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IP blacklisted maybe


Possibly. It'd be weird since I was just at work and other people there have accounts just fine.


Maybe just your computer's IP?


I mean, I guess my phone could be banned but why? I've literally never downloaded Instagram on this phone




Nope, I've never used this account for anything banned or even related to Facebook. I can't find any other circumstances of this happening online or through people I know


Facebook is even worst because they wanted from an extreme old Facebook account personal data. I not even gave them my real name and place of birth and they wanted an document to proof me that information before I can use my account again. So it’s even worst and you have no chance to get you account back. And I used a different email adress for my instagram account and got still banned without the phone number


Maybe the account name has a banned word?


Unlikely since there are other accounts with the same word with numbers and stuff. And it's just my last name lol


Is your name Hitler or something?


Ahaha, thankfully no. It's a common English word


Update for anyone who stumbles upon this in the future. I was able to get the account back. The next morning I received an e-mail from Instagram support asking for a picture of me holding a code written on a piece of paper with the username I had picked. My only guess is that this was an attempt to filter out fake accounts, but who even knows.


5 years late but I had the same issue. Account was suspended immediately, they asked for the picture, I sent them the pciture, they said it wasn't good enough and now I've lost my account.


Same thing happened to me but I sent the picture completely naked because I didn’t want an account that badly in the first place. Didn’t get the account back if you didn’t guess.


same thing happened to me. with two different email accounts using mobile data. thought it might be an IP thing so used a new device with another email as well as WiFi and boom suspended and this one had a completely different username whilst the 1st 2 were similar. so bizzare. never this issue before


Fucking power move, my dude xD I'm gonna do this if they don't give me my account back.


This just happened to me too just like op. Finally decided to get an Instagram, started setting up, verified email, everything looked fine on setup. When it finished that and loaded what I presume would be the welcome page, boom insta banned lol. They should call it InstaBan instead lol. Look I'm all for banning repeat hate speech trolls or whatever on a platform, but jfc I didn't even make it to the welcome page. Added: the only thing I think maybe happened is I was (like always) was on my paid Nord VPN service. Seems overly aggressive to ban the IP range of the top provider of a very common security service...but hey whatevs.


Yeah wanted to see a certain post so I made a new account and it instantly banned me. Shit site. Never giving them my phone number.


Which email did you contact? I got an email from Facebook saying support@ was no longer in use, so I tried help@ and nothing so far.


Same thing just happened to me, the app is super buggy. I'm creating a second account alongside my primary and it instantly banned it, sent in a self but it doesn't even show up as an option. Top quality.


happened the same here! did you manage to solve the issue?


Nope. Eventually an account I made went through. The account that was banned was never restored and I have no way to access it.


5 years and 103 days later.. this exact scenario happened to me 😭


Sorry I’m late to the party, [same happened here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Instagram/s/48w9Td1BVf), Though I guess I can see why I got banned


Unfortunately similar story for me. Like, come on, I just want an alternative account. xd


Hey, same bro




this is happening to me as well. instagram is very stupid.


Just happened to me


Just happened today.


Just happened to me. App deleted.


I found this post upon searching for information after this exact thing happened to me. I am unable to create an Instagram account because it immediately says the account is banned. Tried with two different email addresses. I started to walk through the process to fix this. First, sends a code to the email address. I enter this code. Next, prompts for my phone number to send a code. I'm not giving you my phone number, the emailed code should be good enough to establish my identity. Now, I read here that this is all a ploy for one of those proof-of-life selfies? Nope. I'm not sending that to anyone. Sending a photo of myself to a random person over the internet with no idea what is going to be done with that photo? Not today. Guess I won't be signing up for Instagram after all. Why do I need to jump through more hoops for an Instagram account than I do to access my bank accounts online? Ridiculous. Not to sound conspiracy-minded, but this sounds like a great way for Meta to build up a store of photos to work on facial-recognition technology or some such.


Just happened to me too. What a pain in the ass.


