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Unfortunately your submission has been removed from /r/HumansBeingBros: Please read RULE 11: No posts or comments directly about politics and no bringing politics into a post or comment not about politics. This includes any topics related to war. No posts related to police


I was watching when this happened. Really nice to see the support he got from the entire house. He apologised for wearing trainers and not having a jacket on (people are not allowed to wear trainers and men must wear a jacket while in the commons) because his normal shoes wouldn't fit his prosthetic feet and he couldn't get his jacket sleeves over his new hands. The speaker agreed to let him off this once.


Imagine if he didn't. Dress codes are overly enforced in areas like these. He's still dressed pretty well.


"I know you just got a heart-warming standing ovation, but sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave"


"Because you physically could not fit a jacket over your prosthetic arms"


"You clod"


*removes arms and puts on a jacket*


"Are those Jordan's?! You disgusting filth, leave right now!"


"BuT mUh FeEt, I said OUT!"


it's all arbitrary and it's time we moved past it


To be fair, that opinion is also arbitrary, we just decide what we value and don’t


yeah that's where something called "good reasons" become a factor.


He also said the Speaker came to visit him in the hospital and all the other patients said oh wow, that guy must be really sick as he is being visited by the funeral director.


Worth remembering that a lot of these people work closely with eachother, even across party lines. I'm sure a good number of them consider him their friend, even if they aren't in the same party. They will work together to get things done, even if they don't always agree on what should be done.


Good to have health care, the greatest of all freedoms, am I right?


He was offered prosthetics from the Nationalized Health Service, didn't like the quality of them and described them as "medieval" so went private.


And the guy wants to continue being an MP post election, and will probably win his seat, and I guarantee he has learnt nothing and will continue voting to en-shittify the NHS




Damn good thing he had a choice, and if all else failed he could resort to the less comfortable option instead of literal stumps...


Only if you can afford it


Only America. The rest of us enjoy our universal health care.


Some countries have a dual system, a government run side that has been defunded by the right, and the private sector for those who can afford it.


Do you still buy private sector insurance? Or is it just like full price deal?


In the UK, some do buy private insurance with companies like Bupa. Most however have to raw dog private because we usually see it as a last resort. And even then its usually for mental health services, like ADHD diagnosis and care.


Is it expensive to just pay for services? Like in the US it's just ridiculous. Hospitals and doctors charge ridiculous amounts to insurance companies. Simple office visits and consultations can cost thousands. If you choose to go the private route without a plan. Is it just as expensive as it is here?


yeah it can be. I went private for ADHD for a time and it cost quite a bit. £300 for the diagnosis ($381~), then one round of titration was £190 (titration being the process of finding the right meds and dosage). If you need more rounds, well, thats another £190 per. And mine was one of the cheaper up front options. Others with everything included were about £1200. Most privatisation happens through the NHS. As in, the private companies are paid by the NHS to take on patients. Usually the private companies are ran by good friends of the people in power. From what I know, Simple services can be relatively cheap, like seeing a private GP once or twice wont run you into life ending debt. x-rays and MRI's and such are also pretty cheap i think, about £200. Cheap compared to the US that is.


I paid around £300 to have an MRI and the doctor to diagnose but that was around 15 years ago now. When I had the same in America, I can’t remember the specific cost of it as it was part of a longer hospital stay but want to say it was around 10x as much. My health insurance through work in the states was also around $2/300 a month plus a reasonably large copay. Back in the UK I get private insurance through work for around £50 a month with a much smaller copay




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kll-yYQwmuM Give this a watch. It's a video showing the reactions of British people reacting to the cost of US healthcare. Based on their reactions, I'd say that people in the UK have no idea how good they have it.


It's crazy how bad it is


Here in Canada you will die waiting in line, but it's a free line so that's makes people happy I guess.


I suspect your southern neighbours might have something to do with those lines.


Roughly 10 million Canadians don't have access to a family physician. Emergency room visit wait times can be up to 12 hours or more. Need to see a neurologist wait time is 3 years that was 4 years ago, still waiting. Everyone likes to praise the Canadian system but it is a crumbling mess. Has nothing to do with Americans coming north for health care. Our province leaders go to America and pay for good doctors, while letting our own system fail.


