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Isn't that illegal in Germany? Like instant jail illegal?


Yes. Fines or imprisonment.


Semirelated question, what happens if a tourist gets imprisoned? Are they imprisoned in the country they're visiting?


I’m assuming it’s imprisoned but with a little somethin somethin in the end.


In the end…


It doesn't even matter...


Depends on what the crime is. Something small, they probably deport you. Something serious, you get held there to face trial. Think about Brittany Griner. Busted for vape pen. Probably woulda been deported. But, became a political pawn so they threw her into a gulag until a prisoner exchange could be made.


Except Germany isn't Russia and they probably aren't going to hold someone as a political hostage


Uh... No one ever said they were? It was an example of what could happen to someone getting arrested in a foreign country. The poster's question was a generality of what would happen to A tourist if they got arrested. Not THIS tourist.


Your initial statement was about the severity of the crime. Your example didn't exclude another nations policies because you were using Russia an example as a blanket statement to describe crime and punishment Don't be a douche


Believe it or not, straight to jail /s


Yes if that's where the law was broken. Although in some cases instead of imprisonment the courts of many countries will just sentence them to deportation and a possible temporary or lifetime ban from the country.


Can confirm I am not allowed into Canada anymore..


Specifically in this case - there's police there almost all they time. They are happy to arrest this type of people. While imprisonment is an option, most like this guy will get a fine and Schengen visa ban for a few years.


Yes, it is infact illegal. Source: I am German and I study law.


Is it true it's illegal to insult someone in Germany?


It's a bit tricky, but there is actually a paragraph that makes insulting someone illegal. However, what counts as an insult is decided on a case by case basis, so you can never be entirely sure.


So what if I said “you very well might be a stupid a**hole born of your mother’s rectum”. Would the uncertainty give me any leeway?


You can't hack the system like this. It's the intention a theoretic neutral third person would perceive that matters, so a disclaimer that isn't even meant to prevent the addressee from actually feeling insulted doesn't help you. Some aspects that can play a role are that an insult must be * directed towards a natural person or an identifiable group of persons, and it must be actually articulated (verbally or non-verbally) * the insult must be judgemental and not factual, or factually wrong. E.g. if someone isn't a pedophile, it's an insult to call them one, but if they're a convicted criminal for that matter, it's factual. If someone is for example a reasonably strict teacher, it's an insult to call them a fascist, but if they are a far right wing politician who deliberately uses nazi vocabulary, it's factual. * relatively insulting considering the insulting and the addressed person. If the ductus is normal among them, the penal law doesn't apply. The education of the insulting person can play a role. The position they're in matters too. E.g. if your boss berates you in front of your colleagues, it may be something different from colleagues bantering with each other. * intentional. It can hardly be explained abstractly what is legally relevant and what isn't, because it is a highly complex case-by-case norm. It might also be worth adding that German law isn't bound to previous rulings of other courts like in Anglosphere common law, so the philosophy behind it is a little different. To have judgements that fit individual cases better is valued comparably higher than legal certainty upfront in German law.


Sounds like it's not much different than slander in the US.


What if I insult the Fuhrer?


Not a subject of law because he's dead.


Ich hab im ersten Tatkomplex den toten Führer geprüft :(


How are your courts not swamped with cases because of that law? Do most cases just get thrown out? Also why is insulting someone illegal in the first place?


I was in Berlin recently, and right outside of a police station in Alexanderplatz, a homeless and drunk man was shouting and doing the Nazi salute, and the police did nothing. They only arrested him when he began urinating on the building.


I confirm, I was the homeless and drunk man.


Yes, I was at a football match in Dortmund in the 90s and saw some get hauled off for it.


As a German myself, I can confirm this man‘s actions as highly illegal


Not to mention wildly offensive.


His expression says he knows and that gives him great joy.


Yes that is absolutely illegal and he must have timed that really well because that phone would’ve been confiscated and he would’ve gone to jail and/or would’ve had to pay a huuuuge ass fine if any officer of the law had seen that


That area is always full of tourists too. Almost guarantee several people saw him do it.


Why was I downvoted?


Reddit people get usually offended by regular questions. I don't know why.


It's so weird. There are certain subs I just don't interact in because an attempt at normal conversation gets downvoted to oblivion.




And often, the ones who purport to "only support serious discussions" ... that is, if you're not just banned outright for anything outside that sub's echo chamber.


There is nothing wrong with asking a question.


I think that’s because many people think it shouldn’t be.