Just want to +1 everything you just said. It's absolutely *enraging*.


Yeah, I posted as much elsewhere in the thread, now that it's gotten tons of replies, half a decade after I originally posted it. I would say it's probably less conspiracy than you may think, considering Meta keeps getting in trouble for moving data around illegally https://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/meta-fined-record-13-billion-ordered-stop-sending-99501275


It's amazing after all this time it's still happening. Fuck Meta and Zuckerberg


Clearly the corporate overlords aren’t receiving a big enough punishment if it isn’t motivating them to stop


Same here, once they asked me for my phone number I decided that it's the right time to give up on creating an account.


They asked for my phone number for appeal and then instantly was like "oh we reviewed your account and your fine now" as if it was just trying to get my phone number and that's the only reason to ban me


Kinda summarizes why I’m not even bothering to get my account back after an instant ban


Just happened to me. No bad words in email. Setting up this extra account for my houseplant/greenhouse hobby and business 🤷🏾‍♀️ While signing up the form was hella glitchy and slow then the ban happened. I started on a browser then went to the app to see if it would work better. Crappy app.


Can confirm this is still happening. Just happened to me. Don't they want users?


Just happened to me. I hate Instagram as a company but there are interesting accounts I want to follow. So annoying. They just want our phone numbers and faces and it creeps me tf out


Unfortunately this is still happening. I've never had an Instagram account in any form so there's no way I violated any community guidelines. But in order to even look at a business's account I needed to sign up. Only to get immediately banned, even using my browser. I just tried again with my other email account and different username and passwords only for the same result. No one else in my household has used the service, and I've always been scrupulous about social media use anyway. Makes no sense whatsoever. I refuse to use Facebook so I'm not going that route. I'm not about to take a selfie on my phone, either, or pay for the use of a VPN. Their loss, and my frustration.


I mentioned in another post that I wonder if I was one of the first to be caught in some sort of data scheme that Meta (then Facebook) is trying to tie real identities to accounts, either to stop bots or to increase the value of their targeting. I stopped using Instagram only a year or so after making this (I downloaded it for a relationship I was in at the time) so I can't comment, but in the last year this post has gotten more replies than the previous four it was up, so something changed.


For what it's worth, I ran into the same issue as you all a few days ago with a newly created email address. I got insta-banned for no reason. I found this help page (link below) that allowed me to appeal the ban without providing any additional information or selfie. As soon as I submitted it, my account was unbanned. I did not receive any confirmation via email or text, but when I tried to log in next it allowed me to log in. Best of luck! [https://help.instagram.com/contact/1652567838289083](https://help.instagram.com/contact/1652567838289083)


I waited a few days/upwards of a week from the time I tried to initially create the account to when I appealed, in case that makes a difference.


This post is nearly 6 years old and I still get weekly replies to it, I upvoted your comment for info, hopefully it helps someone else who inevitably stumbles upon it!


same thing happened to me


Just happened to me


Yes same thing happened to me, "Account Suspended" , asked for mobile number, then a code with a selfie etc Weird.


yeah its super weird like you can easily make emails and fb accounts etc but oh boy if its instagram its the most difficult one ever which is weird as they both owned by meta... so apparently if your email is freshly made, instagram thinks its just someone creating bot accounts lmao and to make things worse sometimes even sending in the selfie with the code does not work they make you feel like instagram just scammed you and got your pic with the code but you get no account


So I made this thread of five years ago, wild that people are still running into this lmao From my circumstances at least, the email I used was several years old and just a gmail account. When I got banned from twitter back in 2012 or so, it was because I made an account and then didn't follow anyone in the first two days, but I have no clue what trips up this. The conspiracy side of me thinks that when Meta gets a "new" email (one that isn't in their system) they ban the account so they can potentially collect more meta-data on it (in this case, a photo that can be used with facial recognition) since I'm aware that most social media companies create "shadow" accounts (groups of meta-data that exist, but aren't accounts yet, so it just sits to the side). LinkedIn got caught doing this awhile back, so I would assume most are, especially since Meta/FaceBook exist solely on the value of user data they own


It's happened to me today as well. I was using a new e-mail, so maybe that's the problem? But I wonder how Instagram would be able to access that kind of information...? As of now I still haven't received any request asking for a selfie with a code or anything like that. As you pointed out, this has been going on for at least 5 years, and people are still reporting this issue. I'm not gonna lie, I actually find it very annoying and I don't feel like I'll go on with the process of creating an account after this.


