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Love this d


How can they possibly overturn that such bull shit


this team just can't help themselves


just imagine if we're 5-3 by Saturday evening


thatd be wild.. wow


Anyone else see the report that South Carolina may be involved in the Michigan sign stealing scandal? This would them involve Satterfield.


Nobody's gonna accuse Scott Frost of stealing signs. That's for sure.


[If anyone wanted some numbers for this Saturday](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/440868279150444544/1167111771987910696/image.png?ex=654cf08a&is=653a7b8a&hm=f60a5f0ab9d44a257b3c918877fe6ec02725e9d3e97285212aff0271c2e04468&=&width=1000&height=605) [Image #2](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/440868279150444544/1167111772289908757/image.png?ex=654cf08a&is=653a7b8a&hm=292e57105a43c406b5054900286e1073acbb0e7eca16f4e4e014c90db8b2974b&=&width=1035&height=605) [Image #3](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/440868279150444544/1167111772558348349/image.png?ex=654cf08a&is=653a7b8a&hm=1d1adfa6b5133964d406834e3ea8fc1636eda57ac5c7310dc016ba1af5f04f3f&=)


Yo that 3rd Image is just mean man.


I feel a little concerned about our pass defense going into this game. Hopefully the forecasted snow benefits us. 14-10 Huskers.


Watched a bit of Purdue. Under normal circumstances, I’d think we win. Injuries fucking suck though, and man do they rip through our roster. I think this game really comes down to Haarberg or whoever QBs. Especially with Purdues bye week. Fumble or interception? Whewie, will be rough. Who knows, GBR. Fuck Iowa.


I hate to say/think it, but to me it just feels like the magic might run out this week. This team perseveres incredibly well. We have an absurd amount of injuries on the offensive side of the ball along with the issues that already come with a Year One change. The team has overperformed to this point for sure. And absolutely no credit shoule be taken away from them. But we’ve been flirting with losses in the last couple of games and with Purdue coming off a bye week and having several players back it just feels like our fatigue + injuries might finally catch up with us. Going to be hoping for the best but if we lose this game—and potentially look rough doing so—it shouldn’t be a damning indictment on the team/staff


This will be my first Huskers game I’ve ever attended. What are some recommendations? Anything I should bring? The weather is changing by the day so kind of in a pickle there.


Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. Dress warm and waterproof. Have fun!


Clear bag if you plan on bringing anything in. A poncho would be nice to throw over yourself if it rains or wet snows too


Snow is scheduled for the game lol


I mean forecasted


weather is gonna suck for this one. hopefully that benefits defense more than offense, and we pull out a 12-10 type game


[preview video](https://youtu.be/6jQY0X9M_5I?si=OPONilLz3ENmwFHG)


So who's dressing up as Michigan sign stealers for Halloween?


I want the t-shirt from the [SEC shorts skit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQm2YXqkmAQ)


If nothing else, I'm confident Rhule is going to put a team on the field that is prepared and plays all four quarters. GBR.


These injuries suck. Im nervous for this game. Weve done better with penalties. That will be important Saturday. Gotta play a clean game. Occasional errors are one thing, but stupid penalties like personal fouls can be avoided. Special teams needs to keep improving. Weve seen better field goals, but punting has been sometimes poor. Who is receiving the punts now that Kemp is out btw? Offense, idk what to say. Protect the ball, dont make stupid mistakes, and take what the defense gives you. Try to avoid more injuries, please. Fidone needs to step up, and I hope Coleman can make another great catch (or two). Defense needs turnovers. Theyre due for a pick 6. That could be the difference in a game like that. Lets go blackshirts. If we can protect the ball, not give up too many turnovers, and play a clean game the rest of the way, the defense can win this game for us. Hope the guys are fired up. I think Rhule has them at least learning to win.


Fidone is doing fine, but we need a quarterback that can play the position. Haarberg is a disaster waiting to happen.




Did uhhhh you just respond to and argue with yourself


well, who would you suggest? Tommie Frazier isn't walking through that door.


