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Outside looking in ... I would guess the separation between Sabans 1 and 2 is miles closer than Nebraska 1 and 2.


This. Without knowing a thing about their QB room, I would guess that any of their scholarship QBs are better than our best QB.


Yes my point was in the video he is saying Saban has determined that their starter has made too many costly mistakes and that he just needs the backup to come in and manage the game and reduce the amount of mistakes. Similar to what we are looking at in our situation.


I don't understand why people have such a hard time grasping this concept. Imagine you have a QB who is prone to completely killing drives, but when he isn't making mistakes, he's moving the ball down the field. Now imagine you have a QB2 who is an unknown on making mistakes (most backup QBs don't have the game experience, and thus make a lot of costly mistakes)... but also can't convert on 3rd down. We're in this scenario. Our backups maybe aren't turning the ball over, but they're not moving the ball either. Rock meet hard place. Our problem isn't just Sims. Our problem is our entire offense in general. Rhule likely thinks that it's more likely to win with Sims over the backups. Saban, in this instance, thinks his backup is capable of winning the game. What is there to debate? You think Rhule is wrong? Congrats. You're not the one being paid to make the decision.


I don’t think it’s completely fair to say our backups aren’t moving the ball. Neither of them have had the same amount of opportunities Sims has. So why not give one of them a chance and see if they have the amount of brain dead turnover issues Sims has?


Because Tyler Buchner is enrolled at Alabama not UNL, hope this helps.


I see you didn’t read my subtext and probably didn’t watch the video the whole way through. Thanks for the input though.


It's just a prank bro


I’m convinced some of you guys actually have a bag of marbles for brains.


Please elaborate.


Your suggestion that these two situations are analogous leads me to believe that instead of a functioning brain that is able to critically analyze the situations, your skull is filled with a bag of glass marbles. Hope that helps!


How can you not comprehend this? Their starter is fucking their chances of winning, they let the next guy try. Our starter is fucking our chances of winning, we let the next guy try. It’s really not that hard. You are so wrapped up in the fact that Alabama is 1000x better then us. No one is saying that isn’t true.


Remember when Mac Jones, Tua, and Jalen Hurts were all on the same squad in Alabama. Yeah, all of them were either 1st or 2nd round pics, and all of them are top 15 in the NFL. Alabama's QB, QB2, and even QB3 are way more tellented and developed than any QB room Nebraska has had since Zac Taylor. Nearly 20 years ago. Comparing an Alabama QB room and a Nebraska one is like comparing an NFL to the college team. Should Matt Ruhle start someone else? Probably, Jeff Sims has made mistakes that have cost the Cornhuskers games that even my high school that did not win a single game didn't make. It's mind-numbing and frustrating. Nebraska is so unbelievably untalented in the QB roo that Jeff Sims could really be our only realistic option in Matt Ruhles' mind. Frustrating, I know, but I'm not going to pretend I know the talent level of kids I have never spoken to. If one of the backups plays tomorrow and balls out, I'll eat my words. Matt Ruhles first year as a coach trying to fix a broke program and culture, I'm willing to trust his judgment for a few seasons.


Mac Jones is not a top 15 NFL QB come on now lol he was 28th in QBR last year.


QBR isn't everything. Anyways, not really the point, Mac still balled out in college.


This is the mindset I’ve been trying to convince people to take!


Well said. Go Big Red!


You said it better than anyone else here (myself included).


You somewhat hit my main issue that I have come to realize…. Nebraskas main issue is they have not had a legit quarterback in what seems forever. End stop. Yes, issues here or there but honestly a legit qb fixes so many things. We for some reason, have just not had it in forever. It’s why it seems like we have watched the same game and team for a decade.


In my opinion, Nebraska needs to start from tye bottom and work our way up. Win some bowl games playing like Iowa or Minesota, then recruit and develop a 3 or 4 start QB. After that upgrade to like Wisconsin with Russell Wilson, or Ole Miss this year. Development of 3 and 4 starts is going to be our bread and butter until we can start having at least 6-6 seasons.


They have good backups and we don't. Case closed.


It's really not hard to grasp, but apparently calling out someone for their lack of logic means I can't read 😂




Well the situations are not similar for one big reason, which is that there are good quarterbacks willing to play for nick saban at alabama.


Oh my fucking god we are the most annoying fanbase in the world and deserve nothing this week has been fucking insufferable


The difference is Saban has a workable backup to play. I don't know how anyone thinks Haarberg or Purdy are ready after watching them play. This has absolutely nothing to do with philosophy. If Saban had Purdy as his backup he isn't pulling his starter.


What situation? A college coach that didnt succeed as an NFL coach? That's all there is. That's where it starts and where it ends. Saban didn't make Baylor or Temple respectable...he took over at Michigan State and had their most successful seasons in 30 years. Then he went to LSU and won a natty in his 3rd season. Then he went to the NFL....and didn't get fired. He quit to go to Alabama. No comparison. Rhule can still achieve championship success on his own path. Rhule is only 48. Saban is 71.


Oh no, you only read the post title.


More like oh no I wasted time replying to this nonsense. Blue bloods that had down times? Yes. The difference is this, and I will preface by saying I fucking hate Alabama, but let's be real: Alabama > Nebraska. The south > midwest. SEC > Big 10. Alabama won the National Championship in 1992. While Nebraska was enjoying its dynasty, Alabama was on probation. They were on probation again in the early 2000s. They came right back. Alabama has always been Alabama. "Yeah, but at least Nebraska was never on probation." Honestly, probation would be an excellent excuse for us sucking for so many years. Another difference, Nebraska will never get a coach that just won a natty, as a head coach, with a P5 school three years prior. Facts.


The situation is having a starting QB who is making turnover mistakes that are ruining your chances of winning games. Thus giving the backup a chance to maybe not make those same mistakes.


Most people commenting on this post are just being dicks with their shit comments about how we aren’t Alabama blah blah blah. OP is just stating this is a situation where the QB was a big reason why they lost the game against Texas. It IS similar to our situation where our QB1 is a big part of us losing the first two games this season. Let’s not forget the kind of turnovers Sims has had like not catching a fucking snap and then trying to half ass pick it up instead of falling on it. No, I don’t think OP is a mush brain and thinks we are in the same boat of competitive level as Alabama. Dude is just making a point that maybe it’s an intriguing thought that we should try a different hand under the center’s nuts since we’re playing an inferior (hopefully) opponent this week and see what happens. OP’s not being an insufferable fan.


Yes exactly what I’m saying. All these soft weenies on here crying about me thinking we are at the same level as Alabama… gtfo.


"sAbaN dId iT wHy CaN't NebRaSkA" Maybe because we've won 10 games in the last decade? We don't even belong in the same conversation.


How’s your reading comprehension going?


Well, considering you posted a video... 🙃


And that’s what you gathered from the video? Lol


I understand the point you're trying to make, but your comparison is ass at best and now you're getting called out for it. You do you man - GBR!!!