This just happened to me today for I think the same ridiculous reason: Created a Twitter account about 10 years ago for school, never used it, got banned there (which is a bonkers reason, but I don't care to use Twitter so no biggie). Go to make an Instagram with the same email to showcase my photography hobby -- boom, suspended after one day. Fuck all these companies.


This makes too much sense. People need to start thinking. These companies are usually not looking out for the consumers. There’s always a catch.


I created a new Instagram account today with a gmail I made earlier today, so that's probably what caused the issue. I clicked "Disagree with decision", then gave my phone number and now it looks like my account is not suspended anymore.


I literally can't make new accounts. I tried 5 times. sent selfies a lot of times. They would email me saying sorry and my account is restored all for nothing.


I got Insta-Banned today while trying to signup. On Proton VPN IP address. Just adding a data point to this thread. Really not that interested in jumping through hoops, and sending a 'proof-of-life' photo to some rando Insta employee


Actually, that brings up an interesting point I hadn't thought about (since this thread is suddenly gaining attention years after I posted it) in that I originally tried to make my account while connected to corporate internet, so maybe the VPN sets something off?


Haven't used vpn on my account and it was instantly banned like this. Signed up on my home network. Would say sorry for necro'ing the thread but I think we are past that haha.


Hi Jacuul. If you're interested at all, your comment is one of the first few things that pops up when you google "instagram suspended brand new account". Just funny how the internet works. I am totally unable to make a new account- instabans me the page afterward haha.


I got this too, but all I was required to do was verify myself...? Might be an anti spam/bot account thing, but if so thats a REALLY strange way to do it.


Me too, I tried to make one and instagram banned me right away. I tried to get it back but no luck so I made another account. Still banned me


This just happened to me right now after I registered my business. It sucks because if the account is not unbanned, I just lost the account that has the same name as my business.


Tried 3 different email addresses and from existing FB account - then tried using VPN. Same result every time - account immediately suspended! Then 'you can appeal'- get the confirmation code to email, followed by 'give us your phone number' - no thanks, can't be bothered with this boloney just for an Instagram account. I only wanted to look at it, I'd probably never even post.


Same here... Didn't want to give my phonenumber either, but eventually did... Then they asked for a picture of my face, lmao! I'm so done with this...


This same thing happened to me. It seems like it's all automatic. I never have logged in. I get all the codes and sent a selfie holding up a code and it's all rejected. The only thing I can think of is I'm trying to signup using a browser and not the app.


Same happened to me really annoyed I dont feel like going through that verification process


sorry to clog up your inbox lmao but I also just ran into this issue, maybe I'll also get a weird selfie email instagram is such a dogshit site fr


Just got this issue today. I have no idea why as I'm using an email I just created yesterday. No bad words, no bad intentions. Was going to post AI artwork just to showcase some of the more interesting creations I've made with it. I can't even get them to send me the text message with the verification code. Utter non-sense.


Meta is creepy and I have waited years to make an account even though my friends have been wanting me to. I finally sign up and am insta banned. I wasn't on a VPN, there was nothing wrong with the info I gave them, my roommate is on it all the time so my IP is fine. I'm not giving them my phone number or sending a photo of myself. I hope they lose a bunch of users and just go away. They are awful.


Same here. Insta ban on creation. I even sent them the selfie with code and it got declined lmao.. Like how am I supposed to use your service?