Hey Rick, long time to see




Lol after Rick Pitino took over for the Celtics and absolutely tanked them, he has a famous press conference where he goes “this team is awful. And I don’t know how to fix it. And I’m sorry fans but Larry Bird is not walking through that door, Robert Parrish is not walking through that door, Kevin McHale is not walking through that door” So your comment made me think of that


Gotcha, your comment recognition speed is faster than mine. My comment was based on Rick P's quote! Everyone complains about the QBs, but there just aren't any other options available.


He dropped like 3 passes right to him on Saturday. That's fine to you, but the QB that threw them is a disaster? Nah.


I don't know if it's the injuries but, even when he's played his best, Fidone hasn't looked like a game-changing, 5-star TE.


Bullock will be back on punts. He was last week. I really wish HH was even a competent passer at this point. Some of the plays had some wide open guys and he just couldn’t hit them. Hoping he can find a rhythm


Just watched their [highlights](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUBGmOa8x4w) against Illinois (by far the best game they've played) and they still look very beatable. They have good skill position players, but their line has some issues. Their QB has been sacked 15 times so far, so our DL should hopefully be able to feast and keep increasing that number. LB's need to take good angles. Ultimately this is the second worst team left on our schedule, and a win would be very good for our hopes at making a bowl. We have the talent to do it, we just put our guys in a position to win.


Why can’t we put Sims on the field at least? He’s a hell of an athlete.


I think it’s worth giving him snaps at QB, but it’s kinda pointless to gives him reps at other positions. He’s been a QB his whole life. It’s not like he can just switch positions and suddenly hit the hole better than Grant or Johnson, or suddenly catch and run better routes than Coleman or Bullock. Not to mention we need healthy QBs because HH keeps getting walloped on QB runs.


This. We have a serviceable QB2 in Sims in case HH goes down, I hope he doesn't, but he likes to run tall and take those high hits, can't do that forever, but maybe he's super human.


Yep he needs to be our backup right now. With all the injuries, and the way Haarberg runs, who knows if Haarberg stays healthy. I have a feeling Sims will get his chance to redeem himself at some point. I dont want to see him start, but Ill still support him if he plays and hope for the best.


He’d be a cool option for like a Wildcat set.




The computers like them more, and by the stats they are pretty even, but they've been through a murderer's row of teams. This game is a pretty massive toss up for us. Winning a toss up would be a pretty big step forward for our program.


We are really good at losing toss ups though, might be the thing we do best.


Lets move past the Frost era. We *were* great at losing toss ups. Now, who knows. We might be learning to grind out those wins.


Yeah just need defense and special teams to continue playing lights out. Need offense to somehow keep up


Not as of recent


This is gonna be a long off-season. I'm gonna be so excited for next year the whole way through. Hopefully we can shorten it by making the post-season.


Rhule's staff has already gotten more out of these players than I ever thought was possible. I am excited to see how his staff develops going forward


The staff seems professional and driven. Thats all I can ask for at this point. They seem to motivate well based on, as you said, getting the most out of what we got. Future looks promising, I just want a bowl game please.


I’m excited for when we have talent on the roster, the talent shows up on the field. We’ve had so many talented guys in the last 5 years come and go, some that even could’ve been serious NFL draft picks be wasted by poor development and poor utilization.


Our offense will need to play at least 9% better this week to win.


Nebraska and Clemson are both 5-5 in their last 10 games.


HH is on pace to blow past Sims in turnover stats very quickly. I can’t believe I am saying it but Sims should be back in. If you are going to average 2 turnovers a game with either qb, you play Sims. HH is a gamer, I give him that. But he is doing the same things Jeff was and can’t throw a medium pass. HH has also been very lucky, he could be averaging 3 a game right now. Add in his high potential for batted balls I don’t see it. Let Jeff run this gutted version of offense with a basic look or tuck it. It’s not like Jeff didn’t run well. I crucified Jeff for the turnovers and field position. HH had two picks on our side of the field, almost lost a fumble twice and had a batted ball that looked like a sure INT. The difference is the defense gave up more. If they don’t give up the TD against MN it looks a heck of a lot like the NW game. And Jeff didn’t get the benefit of playing LT or NI


Real talk, Sims at QB and Haarberg at wingback probably gives us our best load out in terms of offensive weapons on the field.