It makes sense to me why it would be illegal in Germany. Tbh anyone educated past 9th grade should know why it's illegal in Germany of all places....




It’s very illegal but you see it a lot wether it be Germans trying to be edgy or tourists, if you go to Nuremberg to the documentationzentrum you’ll see people full on click their heels and give off the salute at the parade fields


Straight to the camps, right away


If he does that at The Brandenburg Tor just wait and see what he gets up to at the camps


We have the best tourists in the world because camps


if they identify him he will likely be flagged on his passport and denied entry into several european countries


Rule 1 of travelling: DON’T BE AN IDIOT Rule 2 of travelling: refer to rule 1


Good thing germans werent around hes tryna get clocked.


Seriously though. Some Nazi shitheads get away with in in demonstrations because there they have herd-protection and can disappear into a dumb crowd, but usually if something like that happens out in the open, people don’t just accept it and move on. It’s also highly illegal and would’ve put him in jail if anyone saw that.


He is not the main character, he is the main villain


He's the main nothing - just a sorry fucking loser knowing fuck all about the horrors that were committed in the time of the Nazi regime.


What if he knows but thinks they were justified. Some people are legitimately just pieces of shit instead of being ignorant


While that might be true, most modern day "Nazis" just negate any historical facts about the atrocities committed.


What do you mean? What did these Nazi's do?


Your mom, it was horrifying.


So you don't know. what a carton answer for a carton character.


Na dude, I just choose not to engage with trolls and shitheads. Have a nice day =)


What a smug reply you landed on. You engaged but lack the ability to really answer. Carton man with a nonsense take that Nazi's are bad. Yikes you don't say. Thank tough guy


A "nonsense take" that Nazis are bad? Read a fucking history book if you want to know about the crimes of Hess and co. Don't expect me to list all and any Nazi crimes from committing genocide to experimenting on pow's. Are saying carton as in packaging, or are you trying to spell cartoon btw?


Let it go man. That was 80 fucking years ago. There are nations committing genocide today. There are people that are being murdered using the same tactics that the Nazi's used. There is a whole nation of Fascist that need to be removed from power. And you want to talk about ancient history. And I was calling you a cartoon. My spelling and my grammar suck ass. Like your dumb idea that gatekeeping ancient history matters.


Ahhh, so finally he shows his true colors. "What did the Nazis do?" National Socialism is part of my countries history and it has left deep scars that still show today. So if you want to belittle what has been done, or start some fucking whataboutism - eat shit and die. In the end my hunch proved to be correct. Also, ancient history ends between 500 and 800 CE, dummy. Again: read a fucking book.


Nein nein nein!


Evidently Reddit is so enlightened that a German no is a little to fucking close to Nazi speak. Hahahaha that is 19 Redditors that need to touch grass so far.


Wundert mich das er nicht direkt eine auf die fresse bekommen hat der dumme hund


Ich kann nicht glauben, dass er so respektlos sein kann


Also ist schon ehrenlos, wenn man das mit seinen Kumpels zuhause als dummer Jugendlicher macht, um kantig zu sein. Aber Aaalter das ist ein erwachsener Mann, in der fickend Öffentlichkeit...


Blöde Kuh hab ich gedacht.


Ist auch einfach menschenleer. Muss er gut getimt haben, normalerweise sind da mehr Leute unterwegs.


¿Qué dice ahí? No sé alemán (¡pero lo ando estudiando!).


"Me sorprende que no le pegaran en la cara de inmediato, el estúpido perro." creo. lo siento mi español no es bueno.


Increíble. Gracias. Ahora releyendo el comentario sí puedo ver más claro lo que dice. Muchas gracias de nuevo.






This will quite literally get you in a cell.


If you do it like 10 times, then yes. Or if you're on probation, or have 100 priors. Otherwise it's going to be a fine.




I think there’s a solid chance he’s making a very insensitive joke in poor taste, and not actually a Nazi, but fuck this guy anyways.


If this is in fact PebbleThrow, he is a nazi


This is illegal in Germany and Austria


can we find this asshole and put him in a cell?


Username does not check out


VERY MUCH does not check out :/


i was ex wehraboo so that is there


Well! I, for one, am happy that you’ve got out of that mindset!


Not so fast, OP still doing Holocaust denialism, check his comment history


I don't. I clearly said actual gas was being used during Holocaust and not all of the 6 million Jews were killed by burning alive. It is a mistake I see normal people make by learning history through memes.


