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I believe Israeli Arab Christians are the most successful demographic in Israel, academically and financially. Even those who aren’t as successful are safe and accepted, at least within broader society.


Most Israelis won't care unless you try to proselytize or disrespect Judaism.


2% of Israelis are Christians. Mostly Arab Christians. Israel is one of the only middle eastern countries with a flourishing and growing (Instead of shrinking) Christian minority. In general they have normal citizenship and a complete freedom of religion. Most Israelis see them as just a part of the diverse and beautiful puzzle which is Israeli society. Some religious extremists hate them, but that is a small minority. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_in_Israel


Important caveat, proselytizing is illegal


False. There is a law against "seducing a minor, by a direct appeal, to change his religion", and the ministry of shas-terior (sorry, meant interior) is not nice to people it suspects are interested in proselytizing, but as long as it is someone above age 18 and you don't bribe them it's totally legal.


I didn't know there was one besides Israel.


Egypt used to have a large Coptic Christian community, although they have been heavily persecuted/targeted by violence. I know a number of the Egyptian Coptics were able to get asylum in Israel. Iraq used to also have a large Chaldean population which are Christian. They’ve also been forced out. Have a good friend whose family fled Syria - they were Christians. He told me the Christian community pretty much all were forced out. Lebanon used to be the only Christian majority country in the Middle East, however that is no longer the case.


My Egyptian Christian colleague says Hamas burnt down 67 churches. She also says the sexual harassment as a Christian was constant and extreme.


I know that unfortunately a number of Coptic Christians were very brutally murdered by Isis in 2015. The Coptic Christian I met in Israel said he had multiple family members that had been beheaded then and that was what drove him out of Egypt.


Christians have the highest education attainment rates in Israel and are greatly overrepresented in terms of population in Medicine, Research, Higher education. They are an important and valued part of Israeli society.


As of December, the rector of the University of Haifa is a Christian Arab woman. She proudly wears a crucifix.


I'll be straight forward as I can be, we don't care. As long as you're cool with us, we'll be even cooler with you. Yes, there are people who are crazy (those who spat) but the VAST majority are just fine with anyone..


I'm married to a Christian whose father is a priest..most Israelis don't really know much about Christianity, some even confuse protestants with catholics. In general, people here like to party, they live Christmas and Novi god, they celebrate Halloween because it's fun.. so they really don't care what religion you are. We have kids and this was never an issue, no one asked them what they believe, it's considered a private matter. At school they learn about the holidays of all 3 big religions but also about the customs of Ethiopians Jews and Druz. We don't feel any different than other families but we won't visit the west bank even though we can.


Novi god. Why would you use that term from russian? Just curious.


Because we have a large community of Russians..it's a different kind of celebration..


When I wrote my comment, I forgot that you guys have Rosh Hashanah. That makes sense.


About 10% of the Israeli population comes from former USSR republics.


>most Israelis don't really know much about Christianity I find it funny that a lot of people don't really know the importance of Jerusalem for Christianity, and some are not even aware that there is a big/important church there.


Many Russians here are Christians, i haven't seen any oppression or violence against Christians (there's always religious fanatics/extremists practically in any country, haven't encountered many in 18 years here)


The Arab Christians in Israel are a small minority like 3 percent. They are kinda integrated in society in comparison to the Muslims Arabs. And their quality of life is high in comparison to all of Israel. A lot of them serve in the military too You might have heard about some hate crimes against them. Most of them are fanatic ultra Orthodox But over all they are very liked in society


>A lot of them serve in the military too You might have heard about some hate crimes against them. Most of them are fanatic ultra Orthodox But over all they are very liked in society Yes, I've seen Ultra-Orthodox spit at Christians while walking. But I figure that it doesn't represent the great majority of Israelis, let alone Jewish people. Can't say the same about muslims, though. They love to butcher Christians and anyone else that they see as infidels. I dislike Muslim extremists probably as much as you guys rightfully hate Hamas and Hezbollah.


The entire Anti-Israeli propaganda is based on tokenizing small hateful minorities which exist in every country. It is also a huge and insane double standard because as you said, in Israel some tiny minority might spit on a Christian or whatever, while in huge parts of the Arab world they would be slaughtered. But they still only focus on Israel and call for it's destruction. I think the [Chinese Robber Fallacy](https://archive.md/KXYiO#selection-57.0-62.0) describes what you've seen very well.


The kind of people who spit at Christians don’t only spit at Christians, they pretty much look down on anyone who is different from them, especially other observant Jews. Every nation/people has this kind of fanatic. It’s not representative of Haredi Israelis, let alone regular Israelis.