At this point we are in a jam either way. HH has the experience now and the vibe, I don't think you want to upset that. I don't think JS moves this dumpster fire of an offense any better than HH, HH is a much better runner than he showed last week. I would agree JS should go back in if HH is going to hesitate and try to run into closed doors like he did against NW. It's so annoying how he puts his head down, does that dumb fidget step to basically telegraph the fact he's about to run so the defense can get into position.


> HH is on pace to blow past Sims in turnover stats very quickly. > > I can’t believe I am saying it but Sims should be back in. So wait, Jeff Sims has 37 career turnovers and the most of any active player in the B1G. How is Haarber about to "blow past" Sims turnover stats? Sims has 4 INTs in *less* that 2 games. Haarberg has 4 in 5 games. I dont think Haarberg has actually lost any fumbles, and Sims has had 2 so far for us. I trust Rhule to play whoever he thinks gives us the best chance to win. So he so far has disagreed with you. If he plays Sims, so be it.


HH is winning games,Sims was LOSING games. Our offense is dog shit either way. Obviously roll with the QB who doesn't turn it over every 4 snaps. Can we just collectively look at our offense and agree it sucks? After Minnesota everyone was wanting Sims off the team, now we are actually winning games but it's ugly so they want HH on the bench. It's wild. We're winning who fuckin cares this year.


Ya I just think some fans either have horrid memory to forget how bad Sims was (while also ignoring hes in his 4th year and hes always been this way), or they just have this idea that the coaches dont know jack and they should start whoever isnt starting to immediately improve the team. I honestly didnt think Haarberg would start against NIU, but was glad when he did. And I started to believe Rhule when he says he will play whoever he thinks gives us the best chance to win. If some game that turns out to be Sims, ill roll with it and support him just like I do the rest of the team. GBR




HH isn’t working. The defense is. HH is a bottom 3 QB in a conference with awful QB play




We haven’t won a game because of HH. Granted we haven’t lost either like we have because of Sims but it’s not like HH has done enough to deserve being an unquestioned starter


Thta pass to coleman was quite serviceable and helped to secure that victory. He also scored a touchdown himself. So he gets very little credit for what he did because he didnt carry the team more?


He threw a pass to a wide open receiver and ran one in. He practically handed the other team 14 points (at least 10) but our defense bailed him out. Not to mention the dropped snap.




He made the same awful mistakes that sims made tho, he just got bailed out while Sims didn’t. Also he is way too tall to keep getting balls batted down


No. You can't change QBs like that and expect to keep winning. HH has been QB1 for weeks now. He's practicing with the starters, starting games, winning, and learning to lead the team. You can't just swap in a QB who hasn't played the last 5 games and expect Sims to come in and perform. That's how we lose. Rhule gets that. Sims had his chance, more than he deserved, and he blew it. It's time to move on from the failed Sims experiment.


At some point, HH will cause at least one loss. He’s been very lucky so far. Unfortunately I think we will have wait until he inevitably implodes.


I can live with one loss being on Haarberg considering Sims lost us two.


HH isn’t much better is the point with a lower ceiling.


Neither are starting next year so you go with what seems to work now. I think HH will start. If we lose with Sims there will be an entire news cycle about the coaching staff killing momentum. Expect posts comparing the decision to Frost era preferential treatment. If we lose with HH it sucks but I don't think it will cause as much blow-back. They get at least one game where HH demonstrably loses the game before the fan base faults the coaching staff for choosing him. Long term this seems way safer for getting buy-in from players and fan base that coaching staff is competent. Best option is win. GBR


You just don't pull a guy who is 4-1 for a guy who is 0-2. Full stop.


