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It helps that Stitches wasn't exactly blocking/deflecting like Lee did


she only using one hand here so not enough force.


To be fair there's a pretty huge difference between the build up and follow through This punch was thrown like this *




Meanwhile the knockout blow she threw against scarface looked more similar to this (which Lee did have to run from)




Well lee was blocking and isn’t her whole style about like redirecting energy


someone should add a comedically normal sized baseball bat on riko's hand


You are underestimating Hua Jin. Yuzuha arsenal of techniques are (besides Hina's) the best of the series till now


She's a softie, she didn't want to damage the Chinese doll too much and this backfired .


Bro is reading Comet: Stroke It Poor


*stroke* it poor


Riko was nerfed against Lee you can't change my mind


That’s not even true lmfao. Lee was literally just redirecting Riko’s blows so she didn’t get hit with the full force of her punches.


Agreed. At no point in the fight did she literally try to risk a slugfest or God, for bid block too many shots and when she realized the opponent she was dealing with was too dangerous to sacrifice HP, stamina, and time defeating in a literal sense she went for the sports rule victory. And as proven >!by the most recent fight, she made the absolute best choice possible in that situation.!< Only female characters that can successfully bring down this Amazon using straightforward tactics are Hina, Hina’s siblings, and Karla Kure imo


We saw Riko can knock out someone with titanium bones. Lee could already not redirect all of the force. If Riko was actually hitting Yuzuha hard, she wouldn't have been able to redirect enough of it to matter.


I'm not sure Yuzuha would stand there and just let Riko wallop her with a double sledgehammer though. As soon as she got smacked in the head the first time she immediately understood the threat of Riko's strength and made sure to avoid all the attacks that were too risky to redirect.


Yeah but I'm going with the first Julius-style bonk over the head which seemed to catch her off guard


Oh well, I don't think that attack was nowhere near as strong as Riko's best. The blows that actually BTFO'd Yuu were the double hammer that needed a slight wind up and her hammer-throw esque rotating attack at the very end. If Yuzuha managed to tank those without Hua Jin then yeah, I'd say that's bullshit, but Riko was clearly not using her full strength in the OP's panel.


Agreed, if we’re being real here Riko was so casual about that fight she was constantly making Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee references even AFTER getting hit with Fajin🤣I doubt that first strike was even a half of a her real power.


Well she was casual to a point, perhaps a bit too much - Riko recovered the best out of everyone, but Yuzuha still made her spit blood. I actually don't even think Yuu made Riko look like this https://preview.redd.it/eko3jeilfdbd1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=254e0509abd2ffeebb67c292fb12cdc3ee444703


Yeah that's what I mean, if she can smash someone as big and heavy as Yuu into the ground shattering it she can probably one hit KO any fighter with a clean hit. Even if you argue the overhead swing against Lee was only half strength due it being one arm.


Pickle I don’t blame you kengan verse always favor Chinese limp magic




For what it's worth, I think that Riko wasn't at full power against Yuzuha. Riko was probably at like 70% most of the fight, and when she was about to go all out near the end she got hit by the ring out.


Well I got kinda' ratiod here but I stand by what I said