Yeah there’s definitely radical ultra orthodox who spit on Christians but that also ironically overlaps with the radical fringe of ultra orthodox who also usually hate israel for being too secular. Some assholes will definitely hate Christians, every country has assholes, but at the end of the day it’s a small minority and Israel is the only ME country where the Christian population is growing instead of declining


And yet I was walking outside a mikvah in the US and some American Christian redneck spit at me and called me an effing Jew That kind of junk happens everywhere


Honestly the ultra Orthodox have also spit at me and called me demon in Jerusalem, and I'm Jewish Israeli-American. The ultra religious in any religion are usually crappy toward other people who don't share their exact , fanatical beliefs, unfortunately. The majority of Israelis won't care at all that you're Christian and wouldn't treat you any differently knowing that about you.


With the exception of some extreme ultra orthodox cults, we don't care how you name your god


Unless you don't stand around in Yerushalayim like a madman screaming evangelistic nonsense at people, you will be treated decently.


Actually I have seen that happen. People were pretty concerned about the guy and tried to find someone who spoke his language to calm him down. (All ended well after they found someone who could communicate with him)


Actually I have seen that happen. People were pretty concerned about the guy and tried to find someone who spoke his language to calm him down. (All ended well after they found someone who could communicate with him)


Lol, was he evangelizing in a foreign language or what?


Yeah and acting a bit crazy. So people tried to help him but he wouldn't really listen. Anyway, nobody did anything bad to him so I am not sure even such people are actually in danger.


Lmao, I guess he wasn't bullied because no one understood him.


Naah it was clear what he was talking about it.


Have a good friend whose family is Christian, when they first fled Syria due to persecution for not converting to Islam, they sought refuge in Israel before they got their paperwork together for the US where they really wanted. When I was in Israel, met a Coptic Christian from Egypt. He was able to seek asylum in Israel and loved it. Many others in his community in Egypt had been killed. Now there is a small minority of ultra orthodox that are rude to Christians in Israel, but tbh they are rude to everyone including other Jews that aren’t in their sect. For the most part, Israel is extremely accepting of Christians. Christians have full rights and are very safe. Christians from surrounding countries that have experienced persecution have been able to seek refuge in Israel, or stay safely until they got their paperwork in order to go to Europe/canada/US. The only exception is trying to proselytize is very frowned upon. But this is also a country where many people and their family had lived in places that tried to force them to convert to something other than Judaism


They're as safe as everyone. No one really cares besdies some lunatics or fanatics but to be fair every country has them. I dated Christian women, served with Christian people and toured a lot of churches. I don't know many people that have a different opinion about Christians than "okay cool"


Hello!! Shalom! I'm a (non arab) Christian living in Israel. I've lived here all my life. I live in Jerusalem, where there's obviously a big Christian population. Generally, I do feel safe disclosing my religion to people. Though I've had a few bad reactions, mostly consistent of "why would you live here", most reactions are neutral or positive, and a lot of the times really curious to learn more about my religion. I had no problems with teachers and supervisors respecting my different holidays and giving me days off. I hope it helped! :)


You will be very safe in Israel. Or more specifically, nobody is going to harm you bc you are Christian. Wish we could say the same for Arab and Muslim states.


Was approached by Jehova's Witnesses just recently. With flyers and stuff🤷‍♂️


They are a pain in the ass here too. We also don’t like proselytizers.


Yeah they're beyond annoying everywhere. I shut the door on them last time one came by


Not exactly a Christian, but also not a jew as my grandma from mothers side is very christian, I can tell you that it never comes up, it's more like a party trick cause I look european as hell too. But yeah school, social life, outside of school everything is the same as my pears.


Israeli Jew here. One of my best childhood friends growing up was a Christian. And well, I've had my interaction with Christians all my life, mainly arabs and pepole for the soviet union (Russia, Ukraine, etc) Basically, Jews in israel are way more "cool" and accepting Christians. For example, and I speak for myself only, if I'll speak to someone with an Arabic accent and discover along the conversation that he is a Christian, I will feel so much more comfortable and open with him. Its always been that way, but after the 7th of October, it really hard for me to trust even the israelis Muslims. It is what it is. Regarding freedom of religion and all that: people in Israel enjoy freedom of religion like no other country in the middle East. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.


Totally cool. Christmas decorations and trees, etc. , are even sold everywhere leading up to the holidays. No one cares as long as you're not preaching and handing out pamphlets, outside of certain fanatical groups.


Just don't proselytize (which is annoying when anyone does it, regardless of faith and Catholics generally don't, in my experience) and you should be fine. Yes Christians are a minority in Israel but thriving


We good, thanks.


I surmise you've seen videos of "ultra-Orthodox" Jews spit in the direction of Christians. The thing to bear in mind is that the average Israeli is probably more hostile toward those ultra-Orthodox Jews than he is toward Christians. Hating Christians is not mainstream in Israel, and more sensitive religious people (I'd say roughly the equivalent of those sympathetic to the peaceful message of nostra aetate in your church) are careful to distinguish between Christianity the religion, with which we've had our fair share of problems, and individual Christians, with whom one's dealings ought to be respectful and in good faith. > Are Christians generally safe and accepted in Israeli society? The answer is an unequivocal yes.