We are not 4-1 because of HH tbh. He’s made just as bad decisions as Sims. Neither are very good tho ig so keeping him in there is whatevers


I can agree with this logic except for one thing, even with Haarberg's turnovers, the team is winning. Having confidence in the QB is a big thing. Sims did draw the short straw in playing with a new team and new coordinators, but Minnesota is not a good team. If Sims did not turn the ball over, maybe Nebraska would have beaten Minnesota. The Nebraska defense did play well against Minnesota, but the Sims turnovers and Grant's fumble overcame the Nebraska defense. Nebraska was not going to beat Colorado. Colorado's defense is really, really bad but Nebraska's offense is nowhere near high powered enough to take advantage of Colorado's bad defense. Nebraska was not going to beat Michigan either, so the Colorado and Michigan games are a wash. I need to compare Sims one game against a mediocre team to Haarberg's four games against mediocre teams, Haarberg 4-0, Sims 0-1. Purdue is a mediocre team. Michigan State is a mediocre team. Wisconsin and Iowa are a notch above mediocre. Iowa played Penn State and were crushed, we see what Wisconsin can do against Ohio State. Give me Haarberg.


Minnesota was a mediocre team. The excuse isnt now that he had to play for a new team and new coordinators, hes a veteran player and should be able to make that adjustment. He threw 3 picks in that game alone.


Agree, only diff is that Simms is 0-2 and HH is 4-1. Gotta ride with the winning hand right now, even tho ur correct


So I agree to a certain extent. HH has gotten very fortunate with turnover luck that makes him look better than sims, though they are pretty equivalent in terms of actual turnovers, or plays that should have been turnovers. I don't really care too much who starts because they seem fairly equivalent to me in terms of what they provide, though I'd probably give the nod to sims on account of having a better arm. Ultimately, we just need to scheme up plays that give whoever is QB (probably HH) the easier choices and reads. We only threw 17 passes yesterday, and I'd like to stick around there, but with more simple reads, and more playaction/sprint out. Neither of our QBs are good, but they both are good enough that they can lead us to bowl eligibility or even winning this godawful decision, if we help them out with good OL play and play calls that fit their strengths.




Sims is faster, quicker, and has a much better arm. But we shall see.




Why do you think Rhule recruited Sims? Do you think Rhule doesn’t have your level of QB knowledge? It looks as though HH is being used as a running back in Satt’s current scheme. They are trying not to pass.




Your questions are incredibly simplistic. It makes a lot of difference, depending on what level of competition you’re playing against. I can see you’re absolutely committed to Haarburg for some reason, though, so I won’t stress you any further.


Their defense isn't particularly good, so hopefully we can run the ball effectively. I still think it's gonna once again be up to our defense to hold a lead late in the game. But for the most part they've been up to the task this season. I'll admit I was a 3-3-5 skeptic before the year...but damn if I'm not a huge fan now. The amount of different fronts we bring at opposing teams is phenomenal.


this logic really doesn't matter. None of the last 2 defenses were good. With NW being one of the worst if not the worst running defense in the B1G and Illinois being a 105th ranked rush defense. The key to winning this game is the defense keeping Purdue under 20.


Very interested to see the line on this one, thinking in the ballpark of Nebraska -1/1.5?


That would put the expected final score to be 6 to 7? Maybe a high scoring affair (such as Iowa and Minnesota) and Nebraska covers with a 12/10 score.


Circa opened at Nebraska -1. Good guess.


Thinking home field pushes this up to 3.5 to open. I couldn’t believe Nebraska vs Northwestern closed at -10.5.


All my homies hate boilermakers, trains suck! Cars for the win.


Combines, my boy! It’s harvest season.


Purdue is 2-5 but coming off a bye week Their wins are at Virginia Tech and versus Illinois They absolutely have a must win if they want to be bowl eligible. Their last games include Indiana, Minnesota, and Northwestern. Also Michigan. So for 6 wins, they have to win this one. Their losses, other than Ohio State have not been blow outs. This will be tough. Luckily the game is in Lincoln.


Will be at the game! Hoping for another W and a true win streak!


That we are winning these terrible games instead of collapsing like folding chairs tells me both how good the current coaching is and how awful it was before. Even after our atrocious start yesterday, I could just feel that they were going to settle down and still take care of business. Not a moment’s panic. I think that mental hurdle has finally been cleared.