I mean…we used to. When’s the last time you had a good experience with the NHS? Be honest, it’s impossible to get any kind of treatment without a wait time of weeks-months or spending days in hospital waiting rooms.


I'm originally from the states and have lived in the UK for 15+ years. I'm disabled and have several auto immune diseases that have resulted in several surgeries, regular hospital visits incl., a 6 month and 10 month stay here in the UK, and a ton of ongoing medications. I say this only to stress that I've got a _lot_ of experience with health care in both the US and the UK and I can not stress enough how amazing the NHS is compared to the alternative. I completely understand the faults and complaints we as a society have with the NHS but, generally speaking, you will still experience every thing that you don't like about the NHS within the US system but rather than get it for free at the point of service, you will instead have to pay a ton of money for it, far more than what you can otherwise pay for for even private care here. Obviously I can only give an opinion based on my own experiences but I think that sometimes people in the UK do not appreciate how, again generally speaking, great the NHS is because there are, like anything, things we can complain about, especially as the system faces continued cut backs and staff are not paid the amount the deserve.


>compared to the alternative compared to *one* alternative. You'd have had similarly good experiences with other systems in France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Canada etc.


Oh absolutely! Sorry for any error I've made here but I wasn't commenting on general universal health care systems, I had assumed that the commenter that implied that the NHS was shit was referring to the NHS in the UK as other commenters in this thread were discussing their experiences with it here so I gave my US and UK comparison as I've heard lots of people bitch about it not realising how good it truly is. But I suppose it could come across as if I wasn't treating other universal health care systems as equal or even better. Sorry for that


I've only had one good experience with the NHS since I got diagnosed with a progressive condition 10 years back. Needed serious surgery in the middle of the pandemic. My meds have me immune suppressed, so the thing that really made this one NHS funded experience so good? They paid for my surgery and recovery to take place in a private hospital.


Now imagine the same thing, but in the US. You'd probably be $100k in debt since surgery and recovery. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kll-yYQwmuM


2022 I had a pretty good experience. Came down with a chest infection, coughed up blood one night and was booked in with gp next day, they sent me for xray at the hospital later that day. With a week I had results back and they booked me for a ct scan that week as they found a lump in one of my lungs. Thankfully it turned out to just be a lesion from all the coughing. They followed up with 2 more x rays at 3 and 6 months to make sure the lump went away and it did. All in all I'd say it was a pretty good experience. Is it the normal experience obviously I don't know, I'm just one experience.


I turned up to A and E recently and was seen within an hour. I was taken into a ward the same night, had surgery the next day and spent another two days recovering. All in all a good experience considering the circumstances.


US healthcare has the same problems but costs more and has the benefit of being able to bankrupt you since not everyone has insurance, and even if you do, it can still cost thousands.


Let your feelings be known via the ballot box. Get their hands off the controls!


I love linking this video to people in Britain who complain about the NHS and don't know how good they've got it. Imagine having to ration insulin, a drug that you will literally die without, because you can't afford your next shipment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kll-yYQwmuM


That’s whataboutism. The fact that things are worse elsewhere doesn’t change the fact that they are bad in the UK.


Not to mention protection from foreign threats that the American taxpayer pays for as the world’s police. You’re welcome.


Ah yes, America the altruistic.


The US is the largest donor of humanitarian aid by *far*, with total aid exceeding that of the next 10 largest donors combined. We’re less impressive on development aid, but still at the number 1 spot, and roughly twice the next largest donor—Germany. I don’t agree with a lot of our foreign policy, but in terms of sheer number of dollars donated, the US is absolutely the most altruistic nation on earth.


That’s like saying billionaires are good people because they create charities. The US is hegemonic, and their attempts at influencing optics/controlling the narrative through “good deeds” is propaganda. The US uses it to gain “soft power” (influence) and offset some of the ill-will they deserve from being aggressively bellicose. The people in power also funnel aid dollars toward their friends through these programs.