But can't be bothered to create a new account, FOH


…ok but why wouldn’t you create a new reddit account then? Just going to keep your neo-n*zi Reddit name to not lose your karma and saved posts? Yikes


I'm not really bothered. Not that I comment a lot for people to call it out every single time to be a hassle. Probably will do soon tho


https://preview.redd.it/xxlrgjh4j6ad1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d47cc4659607795ac8332df36fd7f93038737c11 Tf is wrong with that guy


Images like these follow you for life. It's not really worth the joke


*gets punched by a local*


*rightfully so, mind you*


He's not going to learn from that, he's probably going to get brain damage and become even stupider. He ahould be put behind bars


This guy deserves to be cancelled.


Well this is gonna follow you around forever, and according to some on here it’s against German law to do this… one thing I know about Germans, is they’ve been trying to get away from this part of their history since the end of WW2, particularly since the 70s and 80s and they don’t find this funny or amusing. I’m surprised they didn’t beat him where he stood.


Hahaha you are advocating a beating over a joke. That is something a Nazi would have done, over a joke.


Hope this photo finds it's way to his employer.


This stupid fucking edgelord obviously went early in the morning so he wouldn't be punched in the head when people were around. How brave. It would be terrible if he lost his job over this. And by terrible I mean absolutely fitting.


Yeah, the totally deserted Brandenburg Gate suggests he's mister brave to do this at about 4.30 in the morning. Utter twat


Okay seriously what is the play here?  Unless you’re a hardcore neo nazi and are fine with the whole world knowing that, then why in gods name would you do this and photograph it?  I don’t want to judge but this dude looks about as boring as a pack of socks why would he go this extreme?  I’ll never understand people…


The play is that this guy is a fucking idiot on too many levels to even mention. He's doing the nazi salute in Berlin, at the Brandenburg Gate and a few hundred meters from the Holocaust Memorial.


I understand the implications and significance of the location but I find it hard to believe this person is just that dumb and ignorant.


So maybe he's just a nazi doing nazi stuff. What's your take?


He’s probably just an idiot idk…. It’s just so rude and disrespectful I can’t understand why, unless he were a hardcore nazi supporter, someone would do this. Shame on him regardless. How horrible of a human being you have to be to take this picture and then publish it.


I'm not sure but he looks like a Filipino and I'm not sure as well but for some reason some edgy stupid people started idolizing him here recently. I see several photos of the swastika stickered on motorcycles, cars and even some people cosplaying as him.


God it would be terrible if someone set that dude on fire.


what a weird thing to post pretending that you are better than a Nazi? This guy is guilty of what holding his hand up for a photo. Maybe he is mocking Nazi's.


I don't have to pretend that I'm better than a nazi. I'm not one, so by definition, I'm better than one. Presumably you are as well. Also, please stop using apostrophes to pluralize. I beg of you. An apostrophe -s indicates ownership.


You are quaking like a duck and you walk like a duck. And you sure as shit sound like a duck. But honestly the stupid part of your posts is your glaring lack of self awareness. You think my grammar mistakes are the part you should be focusing on. You should be focused on the fact you just advocated to burn your fellow man over a picture with his arm raised as the only context. Doubling down to also highlight that you are a grammar Nazi is also amusing. You should stop being a Fascist's.




Look at you champ. Good job posting a picture that says what you want better than you can. Great rebuttal that someone else did for you. I am a free speech absolutist I defend your right to post other people's ideas and work as your own. Good luck with whatever bullshit you are up to.


No, it was mine. It was from Facebook, and I wanted to avoid cross-pollination. Betcha didn't understand the bit, though. You have the language skills of a 13 year old. Not a bright one either. The best part of it is that you won't ever get the joke because you'll never gain an understanding of the word ontological beyond googling it, which makes for it's own irony. (You won't get that joke either.)


Are you looking for a friend right now? We are speaking to one another because you said "...**God it would be terrible if someone set that dude on fire**..." Based on a photo. Thanks duck, I don't want to be your friend.


You have broken me. I was just looking for an internet friend. I'm very old and was hoping to gain the advantage of a younger perspective. I'm sometimes a little too smart for my own good, and you could have helped there. I'm sheltered. You, a free speech absolutist, could explain my misunderstanding that all speech has consequences. I'm shattered and will return to sitting quietly in front of my old CRT tv and watching my stories. I'm deflated and won't blame the long wait for your response on my dial-up connection. That response just isn't coming, and I accept that now. Though you have ripped my heart out of my chest and shown it to me like the guy in the really racist Indiana Jones movie, you have left me more educated like in some late career Robin Williams movie. Parting is indeed such sweet sorrow.