Mu father is christian and i have latin tattoos nobody will care. Wear your cross freely BUT if you plan on visiting jerusalem avoid certain ultra-orthodox areas.


I will be straightforward as I can The mainstream of Israelis citizens don’t know much about Christianity mainly because we don’t see them out side of cities with significant Christian population or in a place of gatherings because they are a small minority of 2~3% of the population (I myself only met 4) There is a minority of religious Jews that believe in superstition about Christian’s which is hate by the mainstream of Israelis (I’m guessing that you saw that video of Jews spitting on Christian’s) Christian Israelis are getting excellent education and are integrated into Israel society far better than the Israeli Muslim In conclusion they have good life here but there is a room to improve


The average liberal Roman Catholic is not gonna face more trouble than any other non-Jew (normal visa-problems most countries have). Serious protestants who evangelize and stuff will likely face trouble, mostly from more religious types. But it rarely if ever goes beyond verbal stuff. Occasionally this antichristian nonprofit "yad laachim" or extremist group "lehava" will try protests, legal nonsense or pressure landlords to close a congregation. Sometimes a "Shoker - there are missionaries in place-name" article in some right wing or religious newspaper. But rarely do things get to a place of actual danger. The only time of which I am aware was in 2008 when this madman yaakov teitel tried to murder a Messianic Jew.


You'll be fine. No one cares if you are Christian. Just don't proselytize and we'll be cool with you. Enjoy!


"Christians in the Old City are regularly the target of spitting and verbal abuse by Orthodox Jews. **Five people were arrested in October, accused of spitting at people or churches**. The Latin Patriarchy of Jerusalem said Sunday on X that it “condemns the unprovoked and shameful assault” on Schnabel. Feb 4, 2024" [https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/04/middleeast/ultraorthodox-spitting-jerusalem-intl/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/04/middleeast/ultraorthodox-spitting-jerusalem-intl/index.html) [https://apnews.com/article/christians-jerusalem-old-city-spitting-524b3b8e92beb4c947b3b8b49e80cc45](https://apnews.com/article/christians-jerusalem-old-city-spitting-524b3b8e92beb4c947b3b8b49e80cc45) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/5-arrested-for-spitting-at-christians-in-jerusalem-police-minister-its-not-criminal/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/5-arrested-for-spitting-at-christians-in-jerusalem-police-minister-its-not-criminal/) My point here, as many have posted already, Every Country has assholes, and it's not like the Israelis aren't cracking down on these jerks.


I'm Cristian and I stand with Israel cause unlike Hamas they don't kill Christians 


You're safe as long as you don't go up north and get hit by a Hezbollah rocket


The average liberal Roman Catholic is not gonna face more trouble than any other non-Jew (normal visa-problems most countries have). Serious protestants who evangelize and stuff will likely face trouble, mostly from more religious types. But it rarely if ever goes beyond verbal stuff. Occasionally this antichristian nonprofit "yad laachim" or extremist group "lehava" will try protests, legal nonsense or pressure landlords to close a congregation. Sometimes a "Shoker - there are missionaries in place-name" article in some right wing or religious newspaper. But rarely do things get to a place of actual danger. The only time of which I am aware was in 2008 when this madman yaakov teitel tried to murder a Messianic Jew.


It's the only place in the middle east where christians can practice their beliefs without being bullied or bombed in the name of allah. Most of them are fine and cool, some because the arabic culture they live in, tend to support the palestinian cause for some reason. All in all, we cool with them, they (christians) cool with us.


Nobody cares. Just don't try to proseltyse.


I’m going to ask the same question. What do Christians really think about the Jews living in the West? I’d like to know. We don’t hear much from them these days.


You will probably get spat on like this priest did https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/04/middleeast/ultraorthodox-spitting-jerusalem-intl/index.html Or if you're an Armenian Christian you'll have to fight to save your part of Jerusalem that you've lived in since the 4th century https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68034722 Israel bombed one of the world's oldest churches in October last year. This one dates back to 1150 😲 https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/2023-10/churches-condemn-air-strike-on-greek-orthodox-building-in-gaza.html And let's not forget about the thousands of Palestinian Christians who have been murdered by Israel.


Yes your one story of a single Christian getting spat on is representative of the entire state of Israel. The most hilarious part is if someone called a Muslim terrorist you’d called them a racist for generalizing, your hypocrisy is showing.


When people think that by just reading western news they are more experts than the people who live in the country….


That's the story of this subreddit.


You seem to forget the many christian “palestinians” whi serve in the IDF, or ethnic cleansing of christians from the west bank by muslims…


That does not fit their narrative so clearly is not true (/s)