So corruption exists, therefore the US’s contributing roughly 25 - 30% of global humanitarian aid should be waved off as us just trying to save face? Yikes 😬


Maybe if other countries had an opportunity to operate without the US, they would be in a position to handle their own emergencies. There would be less military conflict. But that’s ok because the US is helping! Fucking brainwashed.


Obviously not saying I like it. We should stop all foreign aid packages. Someone up the food chain always benefits.


Especially since people like yourself are so easily brainwashed into thinking they are actually being protected from a “foreign threat” and not just using safety as a guise for private interests.


America spends maybe an extra 2% of GDP on the military compared to the UK, but maybe 7% more on healthcare. We’re not missing out on universal healthcare because of our military spending and the UK doesn’t have it because of the US.


Lol "you're welcome". Piss off lad.


Law & Order Judge: "Hmmm, I'll allow it, but watch yourself in my courtroom, counselor"


We need to update the dress code to accommodate cyberfolk.


https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/may/22/sepsis-risk-treatment-prevention-craig-mackinlay I love to see people celebrating the return with this support. No matter the party affiliation, the whole place stood to welcome him back and honor his survival. Sepsis is no joke, I'm glad he can help spread awareness.


Amen. I was about an hour away from dead 3 years ago. My husband peeled me out of bed and basically dragged me to the ER. Severe case of pneumonia with sepsis to go with it. 10 days in the hospital hooked up to continual antibiotics and my right lung drained (750 mL 😳). DEFINITELY don't mess with sepsis.


Oh wow, I'm glad you got care when you did and recovered! That was a close one!


Way too close for comfort. And thank you! When I finally got out of the hospital and went home, my 4 kids were freaking out that I could die any day. I just told them, "Don't worry about me. I'm REALLY hard to kill."


What did sepsis feel like? What were the emergency signs that your husband noticed?


I got a sore throat for about 3 days and then it went away so I thought nothing of it. A couple days later, the sore throat was back but it didn't HURT like hell, so I was just thinking it wasn't anything crazy. I had gotten strep before and this was nothing like the pain when I've had those times. Wasn't feeling super great when I woke up like 2 days later so I told me boss I was going to go to the Dr just to check. The nurses at my Dr watched it take me 5 minutes just to walk down the hallway to them because I was so out of breath I had to keep stopping. The nurse checked me over and said she would call a prescription in for antibiotics and that I needed to hydrate myself. Never listened to my lungs and sent me on my way. The day after that I took off. My husband tried calling me and I didn't pick up. He called the kids and asked where I was. They told him in bed still and it was 2pm. I had gotten up a little while ago and ate a pickle just to get something in my belly. I was holding the jar, got halfway through the pickle and then immediately threw it up back into the jar, much to the horror of my children. 😂 After hearing all this, he left work and came right home and literally peeled me out of bed to go to the ER. Every joint, organ, and muscle hurt from my head to my toes. They couldn't get a reading on the pulse ox on my finger because my blood wasn't circulating to my extremities. They had to put a sticky one on my earlobe. My kidneys were failing and they couldn't give me ANYTHING for all of the pain I was in. The next 3 days in the hospital were horrible but I willed my kidneys into submission finally. I asked the nurse for some ibuprofen and she said, "Oh, honey. I can give you way better than ibuprofen." My doctors said that they've never seen someone recover so well and quickly from pneumonia before. It was still 10 days in the hospital so you know it was a serious illness. Hospitals don't like to keep people very long. Lol Sorry for the novel!!! It's not easy to answer your questions in one or two sentences. 😂


You're made of iron ;)


Yeah Sepsis is no joke. We very nearly lost our then 7 year old son to sepsis two years ago. The doctors essentially told us to prepare for the worst on his second day in hospital. It was the most difficult few days of my life. He somehow pulled through and is okay now, but it was terrifying. It all started from a simple ear infection, that somehow infected his bloodstream. We thought he had the flu for the first day, we should have took him in sooner. We would have never forgiven ourselves had he not pulled through. Never take the chance.


