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Hey did your toe turn red below the nail and get swollen and super painful to touch?




You need a moderate strength steroid cream for the inflammation. It looks like you still have retronychia and it appears you’ll be in the same situation soon. How long ago were they removed? We avoided avulsion. My daughters was quite severe but I told the doctor absolutely no nail removal as she’s only 11. It affected both big toes. So we started a moderate strength steroid I already had and it worked! Inflammation gone in just a few days and her nails have grown out quite a bit.


Which steroid and how often?


triamcinolone acetonide cream. Twice a day for two weeks tops. Take a week off and again for two weeks. Although we didn’t need to use it that long. It’s prescribed two weeks on and one week off. We used a very light layer applied all around the inflamed nail fold. I think my daughter only needed it for a week or so. We noticed the inflammation gone in a matter of days. It worked so so well for her.


Thanks so much!!!