Good because I do not like being friends with people that want to murder other people over a photo with all the context of, maybe a wave. Sorry can not resist. You were never in danger of coming across as smart, much less too smart. Free speech is not freedom of consequences, you silly. It is freedom from the consequences from eh government. I am reaching out because what you posted violates the rules of every sub on this site, because it is morally repugnant and should be called out whenever we see it.


What a tone deaf tool. Hope he got fined.


We beat em, we get to make fun of em.


Who is this nazi cunt? An edgy social media troll or just a random dumbass?


Very likely dumbass. Many people aren’t really educated regarding WW2 or lack the understanding. As a German I was asked in the US if we still sell posters of Hitler and stuff like that. And if we still have statues and streets named after him. And it was not a joke, it was a genuine questioning. Could also be he completely understands it and is just a super dumbass.


My money is on "random dumbass."


Name and shame


VeRy EdGy AnD cOoL bRo!




He would have been sent to the gas chambers.


The Thais seem to think this is cool


Anzeige ist raus.


Look at that smile. That's a happy lil fella right there


That's funny




Maybe he’s heiling a cab.




How to get beat up in Germany tutorial


Most likely got arrested, paid some \~500€ as a bail, and will be banned from geting a Schengen visa for a few years. Also most like the judge will impose a fine, that will be covered by a bail sum. That's what happened few years ago, when few other Chinese people did the same. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-40842853](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-40842853)


Please don’t be an American, please don’t be an American…


He is certainly an American.


Somebody’s about to possibly lose their job.


Is that Tai Lopez?


Would there be any legal protections/reasonable defenses for punching out a Nazi? It obviously wouldn’t be self defense


He won't be smiling when he gets arrested for it


If anybody hasn’t seen the German comedy film [*Look Who’s Back*](https://youtu.be/WiiUm7v0ilo?si=VbgKONNoFW6JL5lL) (2014) I’d urge them to watch it. It’s waaaay better than you think it’ll be from the premise. It’s partially unscripted, part-satire, part-social experiment and all good, and the ending really hits hard.


I wouldn't call a guy doing anything far away from other people a main character


Perfect example of someone with a very minimal knowledge of history, and is running aaround everywhere for an instagram selfie utilizing said minimal knowledge to clown up his photos.


What a moron. People who do things like this and post the images to the internet absolutely baffle me.


What a prick


Let’s hope he ends up like the rest of the Nazis and wannabe Nazis


A hole


He is a person with a small brain, he does not reach two neurons.


a hole


too soon?


Yeah I don’t usually support doxxing buuuuuuuttt…


...you are willing to compromise you integrity over a joke. Have you considered that your just pretending to have a sense of mortality if it is as easy as showing you a contextless photo to change you view point?


Had you considered my comment was satire?


Had you considered my comment was satire?


No, you put too much into it for it to be humour.


Jesus Christ now you are the humor police. But I stand corrected. I looked at your post history. Clearly you were being satirical. it would be embarrassing if you what posted, were to be taken seriously. Sorry about that buddy. btw that is how you post satire.


Wow, you’re really invested in my throw away joke aren’t you? Everything ok with you mate?


Somebody needs a good punch


No one can possibly be that stupid. Maybe he was just telling the joke about how tall Hitler was?


What a moron.


He looks Asian. Good luck in the extreme right


Tja die Ausländer halt...


What ? He might be a nazi . Don't be a bigot . Oh wait ..


He’d be against the wall after the first week.


This is instant imprisonment.


Accidental Facism is my favorite humor.


Is he running for office in the USA? He seems to fit the type these days... and to be fair, rapidly expanding to other countries.


You’re right, he looks like a democrat.


It’s normal in Germany 🇩🇪 but people do like it is not )


Not able to read the room


Latinos for Trump right here


That asshole is not a latino.


Yeah whatever he is it’s just unfortunate


He is certainly American.


Accidental Racism is another favorite.


I'm a big fan of the jew called Hitler. He was pro Germany. I wish more countries had pride in their heritage.


Its a dumb joke... nothing out of the ordinary, don't get the whole fuss about it.


>don't get the whole fuss about it. Going to [a well-recognized landmark](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandenburg_Gate) in another country, just to do something completely illegal in said country ... *isn't* the brightest move, and is *highly* disrespectful (to say the least). It's like someone coming to your house, just to take a dump on your living room floor... except, *that's* (probably) not necessarily illegal.