Oh god how terrifying! I’m so glad he pulled through, and it just looks like being sick, it would be so easy to miss the signs, scariest thing ever, This is gonna keep me up at night lol. It’s crazy how the smallest thing can become bigger and make you so sick. I got meningitis from an infected wisdom tooth, reading these replies I actually feel lucky that was what happened instead of sepsis, both are hard to survive and I did get brain damage, (luckily kept my vision) but I survived with no access to a hospital, I don’t think I would have made it if I had sepsis and I’m glad I didn’t loose my limbs.


Jesus. At least you got out of it. Had it similar (but weaker, I could walk etc) during last year's christmas, but it was a starting sepsis. Had sore throat, my doctor screwed up antibiotics - got some crap for 3 days...but got worse. So I went back - this time throat swab, see ya on friday (this was wednesday...). So no ATBs etc. I was calling like 3 or 4 times her, that I have 39.4°C (couldn't put it down), shaking etc. but it was like: "hey, just wait". Test results - streptococus. So new ATBs - again didn't work. Well, started to cough a bit of blood, couldn't eat a thing (vomiting). So at like 23:xx on friday went to the hospital to ER. Well... CRP was smth under 200, next day 230-250. Here they found start of both sided pneumonia. Liver was a bit meh. Got dual ATBs, then third. They drained 500ml of liquid, but also had some in the stomach - doctors didn't know why/how. Also like 10 days or so. At least I had fast regen and after like 3 weeks (check) I was 100% ok, no breathing problems, clear lungs etc. And guess what? My doctor now does CRP tests for me and close family...😅


It was a good moment, as was his question at the end of PMQs a short while later. The fact that Hoyle allowed the 'no clapping' rule to be relaxed repeatedly yesterday showed the depth of feeling across the chamber. and i hope that his situation not only helps spread awareness about Sepsis, but also spread awareness about and campaign for proper, suitable and affordable prosthetics.


This is a rare sight where both sides actually seem to agree unanimously in the house


Pretty amazing that, with modern medicine and technology, people can lose _FOUR_ limbs and still be able to live a relatively "normal" life.


And it happened last September. In 8 months he went from having all four limbs amputated to walking back into Parliament. We're very lucky to live right now.


Get to live after the advent of modern medicine and before the collapse of civlization. Nice little 200 years we get to be nestled in the middle of.


>200 years You optimist!


He said "middle". SO we have about 100, give or take. Which is a realistic number.




Lucky if you live in the right country. Most of the world doesn't get this kind of medical care.


Most of the uk doesn't he went private as he claimed the nhs solution was "out of the middle ages"


Well, he is. There's lots of amputees that don't have that privilege.


I kept thinking that if I squint, I wouldn't have been able to tell anything different about him just from his movements. God I love how far we've come.


"the industrial revolution and its consequence" The consequence:


I dunno man, I think he'll rule with an iron fist.


I dont think so. He's got no leg to stand on.


It's the same stump speech he gives everywhere


If we're lucky he'll be out of a job in July x


"Now that's out of the way let's get back to fucking over the country"


Hilariously he has consistently voted to strip away benefits from the disabled.


Yeah was gonna say this dude is right-wing AF, so there's definitely some irony at play here...


And? Dude's a quadruple amputee and walked back to work. That's at least consistent.


Do you not know how party voting works?


No one forced him to be a tory


Party affiliation is voluntary and if he objected to any particular tory policy he could have defected to any other party or run as an independent candidate. If all you are voting for is someone who will toe the party line then what is the point of even voting for a local constituent. might as well vote for a party and be done with any pretence of local representation or individual morals.


if you want any actual power in government, it’s pretty much down to the parties. The Tory party is massive, with its member likely disagreeing on lots of things, but for better or worse the british political system is structured so that parties are tightly disciplined, and you CANT oppose the party line or you are OUT. His particular votes aren’t indicative of his personal opinions. Rory Stewart covers it pretty succinctly here https://youtu.be/Dw6ZyJ-3H8g?si=JMUaU7dtMv6EQafD


Back to work lad, you don’t get away that easily


Probably voted to stop his PIPs


Legitimately did!


I mean, he’d make a pretty cool supervillain.


People applaud him now, but the fact is we're one step closer to a reanimated cyborg Thatcher.


