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Hey are you still dealing with this issue? I've been trying to figure out what to do as well. It seems (from all the Reddit threads I've read) that the two main options are nail avulsion (removal) or a presciption steroid cream called Clobetasol Propionate 0.05%. Although I did see one person saying she healed hers with just frequent epsom salt soakings (like a few per week) and rubbing some kind of oil on it, I forgot what kind she said because I've been reading so many threads (should've been taking notes I guess).


Hey I’m dealing with this now. Is yours swollen and red below your toenail and super painful to touch?


Yeah. Sometimes the redness and swelling seems to go down a little bit (like after soaking in a warm epsom salt bath), but it hasn't gotten better overall and the nails still aren't growing on my big toes.


Does yours produce blood and pus too? I haven’t tried epsom salt yet


Puss was coming out at first but I think the epsom salt has been helping with that because I haven't noticed any puss the last couple of days. Actually it's hard to tell though because I also bandage them with neosporin before I go to work.


I need to bandage mine I haven’t yet Can I send you a picture of mine and you tell me if your toe looks similar?


Sure no problem. I've been taking pics of mine each day after my salt baths, so I can send you my most recent one back for comparison if you want.


Yes that would be great! Sending you a PM now