This is so stupid... I decided to create an instagram account only because I wanted to read comics by an artist who only posts on Instagram, and the moment I completed the registration process bam!, banned from something I have never , but have never even used it before? And if they ask for my photo ID and such I'm going to tell them to fuck off, because I'm not going to waste my time or give away important information to a shady company just so I can see a comic.


wow, i feel really bad for you, instagram should be called instaban bcus it bans ppl for no reason.


Same here. Tried on my work network, home wifi, and cell service across different devices.


Same happened to me minutes ago. First time I have tried to sign up in my life. Never even logged in. InstaBAN !! To be honest I am not even going to try and fix it. Fuck IG.


Just piling on here since it happened to me too, while trying to start an account for a new biz idea after buying the domain. Now the name isn't available on IG, nor is it in use by anyone. I tried again with a separate name, with an underscore, and it worked. I've been periodically trying to claim the original, hoping maybe there is a time-out/lock-out period after they flag something? Ugh.






Yeah, also a protonmail account here


I had an existing IG that I barely used for years. It was linked to my Facebook account. When I joined Threads I was immediately banned from them and IG.


Same thing happened to me this morning, why ! Just thought I'd try Instagram for the very first time


i hate insta, so stupid


Just happened to me too, others said it was probably their new email addresses, I had a new one too. I hope my code selfie was sufficient for my completely empty account lmao


Just happened to me too. I used my real name, sent in a selfie, added a phone number, and was still banned. Have never created an IG account before and I have a dormant FB account under a different email address. My email address has a custom domain - maybe that's part of the issue? Grr.


Just happened to me as well. Incredibly frustrating.


The only reason i am making an acount is to keep touch with my friends since i moved out from my country and BOOM INSTA BAN. This is so dumb


same here, #fuckinstagram


This happened to me 2 times in a row today! I tried 2 different email addresses, had my VPN turned off, but I still get suspended right away. The only way to fix it is to give my phone number and send them a picture of myself? Fuck that, no Instagram for me.


This just happened to me today trying to make an account for my business. Ridiculous. If they're going to flag your 'name' because it's a business name, they should either specify that they want the name of the business owner or add a toggle to the form for making a business account. It's not that hard. Also, I was using Opera browser which has a built-in VPN and ad-blocker, so that was probably the bigger issue. They're all bitchy about their targeted ads. It's so stupid, like being on the internet without a VPN is risky these days, what do they expect?


The same thing happened to me just know its my first time makeing an account on either




same thing just happened to me. created a second account and got instabanned before i could even log in.. wtf


This Instagram thinks i am a bot. Such BS, i never even had a IG acc. I also dont have a phone number (i am a minor btw).


Reason why i wanted IG bcus i wanted to meet my friends.


I made an Instagram on a rooted phone, and it got banned emedietly


Happened to me today. Banned before 1st login.. But I think they already corrected it after a few minutes. I think it could be related to the emails we are using. I'm using a pretty random seeming username and email alias which redirects to my more normal looking gmail. I think these randomish characters could be flagged as possible bot activity, so they just give u a quick ban where they really just want you to do a captcha and maybe verify a phone number. idk, working now.


Happened to me, normal looking email, domain matches the account being created.


just happened to me! The email address I used doesn't have my name associated with it, while I provided my first name (not full) to the account, I'm assuming it's for one of those reasons that the system clocked me as fake. If it's IP, maybe because I'm at the library. I explained those reasons in my bio, allegedly a human will be reviewing my account details, so maybe they'll see that... strange that filing appeal gives you no field to explain yourself - probably just another automated process.


3 days ago this happened to me I was just commenting on a friend's post about hair colors and immediately my account was suspended after being with Instagram for 9 years I lost everything family pictures moments with friends and family that are dead and gone that I will never get back they erased me like I didn't exist that none of that stuff ever happened I'm so devastated and heartbroken right now I didn't even do anything wrong I don't see how the algorithm can literally get away with banning me and spending my account over the colors red blue black silver white pink and blue! It is been the worst 3 days of my life and every time I try to make a new account it keeps getting banned I tried commenting on my friend's post on the new account I have and got this message saying that my comment was breaking Community guidelines and all I said was my friend's artwork was beautiful like are you kidding me right now why are they picking on me 😭


Man, I must be late to the party


Same thing happened to me today, fingers crossed they ask for a selfie


Just happened to me.


