that bring problems to those who suffer from them, but even with that in mind, there are only two chromosomes, X and Y, and chromosomal problems only involve these two chromosomes since there are no others, so even these people are still men or women depending on the chromosomes they have. Now you define gender.


Good riddance,weebs can get Istvan’d nothing of value will be lost.


Imagine if you will, a woke manga about resistance fighters fighting an oppressive supremacist government that institutes racism against non-human aquatic races and even enslaves those deemed lesser. The goodguys ally with an army of transexuals and furries in order to achieve victory against the evil white empire which seeks to instill order upon the world. Call it....One Piece.


Are you suggesting One Piece is woke? It’s hard to tell what’s a joke or not these days.


the non-human jumped a few steps in the corruption narcissist prayer. he jumped straight to "it was always like this" nevermind that if it has to change to be woke it was never woke to begin with


If it was a western product it'd absolutely be considered woke. woke >=[ woke, japan =0


No it wouldn't. You're making shit up.


Black, gay, or characters of other non-Western nationalities in comics and video games were not considered woke a few years ago. The GTA games had messages that were very critical against conservatives, and were not considered woke. There have always been products that appealed to "marginalized communities", and they were never called woke. What will be the difference today?


I dont even know what is woke anymore.Ive seen things being called woke when it has something they consider left wing.Its not such a centralized definition even on this sub.


Being woke is not being gay, or being black, or going against tyrannical governments. Those causes were hijacked by left-wing politicians when they lost the support of the workers. Asking for equality before the law is not woke, pandering social movements to divide society, weaken family values ​​and promote identity policies (which are inherently racist and sexist since they are implemented and applied based on race and sexuality) is. Curiously, precisely those movements that call themselves "anti-system" and "anti-capitalist" are financed by governments and large corporations. One Piece is not "yours", nor is it "ours", it is Oda's, and the only thing the wokes can do is claim for themselves and kidnap these successful works because they hate creativity so much to create anything new and when they apparently manage to create something, they end up hating it so much that they destroy their own creations, like steven universe.