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Messianic Jews (which are Christians that just incorporate a few Jewish elements like celebrating Hanukkah)? She could also be a Black Hebrew Israelite


Aren't black hebrew Israelites blatantly antisemitic? I don't think she would be that (Not to be confused with black Jews, or black Israelis who are cool)


Some are and some aren't. Impossible to know which flavor you are dealing with.


Sounds like a BHI. Which if true, means i would just steer clear of her. That crew is nuts, and not in a fun way.


Her odd emphasis on herself, shouting into the empty air sounds like something a BHI would do. They can get quite aggressive. However, there are some really wacky (yes wackier than typical) Messianics (probably have a mental health issue) that do stuff like write Bible verses all over their car or act in other ways that would come off as weird or antisocial.


Considering she's African, she might be Black Hebrew, or maybe Messianic "jew," The bottom line is that they are Christians who try to convert jews into Christianity. When I was working abroad in the US, I met one of those evangelical Christian who claimed she's also jewish. After investigating the matter, she had no apparent jewish ancestor that she knew of, and she used to eat my brain at work every day to the point I felt harnessed. You should be glad she's not interacting with you too often


It seems defensive, like me being Jewish is an attack on her “Jewishness” if not Jesus himself. The weird announcements that don’t exactly seem directed at me seem like it’s for some imaginary audience.


The comment about her accent and body were really unnecessary.


>Who are the people who call themselves “Jewish Christians”? Simply a funded evangelical Protestant cult targeting Jews for worshiping the idol of Yeshu. >Today she had I LOVE ISRAEL Vey much! She truly loves Israel because she is waiting for her savior to come there and burn all the Jews with brimstone. >"I’m a Jewish Christian! A Jewish Christian!" "I’m proud of who I am! I’m PROUD of who I am" Respectfully, why does she always repeat her statements? I'm afraid it's the effects of the brainwashing process she has been subjected to.


I don't think so. This sounds like BHI


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They’re cosplayers