This just happend to me shit is ridiculous


I just went through the exact same headache as all of you. My Facebook account got permanently banned, and the worst part is, it seemed totally unjustified. Tried appealing, but no luck there. The tricky part was that my Facebook account was linked to Instagram, so that got banned too. I'm not a huge fan of social media, but in today's world, it's kind of a necessary evil, right? So, I decided to create a new email and a fresh Instagram account through my browser, and guess what? Instant ban. It asked me to do everything everyone's been talking about, except for the photo. After entering my phone number, the ban magically lifted. Oddly enough, my phone was connected to my Facebook account (guess the algorithm isn't that smart yet). Honestly, Meta is just garbage.


Just had 2 attempts to create accounts immediately "deleted" as "Violating our terms" yesterday. I have one account already connected to my email address that I've used for years - I'm told you can have up to 5 so wasn't that. No emails from Instagram at any point. Doesn't appear to allow me to appeal (hit appeal and it just takes me to a help page saying I can't appeal when they say its against their terms and they've deleted the accounts). So painful! And now I can't use those usernames, which would have perfectly suit my charity. I'm scared to try again, as each time a good username will never be able to be used. No way to contact them in order to check if I'm doing something wrong that I can find.




Same happened to me just now. Never used the email address before. I was suspended *instantly* as soon as I completed filling in the online form. They sent a code to the email address, then they wanted me to identify all the cars in some photos, then they wanted to send another code to my mobile number. That's when I checked out.


>iracy than you may think, co I have exactly the same ! create an account and IMMEDIATELY said I violated the rules I have not even gotten the account setup proper !!!!


Just happened with me. It's my business account so I even ended up sending a proof of life selfie!!! Now the eternal wait starts!


same happened to me :(


I just had this happen too, I looked it up and Google doesn't have answers too. Somebody posted and said it could be multiple intellectual property violations and upon looking it up that means copyright infringements💀 which makes zero fucking sense💀 I have zero idea why this would be happening😕




I agree, this is getting so ridiculous. We're not robots nor doing anything bad. Why are they instantly bocking us? So tired of this! Something is off with their algorithm.


Happened to me. Can't see I've violated anything. And no way to get in contact with IG support. Very annoying. Had plans to use IG for artwork, lost all motivation, will need to find some other platform.


So it happend to me too and my theory is that you need a phone number for crating the account. I was banned instantly when I created the account. I just quickly tried to give them my phone number for checking if it’s work then, and voila they immediately unlocked my account. Im not a fan from instagram and this is just the worst Registration process ever. I tried to search for infos about this topic but Google only showed me tutorials for any instagram topic. It’s over with the good sides from this company’s.


Just happened to me when trying to set up a business account. Instantly banned for violating their terms of service or trying to hide my identity. I literally just signed up with the name of my website as the username ffs


this happened to me also- saying I'm creating a fake. What did you do?


Just filled out the appeal form which included sending them a scan of my face (sigh)


Sorry to reignite your thread OP but this just happened to me. Using an email that’s about 3 months old, a username that cannot possibly be seen as an issue. I didn’t make it past the verification code before BOOM banned. It’s insane.


I suspect something changed (or maybe Google indexed this thread) but you aren't re-igniting anything, 85% of these posts are from the last two years, but I made this thread over 5 years ago, so something has caused an uptick in the amount of people running into this, I just happened to be one of the first


2024 and still happening. No need to create a 3d virtual world when you can't handle 2d pictures and user registration. WTH


Seems creating account with email = ban. Why having this option if Facebook or phone are the only working possibilities ?