Exactly. You can applaud his recovery but a bunch of politicians applauding for other politicians makes me go ick.


I think it’s applauding a *person*, not a politician. It’s nothing to do with his (horrible) political views, just his strength as a human being who suffered a massive loss, to the extent that relatively few people will ever experience. And he went from that to being back at work in eight months. That’s deserving of applause, politician or not. Edit: I just hate that he’s going to take this the wrong way and be even more against people with disabilities because they are ‘weak’.


I’m not a conservative supporter myself but this isn’t about politicians clapping for other politicians, this is about admiring someone’s tenacity and willpower. For someone to return to an environment like that only 8 months after losing all of their limbs is commendable


I wonder if this will stop and make him think about all those times he's voted against benefits for the disabled. Probably not though.


What did he actually vote against? I'm sure the motion wasn't "should disabled people get benefits"


Yeah, about that... [https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/25437/craig\_mackinlay/south\_thanet/divisions?policy=6673](https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/25437/craig_mackinlay/south_thanet/divisions?policy=6673)


So it was on the length and amount of benefits, not on whether benefits should be given. Gotcha


It’s still a bastard thing to do 


^Beep ^boop ^bop You’d be incorrect


"higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability" So I am correct. It was on changing the benefit allowance and length of time, not whether benefits should be given at all, which is what was peddled in the comment


The original comment said “against benefits”, not how you’ve represented it here. He did vote against benefits - the extra ones.


Well no if its what I was sent in another comment he voted against extending the length and amount. That's not extra. I'm not saying I agree with him btw just saying people always make sweeping statements of politicians when there's a little more detail to them


Apologetic much? Jesus. I bet if it was you having the duration of your benefits being cut you wouldn't be apologising...


^Beep ^Boop ^Bop You changed the parameters


He was offered prosthetics on the NHS, didn't like the quality of them and described them as "medieval" so went private. Bare in mind this is a member of the government responsible for the state of the NHS the past 14 years.


If it wasn't for the NHS i wouldn't be walking today. I couldn't afford private for the surgery


Parliament and the devolved nations have all destroyed the NHS. Poor management, the old PFI model, gagging whistleblowers, and overspending on non-core treatments has ruined it. I don't think it's repairable.


I personally think the NHS would be fine if not for the aging and very unhealthy population.


The irony that many of his peers would (have?) voted to rob people like him of the myriad support people in his medical circumstances depend on to live their everyday lives is clearly lost on many.


He actually voted for that himself multiple times. karmas a bitch eh.


I mean, I would struggle to say he deserved it because that's just not who I am, but I certainly do hope the experience has been humbling and cause for some internal reflection.


Prepare to be disappointed as his mental gymnastics lead him to conclude that yes all those disabled people are lazy scroungers because I'm managing fine.


100% this. As "he picked himself up from the boot straps" and can get over it and endure, that must mean others are weaker willed thus should be punished.


The man who consistently votes for a reduction in welfare reduction in SSP, specifically against paying higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability. And he won't change his mind after this, MPs don't receive sick pay, but they also get paid the same salary regardless of how many sick days they have or even if they choose not to turn up for work. He's spent his whole career voting to dismantle unions, the nhs, welfare, equality, the list goes on


Rules for thee, not for me.


that’s not indicative of his own position necessarily, mps HAVE to vote down party lines


He even referred to the NHS provided prosthetics he got as "something out of medieval times" and went private for replacements. Most in his situation would not be able to afford to do that.


Honestly I'm conflicted about this. Basic healthcare should he free to everyone, however I don't think it's fair to expect the best quality possible from free healthcare for everyone. Not sure how sustainable it is


Whilst I mostly disagree, I think we should be doing better than "medieval times" regardless.


Fair enough, we can agree on that




Yes, they're unbelievably tribal over there.


I wish him well in his recovery, but sincerely hope he's out of a job in the next six weeks.


Inspiring that the whole parliament can put aside the party divide and celebrate one man's miracle.