Fair enough


As an American I completely agree. That is why I am so angry that Israel is openly allowed to go to other countries and manipulate those governments into passing legislation that can only hurt those countries citizens and continue to supply arms and money in the genocidal campaign. When compared to what Israel is doing and what this guy is doing, possibly in protest to the absolute absurdity of the upside down morality, it makes me question why you are bitching about this and not that.


>it makes me question why you are bitching about this and not that. This is what's called a straw man, or moving the goal posts (aka False Logic). This isn't a post about Israel, or anything in that region or political regime(s) - it's about someone "proudly" posting an image of blatant disrespect. Those opinions aren't even part of this argument or topic. Stay focused.


Are you listing the names of arguments? Jesus Christ pick one so we can properly debate. First not a straw man argument. I am addressing what you said...you picked the topic. Also not a "moving the goalpost fallacy". You made the topic I am responding to about respecting other countries laws. In America it is illegal for any country to lobby our Congress directly. Except for Israel. That makes me as angry as you are about a guying taking a photo and maybe giving a salute. That is why I said I agree with you. From my point of view it is about someone or some country coming in and disregarding that host countries laws. I am laser focused on why we are looking at this in the I am the Main Character sub. He is taking an image of himself and there is no one around him. It sure feels like the point of this image within this sub is exactly what I addressing. Making useful idiots out of most of us.


To be fair, it’s a particularly insensitive and nasty dumb joke, but yes. People just want an excuse to express righteous outrage for whatever reason, even if it’s something as stupid as some idiot doing a nazi salute.


Ok, but you do know that the Holocaust Memorial is like five minutes away from that place?


Israel is currently waging a genocide campaign in a country that they have turned into an apartheid state for almost 80 years. Maybe it is time to stop worrying about an event that from 80 years ago and take care of the people that dying today at the hands of the victims of that event, NOW! You want me to care more about the suffering of people that no longer here. While the worlds corrupt governments are supplying the arms and money to kill innocent people. Despite the fact that the majority of the worlds peoples are calling to stop funding these killings.


And that's related to this guy doing the nazi salute in Berlin? Or do you want to say that it's okay, because of a war in Gaza?


I don't know you were the one that brought a up museum about an event that was 8 decades ago like that matters. Propaganda is propaganda and it sure as shit, based on what is happening today, like that propaganda is being used to allow a country to commit genocide and apartheid. Maybe this guy is protesting that fact. Eight fucking decades and too many Redditors are worried about a past that does not affect them as directly as the present where this story is being retold. Yikes some edge lord is maybe doing a salute. Almost 40,000 Palestinians have been murdered, and that number is mostly like stupidly low, but you angry about a photo of a guy?!?!?! And your argument is bullshit. You are angry about a guy about a war tht we won 80 years ago. Touch grass.


Sure, keep excusing a nazi. Looks good on you.


So you are more focused on a label? What are the reasons we should all collectively hate the Nazis? Was it because they used a single race/ religion and created laws to reduce them to sub humans. That then allowed them to control their movement by forcing them into open air ghettos/prisons. Then creating concentration camps and then death camps. Is that why we should Nazis? Is it because they also started to attack neighboring countries bring instability to Europe? Was the Nazi's actions so horrible that to this day we should them....or should we hate what they did. Should we be constantly on the lookout for any nation that would act like that? You keep allowing yourself to be manipulated into hating some nebulous idea of these Nazi bad guys. I think we should be ending the support and any government that is doing that right now. All of that. The Genocide. The Apartheid. The Ghettos, The laws the subhuman living conditions. You defending a past that no longer matters. We won WW2. Honouring those that died is about not allowing this evil to stand. Not protect a monument or museum.


Honey, you seem to be angry. Maybe you should, you know, touch grass.


hahaha so this is the tact you are going to take instead of posting something relevant or clever. Cool. I'll touch grass because you are gatekeeping a bullshit narrative that is 80 years old and relevant to noone or thing today. Sweet heart nothing to be angry about. You ideas were challenged and you were incapable of raising up to defend those ideas.


Thing is, I don't need to defend any of my ideas and may simply choose to ignore random people on the Internet, which is exactly what I'm doing right now. Whether you chalk this up as a moral victory of yours or something else is purely up to you and has no value to me anyway. You don't know who I am, don't know my story and my motivations, but still chose to barge in with your rhetoric like it's the only truth there is, not really looking for a discussion but a fight. And if there's one thing I learned from being on the Internet for that long is to not get dragged into shouting matches like those.


Nobody cares.