Let us win once more


Twice more


Thrice, even


That was one ugly win. Under the previous two head coaches, Nebraska would have folded after the first interception on the first play from scrimmage. 4-3. Nebraska is showing it is capable of winning the games it can win. Nebraska could lose them to. The team likes winning them right now. Purdue is right up there as a game that can go either way, Nebraska could win it, Purdue could win it. Based on the numbers below, Purdue is going to come out throwing the ball which they are capable of doing. Nebraska needs to run it and not let Haarberg throw an INT on the first play. I will take a three and out over an INT at the Nebraska 30 yard line. Nebraska should be able to run on Purdue, but I thought Nebraska should be able to run on Northwestern. I thought it would be over 200 yards for sure. Nope. Stat wise, this is going to be tough matchup. Home field advantage, but Haarberg cannot throw INTs and fumble. Purdue will score after a Nebraska turnover, Northwestern had an anemic offense. Data is from before yesterday's game, this will change today Purdue was on BYE so their data will not change. The only offensive juggernaut Purdue has faced is Ohio State. Which means, bad teams put up yards on them. Total Defense Nebraska 323 ypg Purdue 395.4 ypg Total Offense Purdue 371.3 ypg Nebraska 342.3 ypg ​ First Downs allowed Nebraska 114 Purdue 148 Passing Yards Allowed Purdue 241.9 ypg Nebraska 247.2 ypg Rushing Defense Nebraska 75.8 ypg Purdue 153.6 ypg First Downs Gained Purdue 155 Nebraska 104 Passing Offense Purdue 232.1 ypg Nebraska 141.8 ypg Rushing Offense Nebraska 200.5 Purdue 139.1 Sacks Allowed Nebraska 2.33 Purdue 2.43 ​ I give Nebraska a 50-50 chance. It is in Haarberg's hands for this game. If he has the will to win it, Nebraska should win. He did not get rattled after his first two INTs. Luckily, the defense saved the day versus a bad Northwestern team. Purdue's offense is not as bad as Northwestern's offense.


“Can run” versus “OC is calling running plays” are obviously two different things. It seems like Satterfield gets super antsy running too many times in a row, regardless of if it’s working or not. Obviously yeah if we’re getting stopped repeatedly, you need to pass to open it up. And you need to pass every once in a while to keep the defense honest even if runs are working. But he can’t seem to just stay with the run if it’s working consistently and gives up on it waaaay too easily if there are a couple negative plays in the run game. That attitude would obviously make more sense if our QBs and receivers were above average. But they’re not and him pushing the pass game too much when it’s not working has gotten us into some trouble.


Rhule said in his press conference that they are trying to develop the passing game this year and in order to do that they need to call pass plays. Like it or not, this is a development year. It's nice we are winning but the main goal of this season is to develop our players and change the culture. Yeah we could just run all game every game but that's not going to do the team much good in the long run.


Rhule said in his presser they don’t want Nebraska being one dimensional and they will pass when they think it’ll work, not just to do it They schemed up some solid plays, Haarberg missed his throws


I don’t think running 4 and 5 wide when all your receivers are hurt and your qb would have been perfect in the frank solich years into a strong wind, seeing problems and keep doing it as scheming up solid plays but that’s just me


I'm no expert, but isn't is pretty common to throw to open up the run and vice versa? I know they seem like bad play calling because those throws don't normally work out. But many throws were catchable, but we're dropped. Or the best play of the day was, in fact, a throw.


This is a big one. Win it and I think we have enough momentum to get at least 6. Lose and it becomes hard to see us getting two more down the stretch. They are all winnable games, but our injuries are piling up so bad, I wonder how much we have left in the tank.


I never thought I’d be soo happy to win the “ugly” games. I expect next week to be ugly with a W


Yup. I’d be excited to see the defense continue to hold teams to 10-15 points


It’s been nice to slowly see the “woe is us” mentality from years past leave this team


fans too


Not to overreact but if they win this game, I think that would finally be the “turning the corner” moment this program has talked about for so long.


I think it would be the bowl clenching game when things are on the table.


*bowel clenching game


With how the past has been our bowl clenching game is when we get to 6 wins


Can we get a three game win streak going for the first time since the 2016 season?


And it’ll be 3 straight against big 10 teams which we always struggle with