The same man who consistently votes against healthcare and support for ill/disabled people


It's depressing that this is considered inspiring


**From the Moment I Understood the Weakness of My Flesh**


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Would a BIT of robot walking or dancing have been too much to ask jeez


Why did he get sepsis?


Amazing what our medical teams can do but fuck this guy. Tory scum promotes fracking in the UK.


Fracking is the least of the things he's responsible for. Brexit. The war on the rest of the disabled. Sewage in rivers. 


the irony of him being a conservative, a party who have been defunding the NHS to such an abhorrent extent that this opportunity would be fantasy to working people suffering from the same.


You can blame him personally, not just his party! [His voting record](https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/25437/craig_mackinlay/south_thanet/votes) is - anti nhs/abortion/ - anti welfare/SSP/state pension - **specifically against paying higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability** - anti union - anti legal advice - pro brexit - pro deportation of pre-brexit europeans living in the UK - pro fracking - anti landlord being responsible for the safety of rented property - anti human rights/gay rights/gay marriage - anti environmentalism/reduction in global warming - anti tax on banks/capital gains tax - anti legal aid


It's almost unfortunate that the best way to herald his return was by using their feet and hands, but what a brave man to come back to serve the people after that ordeal


but how else would you do it? with MIND BULLETS!?


Yeah I don’t think screaming really loudly to show support would have carried the same message


That's telekinesis, Kyle.


Normal people call it “Talking” my good sir.


If by "serve the people" you mean get drunk every other day at the tax payers expense sure...


Choom got some preem new chrome.


According to his voting record Craig Mackinley almost always voted against paying higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability. I wish him a speedy recovery but he's not a good man in my book.


Now people have to think twice on stopping a bill. He is bionic.


How did he get it?


Only a few limbs away from RoboCop


Isn't that the guy who voted to take away disabled peoples benefits?


He's a Tory MP so he'll probably still vote against disabled benefits.


This is the second English person i've seen a video that lost 75% of their body to some sickness...is it the water over there or does the American health system let you die before amputation of 100% of your limbs?


Here's a riddle: I have back, but I'm not a camel. I can be sat on, but I'm not a horse. I sometimes have arms, but I don't have hands.... What am I? Answer: quadruple amputee (dark humour joke riddle I heard once.)


"standing ovations"


In a similar case, a Canadian politician named [Lucien Bouchard](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-12-02-mn-4090-story.html) had his leg amputated after being infected with flesh eating bacteria back in the 90s. I was just a kid and every time there was an update on the news about his condition I got worried and thought the infection was way more common than it actually is.


I wonder how many "Tis but a scratch" jokes he gets?


If he starts sporting a black cape and breathing loudly, they should work really hard to stay in his good side. Just sayin’




Darth Vader


then immediately voted against healthcare


His next political ad I will lead this new era with an iron fist. Litteraly


He should have done the robot dance. That would have been perfect!


Good for him. I am glad he overcame this. I have an actual question though and I don’t want it to sound negative. How are people comfortable with this level of attention. I understand being appreciated but I would have turned around and walked out if that was me. I say this because my accomplishments aren’t for anyone else to celebrate and if something crazy happens to me it’s no one else’s businesses as far as I concerned. I am the guy that walks out of their own surprise birthday party.


It's nice they gave him a hand


They let him enter without a jacket and wearing trainers. Gets a standing ovation, has prosthetic hands…And he still had to wear his ID around his neck. I appreciate that for some reason.


Happy for him but god damn bro if i ever reach a point where i have to lose all four limbs just fuckin shoot me in the head


Member of Plastic MP








Where is the link between him contracting sepsis and being vaccinated against covid? Without just linking to a bunch of screenshots from twitter.


You wait for an official statement ? Are you just native or dumb?


I'm the "dumb" one for not linking two completely different events, based on a random post on reddit, which consists of nothing but screenshots? Show some better evidence for your claim. How would you explain someone contracting sepsis, who wasn't vaccinated? Or is it only people who got vaccinated who get ill these days?


Some sick arsehole actually spent time on making this bullshit up, and didn't question their own motives once before posting it.


Shame he's conservative and won't be in there much longer


I feel like he wouldn’t be able 2 wipe his ass 2 good